Celeste (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Life, Light
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Celeste is a living god. She has the power to intervene in any circumstance and alter the very fabric of reality. Celeste speaks into the mind of creatures and can ask them to do things on her behalf. She is known to command a few Ki-rin and to use them to aide severely outmatched adventurers. Celeste is a pure and good as good can get. This being said however, she is known to turn to those of more chaotic alignments to do her bidding. While Celeste is "all-mighty," venturing into the underdark may leave you un-aided.

Her followers are recognizable by the wearing of white robes and their wanton to help all. Celeste herself would love for everyone to live in comfort but she understands the balance of the material plane. She will effect to hold this balance no matter the cost. Her followers, while being good pure souls, have been seen slaughtering evil hordes in great wars.

Wherever good and evil are at odds, the signs of Celeste will be seen.

Celeste herself is a female humanoid. She stands 11'11" tall and her mass is zero grams. She exerts physical force only if she chooses to. Her appearance is that of a Caucasian human female. She wears white robes and has eerily blue eyes. Her eyes are almost "too" blue. Her hair is blonde with pure white highlights.

"She was the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes upon. I fell and cried at her feet in sheer awe of her sight." -OsKar

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