Grund the Worldshaper (5e Deity)
Grund the Worldshaper[edit]
Alignment. Lawful good
Domains. Nature, Stone
Divine Rank. Titan
Grund the Worldshaper, also known as Grund the Giant, was a relic from the dawn of time. Formed from the earth, he wandered without aim for countless millenia, encountering strange beasts and unkown horrors long forgotten. What he saw was chaos, and he did not aprove. From a gargantuan boulder, and the trunk of a primordial tree, he fashioned himself a hammer with which to forge the world into a better place. Where he walked, mountains rose, valleys formed, and the formless earth took shape. For untold eons, he meandered through the land, the path he walked a beacon of life and bounty, until one day he came upon a new, very small face. They were dwarves, newly formed in this nascent world, and they were lost, without a home. And so, the peaceful giant, with a swing of his mighty hammer, built for them mountains rich in metal and gems. When he was done, he trod upon a forested plain, and laid in primordial stone the walls of the first dwarven city, of a size to dwarf any mortal. But while he built, another came. Brought by the gold and jewels the dwarves had earned, a young and powerful dragon wished to collect his due. His name was Anghammarad, a collosal and fearsome beast, and the dwarves of old stood no chance against his assault. Grund, for the first time swinging his hammer in ire, struck the dragon from the sky. But his tool was not made for this, and slipped from his grasp as the mighty dragon rose again, seeking vengeance and retribution. As he floundered for his dropped weapon, the dragon bore down upon him, felling him with sharpened talon and vicious maw. Grund fell that day, his flesh turned to supple rock below the walls he had no time to build, his bones turned to gems most pure. The dragon, wounded by the hammer's blow, left the dwarves to their machinations. On the site of their mighty guardian's last endeavour, they built the great city of Hammerdeep, and tamed the wandering river that flowed through the land. With its power and ingenious dwarven machinery, they took Grund's ancient hammer and put it to work forging dwarven marvels and shining wonders, its ringing in the depths a constant reminder of the city's grand history.
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