Casimir Lovataar (5e Deity)
Casimir Lovataar[edit]
Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Knowledge, Self-Perfection
Divine Rank. Greater Deity
Casimir Lovtaar, Great Sage of Forgotten Tome, The Knowing One, The Benevolent Crusader, is a greater diety od wisdom, self-perfection, spreading knowledge and equity, and a patron god of invicta race and teachers. Once but a mortal mage, after creating invictas he ascended, and rose in power throught the ages, until claiming the mantle of a greater power.
Not much is known of Casimir's life before the ascension, and he doesn't talk about his past life much. His followers don't even know from which race he originated, and after attaining godhood he drastically changed his form. A story is shared among invictas, a race he made a long time ago: Casimir was one of the many of his kind, a sharp and hard working man. With age he uncovered secrets of the arcane, becoming an accomplished wizard. But his people were twisted. They wanted to take, consume, plunder everything across the multiverse, bend others to their will and be lords of lives of others. Casimir, one of the greatest of his people, many times tried to change his people; groups, individuals, by love and example, by stick and pain, attempt after attempt, chance after chance. But their corruption was so deep, so strongly taught and engraved into them, that every single try failed. At long last Casimir was hopeless, and proposed an ultimatum for his people, for he could not watch worlds burn and other races suffer. But his people refused. No one knows what happened after that, many think Casimir used great magic to trap his entire race on the surface of one world, and cut all possible planar travel from that place. Others suspect he ended his people, spending years on methodical eradication, time after time offering one more chance for a change. After that was the time of silence, where old wizard just observed universe change and evolve. At long last, he started his journey.
Throught millenia, Casimir studied creatures of different worlds, beast and intelligent ones, simple and complex, corporeal and planar. After great preparations he figured what was needed to make a new, better race; a race that would stand like a bulwark between the forces of evil and their prey. So he settled on one of the forgotten worlds and begin constructing his new people: invicta. After that he used illusions and simulacra of different creatures to teach his creations about world, about their purpose and about him. Years later, after many more invicta were born, the name of Casimir Lovataar was so much worshipped, that the old wizard ascended, and ever so passionately continued to guide his race to greater heights.
After some time, when invicta spread throught multiverse, he grasped the power of the greater diety, and one of his own, Anauel also ascended, and joined him in his newfound pantheon.
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Perfection given form.
art by [Yin Zhe] |
Casimir have a form uniquely different from his creations - his humanoid base have three pairs of feathery wings, he lacks facial features like mouth or nose, and posses only one, bright blue eye at the center of his head. His coloration is mostly white, with some shades of gray and blue here and there. He usually travels with his two artifacts, Tome of Forgotten Knowledge and Horn of Beckoning, but quite often borrows either one to one of his followers, as a token of appreciation or answer of prayers for help. Sometimes Casimir throws his artifacts from the orbit of a planet, and invisible strings of fate guide them to the hands of worthly, to help in hard situations like demonic invasions or unjust tyranny.
His domain is a massive floating mountain, located between the two layers on the Twin Paradises of Bytopia. Both sides of this mountain are covered with marble cities and docks, where a plethora of flying vehicles can dock. Many invictas live here, mostly those that undergo hard trainings under the tutorage of present masters, hoping to live up to their dreams, and knowing well that as a patron of teachers, Casimir attracts the best of the best from the multiverse. Here also armies of invicta gather, and from here great crusades, led by the two gods of invicta, embark to reclaim worlds lost to evil, to help nations usurped by tyrants, to face off the threats with which no normal man could hope to battle. For each succesful crusade a new triumphal arch is built alongside the main alley in cities, where in case of a failure a monolith is erected instead, both with stone slabs containing informations about each excursion. At this point seventeen monoliths stand in the city of invicta, as well as one thousand seven hundred and twelve archs.
Casimir is a creator of all invicta, and is venerated by all of them. It is not uncommon for other races to pray to him too, and anyone with good intentions can become his cleric. Churches to Casimir are never built, but each of his clerics and most of his more devout worshippers carry with themselves a marble model of a small shrine, with doors that can be opened. Those are being used in gatherings and rituals, and each is a divine focus. Casimir however does not demand sacrifices from his worshippers or subjects them to trials, nor does he demand constant prayers. A honest, hard-working life, with self-improvement and spreading one's knowledge is all the god demands, and becoming a parent and upbringing a child well, or becoming a scholar and teaching others are the two most effective actions anyone could do to bring joy to Casimir's soul.
While Casimir Lovataar represents raw power, genius intellect and unprecedented moral compass, Anauel is seen as a power of unyielding will, and great compassion. Many times the two argue, usually regarding making decisions, arising from their different experiences that built their beliefs. Anauel claims that anyone can change, and given enough time and hard work any and all can become a good, remorseful creature, so each possibility for self-betterment should be given to those that ask for it. While Casimir agrees for the most part with this idelogy, as he himself is generous in regard of help in self-betterment and converting to good, he gives one chance, maybe more if circumstances were right, but if someone betrays his trust, he will not hesitate to end the life of offender. Despite this, Casimir enjoys company of ever hopeful Anauel, which fortify him in his pursiut of bringing goodness and moral-consciousness to beings of the multiverse.
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