Vontra (5e Deity)

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Alignment. True Neutral
Domains. Death, Knowledge, Life
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Vontra is the god of all warlocks and the source of their powers. His only motives are to study and understand everything in existence. With his purely neutral personality, he considers both life and death with every decision he makes. He lives on a large floating island in a large library on the top rarely leaving for other reasons then research. He dresses like an average tiefling warlock due to what he was in his first life. He rarely interacts with the other gods but is on relatively good terms with them. His worshippers are almost solely warlocks who sacrifice magic items, scrolls, and books to him. His places of worship are generally large, book-filled caves with a roaring fire in the center. He is constantly losing things and will generally get parties of adventures to find them for him. His staff is his most powerful item and though he knows all the spells of the warlocks he has a few of his own.

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