Odo the Fool (5e Deity)

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Odo the Fool[edit]

Alignment. Chaotic Neutral
Domains. Trickery
Divine Rank. Demigod

Titles, epithets and pseuponyms. Tumbledown Tom, The Thief of Tarts, Whip-willow, Pinch-pants

Pantheon. The Blithe Spirits of Everholm

Gender. Male

Portfolio. Tricks, jokes, japes, and mischievous revenge.

Odo the fool is the halfling demigod of tomfoolery. He known to play tricks on mortals, particularly halflings and especially those of poor humour.


Odo is known to take on many guises. Most often he is depicted as a bright-eyed youth in the motley of a jester, though he is also known to take the appearance of an old man akin to that of King Jollity. Tales tell of many other disguises, sometimes he is a wailing baby, a runaway pig or a pretty maiden.

His favoured colours are vibrant greens and yellows.


Odo is a being of great age. It is thought he was a elder sprite that took a home in Everholm. Stories of his humourous escapades became popular as morality tales told to halfling children.

This lead to him rising to demigod status. He is largely ignored by the other Blithe Spirits as his mischief has no power over them.


Odo is not worshipped in any meaningful way. Stories of his japes are popular amongst halflings and serve as a warning to the curmudgeonly and the miserly. Otherwise there are a few superstitious practices meant to prevent him causing mischief in the home. Fresh hens eggs and knots of stinkweed are thought to keep him away.

Fool's Night[edit]

Every Autumn, Fool's Night is a popular festival held in Odo's honour. Halflings disguise themselves and visit mischief upon their friends and neighbours.


Clerics of Odo are very rare and they keep the identity of their patron secret.

Divine Interventions[edit]

Odo has little power in the material realm and does not interfere in the machinations of greater gods. His visits to the material plane are rarer than he is credited for. Though he is found of halflings he is capricious and fickle and has no eye to the future.

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