Baestril (5e Deity)

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This is usually interpreted as the stars in the sky

Alignment. Lawful Good
Domains. Knowledge
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Baestril is the goddess of tranquility and wisdom in the trifadishti pantheon. She has short white hair with one pure black and one pure white eye. She has 6 arms 4 of which (the top pair and bottom pair) are always clasped in prayer. She wears light blue robes and a bronze tiara known as The Eye which is said to let her see into the future or past whenever she wishes. She sits on the left side of The Grand Gate judging a mortals wisdom and recollection when they die.

The followers of Baestril generally become traveling hermits searching for ancient wisdom to help guide the future. Her teachings say that one cannot move forward without looking back. These hermits do not establish a church but every winter on the first snowy night where the sky is clear, her followers burn incense outside and sing her praises. The clear sky represents an open mind and the ground represents hard facts. Only with both can one truly learn the way forward.

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