Darstar (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Lawful Good
Domains. Light
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Darstar is the god of light and honesty in the Trifadishti pantheon. He appears as an old man in shining silver robes and sits on the top of the left pillar of the Grand Gate. He is responsible for judging the honesty of creatures that are to gain access to the heavens. He judges fairly and wisely ensuring that you were truthful in your actions and your words in life.

Darstar's followers are taught to be honest above all things and shed the light of truth unto the world. The church of Darstar, just like his fathers church, will assist any in times of need and provide sanctuary to any who call for it. Followers of Darstar usually don't establish formal churches and instead meet in town squares and centers in the early morning hours to worship the sun which is worshiped as Darstar rising to meet the day, hence why his symbol bears such resemblance to a crude drawing of the sun.

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