Dyce (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Chaotic Neutral
Domains. Chance, Life, Death, Balance
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Dyce, one of many names for the God of Chance, Luck, Fate, etc., who spends his time observing humanity through a giant mirror from the Etherial plane of existance, most often holding to an outlook of non-interfearance, but on truly rare occassions placing a thumb on the scales in favor of His most devout followers when they take great risk while calling upon him for aide. "Chance favors the bold" is a common belief of His followers, but equally common is the belief that "Fate favors the prepared". Represented by a common gaming dice, sometimes depicted resting upon one side of a scale, His followers oft tell stories of how Dyce gambles with other Gods over the fate of individuals, more often adventurers or gamblers, talking other involved Dieties out of (or into) interviening in matters of chance, whichever best increases the odds of His follower in a given situation succeeding and/or surviving current circumstances rather than acting directly upon the matter at hand Himself.

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