Conjuration spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster's side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.
Conjuration Spells by Name[edit]
- 617 Pages
- 7th Shot
- 8 Sauce Supreme
- A-Bomb
- Abyssal Army
- Abyssal Strength
- Acid Balm
- Acid Rain
- Acid Spray
- Acquire Attendant
- Aetheric Ballista
- Aetheric Blade
- Air Bubble
- Air Punch
- Air Removal
- Al-Taraj's Shockspire
- Allowance
- Alpha Demiplane
- Alternate Self
- Ambush Shard
- Ancient Death Rancor
- Angel's Arrow
- Angel Beat
- Arcane Gate
- Arcane Grenade
- Arcane Mill
- Arcane Runes
- Arcane Sphere
- Arcane Tether
- Arcane Warp
- Arctic Tempest
- Armor of Thorns
- Arms of Hadar
- Astral "Wall"
- Attract
- Aura of Blades
- Aura of Solar Fire
- Azrael's Vicious Flock
- Backstep
- Bakudo21
- Bakudo37
- Bakudo39
- Bakudo77
- Bakudo 81
- Bakudo 8
- Balor's Wrath
- Bannana Slip
- Barrage
- Barrak's Black Fangs
- Bhahoozun's Disintegration Fist
- Bhahoozun's Maddening Gale
- Black Blizzard
- Blade Shift
- Blade Storm
- Blade Surge
- Blade Volley
- Blade of Disaster
- Blink, Variant
- Blink Step
- Blocking Blade
- Blood Parasite
- Blood Splatter
- Blood Swarm
- Blood Teleport
- Blue Shield
- Bone Rush
- Boreale's Deep Strike
- Bound Item
- Bound Weapon, Variant
- Bound Weapon
- Bubble Spray
- Bullet
- Bullet Rain
- Call Bird
- Call Guardian
- Call Shadow
- Call Spectator
- Call Spirit Swarm
- Call of Crusaders
- Call of Valors
- Call to Adventure
- Camel's Drink
- Carian Phalanx
- Carpet of Shadow
- Catoblepas' Breath
- Chains of Justice
- Chaos Control
- Charm of Hummingbirds
- Cherry Bomb
- Chorus of Awe
- Chorus of Destruction
- Chromatic Orb
- Circumambulant Hedge
- Claws of Agathys
- Clinging Darkness
- Clinging Slime
- Clockwork Winding
- Clothes Beam
- Cloudbed
- Cobra's Spit
- Cometstrike
- Command Projection
- Conjuration Raven
- Conjure Ammunition
- Conjure Barrage
- Conjure Blade
- Conjure Bladestorm
- Conjure Creature
- OGC:Conjure Deep Abomination
- Conjure Dragon
- Conjure Dream Creature
- Conjure Elemental Weapon
- Conjure Explosive
- Conjure Gemstone
- Conjure Glass Eye
- Conjure Greater Elemental
- Conjure Greater Explosive
- Conjure Lesser Dream Creatures
- Conjure Mannequin
- Conjure Marionettes
- Conjure Minigun
- Conjure Minor Devils
- Conjure Monster
- Conjure Object
- Conjure Ordinance
- Conjure Plant Creatures
- Conjure Potion of Healing
- Conjure Rotting Tomatoes
- Conjure Shield
- Conjure Skeletons
- Conjure Spirit Wolf
- Conjure Stones
- Conjure Tiny Fairy
- Conjure Twin Foxes
- Conjure Volley
- Conjure Water
- Conjure Weapon
- Conjure Zora
- Conjure the Crimson Claws of Night
- Conjurer Joke
- Control Elements
- Convalescence
- Copy Book
- Corrosive Aura
- Corrosive Bile
- Crabbo's Grasp
- Cradle of Jade
- Create Air
- Create Bonfire
- Create Building
- Create Construct
- Create Healing Spaghetti
- Create Pit
- Create Portal
- Crucify
- Crush
- Crystal Release
- Crystal Spike
- Crystalline Chamber
- Crystalline Jades
- Cubes from God
- Damian's Wanderer's Mark
- Dancing Rune Weapon
- Dark Abyss
- Dark Shovel
- Dark Tentacle
- Dartboard
- Darunia's Explosive Boulder
- Death from the Heavens
- Deity's Jaw
- Dellmudes Hammer
- Delta Divide
- Demiplane Portal
- Destructive Teleport
- Diamond Dust Maelstrom
- Diamond Storm
- Dimension Slash
- Dissolving Grasp
- Doppelganger
- Draconic Domain
- Dragon Knight
- Draining Fungus
- Drawmij's Instant Summons
- Dream of the Blue Veil
- Drizonym's Spectral Dagger
- Drop Bass
- Drop the Bass
- Drop the Myc
- OGC:Drowning
- Druidhome
- Dust Devil
- Earth Slide
- Earthen Prison
- Earthen Servant
- Eidolon
- Eihwaz the Yew Rune
- Elemental Beckoning
- Elfin Wave
- Elusive
- Ensnaring Strike
- Erect Obstruction
- Estate
- Eternal Darkness
- Ethereal Forge
- Ethereal Limbs
- Ethereal Wisps
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Evergreen Army
- Expecto Patronum
- Explosive Frog
- F-Bomb
- Fairy Fountain
- Fantastic Arcane Contraption
- Far Jaunt
- Far Step
- Feather Glide
- Fermentation Explosion
- Field of Vineyards
- Fiery Twin
- Find Animal Companion
- Find Extraordinary Steed
- Find Greater Familiar
- Find Greater Steed
- Find Lesser Dragon Familiar
- Find Omega
- Find Pack of Familiars
- Fire Seeds
- Firebrand
- Fitzmyr's "Conjurer's Hands"
- Fitzmyr's Sage Hands
- Five Sided Shelter
- Flame Charge, Variant
- Flame Jump
- Flame Step
- Flash Powder
- Flask of Holding
- Flicker
- Flock of Familiars
- Fog Bank
- Force Whip
- Forced Teleportation
- Foster's Instant Anvil
- Fountain of Night
- Frost Line
- Galder's Speedy Courier
- Galder's Tower
- Gather
- Gemstone Phalanx
- Gemstone Sentinel
- Genesis
- Ghostly Clone
- Glacial Blast
- Glacial Crash
- Glass Spray
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Glitterdust
- Glitterlance
- Glomi's Quick Friends
- Glyph of Teleportation
- Grand Kingdom
- Grasp
- Grasping Vine
- Gravity Bomb, Variant
- Gravity Bomb
- Gravity Sphere
- Greatblade Phalanx
- Grum's Flaming Pile of Poo
- Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon
- Gurgle
- Hado 90
- Hail of Thorns
- Hallowed Lances
- Hand of Workers
- Healing Elixir
- Healing Mist
- Healing Spirit
- Heat Shot
- Heavenly Prison
- Hell Smite
- Hell Storm
- Hellfire Armor
- Hellfire Chains
- Hellfire Harpoon
- Hellhole
- Hellish Flames Explosion!
- Hellish Spawn
- Hemorrhage
- Hive Leech
- Homing Needles
- Hot Dogs
- Hunger of Hadar
- Hydra
- Hyetomancy
- Ice Axe
- Ice Javelin
- Ice Knife
- Icelance
- Icy Weapon
- Implode Poison
- Improved Familiar
- Infernal Binding
- Infernal Calling
- Infernal Rain
- Infestation
- Infinite Pockets
- Instant Fancy Clothes
- Invocation of Ve, Lord of the West
- Invoke Boargeist
- Iron Maiden
- Isaz the Ice Rune
- Item Box
- Ivote's Delivery Service
- Judge's Familiar
- Kamikaze
- Karno's Instant Pie
- Kaunan the Fire Rune
- Kinetic Fusillade
- LSD Arrow
- LSD Splash
- Laborer's Bane
- Lances of Condemnation
- Lanky's Long Arm
- Lazarus Pit
- Leonardo's Everflowing Chalice of Missiles
- Lesser Wish
- Light Orbs
- Lightning Rain
- Lightning Storm
- Lindwurm Conflagration
- Liquid Night
- Location Transposition
- Locusts of Tartarus
- Luis Gustavo's Aura of Blades
- Lunae
- Lunar Spirit
- Lux Umbra Balance
- Mad Winds of Pandemonium
- Maelstrom, Variant
- Magechain
- Magi Mine
- Magic Concerto
- Magic Glintblade
- Magic Pocket
- Magic Robbery
- Magic Scimitar
- Magic Speed
- Magnet Orb
- Manic Manacles
- Mark of Syrix
- Marsh's Dodgeball
- Marvin's Gutterball
- Mass Traumatic Teleport
- Massage
- Materialize Trap
- Merruns Perfect Lock
- Mighty Fortress
- Mike's Hard Lemonade
- Minor Arcane Turret
- Minor Distortion
- Minor Step
- Minor Summoning
- Minor Telekinesis
- Minor Telekinetic Field
- Minor Wish
- Misty Gate
- Misty Step, Variant
- Mitotic spindle
- Moist Flame
- Monolith
- Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee
- Morifn’s Deathly Wind
- Moth Swarm
- Moving Platform
- Murder of Crows
- Myrsta’s Soulfire
- Night Guardians
- Nightly Terrors
- Oblivion Mirror
- Obvious Banana
- Ode of the Emperor Penguin
- Otherworldly Tendrils
- Otto's Tin Soldiers
- Para’s Portalable Place
- Pass into Shadow
- Perfect Wish
- Pestilence
- Petal Glide
- Petty Wish
- Phantasmal Notebook
- Pillars of Time
- Pit of Flame
- Planar Calling
- Planar Vortex
- Plumbophoresis
- Poison Kill
- Poison Mist
- Port Port
- Power Word: Soup
- Power Word Bees
- Power Word Crash
- Prison of Night
- Produce Wind
- Pseudopod Strike
- Psionic Anchor
- Psionic Hand
- Psychic Burst
- Psydarts
- Pulling Shade
- Punishing Pitchfork
- Pursuers
- Quick Maths
- Quill of Duplication
- Radiant Chains
- Radiant Swords
- Ragnarok
- Raksha's Wash Cycle
- Rancorcall
- Random Walk
- Rapture
- Raven Bolt
- Raven Slaughter
- Ray of Frog
- Razor Storm
- Reality Break
- Rebirth
- Red-Hot Chains
- Rejuvenating Light
- Rewind
- Riddle
- Rift
- Road Roller
- Rock Pellets
- Rocks Fall
- Root Walk
- Rotting Root Lord's Rot
- Rune Teleport
- Runic Blink
- Sacrificial Summons
- Sand Wave
- Sanguine Defender
- Sawsall
- Scatter
- Scatter Banish
- Screen Stride
- Searing Choker
- Sentinel
- Separate Energy
- Serrated Gust
- Serrated Slash
- Servant Permanence
- Shadow Plague
- Shadow Snare
- Shadow Spray
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Strike
- Shadow Warp
- Sheer Heart Attack
- Shell Kick
- Shiver
- Short Warp
- Shuriken of Darkness
- Six Paths, Five Rings: Kurikara Divine Blade
- Slime Shield
- Smoke Bomb
- Snowball Supply
- Snowy Barrage
- Solid Fog
- Somaria
- Something
- Sorrel's Well of Infinite Lances
- Soul Gem
- Spaghetti
- Speak with Wind (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Spell Blade
- Spell Vault
- Spellblade
- Spelled
- Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
- Spike Storm
- Spiraling Overgrowth
- Spirit Bird
- Spore
- Steal
- Steel Wind Strike
- Step
- Step into Shadow
- Stone Sphere
- Storm Grenade
- Storm Shield
- Storm of Swords
- Suffocate
- Summon Abberation
- Summon Aberration
- Summon Anthill
- Summon Astral Beast
- Summon Beast
- Summon Bee
- Summon Bow
- Summon Celestial
- Summon Cell
- Summon Construct
- Summon Corpse
- Summon Dog
- Summon Draconic Spirit
- Summon Dragon
- Summon Elemental
- Summon Exotic Humanoid
- Summon Falling Rocks
- Summon Fey
- Summon Fiend
- Summon Flounder
- Summon Food
- Summon Fungal Warrior
- Summon Garlic Bread
- Summon Giant
- Summon Greater Daemon
- Summon Greater Demon
- Summon Grinch
- Summon Humanoid
- Summon Hutijin
- Summon Iqra
- Summon Lesser Demons
- Summon Lesser Spirit
- Summon Living City
- Summon Mahoraga
- Summon Merchant
- Summon Monster Limb
- Summon Monstrous Humanoid
- Summon Mount
- Summon Ooze
- Summon Plant
- Summon Shadowspawn
- Summon Shapeshifter
- Summon Smith
- Summon Spirit
- Summon Spriggan
- Summon Steak
- Summon Treant
- Summon Tree Nymph
- Summon Umbral Servant
- Summon Weapon
- Summoning the Water Dragon
- Swarm of Pests
- Switcheroo
- Sword Burst
- Sword Glyph
- Sword Storm
- Take Up Arms
- Talisman of Summoning
- Tasha’s Tantalizing Terrarium
- Telefrag
- Teleport, Variant
- Teleport Slash
- Teleportation Doorway
- Teleportation Glyph
- Teleposition
- Tempest
- Temple of the Gods
- Tentacles
- Thaumophone
- The Juice is Loose
- The Sun, Revealed
- Thief's Feast
- Throw Pokeball
- Throwing Knife
- Thunder Step
- Tiamat's Draconic Temple
- Tidal Wave
- Tide of Steel
- Time Clusters
- Timeless Transfer
- Tomb of Night
- Tornado
- Toxic Cloud
- Transport Via Shadows
- Traumatic Teleport
- Tree
- Tree of Life
- True Resurrect Skeleton
- True Seraphim
- Twisting Tendril
- Tydellbub's Instant Latrine
- Umber Stride
- Umbra Maledictum
- Umbral Hand
- Umbral Touch
- Uncanny Outfitting
- Unlimited Blade Works
- Unstable Sphere
- Uplifting Fireworks
- Vankodek's Black Widow
- Vegetable Projectile
- Veitch's Marvellous Letter
- Venomous Web
- Verdant Reanimation
- Viktor's Mana Zone
- Viral Tentacles of Zyxos
- Visk's Walk-In Closet
- Vitriolic Blast
- Void Armada
- Void Blink
- Vortex
- Vortex Warp
- Wake of Buzzards
- Wall of Vines
- Wall of Wonder
- Warden's Step
- Warden's Volley
- Warmth
- Warping Step
- Warrior of the Gods
- Water Cube
- Watery Sphere
- Watery Twin
- Whiteout
- Wild Focus
- Wind Blast
- Witch Bolt
- Wizard's Tower
- Woeful Stab
- World Eater
- Wrath of Morass
- Wreath of Life
- Wrecking Squall
- Wristpocket
- Writhing Flesh
- Zantetsuken
- Zodiac Stars
Conjuration Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
Conjuration Rituals[edit]
Incomplete Conjuration Spells[edit]
SRD Conjuration Spells by Name[edit]
SRD Conjuration Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
SRD Conjuration Rituals[edit]