Disleische (5e Deity)

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A Gloved Hand, the symbol of Disleische.

Alignment. Chaotic Neutral
Domains. Creation, Slime, Spiders, and Trickery
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

       Disleische, the toonkind god of Creation, Slime, Spiders and Trickery
  • Disleische resides in his dimension, a massive animation studio, just for him. There, he creates monsters, writes the story of the universe, etc.
  • What the deity or avatars look like (physically, or how they are represented in idols)
  • He is the only god of his world, but he does make demons, angels, titans, and the occasional demigod.
  • Who worships the deity and how? What are the clerics like? What are the places of worship?
  • Related artifacts, favored weapon/ color/ creature
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