Darakan'ta (Grisaire Supplement)

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An ear of corn in the shape of clasped hands

Alignment. Chaotic Good
Domains. Nature, Life
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Darakan'ta, also known as Mother Nurture is supposedly born of Primus' compassionate and sexually passionate dreams. She is known best for having sculpted the nature of Grisaire from the hairs of Primus' body. She, along with Tribore, wove the Veil into the essence of existence, creating the powers that exist in all things and allow for manipulation through arcane magic, psionic, and primal energy.


Darakan'ta's true form is often depicted as a humanoid bust with the top half of the head missing. In lieu of the top half of the head is a variation of plants, rocks, and flames. The body below the collar area is composed of various roots, earth, magma, and water. She is extremely difficult to depict in 3-D models, so it is rare to find statues of her true form. Most will settle for one of her avatars. It is more common to find 2-D art of Darakan'ta, even in her temples. Stained glass mediums are also viable.


Darakan'ta is often seen as the motherly side of all things, primarily in nature. She grants fruit their sweetness and the ability to quench thirsts and reinvigorate the hungry. However, nature is not always kind. There exists sides of Darakan'ta that remind people not to take what they have for granted of the natural world. Sometimes, these aspects of Darakan'ta are conflated with that of Resoolt.

Rik'ya, Avatar of Frost[edit]

At the northern parts of Hagai, where the yeti established their little villages, Rik'ya is seen as a fearsome deity of caprice, governing the frigid winds that can freeze even yeti solid. She is often said to be wearing yeti skin and has pitch black skin framed by white-blue hairs that cover her entire body. In local yeti folklore, the pelt she wears is from Auunkit, a foolish yeti that dared challenge Rik'ya to a snowball-rolling contest. He lost and Rik'ya flayed him alive before tossing his corpse into the cold sea, where it broke in two and became the first two killer whales. Yeti have dark skin under their white furs, and attribute this to why killer whales are thus black, since Rik'ya ripped off Auunkit's pelt.

Izzang, Avatar of the Scythe[edit]

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