Religion (Raesokera Supplement)

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Legend of the pantheons of Raesokera[edit]

Long ago, a curious god named Atun created a world and filled it with life from realms across all of creation. He began with the continent of Raesokera, filling it with lush flora and beautiful fauna. He added more and more, morphing the landscape into a paradise of every ecology from hot sandy deserts to lush tropical rainforests and freezing tundras. He had created a masterpiece of life in perfect balance.

With the blessing and assistance of Bahamut, Atun introduced dragons to Raesokera to imbue the living world with magic. Dragonkind flourished and imbued the world with the Weave. The balance of life in the weave was such that Raesokera became a font of magical power. This brought the attention of many dieties, both benevolent and malignant. Among the first was the dragon goddess Tiamat who had a particular hatred for Bahamut and did everything in her power to spite him. She convinced Nethria, goddess of chaos and trickery, to introduce chaos to the balance. Nethria, in the guise of Mystra, provided one-way portals to men, dwarves, elves, gnomes, orcs, and more. They migrated to the new world. They developed new settlements and spread across the new world overflowing with resources both mundane and magical. Except for the various elven races, these humanoids consumed these natural resources with reckless abandon.

Atun became angry with the hedonistic and violent ways of the humanoids not of Raesokera. In his fury, he unleashed a virulent arcane plague that spread across the continent to destroy all mankind. All the new races created magical sanctuaries, hiding away from the incurable plague and the rest of the world. Atun was content letting them hide in their closed off sanctuaries while he rebalanced the world.

However, there was an unintended side effect of the magical disease on the wild beasts of Raesokera. The plague spread to every animal on the continent. Many died and some went extinct, but while the races hid in quarantined mountain citadels or escaped to the sea for many generations, the surviving beasts began to change. Their natural abilities and instincts evolved rapidly with each new generation. In only a dozen generations, many beasts stood bipedal like men. Within a century, dozens of new intelligent and sentient races were born. These new races began to form tribal societies. In order to keep them from destroying each other, Atun chose a strong champion or wise leader from each race. These champions were gifted with immortality and taught to lead their own races to prevent catastrophe. The new pantheon of Raesokera led the bestial races into an era of prosperity and peace.

This era of peace was ended when Rhaige, the immortal wolverine came under the influence of Bhaal. Rhaige was gifted a portion of Bhaal's power and sent to destroy the ancient sanctuary wards protecting the hidden races of men. He massacred men, dwarves, and elves in Shahalla by the thousands, making the first contact between beasts and men one of brutality and slaughter. Many of the other gods of the Forgotten realms chose champions among the immortal beasts to gift them with power as well in order to halt the violence of Rhaige.

Raesokeran Pantheon[edit]

Deities of Raesokera
Name Alignment Suggested domains Symbol
Atun, god of life and magic LG Life/Knowledge Two silver hands together with palms up and open on a royal blue background
Anu, canis god of the afterlife N Death Black jackal head silhouette
Bahamut, god of enlightened justice and good dragonkind(1) LG Life/War White dragon head facing left in a blue shield
Balthazax, rhinoceros god of combat N War A charging feral rhinoceros
Bobo'gnung, platypus god of chaos and insanity CN Knowledge/Trickery A misshapen face of indeterminable race or species (every time it's illustrated, it is unique)
Chiasin Amoore, red fox god of music and harmless mischief CG Trickery A standing lute with two drums, one on either side beneath it
Dawn Rosepetal, ursus matron goddess of life LG Life/Light Two bear paws cradling a bear cub
Durodin, armadillo god of protection and justice LG War/Protection(2) Helm silhouette inside a shield
Flahjje, shapeshifting felis god/goddess of the hunt CN Nature/Death Clawed feline pawprint
Fulvros Juval, fennec god of precious stones and artifacts CG Knowledge/Forge(2) A white daimond surrounded on a black fennec fox head silhouette background
Golgarg, edentatus mole god of earth and stone NG Life A pickaxe leaning against a stone
Joey Roscoo, kangaroo marsupialus god of friendship and loyalty CG Nature A simple portrait of Joey Rosco grinning and winking
John Carpenter, ursus horse god of strength and hard work LN Life/City(2) A hammer striking a nail
Karpokukuuq, frost fox god of the gourmet N Knowledge/Light A white chef's hat over a golden plate and silver utensils
Laoko, otter god of rivers and seas CG Tempest A stylized river or sea otter in a semicircular position next to a fish swimming opposite
Lemanus Rex, patron lion god of protection and retribution LG Light/War A golden lion's head on a silver shield
Lex'treek, cheetah goddess of speed N Light Blue lightning bolt
Mahi, mongoose god of tinkering CN Knowledge/Forge(2) Three interspersed and differently sized gears
Masaku, raccoon god of shadows and deception CN Trickery/City(2) A black cloth mask on a white background
Maradin, elk god of the wild CG Nature/Tempest Maple leaf
Nicodemus, chiropteran god of sorcery NG Knowledge/Arcana(2) Staff with glowing orb within a black bat wing
Nethria, goddess of chaos and trickery CE Trickery Grinning mouth within an eight pointed star
Nungbat, opossum god of survival and false life NE Life/Grave(2) A single daisy
Reekree, vampire bat god of undeath NE Death/Grave(2) A feral bat skeleton with wings spread in flight
Rhaige, wolverine god of vengeance and slaughter CE War/Death Four clawed gashes dripping with blood
Skak, weasel god of trade and scamming LE Trickery/City(2) A snake coiled around a wine glass
Tantra, ocelot god of storms CN Tempest A tornado between the boughs of a forest in flames
Tiamat, goddess of evil dragons(1) LE Trickery Dragon head with five claw marks
Vargas, wolf god of the pack LN War White silhouette of a howling wolf head facing right
Vermiputrus, rat god of poison and plague NE Death a rat skull surrounded by buzzing flies on a green background
Wanda'Bessa'Tress, rabbit goddess of herbs and healing NG Nature/Life A sprig of five green leaves on a white background
Wiskcitamoq, rodentus god of thieves and assassins CE Trickery/Death A thrice curved dagger dripping poison next to a spilled open coin purse
Xióngmāo Lí, red panda goddess of tranquility and balance NG Life A single blue drop of water surrounded by three thin blue ovals like ripples
Zaryss, mink goddess of beauty and exploit LE Trickery A single red rose with thorns
Zogug, boar god of rampage CE War Two boar tusks dripping blood
  1. Dieties of the forgotten realms Draconic pantheon
  2. Unearthed Arcana

Note: This list is not all inclusive. There are many heroes and vestiges not on this list due to their obscurity. There is a small private list that the GM has available in case a player character's background fits well with a more obscure faith, but most will fit the given list of dieties for either Raesokera or Forgotten Realms.

Forgotten Realms Pantheon[edit]

For all races in Raesokera, the standard 5th edition pantheon is worshiped as normal since religious philosophies and principles are passed down from the humanoid races. See the Players Handbook pg 293 for more information.

Forgotten Realms Dieties
Name Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol
Auril, goddess of winter NE Nature/Tempest Six-pointed snowflake
Azuth, god of wizards LN Knowledge Left hand pointing upward outlined in fire
Bane, god of tyranny LE War Upright black right hand, thumb and fingers together
Beshaba, goddess of misfortune CE Trickery Black antlers
Bhaal, god of murder NE Death Skull surrounded by a ring of blood droplets
Chauntea, goddess of agriculture NG Life Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Cyric, god of lies CE Trickery White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
Deneir, god of writing NG Knowledge Lit candle above an open eye
Eldath, goddess of peace NG Life/Nature Waterfall plunging into still pool
Gond, god of craft N Knowledge Toothed cog with four spokes
Helm, god of protection LN Life/Light Staring eye on upright left gauntlet
Ilmater, god of endurance LG Life Hands bound at the wrist with red cord
Kelemvor, god of the dead LN Death Upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales
Lathander, god of birth and renewal NG Life/Light Road traveling into a sunrise
Leira, goddess of illusion CN Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl o f mist
Lliira, goddess of joy CG Life Triangle of three six-pointed stars
Loviatar, goddess of pain LE Death Nine-tailed barbed scourge
Malar, god of the hunt CE Nature Clawed paw
Mask, god of thieves CN Trickery Black mask
Mielikki, goddess of forests NG Nature Unicorn’s head
Milil, god of poetry and song NG Light Five-stringed harp made of leaves
Myrkul, god of death NE Death White human skull
Mystra, goddess of magic NG Knowledge Sigils:Circle of seven stars or Nine stars encircling a flowing red mist or Single star
Oghma, god of knowledge N Knowledge Blank scroll
Savras, god of divination and fate LN Knowledge Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Selune, goddess of the moon CG Knowledge/Life Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
Shar, goddess of darkness and loss NE Death/Trickery Black disk encircled with a border
Silvanus, god of wild nature N Nature Oak leaf
Sune, goddess of love and beauty CG Life/Light Face of a beautiful red-haired woman
Talona, goddess of disease/poison CE Death Three teardrops on a triangle
Talos, god of storms CE Tempest Three lightning bolts radiating from a central point
Tempus, god of war N War Upright flaming sword
Torm, god of courage/self-sacrifice LG War White right gauntlet
Tymora, goddess of good fortune CG Trickery Face-up coin
Tyr, god of justice LG War Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Umberlee, goddess of the sea CE Tempest Wave curling left and right
Waukeen, goddess of trade N Knowledge/Trickery Upright coin with Waukeen’s profile facing left
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