Erizex (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Lawful Good
Domains. Madness, Patience, Generosity
Divine Rank. Vestige

Personality & Appearance[edit]

Erizex is the vestige of their main domains, alongside forgiveness. They take the form of a substantially taller version of a Chwinga, an ethereal flame streaking from their head, coating their body in a deep orange color. Alternatively, they may be seen as a long shaft of deep orange metal, which can be used as a quarterstaff or staff if found. When encountered, they usually act as a sentient weapon, but have the strength of a level 20 Eldritch Knight fighter and a level 3 Bladesinger wizard. Although kind and very caring towards the attuned individual, they may enter a state of madness in which they become a Chaotic Evil, and one of two things happens. They either turn into base form and attempt to kill anyone (besides the attuned, their allies, and worshippers) in a 10 feet radius, or if they're unable to become base form, the quarterstaff is boosted to a +3, 2d6 damage, and able to cast Crown of Madness & an upcasted (3rd level) Eldritch Blast, with no spell slot requirements. If the holder has no spellcasting abilities, the spellcasting ability modifier for these is Wisdom.


Erizex was, in the beggining, an ordinary adventurer. As they adventured deep into the conquest for power, they eventually triumphed in an epic quest by themselves, getting the attention of the deities. They gave Erizex a Divine Spark, and by ascension, they became a Demigod. A Demigod for one second, that is, before a steep decline in followers occured, and Erizex became a Divine Shard. Before this outcome, Erizex crafted a weapon to possess when he did infact become a Divine Shard, mentioned above.


The vestige usually can be found watching over their worshippers, but if not, they're either in Divine Spark form (quarterstaff) or attempting to recruit more followers.


For being a vestige, Erizex is not known by many, but for those who do know them, they persuade them into worship, and if worshipped, they will give boons and rewards. The only known worshippers of Erizex are a village of fey and fiends located in a cave.


They commonly gives out charms, gifts and boons selflessly, avoiding their Madness Domain gifts (for anti-corruption means), and attempts to give fair and equal reap to their sow (worshippers). In Divine Spark Form, Erizex instead uses their limited mobility to its maximum potential, acting as a +2 quarterstaff/staff, giving Divine Battle Mastery to the attuned user. They also accept clericship, being a Mind Domain subclass.

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