Solé (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Lawful Good
Domains. Light
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Solé is the goddess of light created when Barensu the god of balance created the elemental deities to help control the natures of his new world An'evor. However unlike the other elemental deities Solé and her twin Noctra goddess of darkness were created as one deity of time known as Tempa. Tempa facing too much pressure from the people of An'evor split herself in two to be able to help people on both sides of the world at once.

Solé is a peaceful goddess only being involved in one conflict when Tetsutetsu the god of steel tried to make a device to light the world without the need for a sun. She has good relations with Noctra and often work together in the godly and mortal realms. Although actions with mortals is rare she goes twice a year to the festival of light on the summer solstice and the festival of darkness on the winter solstice.

Her most loyal followers live in a village outside her temple and donated a portion of her own power to form a weapon to help defend them from invaders.

Usually depicted as a blond child in a white dress her pale skin will glow even in the darkest of dungeons.

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