5e 1st Level Spells
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1st-Level Spells | Summary | |||||||||||
6 Feet Back, ALRIGHT! (Grum's Social Distancing) | Force a creature to adhere to social distancing staying at least 6 feet away from you. | |||||||||||
Aberrate | Warp the form of a creature, turning it into an aberration. | |||||||||||
Acidic Smite | You strike with a weapon covered in acidic slime | |||||||||||
Adamantine Shell | A basic defensive protective spell. | |||||||||||
Adloquium | Restore some health to an ally and conjure an additional protective shield to safeguard them from further harm. | |||||||||||
Adula's Moonblade | An icy sword forms in your hand and sweeps toward a creature of your choice within range | |||||||||||
Aether: Ascent | A blast of wind magic allows you to throw your sword upwards with great strength, lifting your target off the ground or ascending great heights. | |||||||||||
Aether: Quickdraw | By invoking wind magic around the blade in you hand, you are given a moment of intense speed as you slash; propelling yourself forward to strike a distant target. | |||||||||||
Aetheric Reconstruction | You repair an item of any damage and wear from the last decade | |||||||||||
Affect | Cantrips Galore! | |||||||||||
Aging Bolt | Deals necrotic damage and ages a target. | |||||||||||
Aging Hands | You cast a streak of time energy at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Agni Shine | You throw a hand forward and send a roaring ball of flame roughly 1 foot in diameter towards a target within range. | |||||||||||
Agony Warp | Damage one target and weaken another | |||||||||||
Air Step | Extra jumping power, and double-jumping too! | |||||||||||
Air Wave | This spell converts a melee attack into a wave of cutting air. | |||||||||||
Allowance | Create money when you need it, consequences be damned. | |||||||||||
Alter Object | You transform an object into a useful item or tool. | |||||||||||
Altered Time Dilation | ||||||||||||
Ambush, Variant | Diet invisibility | |||||||||||
Amorphous Pixie | Channeling your magical flow you animate a small portion of helpful glowing dust | |||||||||||
Amplify | From 3.5e's Amplify | |||||||||||
Amusement | You attempt to make a humanoid that you can see within range become fixated on and irrepressibly amused by a creature or object of your choice. | |||||||||||
Analyze | Analyze grants valuable info for enemies and items. | |||||||||||
Animate Energy | Summon a tiny floating ball of undeath | |||||||||||
Animate Minor Object | Lesser form of animate objects that targets a single object. | |||||||||||
Animate Rope | You animate an inanimate rope-like object, such as string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or cable of up to 50 feet or a maximum of 10 lbs. | |||||||||||
Animate Shadow | You bring to life the shadow of a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Antagonist's Poultice | As the bane spell | |||||||||||
Anti-Evil-Protection | You create a magical holy barrier that protects anyone inside of it from evil creatures. No 3rd grade bully will bother you and your friends ever again. | |||||||||||
Apostle's Black Flame | The go-to spell of the Godskin Apostles | |||||||||||
Arc Bolt | You conjure an unstable bolt of electricity and fire it toward a target. | |||||||||||
Arc Bolt Grenade | A grenade that explodes with lightning in a 10 foot cube. | |||||||||||
Arc Bolt Grenade, Variant | ||||||||||||
Arcane Arrow | You charge a projectile with arcane energy, ready to release it explosively. | |||||||||||
Arcane Battery | You can create a multipurpose arcane battery. | |||||||||||
Arcane Crush | Cripple a creature that you are holding further. | |||||||||||
Arcane Mark | You place your mark upon a subject. | |||||||||||
Arcane Runes | Create up to three magical, invisible runes on one or more creatures within range to make them easier for you to detect and strike. | |||||||||||
Arcane Smite | You infuse a weapon with arcane power | |||||||||||
Arcane Strength | Magically enhance your strength. | |||||||||||
Arcane Tether | Conjure a rope that brings two things together | |||||||||||
Argent Blessing | Temporarily gives a weapon the properties of a silver weapon. | |||||||||||
Armor of Othrys | The creature you touch glows with an aura that resembles moving spectral magma, creating a burning shield. | |||||||||||
Armor of Prometheus | A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral flame that covers you and your gear. | |||||||||||
Armor of Shavarran | ||||||||||||
Armor of Thorns | You touch a willing creature and cause thorny vines to grow over its body. | |||||||||||
Armour of Jenova | You summon a colourful aura of aberrant energy around you that harms creatures close to you. | |||||||||||
Aspect of the Hunter | call upon nature to help you hide from and seek your target | |||||||||||
Astral Movement | You gain Temporary Horizontal or Vertical Levitation | |||||||||||
Attract | Summons a Small or Tiny object that you can see to yourself. | |||||||||||
Attract Object | A simple trick most people learn as a starting point to magic. Attracting an object to your hand. | |||||||||||
Augment Stars | A spell that allows the caster to use the stars to create constellations. Can have a variety of effects, unlocking new ones with caster level. | |||||||||||
Avert Force | The spell magnifies and redirects the force behind an attack, potentially throwing the weapon out of control. | |||||||||||
Avian Assault | You summon a small bird and send it flying at a a creature. | |||||||||||
Babu Slime | ||||||||||||
Bakudo 1 | Bakudō # 1: Sai (塞, Restrain) is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Bakudo 30 | Bakudō # 30: Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Bakudo 4 | Bakudō #4: Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope; "Slithering Rope") is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Bakudo 8 | Bakudō #8. Seki (斥, Repulse; "Repulsion") is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Ball of Blackwater | Launch a sphere of tainted water | |||||||||||
Banshee Wail | You shriek like a banshee after being struck. | |||||||||||
Barbarian Knowledge | You touch a willing creature, causing its head to swell and muscles to shrink. | |||||||||||
Barrage | You fire an arrow that multiplies into four more, falling from the sky. | |||||||||||
Begone Thot | By denouncing the thot-hood of an enemy one may strike them down with lightning. | |||||||||||
Begone Thot, Variant | In the wise and eternal words of Jesus, whose words are kept alive through the scriptures of the Thot Patrol, "If she breathes, she's a thot." | |||||||||||
Beguile Person | You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range, which can only resist with the force of its personality. | |||||||||||
Bend Perspective | You send your vision through shadows, altering your point of view | |||||||||||
Bestial Bloodlust | You awaken a target's primal bloodlust and beastly nature. | |||||||||||
Bestial Empowerment | You channel the bestial energies of nature within or around you to magically enhance your natural ability. | |||||||||||
Bestial Vitality | You channel the energy of beasts to grant yourself hit points | |||||||||||
Bhahoozun's Hex | Manipulate the air in the body of another creature | |||||||||||
Bind Skeletal Familiar | You bind a lost soul to a skull, creating a floating skull that serves you. | |||||||||||
Black Flame Blade | Imbue the Black Flame on a weapon to inflict damage that increases with the target's strength | |||||||||||
Black Snow | You create a sphere of dark snow that is laced with acid in a 10-foot sphere centered on you. | |||||||||||
Blade of Blood | You shape your blood in the form of a weapon. | |||||||||||
Blade Shift | You teleport your blade into your enemy's flesh. | |||||||||||
Blade Surge | You manifest an ethereal aura that turns into an energy weapon to protect you from attackers, hurting them in the process. | |||||||||||
Blast Cast | Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells. | |||||||||||
Blaze of Wrath | Using all your might, you channel your energy into a single, powerful fiery punch. | |||||||||||
Blessed Poultice | As the bless spell | |||||||||||
Blink Slash | By channeling magic around you, and your blade, you teleport yourself to strike a distant target. | |||||||||||
Blink Strike | You teleport up to 10 feet, then make a lightning-infused unarmed strike. | |||||||||||
Block Seed | Prevents conception. | |||||||||||
Blood Bolts | You hurl bolts of enchanted blood darts from your fingertips at your targets. | |||||||||||
Blood Flame Blade | You infuse your blood with magic before cutting it on blade. The blade will sear flesh and force wounds open. | |||||||||||
Blood Lust | You sacrifice some blood to increase the power of your weapon attacks. | |||||||||||
Blood Moon's Blessing | While illuminated by red light from an unknown source above your head, you add your Wisdom modifier to your damage. | |||||||||||
Blood Tentacles | Attack your friend and foes with the blood spilled over the battlefield | |||||||||||
Blood Transfusion | Spill your blood to heal another. | |||||||||||
Bloodbridge, Variant | ||||||||||||
Bloodied Spittle | You spit bloodied saliva on a target's eyes. | |||||||||||
Bloodletting | You imbue a weapon with the power of create wounds that bleed profusely. | |||||||||||
Bloodsurge | A powerful healing spell that requires sacrifice of blood from the caster or ally. | |||||||||||
Bloody Shell | You create a coating of blood that surrounds a creature's skin, protecting them from damage. | |||||||||||
Blue Breath | Spew lightning from your mouth | |||||||||||
Blue Shield | Basically a ridable Tenser's Floating Disk. | |||||||||||
Bodysnatch | Turn a corpse into a disguise | |||||||||||
Bone Read | You attempt to perceive the past, using the bones of the deceased to get some insight into what its last moments of its life was. | |||||||||||
Bottle of Bravery | As the heroism spell | |||||||||||
Bound Weapon, Variant | You create a weapon of your choosing to bind to yourself. | |||||||||||
Brand | Don't touch my stuff! | |||||||||||
Briars of Sanguar | Cause briars of blood to erupt from a target, poking all around it. | |||||||||||
Broken Ward | ||||||||||||
Bubble Blast | You shoot three bubbles out of your mouth. | |||||||||||
Bullet | Channel the power of Gun Magic™! | |||||||||||
Burning Orbs | Summon and fling a barrage of flaming missiles. | |||||||||||
Calder's Starry Sky | You project a map of the stars into the air. | |||||||||||
Call Bird | Call one bird to aid you as a pet. | |||||||||||
Call Bird, Variant | Call one bird to aid you as a pet. | |||||||||||
Carpet of Shadow | You coat the ground in hard shadowstuff, making it difficult to traverse. | |||||||||||
Caustic Blood | ||||||||||||
Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph | A more fighting efficient glyph of warding. | |||||||||||
Cell Decomposition | You cause a creature's cells to gradually deteriorate. | |||||||||||
Chameleon | You change yourself to blend into your environment. | |||||||||||
Chaos Orb | You hurl a 4-inch-diameter sphere of a random form of energy towards a target. | |||||||||||
Charged Weapon | You can charge your weapons with magical energy. | |||||||||||
Chilling Smite | Attack with a powerful hit that is chilling to the touch, possibly slowing targets. | |||||||||||
Chromatic Missile | You create two darts made of an energy type of your choice. | |||||||||||
Chrono-deceleration | Slows down time for target creatures, making them easier to deal with. | |||||||||||
Ciao's Magic Missile | You create two white bubbling streaks of magical force that inflict a debuff onto the targets. | |||||||||||
Cleansing Flame | You briefly channel the power of divine flames to burn away impurities in your body. | |||||||||||
Clear Thought | You touch a creature to bestow it pristine thought. | |||||||||||
Clover's Tip-Tap | A spell that give the afflicted creatures bonuses to their stealth, dexterity, and grants a unique ability. | |||||||||||
Coin Bag | When you have little coin and even littler time, sometimes the best option is to just fake it. | |||||||||||
Coinify | What are you supposed to do when you have all metal and no coins? | |||||||||||
Color | You permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object. | |||||||||||
Command, Variant | A scalable version of the spell | |||||||||||
Condense | ||||||||||||
Conjure Ammunition | Conjure a handful of ammunition. | |||||||||||
Conjure Creature | The standard summoning spell. | |||||||||||
Conjure Gemstone | You can conjure a gemstone. | |||||||||||
Conjure Marionettes | You summon wooden, hovering, human-shaped constructs that appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Conjure Spirit Wolf | You summon the fey spirit of a wolf to aid you. | |||||||||||
Conjure Water | Make water appears. | |||||||||||
Consecrate Weapon | Imbue your melee weapon with holy might. | |||||||||||
Construct Homunculus | Few can find a good familiar that they can trust, and even fewer can find one's that are able to remain connected at all times. | |||||||||||
Corazon's Tiny Glyph | A smaller, more efficient Glyph of Warding. | |||||||||||
Corrosive Flame | You snap your fingers, invoking chaotic green flames to engulf your target. | |||||||||||
Corrosive Hands | Corrosive liquid sprays and damages targets and metal objects. | |||||||||||
Countertrip | No more pesky cantrips for you... | |||||||||||
Crackle With Power | You ignite yourself with fiery power from the Strixhaven snarl, then channel it into a blast against your opponents. | |||||||||||
Craftsmanship | ||||||||||||
Create Air | Creates fresh air around target and up to 2 other creatures. | |||||||||||
Create Building | This spell creates a simple building that fits entirely within a 10-foot cube within range. | |||||||||||
Create Magic Item | You create a magical item instantaneously, which varies in power based on the spell level. | |||||||||||
Create Pit | Summon a pit on your enemies. | |||||||||||
Crimson Enhancement | You coat your weapon in blood, black runes coagulating on its surface. | |||||||||||
Crimson Strike | Enchant your bladed weapon with necrotic energy. | |||||||||||
Crush | Crush enemies you already have in your magical or literal grasp! | |||||||||||
Crystal Barrage | Releases a group of glintstone shards fired from the caster. | |||||||||||
Crystal Burst | Fires a short ranged, spread out blast of glintstone shards. | |||||||||||
Crystal Shard | Conjure a sharp shard of crystal to hurl at your enemies. | |||||||||||
Crystal Wave | After you touch the ground, a thin sheet of crystal rapidly extends forth in a 15-foot cone, then ruptures, causing crystal shards to launch skyward. | |||||||||||
Crystalline Jades | The user creates Shimmering jades which float around them before being fired. | |||||||||||
Culdir's Orb of Fire | Create a ball of fire, which enhances other spells slung nearby. | |||||||||||
Curse of Comus | A curse that afflicts its victim with a monstrous animal's head. | |||||||||||
Curse Water | This spell imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with negative energy, turning it into unholy water. | |||||||||||
Cyclone | A spell that sends a cylinder of air around an area moving creatures about. | |||||||||||
Darius's Selfless Shield | An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Dark | You direct a blast of shadowy energy at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Dark Bead | Black beads that seem to sap away the light | |||||||||||
Dark Dive | You grab hold of a creature you can touch and drain its life force until it breaks free. | |||||||||||
Dark Orb | Forms a ten foot diameter dark orb that deals necrotic damage to creatures whose space it occupies. | |||||||||||
Dark Reach | You call on the power of shadows to restrict another's movement. | |||||||||||
Dartboard | You throw a dart that multiplies into a barrage falling upon your enemies. | |||||||||||
Death Blossom | Die, die, die! | |||||||||||
Death Coil | A black coil of energy attempts to restrain and constrict a target. | |||||||||||
Death Grip | You seize the essence of a creature in range and pull it towards you. | |||||||||||
Death Strike | your attack does 1d6 additional necrotic damage and heals half of the total damage done | |||||||||||
Death Touch | You touch a creature and attempt to end its life instantly. | |||||||||||
Deathly Servant | Rather than using a soul to control an undead, this undead is weaker, but more easily controlled. | |||||||||||
Deathwatch | You tap into negative energy and use it to see how close other creatures are to death. | |||||||||||
Decaying Necrostrike | Strike a creature with your weapon and infect them with an unholy decay. | |||||||||||
Deceiving Bolt | ||||||||||||
Deeppockets | ||||||||||||
Defensive Edge | ||||||||||||
Delayed Spell | You use your action to focus and upscale your next evocation spell. | |||||||||||
Deliberate Surge | You pull magic from the weave and release it into the world, causing a surge. | |||||||||||
Demon Skin | You cover your skin with fiendish scales and grow a small set of horns. | |||||||||||
Desecrate Weapon | You imbue your weapon with unholy power. | |||||||||||
Desert Coffin | Bury your enemies in a sand coffin. | |||||||||||
Desiccate | Dry heat washes over and desiccates a target. | |||||||||||
Detect Arcane Residue | Buffed detect magic. let you see spells conjured long ago and track magical items | |||||||||||
Detect Fire | Scan the area for traces of anything related to fire | |||||||||||
Detect Outsider | This spell allows its user to detect whether a creature or object is native to the plane they are in while casting it. | |||||||||||
Detect Secrets | You grant yourself magical perception that greatly enhances your ability to uncover hidden mysteries. | |||||||||||
Detect Weapons | For the duration, you sense the presence of manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you. | |||||||||||
Diamond Storm | A cone of "diamonds" shot into the air at your enemies to tear them apart. | |||||||||||
Discern | You detect some of a creature's vulnerabilities and immunities. | |||||||||||
Dismantle | Cuts your enemy into small, fleshy bits. | |||||||||||
Dismiss Stranger | You attempt to send one Stranger of CR 1 or less that you can see and is within range, back to The Dark. | |||||||||||
Dissonance Field | Twist time and space to cause difficult movement and make it difficult to cast spells. | |||||||||||
Divine Armor | When the divines themselves grant you their blessings, none shall ever harm those they protect. | |||||||||||
Divine Empowerment | A willing creature is imbued with the power of a god | |||||||||||
Dongle's All-Purpose Mending | A general purpose spell, invented by Dongle, that combines the effects of Cure Wounds and Mending, to a certain extent. | |||||||||||
Double-Edge Dance, Variant | You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes. | |||||||||||
Dragon Rend | ||||||||||||
Drain Smite | Use your holy magic to damage your foes and heal yourself | |||||||||||
Drain Warmth | Take the warmth and lifeforce of a creature for yourself | |||||||||||
Draining Fungus | ||||||||||||
Drizonym's Spectral Dagger | Chuck spectral daggers really far. | |||||||||||
Drop Bass | Drop the bass. On their head. | |||||||||||
Drop the Myc | Create a patch of mycelium to hinder your foes. | |||||||||||
Drowning Pull | You send a wave of sand gushing towards an opponent. | |||||||||||
Dusk and Dawn | You create or destroy ambient light | |||||||||||
Earth Barrier | You call forth a spike of earth to hopefully absorb a blow. | |||||||||||
Earth's Crush | A spell for earth benders | |||||||||||
Earthen Dive | You dive into the terrain and burrow through it. | |||||||||||
Earthen Pillar | You cause a pillar of earth to erupt from a surface | |||||||||||
Earthen Servant | You summon a small creature made out of earth. | |||||||||||
Eihwaz the Yew Rune | Eihwaz is a earthly rune with domain over both healing and poison. | |||||||||||
Eilistraee's Moonfire | ||||||||||||
Eldridge Blast | This is what you get when you can't correctly spell the word "eldritch". | |||||||||||
Eldritch Rebuke | Arcane Energy Rebuke. | |||||||||||
Eldritch Revival | You use forbbiden magics to attempt to revive a fallen humanoid creature. | |||||||||||
Elemental Ammunition | You imbue a number of pieces of ammunition with elemental energy. | |||||||||||
Elemental Armor | You cover yourself with a layer of elemental energy that shields you from incoming attacks. | |||||||||||
Elemental Arrows | A random elemental arrow or an elemental arrow of your choice | |||||||||||
Elemental Strike | Imbue Your weapon with magical energy of the element of your choice for a time. | |||||||||||
Elonia's Glamour | ||||||||||||
Enchantment of Distortion | you link your body to an object teleporting to it at will | |||||||||||
Endure Elements | Protection from normal environmental hazards. | |||||||||||
Energy Beat | You create a mote of radiant light that hovers above your head. It lasts for the duration. | |||||||||||
Energy Drain, Variant | ||||||||||||
Energy Ray | ||||||||||||
Enhanced Durability | A useful spell for temporarily increasing durability by increasing AC and granting temp HP. | |||||||||||
Erase | With a wave of your hand, you erase all writing from scrolls, sheets of parchment or paper, or similar objects that you touch. | |||||||||||
Erratic Bolt | A wild and unstable bolt of electricity arcs from your fingertips towards a creature of your choice in range. | |||||||||||
Eruption Counter | You prepare yourself for an oncoming strike, and counter it. | |||||||||||
Essence Theft | The caster absorbs the essence of a creature during its final moments of life. | |||||||||||
Ether | Recover a spell slot | |||||||||||
Ethereal Forge | You conjure a weapon into your hand. | |||||||||||
Etzel’s Bolstering Bands | An invisible brace made up of thin filaments of force appears against your skin, strengthening your bones. | |||||||||||
Excarnate Corpse | his spell removes the flesh, exposing the skeleton of a medium-sized corpse targeted by the caster. | |||||||||||
Expand/Contract | Expand and contract space around you. | |||||||||||
Explosion! | ||||||||||||
False Blade | Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more! | |||||||||||
False Tracks | For the duration of this spell, your footprints are those of a normal animal of your choice. | |||||||||||
Fast Reading | Read much faster. | |||||||||||
Feather Glide | You conjure a chicken to help stop your fall. | |||||||||||
Fellhammer | You create a magical hammer before slamming it into the ground. | |||||||||||
Fiendish Desecration | You invoke the fury of your fiendish deity and smite all good creatures within the spell's radius. | |||||||||||
Final Gambit | Release a quick, and last, burst of power. | |||||||||||
Find Animal Companion | Allow you to conjure the help of a wild animal. | |||||||||||
Find Memory | Reach into the depths of your psyche | |||||||||||
Find Quest | Helps you find quests to go on. | |||||||||||
Finger of Chaos | ||||||||||||
Fire Dragon's Iron Fist | Power your fist up for a punch with the strength of iron and the ferocity of fire. | |||||||||||
Fire Shot | Poor man's fireball. | |||||||||||
Fire Spin | Fire bursts from your hands as you rapidly spin in a circle, blasting enemies | |||||||||||
Fire Whip | You create a magical whip of fire that can be used as a melee weapon. | |||||||||||
Fitzgeralts' Fast Inverse Mender | Connect a line to cut. | |||||||||||
Fitzmyr's Sage Hands | A modified version of the mage hand cantrip, by a kenku wizard. Effective for use of offence, utility, and defense, but not the best at any of them. An all-rounder for 1st level spells. | |||||||||||
Flame Burst | Bouts of flame burst forth from your body as if trying to escape, damaging nearby enemies. | |||||||||||
Flame Cloak | You weave yourself into a cloak made of fire. | |||||||||||
Flame of Life | Reignite a creature's inner spark with literal fire. | |||||||||||
Flash Sweat | You produce a burst of localized heat, drenching you in sweat. | |||||||||||
Fling Self | You fling yourself in a direction with considerable force. | |||||||||||
Floor of Ice | Freeze over a floor with slippery, spike-covered ice. | |||||||||||
Flower Requiem | A flower crown that damages the creature. | |||||||||||
Flowing Undead Wrath | You raise tortured souls from some forsaken source. All creatures within range fall victim to their wrath and woe, only surviving through sheer willpower. | |||||||||||
Flurry | You magically enhance your weapon's speed and unleash a pair of blows. | |||||||||||
Flurry of Missiles | You touch your weapon and unleash a torrent of projectiles to a creature of your choice... or several creatures if you so choose. | |||||||||||
Flurry of Strikes | Deliver strikes with incredible speed | |||||||||||
Flux Grenade | You throw a magical lightning grenade. | |||||||||||
Force Armor | You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's base AC becomes 13 + its spellcasting ability modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action. | |||||||||||
Forceful Strike, Variant | You send a burst of arcane energy into a creature that you target. | |||||||||||
Forceful Strike, Variant 2 | You send a burst of arcane energy into a creature that you target. | |||||||||||
Fortune Shift | You attempt to manipulate the forces of luck for a brief moment. | |||||||||||
Fortune Shift Variant | You attempt to manipulate the forces of luck and chance for a brief instant. | |||||||||||
Fox Fire | The caster gains a burst of speed as three separate kitsunebi seek out enemies. | |||||||||||
Freezing Burst | Emit a blast of chilling energy that stops enemies in their tracks. | |||||||||||
Freezing Clutch | You curse an object with cold regrets. | |||||||||||
Frost Breath | You blow a critically cold cloud of frost at your enemies. | |||||||||||
Frost Line | you summon a line of frost freezing anything in its wake including blood, flesh and it can extinguish fire. | |||||||||||
Frost Strike | Infuses your weapon with the power of frost. | |||||||||||
Frostburn | Freeze someone with your hands | |||||||||||
Frostwave | ||||||||||||
Ganon's Fist | You concentrate destructive energy into a single, supernaturally-powerful punch. | |||||||||||
Ghost Light | Private Illumination | |||||||||||
Gift of Alacrity | ||||||||||||
Glacial Crash | You conjure a large chunk of ice and launch it at a creature in range. | |||||||||||
Glintblade Phalanx | Creates a phalanx of magical blue translucent blades that rush forth. | |||||||||||
Glyph of Tracking | A more tracking and utility efficient glyph of warding. | |||||||||||
Golden Vow | A small, generalist combat boon for your whole party. | |||||||||||
Goo | You vomit sticky goo | |||||||||||
Gordian's Tripwire | You command a tripwire to string itself up, ready to confound your foes. | |||||||||||
Gorgath's Rock-Volver | High Nooning with some cheap stones. David and Goliath these dudes. | |||||||||||
Grasp of the Void | You bring your Enemy into the Astral Plane for just an Instant | |||||||||||
Grasping Souls | with a sacrifice of blood you pull hundreds of undead hands from the ground, grasping and dashing toward any life they feel. | |||||||||||
Grease, Variant | More versatile than the standard spell. | |||||||||||
Grum's Greater Fix 'em/Hurt 'em | Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce. | |||||||||||
Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon | You exchange an object in your hand for a spectral necrotic damage weapon from the Ethereal Plane. | |||||||||||
Guided Strike | A "Nope" button to the shield spell. | |||||||||||
Hado 1 | Hadō #1. Shō (衝, Thrust) is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Hado 4 | Hadō #4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning) is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Hadō Sōren Sōkatsui | Generating blue energy with his/her index and middle fingers, the practitioner makes a pushing motion with both of his/her palms to push the gathered energy toward the target in a concentrated blast. | |||||||||||
Hallucinate | You choose a creature you can see within range and make them see a sound or an image that lasts for the duration. | |||||||||||
Hand of the Dead | Creates a beam of necrotic energy. | |||||||||||
Hand of the Undead | You summon a hand out of the ground that is a spirit which can hold your enemy . | |||||||||||
Heal Zone Rune | Create a rune that heals in an area when broken. | |||||||||||
Healing Dagger | Creates a shining dagger which heals those that gets hit by it, instead of inflicting damage. | |||||||||||
Healing Mist | You create a mist of magical essence around a target creature that heals the target. | |||||||||||
Healing Wind | You speak a word of power, and gentle wind envelops a number of creatures of your choice up to your spellcasting ability modifier that you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Heart Jumpstart | Revive or heal an ally from the brink of death using electricity | |||||||||||
Heart Strike | ||||||||||||
Hell Speak | Hell arises from your devilish tongue | |||||||||||
Hellfire Armor | You conjure Hellfire armor around your body. | |||||||||||
Hellfire Bolt | You make an infernal gesticulation, and a thin blast of hellfire roars towards a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Hold Beast | The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. | |||||||||||
Homing Shards | You create 1d4 + 2 frozen shards of ice. | |||||||||||
Homing Soulmass | You create several glowing orbs poised to strike instantly. | |||||||||||
Horrific Visage | You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them. | |||||||||||
Hot Dogs | ||||||||||||
Hungry Earth | The earth beneath a target begins to swallow them. | |||||||||||
Hush | You touch a creature and imbue it with silence. | |||||||||||
Hush, Variant | Shroud a creature's voice in magical silence without compromising their spellcasting. | |||||||||||
Hyetomancy | Conjure localized rain around yourself. | |||||||||||
Ice Bolt | You create a gelid bolt of supercooled water and direct it to hit at a creature you can see. | |||||||||||
Ice Shock | You exhale a blast of freezing mist at a creature in range. | |||||||||||
Ice Spike | A spike made of ice thrusts from the ground towards target creature. | |||||||||||
Ice Ward | You throw up your hands as you are attacked, and icy symbols protect you from harm and slow your assailants. | |||||||||||
Ice Wave | After you touch the ground, a thin sheet of ice rapidly extends forth in a 15-foot cone, then ruptures, causing spikes of ice to launch skyward. | |||||||||||
Icicle Crash | With a loud smashing sound, you shower the area in front of you with shattered ice. | |||||||||||
Icy Weapon | You freeze the air around you to create a weapon of pure ice. | |||||||||||
Illusionary Box | A paradise in a box! | |||||||||||
Immolation, Variant | You set yourself ablaze to torch surrounding foes. | |||||||||||
Impart Knowledge | A way to quickly and silently communicate complex ideas. | |||||||||||
Imperial Bolt | You shoot a pure beam of radiant energy that weakens your target's will. | |||||||||||
Incendiary Grenade | ||||||||||||
Indomitable Presence | ||||||||||||
Inflate Ego | ||||||||||||
Inflict Positive Energy | You infuse positive energy into a creature, with intent to harm. | |||||||||||
Infuse Weapon | You bolster a weapon's power with a magical enchantment. | |||||||||||
Intimidating Presence | You have advantage on intimidation and prevent targets from approaching you. | |||||||||||
Intoxicate Blood | You increase the alcohol content of a target's blood, intoxicating them. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word "Don't Move" | Force a creature to adhere to your word and stop moving. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word "Return" | Force a creature to adhere to your word and despawn/leave. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word "Run Away" | Force a creature to adhere to your word and Run Away. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word "Sleep" | Force a creature to adhere to your word and Fall Unconcious. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word Variant Command | Force a creature to adhere to your word. | |||||||||||
Inversion | Invert a spell effect back to it's original caster! | |||||||||||
Invisibility to Undead | You touch a creature and they become invisible to undead. | |||||||||||
Isaz the Ice Rune | A Rune that when infused with magic can create several effects related to cold energy. | |||||||||||
Kagerou | Shoot a stream of fire to protect you from a ranged attack | |||||||||||
Karno's Instant Pie | You produce a pie, which can be eaten or thrown. | |||||||||||
Kaunan the Fire Rune | A powerful sentient fire Rune which can create explosive traps, bless weapons and armor or curse enemies | |||||||||||
Keen Weapon | You command the Universe to make a weapon more effective at finding the weakness in defense, or less effective at hitting the target. | |||||||||||
Kiss of the Petals | You create a pretty cone of projectiles that can nonlethally disable your opponents. | |||||||||||
Knight's Puissance | Your word grants the target increased vigor, or saps their strength away. | |||||||||||
Know Recipe | You touch a piece of food or a potion and learn how to replicate it. | |||||||||||
Know Thy Foe | A spell that lets the caster peer into the defenses of their target. | |||||||||||
Last Words | Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too. | |||||||||||
Laughing Skull | Reanimate Human Skulls to disturb your oponents | |||||||||||
Lee's Fume Punch | Channel forth your anger in the form of a pillar of flame from your fist. | |||||||||||
Leomund's Shield | A shield that defends the user from harsh elements and the small inconveniences of life. | |||||||||||
Leonardo's Imploding Shell | You momentarily protect a creature with a sphere of armor, only to for the sphere to implode and damage the creature on your next turn. | |||||||||||
Leonardo's Splinter Shell | You throw an a energy shell at a creature. | |||||||||||
Lesser Animate Dead | This spell creates a temporary undead servant. | |||||||||||
Lesser Baja Blast | Bring the power of the all-mighty Baja Blast to the battlefield. | |||||||||||
Lesser Blood Orb | You hurl a powerful orb of blood infused with necrotic energy against your enemies. | |||||||||||
Lesser Confusion | This spell assaults and twists a creature's mind, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action. | |||||||||||
Lesser Wish | You offer up a prayer to invoke a cantrip of your choosing. | |||||||||||
Life Fades | You touch your opponent and the chill of the Plane of Shadows washes over them | |||||||||||
Life Sap | Drain health to transfer to allies | |||||||||||
Light Blood Transfusion | You transfer your blood to a wounded creature, healing it. | |||||||||||
Light Drive | An orb of radiant power forming a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. | |||||||||||
Lightning Spear, Variant | The primary offensive spell for members of the Dragon Cult in the Lands Between. | |||||||||||
Litany of Proper Death | T-Pose on the undead so hard that they go back to being dead. | |||||||||||
Locate Water | Sense the direction towards a nearby body of water. | |||||||||||
Log to Lumber | Invoke magic to transform a log into an equal amount of lumber for 5 silver a pound | |||||||||||
Lucky Star | You summon a star of energy that explodes on an enemy, dealing incredibly random damage. | |||||||||||
Lunae | ||||||||||||
Maelstrom, Variant | Trap your foes in wind. | |||||||||||
Magic (Mobius) | ||||||||||||
Magic Boulder | A thrown stone becomes a boulder mid-flight. | |||||||||||
Magic Brand | You mark a creature with a magical brand that deals fire damage. | |||||||||||
Magic Burst | Expends all spell slots of one level to create a huge explosion. | |||||||||||
Magic Concerto | ||||||||||||
Magic Fang | Whenever the target makes an attack or damage roll with an unarmed strike, the target can roll a d4 and add the result to its roll. | |||||||||||
Magic Glintblade | Sets up magical blades in the air to be automatically fired after a short period | |||||||||||
Magic Scimitar | ||||||||||||
Magic Strike | Your fist is wreathed in magic that instantly draws it to your opponent. | |||||||||||
Magical Deflect | Weaken spells that hit you. | |||||||||||
Magical Spell Tinkering | A spell version of Artificer's magical tinkering, but for use with spells. | |||||||||||
Magnesis | You gain control of one object that is made mostly or entirely of metal in range that you can see, and does not exceed 10 feet in any dimension. | |||||||||||
Magnet Orb | You conjure an orb that pulls foes towards it. | |||||||||||
Magnetism | Magnetize up to 500 lbs of metal to manipulate. | |||||||||||
Man's Best Fiend | Fiendish/Undead familiar variant | |||||||||||
Mana Shield | Create a protective sphere of magical force. | |||||||||||
Manipulate Metal | Bend and shape metal into usable forms. | |||||||||||
Manus Semoto | A multitude of translucent limbs emerges to strike distant opponents. | |||||||||||
Mark | This is mine, and we both know it. | |||||||||||
Master's Touch | Makes a target proficient with a held or worn piece of equipment. | |||||||||||
Medicinal Prayer | Seeing an inured ally within your spells range you channel the magic power of your faith to heal their wounds at cost to yourself. | |||||||||||
Memory Graft | Graft a memory onto the mind of one target. | |||||||||||
Mental Bindings | The target believes that they are bound | |||||||||||
Mesmerising Shade | Shadows form around your opponent's head, dazing them | |||||||||||
Metaphysical Smite | ||||||||||||
Midwife's Spell | A collection of folk magic intended to help with conception and childbirth. | |||||||||||
Might of Annam | Call upon magic learned- or perhaps stolen- from the giants to deliver a devastating strike. | |||||||||||
Mika's Existential Dread | You create a lingering sense of psychological trauma in a creature. | |||||||||||
Mind Spike, Variant | You attempt to interrupt an attack by psionically piercing through the mind of the attacker. | |||||||||||
Mindshriek | Using diabolical eldritch powers, you reach your voice into the minds of your foes and issue forth a soul-splitting scream. | |||||||||||
Mineral Armor | You draw on the protective essence of minerals to form a shimmering armor around yourself. | |||||||||||
Miniature Fabricate | Fabricate! But much smaller. | |||||||||||
Minor Distortion | In the grand scheme of things, we make many choices. Where exactly we stand, how we move when we see a sword being swung at our head. Sometimes, you're standing in the perfect spot to mitigate a hit you take. Through the use of magic, one can instantly move themselves to said spot as if that were the choice they'd made. | |||||||||||
Minor Inventory | A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location. | |||||||||||
Minor Psychometry | Sense information about the last creature to touch an object and it's past whereabouts. | |||||||||||
Miracle Moon | Slice and dice your foes with crescent moons. | |||||||||||
Mirror Variant | ||||||||||||
Misinterpreted Color Spray | A wash of colorful mist inexplicably does ludicrous amounts of damage to foes. | |||||||||||
Missile Lore | Touch a spent missile to sense where it came from, both tactically from where shot, and the race and group of the shooter. | |||||||||||
Mist of Inhibition | A translucent magical fog settles around you, impeding motion. | |||||||||||
Moist Flame | A dripping flame appears in your hand. | |||||||||||
Mold Metal | You manipulate and bend a piece of metal. | |||||||||||
Molten Blades | Your weapons glow red hot, burning your enemies on contact. | |||||||||||
Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee | Conjure a small phantasmal bee to annoy opponent spellcasters | |||||||||||
Morgrave's Clear Mind | You embed a psychic mote in a creature's mind and force it to broadcast its thoughts to those nearby. | |||||||||||
Morifn’s Deathly Wind | A torrent of wind, filled with a poisonous red mist and flying weapons composed of red liquid erupts from your outstretched hand in a direction you choose. | |||||||||||
Muffle | A spell that hushes a creature, making it more difficult to detect. | |||||||||||
Nauseate | One creature that you can see in range has an extremely distorted vision for one turn in addition to a horrible stomachache. | |||||||||||
Necrostrike | Fill your weapon with necrotic power, and disfigure your foes. | |||||||||||
Negate Omnipotence | Deny a God their Godlihood. | |||||||||||
Net of Shadows | You cast the spell, and the surrounding shadows shift at your command, flying toward your targets and wrapping themselves around them. | |||||||||||
Neutralise Aura | Nondetection's little brother | |||||||||||
Nightwalk | You are briefly shrouded by a silver and red mist, and teleport up to 30 feet away. | |||||||||||
Nilin's Bolt | You launch a bolt of energy towards a creature, temporarily remixing its memories, confusing it. | |||||||||||
Notes of lesser death | You go crazy on your musical item and lose control of your body. | |||||||||||
Nurture | Nurture a plant or animal | |||||||||||
Obscure Illumination | Obscures a light source so one may see in the dark without either giving one's position away or resorting to darkvision-like solutions. Unlike darkvision, one can distinguish colours (as permitted by the torch's quality of light) | |||||||||||
Obscured Garden | You make a sandstorm that hacks away health. | |||||||||||
Ordinance | Command for wizards and sorcerers | |||||||||||
Oreseer | You detect the materials that make up an area of stone. | |||||||||||
Orion's Bolts | You point at a creature you can see within range, speaking an invocation to the celestial hunter. Clubs imbued with starlike radiance fly from somewhere behind you, burning and bludgeoning the target creature. | |||||||||||
Otto's Chime of Release | ||||||||||||
Otto's Ear Ringing | Causes vicious, deafening ear ringing in creatures. | |||||||||||
Paddle Star | Fire an omnidirectional star that can then be redirected. | |||||||||||
Pain Share | Heal others by taking their pain | |||||||||||
Palpitate | Forces a creature's heart to stop and restart suddenly | |||||||||||
Paradoxal Grotto | You uses the power of earth to heal you when you're hurt. | |||||||||||
Paralysis Blow | You summon black flames on your weapon. | |||||||||||
Patternweave | Gives unique investigative insights into things that seem random. | |||||||||||
Peltskin | Until the spell ends, the target's skin has a wooly, fur-like appearance, and the target's AC can't be less than 13, regardless of what kind of armor it is wearing. | |||||||||||
Penetrate Disguise | ||||||||||||
Permanency, 2nd Variant | Cause a spell to persist within an item permanently. | |||||||||||
Petal Glide | Create a huge flower that can lift a willing creature into the air. | |||||||||||
Phase | Causes the caster to be able to move through some solid matter as if it was a liquid. | |||||||||||
Phoenix Phantom | You target one foe shooting a beam out of your hand causing the opponent to relive their biggest fear and causes them to be immobilized for their turn not being able to move their body in fear, only re living their biggest fear over and over again, taking 1d4 fire damage and 1d6 psychic damage. | |||||||||||
Phoenix Wave | You put your hand out in front of you or you focus this spell onto a weapon you move your hand or weapon in a sideways slashing motion causes a firey wave to apear from your weapon or hands then sendng the firey wave out 20 feet infront of you. | |||||||||||
Pity of Acherus | A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Alternatively, when you cast this spell you can make a melee spell attack roll against an undead creature within your reach. | |||||||||||
Pixie's Gale | Evoke the power of wind to fling creatures and objects away from yourself. | |||||||||||
PK Fire (5e spell) | Earthbound’s PK fire, A short ranged evocation with a supportive roll. | |||||||||||
Placebo | Grants temporary relief and protection from harm and ailments. | |||||||||||
Planar Calling | You summon creatures from other worlds to fight by your side. | |||||||||||
Poison Blood | The blood flowing trough the creature's body becomes poison. | |||||||||||
Polarize | After casting this spell, a creature in contact with you has their sense of time and gravity is distorted. | |||||||||||
Post-Mortem Servitude | Create a skeleton butler that cannot attack, but can carry out tasks. | |||||||||||
Poultice of Healing | The most basic form of healing | |||||||||||
Poultice Of Health | Healing potion | |||||||||||
Power Within | Bolster your strength with the power of flame. | |||||||||||
Power Word Die | You utter a word of power that makes you instantly drop dead. | |||||||||||
Power Word Ecstasy | A wonderful feeling of extreme delight and giddiness | |||||||||||
Prismatic Barrier | For a brief time, protect yourself and your allies from damage. | |||||||||||
Promised Walk of Peace | ||||||||||||
Protection of Chaos | Conjure a magical spell from the chaotic Qi of the world. | |||||||||||
Protective Barrier | ||||||||||||
Protector's Mark | You are the sword and shield of your companions. This spell lets you use divine magic to reduce damage and protect your allies from peril. | |||||||||||
Psionova | ||||||||||||
Quill Hide | Long quills sprout from the target’s body, dealing damage on contact. | |||||||||||
Quill of Duplication | You touch a book, drawing, map or similar document with the quill and imbue the content inside it. | |||||||||||
Radar Tracking | You assemble a small radar device to track creatures in the nearby area. | |||||||||||
Radiant Leap | Channeling the Holy Power in your body you use it to propel yourself though the air. | |||||||||||
Radiant Shield | As a reaction, you create a radiant shield that protects you from harm. | |||||||||||
Railgun | ||||||||||||
Raise Flesh | You raise an incomplete, amateur undead being. | |||||||||||
Raise Undead | Summons an undead from a corpse. | |||||||||||
Rapid Acceleration | During Flight, Instantly accelerate to twice your movement speed for one turn | |||||||||||
Raven Bolt | Summon a bolt of dark energy in the form of a raven and send it flying at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Ray of Light | You form a concentrated beam of light infused with holy energy to strike your enemies down with a flash of light. | |||||||||||
Razor Storm | You are the Storm. A flash of metal as you hold your weapon out between your hands and magical copies of it strike out against all around you. | |||||||||||
Regrowth | You infuse a creature with natural magic, increasing its ability to recover from wounds. | |||||||||||
Remote Bomb | ||||||||||||
Reorientate | Rotate a region of space, and all matter contained within, however you choose. | |||||||||||
Repair | Repair an object or restore hit points to a construct. | |||||||||||
Repel | Pushes any Large or smaller creature or object away from you to a certain distance. | |||||||||||
Replenishment | Gradually restores hit points. | |||||||||||
Rerange | Change your spells range with some limits. | |||||||||||
Resistance, Variant | The targeted creature can add 1d4 to a Saving Throw once before the spell ends. | |||||||||||
Restore | You repair a small item or restore a magical effect on an object, depending on its type. | |||||||||||
Returning Weapon | ||||||||||||
Reverse Flow Control | A spell used by Wave controllers to stop foes or objects in place. | |||||||||||
Revert Time | A creature you touch has its wounds revert back in time. | |||||||||||
Rewind | Want to go to that spot you were in 6 seconds ago? Go right ahead with this spell! | |||||||||||
Ribbit | A creature is compelled to only speak in croaks and ribbits, becoming unable to cast spells, but able to breathe both air and water. | |||||||||||
Riddle (5e spell) | You call upon an extraplanar entity, an alien intellect or devious fiend, becoming a conduit for its power as you speak out a complex riddle. | |||||||||||
Rift Balance | Chronomancers are tasked with keeping balance in the Astral Plane, whenever you remove something, something must take its place. | |||||||||||
Ritual Circle | The foundation of all grand scale magical rituals. | |||||||||||
Ritual Circle, Variant | ||||||||||||
Rock Splash | Chuck a big rock at somebody and hit them with shrapnel. | |||||||||||
Rock Toss | You lift up a small rock and throw it at a target within range. | |||||||||||
Rock Wave | You create a storm of razor-sharp stones that forms a line that is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. | |||||||||||
Rod Surge | You project an elemental energy surge from your rod to a target within range. | |||||||||||
Root Walk | Blink from tree to tree | |||||||||||
Rule Manipulation | Whatever you touch you have the ability to change the properties and rules of its nature. | |||||||||||
Rune of Distraction | You place a distracting, invisible rune on an object. | |||||||||||
Rune Strike | Add your charisma modifier to a melee weapon attack damage roll | |||||||||||
Sakanagi | Strike a target with the force of your being for pure damage. | |||||||||||
Sand Impact | ||||||||||||
Sand Replacement | ||||||||||||
Sand Shurikens | Magic Missile, but sand! | |||||||||||
Sandblast | ||||||||||||
Sanguine Song | You hum a specific rhythm that gets yours and your allies blood pumping. | |||||||||||
Sanguine Tide | You cause the blood of the touched creature to flow to you, mending your wounds. | |||||||||||
Scan | Check for the presence of certain things. | |||||||||||
Scholar’s Armament | Coats a nonmagical weapon with magic damage. | |||||||||||
Scholar’s Shield | Enchant one via touch with an increased armor class. | |||||||||||
Scorch | Your palm expels flaming, radiant energy towards a creature within range. | |||||||||||
Sculpt Corpse | Change the appearance of a corpse in one of multiple ways. | |||||||||||
Searing Orb | You launch an unstable orb of flames toward a target, where it detonates. | |||||||||||
See Through | You touch a simple surface such as a door, a wall, or even a shield to see through it as if it was transparent. | |||||||||||
Seer's Mark | A mark that gives you advantage on insight checks and the distance of the target. | |||||||||||
Shadow Bolt | Fire a bolt of shadow at a target within range. | |||||||||||
Shadow Snare | Summon a pool of shadows beneath your target to attempt to immobilize (grapple) them. | |||||||||||
Shadow Spray | ||||||||||||
Shale's Instant Compass | Know where you are at all times! | |||||||||||
Shell Kick | ||||||||||||
Shield of Darkness | ||||||||||||
Shield of Stasis | You create an invisible barrier of stasis in front of a creature or object that intercepts spells, creatures, projectiles, etc. and traps them in time. | |||||||||||
Shocking Blast | Release a burst of electricity that fries your opponents. | |||||||||||
Shoulder Touch | ||||||||||||
Silhouette | Cause a creature to appear as a stark black silhouette of itself | |||||||||||
Silhouette, Variant | Cause a creature to appear as a translucent black silhouette of itself | |||||||||||
Simple Moment | Creates a simple picture | |||||||||||
Sinister Manipulation | Channeling malevolent spirits, you take control of the left arm of your victim. | |||||||||||
Skull Goblet | Create a goblet out of a skull that will detect a poison drink and tell the creator about it. | |||||||||||
Skysmite | Summons a lightning bolt to deal Lightning and Radiant damage | |||||||||||
Skyward Strike | A weapon you're wielding is sheathed in heavenly light, which you can use to smite your foes. | |||||||||||
Slight Polymorph | ||||||||||||
Smoke Bomb | You throw a toxic smoke bomb. | |||||||||||
Smoke Ladder | You create a ladder out of smoke which only you can climb. | |||||||||||
Snap of Radiance | You snap your fingers and emit a blinding burst of light. | |||||||||||
Solar Grenade | ||||||||||||
Sorrel's Leaping Missile | Sorrel Glintwing wonders, how useful would this actually be? | |||||||||||
Sorrel's Retributive Missile | Sorrel Glintwing decided she was tired of people hitting her in melee combat and getting away with it. Now, they don't. | |||||||||||
Sorrel's Selfless Missile | Sorrel Glintwing's answer to the problem of sorcerers not being able to use healing spells. | |||||||||||
Soul Arrow | Fires a small magical arrow straight ahead. | |||||||||||
Soul Blast | shoots a soul ball | |||||||||||
Soul Gem | You capture a creature's soul in a gem. | |||||||||||
Sound Bubble | Create a membrane that blocks the transmission of sound | |||||||||||
Speak with David | Allows you to speak telepathically with David's past present or future. | |||||||||||
Spear of Rot | A ray of sickening greenish energy | |||||||||||
Speed of Light | Channel the powers of the Light to make a creature move at near-blinding speeds | |||||||||||
Spell Blade | You conjure a blade of force in your free hand. | |||||||||||
Spellblade | ||||||||||||
Spin Attack | You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and whirl around in circles, striking foes all around. | |||||||||||
Spirit Excalibur | Summon an obscenely long sword of energy. | |||||||||||
Spirit Shotgun | You focus energy into a fist before firing a wave of numerous small force blasts. | |||||||||||
Splashing Spit | You twist your body back then snap forward with a twist of the neck releasing a glob of enchanted spit that splashes out from its target. | |||||||||||
Star's Saint's Hand | Share a helping hand...Saint =) | |||||||||||
Stasis Mine | You choose a bit of space to arm with a stasis mine. When you activate it, it causes anyone inside it to be harmed and stopped in time. | |||||||||||
Steel Shadows | Shadows form around you then harden like steel, protecting you from harm | |||||||||||
Step Into Darkness | Shift through darkness with pretanutral speed. | |||||||||||
Sticky Blood | Your transmutated blood seals the wound and catches the opponent's weapon. | |||||||||||
Stone Bolt | You fire a piece of stone at an enemy, much harder than normally possible. | |||||||||||
Stone Spike | You cause stone spikes to raise from the ground underneath up to three creatures of your choice on the ground within range. | |||||||||||
Stone Tent | ||||||||||||
Strengthening | You fill a creature with the determination to fight. | |||||||||||
Strengthening Flame | You channel divine flames to enhance your power | |||||||||||
Stretchy | Become elastic | |||||||||||
Strokov's Flying Projectile | ||||||||||||
Stumbling Fool | Render your foes into silly mooks. | |||||||||||
Summon Corpse | You summon a corpse, ready for necromancy. | |||||||||||
Summon Dog | You conjure a mastiff that fights by your side. | |||||||||||
Summon Garlic Bread | Summon Garlic Bread | |||||||||||
Summon Rain | Cause a light rain with cloud cover and harmless thunder and lightning. | |||||||||||
Summon Weapon | Summon a weapon or object from a pocket dimension into your hand. | |||||||||||
Suppress Pain | ||||||||||||
Surge | You channel harmless electrical energies in a willing creature you touch, heightening its speed and senses. | |||||||||||
Swarm Grenade, Variant | You throw a grenade that explodes into magical caltrops. | |||||||||||
Swarm of Pests | You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to appear in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on yourself. | |||||||||||
Swift Strike | You infuse a weapon with the ability to be swing slightly quicker. | |||||||||||
Swipe | ||||||||||||
Sword Split | You split a sword into two smaller swords or fuse two smaller swords into one larger one. | |||||||||||
Sword Trap | Defensive spell that allows you to stop enemies from using weapons, like a different version of the shield spell. | |||||||||||
Tablehopper | Craft a line of decent cover in the midst of combat. | |||||||||||
Take Up Arms | Conjure a weapon to your hand in a moment of desperation and need. | |||||||||||
Tale of a Million Nights | A tale in the forbidden tongue | |||||||||||
Tentacle Arms | You transform a target's arms into long reaching tentacles. | |||||||||||
Thief's Feast | An instant snack at your fingertips! (Use at own risk.) | |||||||||||
Thornskin | Wooden spikes and thorns grow on the target's body. | |||||||||||
Thought Purge | You attempt to halt a creature's train of thought. | |||||||||||
Throwing Knife | ||||||||||||
Thunder Shock Last Resort | An extremely powerful lighting spell last resort option. | |||||||||||
Thunder Strike | ||||||||||||
Thundershock | Unleash paralyzing shocks of electricity. | |||||||||||
Time Stride | You briefly pause the passage of time. | |||||||||||
Toad's Tongue | Your tongue becomes stretchy and sticky like a toad's. | |||||||||||
Touch of Unlife | Invigorate the undead with health-restoring vigor. | |||||||||||
Toxic Cloud | You create a cloud of poisonous smoke that lasts for the duration. | |||||||||||
Transcription | Magically copy or translate a page of text and/or images onto another page. | |||||||||||
Transfer Pain | You attempt to syphon the life from a creature you touch. | |||||||||||
Transmute Coins | You transform coins into other coins! | |||||||||||
Tree | Conjure a tree. Move it a bit. That's it. | |||||||||||
Tri-Element | Deals lightning, fire, then cold damage to a target | |||||||||||
True Glimpse | See things as they truly are for a brief moment. | |||||||||||
Truer Strikes | ||||||||||||
Turning Tables | ||||||||||||
Uncanny Outfitting | Any armor or attire you are wearing is instantly doffed, and at your option any armor or attire stowed on your person is instantly donned in its place. | |||||||||||
Universal Aptitude (5e Utterance) | Give a bonus to either Intelligence or Wisdom | |||||||||||
Unlimited Blade Works | I am the bone of my sword | |||||||||||
Utility | Underwater Habitation Made Easy | |||||||||||
Valla's Whirlpool | Create a swirling whirlpool that drags enemies into its center. | |||||||||||
Veitch's Marvellous Letter | You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph. | |||||||||||
Vengeful Trinket | Enchant a trinket that absorbs damage and releases it as magical force. | |||||||||||
Venomous Ray | You fire a venomous ray, which delivers a virulent poison to the target. | |||||||||||
Ventriloquism | Make your voice appear to come from somewhere else. | |||||||||||
Ventriloquist | Force someone to speak the words you wish | |||||||||||
Verge | A spell that gains power with each consecutive casting. | |||||||||||
Virulent Necrostrike | You engulf your weapon in corrupted green flames. | |||||||||||
Voice of Shadow | Like command, but for shadowcasters | |||||||||||
Void Bolt | You fire a fazing, mass of void energy at one enemy. | |||||||||||
Void Burst | A small explosion of aetherial energy centered on a point within range strikes out at all creatures within a 10 foot radius of that point. | |||||||||||
Volatile Vortex | You cause weapon to begin violently spinning, causing damage anyone who comes near. | |||||||||||
Vortex Grenade | You throw a grenade that spreads a dangerous void. | |||||||||||
Waist-High Wave | You conjure a rolling wave of elemental force. | |||||||||||
Warp Flesh | You warp flesh, causing horrid bloating and necrotizing, but causing wounds to close. | |||||||||||
Water Jet | A jet of steaming hot water launches forth from your wrist | |||||||||||
Water of Life | A creature you touch, which must be in a body of running water, regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier. | |||||||||||
Water Tendril | The water you touch grows a prehensile limb-like tentacle from the point you touch, which obeys your spoken commands for the duration. | |||||||||||
Water Whip | You summon a long, rubbery whip of pure water to lash out at a creature or object in range. | |||||||||||
Weakening Sludge | A mind turbulence to discourage magical attempt. | |||||||||||
Weaponized Laughter | ||||||||||||
Weight of 1000 Years | You close your eyes and focus on the Vortex of Time, condensing the memories of the past millennia into a single thought, then gesture above the target and snap your hand down as all these thoughts and memories are solidified and forced upon the target. | |||||||||||
Weight of 1000 Years, Variant | You solidify the memories of every surrounding creature, turning them into a force of harm. | |||||||||||
Will Charge | The user has learned to channel his will into his weapon for a short period of time. | |||||||||||
Wind Blades | Blades made of wind. | |||||||||||
Wisplight | Manifest a tiny supernatural light that has both offensive and utility capabilities. | |||||||||||
Word of Nurturing | You mend the damage the target has suffered or inflict true damage upon the target. | |||||||||||
Word of Stumbling | Disarm and make prone a target following a wisdom save. | |||||||||||
Worker Command | issue a commanding word that compels an ally or enemy to act according to your will. | |||||||||||
Worker Motivation | imbue an ally with divine motivation, enhancing their combat abilities. | |||||||||||
Wrath | You point your finger, and dark energy washes over a target you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Wrathful Arrow | You imbue a piece of your ammunition with pure wrath. | |||||||||||
Wreath of Life | You chant a mystic incantation, creating a magical garland on the head of an ally. If it is not destroyed, it restores their health. | |||||||||||
Wrecking Squall | Creates a protective sphere of air | |||||||||||
Writhing Flesh | Channel necrotic power through a clawing strike. | |||||||||||
Wyvern Watch | You create a wyvern-shaped haze that guards an area against intrusion. | |||||||||||
Xenae's Aquaforme | Turns a target ground area into water. | |||||||||||
Zap Bolt | You fire a small, but concentrated electric current from your hand to zap a creature or object in range. | |||||||||||
Zodiac Strike | The raw power of the zodiac ring and its components placed into a small orb. | |||||||||||
Zoltraak | A simple spell that shoots either a large blast or multiple smaller blasts of concentrated mana. |