Religion (Maztica Supplement)
Maztican Pantheon[edit]
Across Maztica, nine gods are honored as active forces in their lives. While each of the nine nations chooses a single god as their patron deity, pyramid temples dedicated to each can be found in any major city.
Titles: The Feathered Dragon, the Silent Councilor, the Plumed Father
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Life, Protection, Pluma
Portfolio: Creation, freedom, pluma
Qotal takes the form of a great golden dragon feathered in many dazzling colors. His worship typically takes the form of cereal offerings, glorifying his gift of maize by displaying its excess, and it is common for one to gain favor by freeing his favored animals from captivity, namely butterflies, ravens, and couatl. His chosen people are the Payit, who at his height dominated the continent, but in his shame were pushed back to the eastern coast.
Titles: The Bloody Hand, the Bringer of War, the Eater of Hearts
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Death, War, Hishna
Portfolio: War, violence, hishna
Zaltec takes the form of an opulent king with the maw of a jaguar and the fangs of a serpent. He demands ritual human sacrifices from his priests, which resulted in the creation of the maca, a weapon of war designed to take prisoners. His Nexalan Empire dominated Maztica with his gift of hishna following Qotal's disappearance and the weakening of Payit up until the time of New Amn. His chosen people are the people of Jagre Nexal and New Nexal, who he guided to the Valley of Nexala when they were still nomadic warriors from southern Anchôromé.
Titles: Blue Twin Azul, the Giver of Rain, the Taker of Breath
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Grave, Tempest
Portfolio: Rain, water
Azul takes the form of a spotless, well-fed child in a clean cotton robe. He is an unreliable god, demanding great sacrifice for the possibility of receiving his gift of rain. In the most dire of situations, this sacrifice may even have to be the drowning one's own child. He is also worshiped by all manner of water monsters, particularly chac and tlalocoatl. His chosen people are the people of Huacli, who beseech him at all times.
Titles: Crimson Twin Azul, the Ruler of Sun, Lord of the Desert
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Light, Trickery
Portfolio: The sun, fire
Tezca takes the form of a man with skin like fire and hair like smoke. He is a cruel god, demanding a human heart each sunset to keep from stopping the sun from rising each day. The great desert of Southern Maztica bears his name as a representation of its unbearable heat. His chosen people are the people of Kultaka, who still use his gift of fire as his symbol.
Titles: Youngest Son, the Mountain-Shaper, the Final Hope
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Forge, Nature
Portfolio: Mountains, stone, clay
Plutoq takes the form of a 50-foot tall earthen pillar with two large jade eyes and a set of obsidian teeth. He is rarely worshiped, and his worship is not as fervent as other gods except in times of famine when prayers to Watil failed, taking the form of smashing and burying pottery and jewelry on bare soil. His chosen people are those of the Pasocada Basin, who sought his protection traversing the Borderlands.
Titles: Eldest Daughter, the Nourisher, Weaver of Life
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Life, Peace
Portfolio: Love, fertility
Kiltzi takes the form of a beautiful, full-bodied, pregnant woman clothed in her own hair. She is an easy goddess to please, demanding only that marriages, births, and all acts in between be done in her name, with only the occasional sacrifice of seeds for fortune in such affairs. Her chosen people are the people of Lopango, though the tlincalli still escape her grasp.
Titles: Fruit-Mother, the Guardian of Life, the Sacred Prisoner
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Nature, Protection
Portfolio: Plants, agriculture
Watil takes the form of a great tree with branches of all kinds. While her power over plants makes her one of Maztica's more powerful deities, she is inherently at the whim of Azul, whose rain allows her plants to flourish. She gives her gifts freely, requiring no sacrifices, and her priests are primarily jungle hermits who leave their seclusion to bless fruiting plants at the beginning of the growing and harvesting seasons. Her chosen people are the people of Pezelac, though the arid shrublands bring worship of Azul near the same level.
Titles: Beast-Mother, the Wild Guardian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Nature, War
Portfolio: Animals, leatherworking
Nula takes the form of a shifting figure with features from all kinds of beasts and monstrosities. She is the patron deity of hunters, anglers, and ranchers, of which the development of the latter has greatly increased her influence over the continent, and the only sacrifice she demands is that the bones of her slain are returned to the earth. Her chosen people are the people of the Borderlands, who retained pastoral methods from their former overlords of New Waterdeep.
Titles: Queen of the Breath, the Wind Sprite
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Tempest, Life
Portfolio: Wind, air
Eha takes the form of a cloud of white smoke with a vaguely feminine figure. While she is the quickest Maztican deity to anger, her fury is much less destructive than the likes of Azul or Tezca. Her worship is primarily practiced by parents, who thank her for giving their child breath by leaving food on their doorstep on windy nights. Her chosen people are the people of Kolan, who trust in her while sailing.
Creator Gods[edit]
Maztica was created by a pair of gods, Kukul and Maztica. Following Maztica's murder at the hands of Zaltec, Kukul banished himself, causing both creator gods to be absent from modern Maztican affairs, though a very small number of people still worship them as sages and scholars rather than as priests.
Titles: The God Father, Star King of Knowledge
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Twilight
Portfolio: Creation, knowledge, stars
Kukul took the form of a great golden man with uncountable hands that stretched outward like a mountain and caused the stars to rotate above Toril, though this image has been lost in the wake of his disappearance following his wife Maztica's death at the hands of Zaltec. The severing of his fingers to create mankind is a cornerstone of Maztican legend. Scholars of Kukul watch the stars in order to glean fragments of his all-knowing memory.
Titles: The God Mother, the True World
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Life, Nature
Portfolio: Ground, life
Maztica is the prime god of the continent that bears her name, it was her that shaped it from the primordial sea as Abeir-Toril's first continent and populated it with all manner of beasts, and it was she and her husband Kukul who created the rest of Maztica's gods. When Zaltec's hishna ravaged the land, it was Maztica who helped Qotal create pluma to bring peace, though this enraged Zaltec into matricide. Sages of Maztica are some of her continent's only druids, and believe that she was the overgod of their continent, though it is contentious wether her throne is now held by the most worshiped of her children or by Faerûn's Ao.
Lesser Gods[edit]
The lesser gods of Maztica are typically powerful spirits who can enact their will like a god, or are aspects of greater gods. No lesser god is worshiped throughout all of Maztica, though a region may have many lesser gods who are worshiped as much as a true god.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Life
Possibly an remnant aspect of Maztica and Kukul's first creation of life, Alosaka the Germinator is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi. He takes the form of a young man clad in white robes with a pair of horns crowning his head wielding the Staff of Life in one hand, and his alchemy jug gourd in the other. He is said to have spread the first plants and animals across Maztica, as simple as they were prior to humanity and Kiltzi, in Inti and Sus'sistinako's first song.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Tempest
An aspect of Azul's unpredictability, Calor of the Storm is primarily worshiped by the Nexalans. His greatest gift is octal, a mildy alcoholic drink brewed from the pulp of Sand Mother cacti.
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Forge
An aspect of Plutoq's labor, Corantllil the Driver is a lesser god of the tlincalli pantheon. He demands unceasing work from his worshipers and their slaves, which takes the form of potion-brewing among his clerics.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: War
An aspect of Zaltec's thirst, Huoxopica the Blood Drinker is one of the heads of the tlincalli pantheon and the husband of Ixtilli. His worshipers make lesser blood sacrifices of their foes in everyday combat and greater sacrifices of powerful warriors and killers at the heart of his temples.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Fate
Possibly an aspect of Kukul's act of pulling the continent from the primordial seas, Inti the Sun is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi, who revere him as the sun itself. He is said to have created Sus'sistinako, his lover, with whom he created all other gods.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Life
An aspect of Nula's finite gift, Ixtilli of the Red Cord is one of the heads of the tlincalli pantheon and the wife of Huoxopica. It is by her hand that the time and place of a tlincalli's death is chosen.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Life
Possibly an aspect of Qotal, Iyatiku the Corn Mother is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi. She takes the form of a particularly large and beautiful harpy. She is said to have shaped Alosaka's plants into more fruitful forms in Inti and Sus'sistinako's first song, potentially acting as an aspect adopted from Maztica herself. In Miochin's realm of Wenimats, she is the queen of the Corn Maidens; spirits who individually grow each cob of corn.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Death
Possibly an remnant aspect of Maztica's guidance or the only presence of Jergal prior to the Darkfyre's extinguishing, Masauwu the Skeleton Man is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi. Small shrines to Masauwu exist across Maztica, and small offerings are often paid for his protection in travels. Worship of Motsni, a hawk spirit said to have chosen the land that the first humans would settle with Masauwu's help and guides humans back to the underworld, is often included in worship of Masauwu.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Tempest
An aspect of Zaltec's paralyzing venom, Micat the Wrestler is a lesser god worshiped by the people of the Pasocada Basin and House of Tezca, who entreat him to yield when one has been paralyzed by one of the many poisonous snakes of the deserts.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Tempest
The god of warm winds, Miochin the Summer Spirit takes the form of a tall, sturdily-built man with tanned skin, adorned with colorful leaves, and wielding a bolt of lightning in one hand and an eagle in the other. He is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi, who revere him as the ruler of their heavenly realm, Wenimats, though he is still subservient to whoever holds the Maztica's godly throne. Wenimats itself is a connected of the Beastlands and Pasocada by the Sun Trail.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Trickery
Maztica's only true god of trickery, Paiyatemu the Trickster is the child of Inti and a mortal woman, and the patron deity of the Azuposi koyemshis. As the first koyemshi, he takes the form of the finest example of one. In one hand he wields his flute which produces butterflies when played, among seemingly any other effect he so desires, while in his other he wields Inti's shield. He is a playful god with many legends of being a meddlesome hero before his ascension to godhood as his father's shield-bearer.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Tempest
The rarely-worshiped god of the cold, Shakak the Winter Spirit takes the form of a tall, sinewy man with blue skin, white hair, blazing white eyes, and demonic teeth clad in robes and teeth of ice. He rules all things frozen, which is very little across most of Maztica, and is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi. When the Pasocada Basin experiences the rare snowfall, it is said that Shakak is descending from his mountain realm in the north of Miochin's realm of Wenimats to lay claim over Iyatiku's Corn Maidens.
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: War
Possibly a remnant aspect of Kukul, Sho'tokunungwa is concurrent with Sus'sistinako and Inti as one of Maztica's oldest gods. He takes the form of a heroic, one-horned man wielding a bolt of lightning and a netted gourd. He is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi, though even among them he is treated as an absent god. Some even believe him to be a dead god, using Miochin's lighting bolt and Alosaka's gourd as proof that his domain as been subsumed by the two, as well as his servants. Instead, his worship is typically directed through his chief servants, the War Twins Ahaiyuta and Matsailema.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Order
Possibly an aspect of Maztica's act of pulling the continent from the primordial seas, Sus'sistinako the Spider Womanis is primarily worshiped by the Azuposi. She is said to have created Inti, her lover, with whom she created all other gods.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Twilight
The god of the moon, the Moon Mother, sometimes called the Yellow Woman, is a goddess of hunters and the hunted, and is a lesser god of time due to her role in the calendar. She takes the form of a pale young woman whose dress takes on the color of the moon. Worshipers often sacrifice portions of their prey to her. She is the wife of the war twins.
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