Insert Name Here (5e Deity)

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Insert Name Here[edit]

Alignment. Chaotic Good
Domains. Arcana, Trickery.
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

A god of unimaginable power, Oschand were once a great adventurer whose party mainly slayed dragons. His party would eventually turn on one another due to their clashing ideals, with the battle culminating in Insert Name Here casting a spell that allowed the caster to manipulate gravity to an unfathomably powerful degree. Needless to say, this spell went horribly, sending the entire party into the past with the only way back being how you normally get to the future. Although Oschand's true name had been erased and most of his former party was dead, he still felt an irresistible pull to a life of adventure, a pull that would eventually lead him to a scroll that sent whoever found it on a quest to become a deity, and upon finding it he would take on the name that the scroll referred to him by: Insert Name Here. Upon ascending to godhood, some of the deities saw him as a threat so, as a symbol of trust, he granted unto them a grenade capable of wiping any beings in its blast radius from existence that was powered by his still beating heart, though some say even this holy hand grenade would be incapable of killing him. The holy hand grenade would become his symbol.

Unlike most deities, those granted godhood by the scroll do not truly possess any domains, instead their clerics tend to follow domains related to who they were as a mortal. Insert Name Here was an incredibly powerful sorcerer who would frequently lie about his past in order to seem more impressive, he still does and will come up with ridiculous tales about his exploits when pretending to be a mortal, only this time they're usually true. This resulting in his clerics mainly following the Trickery and Arcana domains, although of course there are exceptions.

Appearance: Insert Name Here's preferred form is that of a muscular middle aged Tiefling with a short beard wearing sailor attire, similar to his form as a mortal. Most idols represent him as a hooded figure with curved horns protruding from his hood, a heart shaped hole in his chest, and various runes covering his cloak, with most of these runes possessing actual magical effects if infused with magic, although these effects are largely unknown, and since most of the runes that have been activated before are either very destructive or summon dangerous monsters, most people aren't eager to be the first ones to activate one of the runes.

Relations: Insert Name Here tends to mainly separate himself from the affairs of other deities, preferring not to get caught up in their politics. Although he does possess a rivalry with his half-orc brother, with them frequently disagreeing with each other.

Worship: Insert Name Here is worshipped in temples throughout various cities, with his temples frequently being brightly colored and filled with books, effectively acting as libraries. Strangely, even devout followers of his rarely do any actual worshipping or praying to him, although he doesn't really care, follow his ideals and beliefs instead. In order to become a cleric, one must swear what is known as the "Hypocritic Oath", which is a vow of pacifism, although undead are excluded, or a "Hypercritic Oath", which is a vow to mercilessly kill anything evil, similar to vengeance paladins (which they frequently become). Both oaths are renowned as being incredibly difficult to follow, with there being no recorded clerics who have been able to uphold one for 10 years or more, because of this, some people say that the oaths is cursed, designed as a test to see who can follow most devoutly. These rumors are not true, although Insert Name Here finds them very funny.

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