Necromancy spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life. Creating the undead through the use of necromancy spells such as animate dead is not a good act, and only evil casters use such spells frequently.
Necromancy Spells by Name[edit]
- Abhorrent Colossus
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Accursed Strike
- Acererak's Enfeeblement
- Aging Bolt
- Aging Hands
- Agonizing Smite
- Agony Warp
- Amplify Damage
- Anesthesia
- Animal Resurrection
- Animate Army
- Animate Dead Legion
- Animate Energy
- Animate Shadow
- Animate Skeleton
- Animate Stal
- Animate Undead Worker
- Anpumose's Amazing Arid Assault
- Apocryphic Zone
- Armor of Flesh
- Army of the Dead
- Ashallian's Tower
- Ashlyn's Armor of Rot
- Asura-Kannon
- Aura of Blood Transfusion
- Awaken Undead
- Banshee Wail
- Bind Skeletal Familiar
- Black Arrow
- Black Flame
- Black Flame Empowerment
- Black Storm
- Blackfire
- Bleeding Ricochet
- Bleeding Strike
- Bleeding Wounds
- Blinding Necrostrike
- Blood Bind
- Blood Blade, Variant
- Blood Blade
- Blood Boil
- Blood Boiling
- Blood Bolts
- Blood Casting
- Blood Exchange
- Blood Feast of the Vampire Lord
- Blood Lance
- Blood Lust
- Blood Manipulation
- Blood Minion
- Blood Orb
- Blood Punch
- Blood Rain
- Blood Revenant
- Blood Tentacles
- Blood Transfer
- Bloodbridge, Variant
- Bloodbridge
- Bloodletting
- Bloodsurge
- Bloodtap
- Bloody Sacrifice
- Bloody Shell
- Bodysnatch
- Boil Blood
- Bond with Reality
- Bonded by Blood
- Bone Cleaves Steel
- Bone Pile
- Bone Shield
- Bone Trap
- Bonesword
- Bound Dead
- Brand of Undeath
- Capture Soul
- Carrion Beetles
- Cause Fear
- Cell Decomposition
- Chain Pain
- Chain of Corruption
- Charnel Claw
- Coagulate
- Collective Unconscious
- Conjure Wraith
- Conspiracy Theory
- Consume Essence
- Consume the Fallen
- Consumptive Malice
- Consumptive Touch
- Contained Horrors
- Control Undead
- Corpse Explosion
- Create Demise Armor
- Create Elemental Undead
- Create Ghost
- Create Greater Undead, Variant
- Create Greater Undead
- Create Guardian
- Create Horror Knight
- Create Soul Gem
- Crimson Enhancement
- Crimson Skin
- Crippling Darkness
- Crippling Pain
- Critical Blood Transfusion
- Critterkill
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Curse
- Curse Water
- Curse Weapon
- Curse of the Diminished Soul
- Cursed Tablet
- Dalamar's Antilife Dome
- Dalamar's Chasm Chains
- Danse Macabre
- Dareun's Overexertion
- Dark Bead
- Dark Chant
- Dark Dive
- Dark Exchange
- Dark Orb
- Dark Transformation
- Dark Transport
- Dark World
- Dawndragon's Vitality Steal
- Dead Again
- Death's Garrote
- Death's Scythe
- Death's Touch
- Death Armor
- Death Blade, Variant
- Death Blade
- Death Blossom
- Death Bolt
- Death Cloud
- Death Coil
- Death Grip
- Death March
- Death Touch
- Deathly Servant
- Deathtouch
- Deathwatch
- Death’s Caress
- Death’s March
- Decaying Ground
- Decaying Necrostrike
- Decompose
- Defibrillate
- Demonic Visage
- Denaliah's Dark Chains
- Desecrate Strike
- Desecrate Weapon
- Desecration
- Desolation Aura
- Doom
- Draconic Skeleton
- Drain
- Drain Smite
- Drain Warmth
- Draw Blood
- Duplicate Self
- Echoes of Agony
- Eldritch Revival
- Elixir of Life
- Empowering Sacrifice
- Energy Drain, Variant
- Energy Drain
- Enervation, Variant
- Enforcing Touch
- Enlighten Undead
- Essence Siphon
- Essence Theft
- Eversion
- Eviscerate
- Explosion of Death
- Faithful Dead
- Fallen Marionette
- False Death
- Feast of Ashes
- Feign Death
- Fia's Mist
- Fingers of the Necromancer
- Fire Covenant
- Flame of Life
- Flay
- Fleeing Spirits
- Flesh Clone
- Flesh Fails
- Fleshcraft
- Flowing Undead Wrath
- Font of Anguish
- Forest of Bone and Sinew
- Freezing Clutch
- Frigid Darkness
- Frostburn
- Genetic Reshuffle
- Ghost Puppet Creation
- Ghostly Hands
- Ghoul Touch
- Good Lich
- Grasping Souls
- Grater Restoration
- Greater Animate Dead
- Greater Animate Skeleton
- Greater Blood Orb
- Greater Gentle Repose
- Greater Harmfield
- Greater Necrostrike
- Greg's Gruesome Gibber
- Grip of Death
- Gruff's Radical Rebirth
- Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Greater Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Lesser Mojo Transfer
- Grum's Stinky Steed
- Guise over Necrosis
- Hand of the Dead
- Hand of the Undead
- Harmfield
- Heart Strike
- Heartstop
- Hell’s Gaze
- Hollow Resurrection
- Horrific Vicissitude
- Hunger/Thirst
- Imbuing Ritual
- Impermanence of Being
- Inflict Exhaustion
- Inflict Greater Wounds
- Inflict Minor Wounds
- Inflict Positive Energy
- Inspire Survival Instinct
- Jolt Cadaver
- Jumpstart
- Last Stand
- Laughing Skull
- Lesser Animate Dead
- Lesser Blood Orb
- Life Boost
- Life Drain
- Life Fades
- Life Sap
- Life Tether
- Life Transfer
- Life Transference
- Light Blood Transfusion
- Lingering Poison
- Litany of Proper Death
- Longtime Hivemind
- Malignant Blast
- Man's Best Fiend
- Mana Siphon
- Mass Blood Transfusion
- Mass Death Ward
- Mass Flesh Fails
- Mass Harm
- Mass Inflict Wounds
- Mass Life Fades
- Mass Power Word Kill
- Miasma of Death, Variant
- Miasma of Death
- Mind Kill
- Mind Trauma
- Minor Animate
- Minor Blood Infusion
- Minor Blood Orb
- Momentary Relapse
- Mourning Mist
- Mummify
- Murder of Moths
- Nathaniel's Undead Army
- Nauseate
- Necro Blast
- Necromancer's Enervation
- Necromancer's Flames
- Necromancer's Mask
- Necromantic Summons
- Necropolis
- Necrosh
- Necrostrike
- Necrotic Breath
- Necrotic Overlay, Variant
- Necrotic Overlay
- Necrotic Reconstruction
- Necrotic Sickles
- Negative Energy Flood
- Nightwalk
- Noro's Puppet Master
- Noro's Siphon Scythe
- Obfuscation
- Obliterate Soul
- Organic Graft
- Ouroboros's Mark
- Palpitate
- Parasitic Link
- Peel Back Scars
- Phantasmal Ship
- Phoenix's Rebirth
- Poe Reprise
- Post-Mortem Servitude
- Power Word Bleed
- Power Word Break
- Psyche Drain
- OGC:Putrefy Food
- Putrid Gale
- Raact'thuul's armor of the dead
- Raise Ally
- Raise Flesh
- Raise Ghoul
- Raise Mount
- Raise Undead
- Raise Undead Army
- Ray of Sickness
- Realistic Defibrillate
- Reaping Gaze
- Recovery Blade
- Redemption
- Reincarnate Skeleton
- Remove Breath
- Renewal
- Restore/Bind Soul
- Resurrect Skeleton
- Resurrection From Beyond
- Revitalize
- Rewind Death
- Rigor Mortis
- Risen Life Service
- Roll the Bones
- Sacred Hunting
- Sacrificial Summon
- Sanguine Mantle
- Sanguine Tide
- Sapping Slash
- Sapping Smite
- Sapping Sting
- Scarecrow
- Sculpt Corpse
- Second Self
- Self-Sufficient Dead
- Seppuku
- Shadow's Hunger
- Shadow Bolt
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Moil
- Shadow Pulse
- Shadow of Moil
- Shadowblade
- Shadowstrike
- Shadowy Servants
- Shapechange Redesigned Variant Rule)
- Shell Bomb
- Shrieking Skull
- Siphoning Conduit
- Skeletal Warhorse
- Skull Goblet
- Soaking Hands
- Song of the Awakened Dead
- Sorcerous Possession
- Soul-Stealing Fist
- Soul Bind
- Soul Blade
- Soul Bomb
- Soul Cage
- Soul Drain
- Soul Gathering
- Soul Inferno
- Soul Puppet, Variant
- Soul Release
- Soul Restoration
- Soul Shallow
- Soul Slice
- Soul Strike
- Soul Sunder
- Soul Tap
- Soul Tear
- Soul Tide
- Soul Transfer
- Soulfire Strike
- Souls Embrace
- Sovanna's Animate Tiny Dead
- Speak With Skull
- Spear of Rot
- Spectral Scythe
- Spirit Maelstrom
- Spirit Meddling
- Spirit Shroud
- Spirit of Death
- Starvation
- Stave the Blood
- Steelcurse
- Strangulate
- Substitution
- Summon Undead
- Summon Wight
- Super Brain Hemorrhage
- Suppress Death
- Supremacy
- Sustain
- Swansong
- Tear
- Tears of Freyja
- Tendrils of the Scarlet Mist
- Tether Essence
- The Emptiness of the Beginning
- The Fog of the Dead
- Thirsting Blade
- Tides of Blood
- Time Ravage
- Toll the Dead
- Touch of Unlife
- Toxic Fumes
- Traitorous Blood
- Transfer Pain
- Tribute to the Dark Ones
- True Annihilation
- Undead Artisans
- Undead Dragon
- Undead Manual Work Force
- Undead Minion
- Undead Non-Living Bomb
- Undeath to Death
- Unholy Flame, Variant
- Unholy Touch
- Unleashed Shadows
- Unnerve
- Uprooted Sacrifice
- Vampiric Aura
- Vampiric Blade
- Vampiric Cloak
- Vankodek's Bloody Stitches
- Vecna's Reanimation
- Venomous Sting
- Vicious Rant
- Viktor's Brand Of Undeath
- Viktor's Dark Transport
- Viktor's Soul Extraction
- Viktor's Soul Link
- Viktor's Soul Rend
- Viktor's Soul Splinter
- Viktor's Withering Ray
- Violent Vandalism
- Virion's Viscous Diarrhea
- Virulent Necrostrike
- Virulent Plague
- Vital Blast
- Wail of the Banshee
- Walk of the Dead
- Wall of Decay
- Wall of Souls
- Water Sucker
- Waves of Exhaustion
- Whisper of Despair
- Wither
- Wither and Bloom
- Withering/Burning
- Withering Destruction
- Withering Ray
- Wrath
- Wyrd Reconstruction
- Xan's Endless Agony
- Zeno's Death Summon
- Zeno's Grim Reaping
- Zombie Infection
Necromancy Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
Necromancy Rituals[edit]
Incomplete Necromancy Spells[edit]
SRD Necromancy Spells by Name[edit]
SRD Necromancy Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
SRD Necromancy Rituals[edit]