Diabolus (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Lawful Evil
Domains. Arcana, Death, Forge, Trickery, War
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Diabolus is the Evil-aligned child of Machina and a greater god of Plagues and Deceit. Born from the rust and oil that piled up on the bottom of Machina's clock tower, Diabolus is almost like a Devil in nature. Diabolus often gets into small brawls with their sibling Deus, which are often broken up by Machina. Diabolus is a powerful trickster, swindling those stupid enough to not read between the lines into pacts full of dangerous clauses, and empowering those who happen to be just as good with words. Clerics of Diabolus often become shady salesmen or criminals, tricking unfortunate passersby just like their god.

Diabolus often tries to keep to himself, similar to his parent Machina. However, unlike Machina, Diabolus will still not back down if challenged. They often try to win using wit and brains, rather than sheer force like Deus.

Diabolus is often depicted as a nebulous being of shadow, with sickening green flames for eyes and a Longsword in their hand. Long, branching tendrils resembling the branches of a dead tree form on his back. Their avatars take the form of various rodents, usually rats, cloaked in green flames.

  • Favored Weapon


  • Related Spells

Ray of Sickness, Phantasmal Force

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