Kara (5e Deity)

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This symbol is thought to simply represent a perfectly symmetrical reflection

Alignment. Lawful Neutral
Domains. Knowledge
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Kara is the goddess of law and logic in the Trifadishti pantheon. She appears as a pale young girl in a perfectly symmetrical black dress with straight black hair and bright blue eyes. She rules over the plane of Constantium ensuring that law and control are not overtaken by chaos and madness. She is in a constant dispute with her brother Boxel about which is more powerful.

Kara's followers adhere to a strict code of logic and order. They are punctual and quiet people not believing in unnecessary violence or excessive noise. Their only worshipping requirement is that all of their prayers are done looking into a mirror as it is said that Kara will appear in the reflection of the most devout and lawful.

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