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Aasimar, Variant (5e Race) |
This seems to just be a strictly better Aasimar. It has a glut already of base traits, and then the subrace recharges are also worded incorrectly. You have very strong traits also like additional HP per level, as well as how harvesting scythe and the necro mantle clearly being intended to play off one another with a lot of synergy.
Abomination of Mother Nature, Variant (5e Race) |
The race gains access to too many powerful traits, the natural armor/Enhanced Senses/flight/burrower/ect. is quite powerful in conjunction with the other traits, and Adaptive Assimilation is simply overpowered/not well designed due to the vast differences in the power level of some races' traits.
Abomination of Mother Nature (5e Race) |
On a second glance, the traits given as choices are problematic. Off the bat, you have natural armor adding whatever "toughness" is to your AC. This also scales to encompass not only unarmored defense, but also a goliath's defense gimmick. How some of these just give add-ons at levels over 5 is a bit weird, since some of the traits give basic, 1st-level racial traits at 10th level. However, this is compounded then by the addition of traits at 10th level. Remember that, in official content, there are no traits gained beyond 5th level, save for dice increases of something like dragonborn breath. This race's progression most closely mirrors something like simic hybrid, but then also outclasses it completely in scaling. There are also additional effects like "captivate" which doesn't seem to be charm, and yet the latter part of the trait mentions charm? Digger runs into the usual issue of a character gaining automatic full cover just by burrowing down. The wild disposition granting those unarmed strikes with increased die steps onto monk's toes and the tail is fairly strong as is, not even requiring necessarily an action to make the attack. This also gets piled on since you get multiattack out the gate if you combo the traits. Brain alteration uses meters, which isn't a unit used in DnD. Pounce has an arbitrary save. Many traits use the incorrect language of "per long rest" (bioelectric, blinding spittle, etc.). The stinging tail doesn't say what is needed for the extraction process check to succeed. Bloodthirsty savagery has the HUGE issue that even classes run into because it encourages the "hamsters in a bag" cheat in order to rack up unlimited extra advantage and damage. Frills doesn't specify what "terrified" is, and it's not a condition in 5e, either. Overall, this race needs a lot of work to make it scaled closer to first party content so it can be used at more tables.
Adapted Human (5e Race) |
Right now, this race have around 12 points in musicus meter, with subclasses taking it as high as 14, so more than double the average(considering average being 6) of PHB races, not mentionig immunity to two whole conditions. This needs some serious fine-tuning. I recommend reading [| guidline] for designing races before balancing it
Aeternus Ascendant |
I believe this was supposed to be a 5th edition race, so I have formatted it as such. However, it is not well balanced at all, with outrageous resistances and immunities, and basically can't be killed in regular combat. Most of these features should be moved to feats or even better a racial class where they can use up a resource to function. There's also all the usual terminology problems ("per long rest") etc.
Aetheri (5e Race) |
This race gets +1 AC AND a ridiculously high AC calculation rivaling that of a class feature (conveniently factoring their two ASI stats). This thing also gets a non-recharge-necessary attack at 3rd level that also ages targets and gets a high bonus to perception checks. The complete order and perfect attacks are also inexcusable for 5e race design and overall balance in general, breaking bounded accuracy and adding traits beyond 5th level.
Aetherwing (5e Race) |
This race grants you up to 5th level spellcasting. That is higher than any official race's spellcasting boundary, and it is very powerful coupled with the other traits.
Alaghi (5e Race) |
The -2 ASI is not an encouraged addition to 5e races since it discourages certain classes. The size for this race is also listed as Medium, despite being 10 feet tall. Earth tremor is a 1st-level spell and races in first party wouldn't get so many uses out it from the get go with no spell slots, and per short rest for sure not. It would be bound by pb use or short/long rest (see firbolg, eg). Same for frost fingers.
Alkilith, Variant (5e Race) |
Animated Statue (5e Race) |
Not balanced, see talk page
Ankou Wraith (5e Race) |
See talk page
Anomalous Human (5e Race) |
The description strikes me as human variant, first and foremost. The traits afforded in the subraces are also somewhat imbalanced. See talk page
Astral Tideborn (5e Race) |
The starlit rebound trait uses an arbitrary DC and has no limit on use despite its very powerful effects. Stoneborn still grants resistance to bludgeoning. And this race still has a lot of traits that make it far stronger starting when compared to first-party content.
Astromech (5e Race) |
This race has poorly worded traits. The proper syntax for things like even ASI are absent. You get a flat 30ft flying and a weird electric arm that doesn't actually explain how it works (is this an action attack or something??). Locked in is also a very vague ability given that it is a very specific environment interaction and doesn't actually use any mechanics.
Axolot (5e Race) |
Water dependency is worded strangely. It needs to be more general like that of grung. Regeneration is a big no-no, and no limit on usage. Resilience doesn't quite understand how diseases aren't able to be rounded all the time. Xolotl's gift is virtually unusable because of how its effects are worded and incorrectly not connected to what happens when you use it. Also, the spelling and grammar is a big no.
Baby Tarrasque (5e Race) |
This race appears to be deliberately overpowered, with traits like blindsight, regeneration, advantage on all saves against all magic effects, and more.
Beeforged, Variant (5e Race) |
Far too many traits which do far too many things
Beholden (5e Race) |
The Eye rays grants you five cantrips of Dm's choice, which is kind strange. If these are weakened beholders and you wanted balance, it might be better to just cut down on the free cantrips and then allow player choice. Also, higher ability scores shouldn't grant an additional benefit to this trait. Also, see how Beholderborn (5e Race) handles the eyebeam
Beholder Spawn (5e Race) |
Disintegration ray is very strong at lower levels compared to something like magic missile, and it has no limits of use.
Bloodhunter (5e Race) |
Further making this class like are how the traits sound a bit like a class features rather than say anything about the race. You have some of them scaling way over 5th level. The wording for recharge of use is also incorrect. Consult official 5e wording for recharging with rest.
Bombay Cat-Shifters (5e Race) |
There's no information what a Bombay cat is, what stats this is, etc. Is this literally just a cosmetic change adding an extra attack? Shift should have a time limit and limited uses, as the unarmed strike is much stronger than standard natural weapons. Are bombay cats Medium sized?
Book Monster (5e Race) |
Because of the wording, some of the traits do not have clear mechanical uses. Transform does not define what a monster form is and nowhere on the page is this information found. The tentacle attack is also higher than the damage for a greatsword, and grants an arbitrary bonus to climb checks. The bite attack range is incorrect and should be structured more like lizardfolk's bite, probably.
Born Bladesman (5e Race) |
This race is narrowly focused on weapons. Half-Orc would be a good comparison. Does Power Lounge's bonus action clause mean you make an attack with a weapon? If yes, it needs to reworked to happen only once before resting, and should probably not have any bonuses whatsoever, and even a drawback. If the damage is supposed to be done by you landing on a creature, then that needs to be clarified. Born to fight has too much going on and should be 2 traits. The section about opportunity attacks is totally bizarre and seems like it belongs a on cursed magic item instead of a racial trait. Endless Whistle's stipulation of CR 1/8 is borderline irrelevant and accounts for basically everything in the game; Ponies and mastiffs have a CR 1/8. Communication with language essentially requires attunement?
Bub-chi (5e Race) |
The whole crystal skeleton sounds odd... so you can never have yourself maimed or amputated by a normal blade, and you also have adv on con saves against "physical" damage? Does that also include magical b-p-s? Some of the feats are a little off-kilter, like being able to possibly find rare gems, +3 AC, etc. The feats are also available only at 1st-level, and you can only have one. However, there are mentions of the feats combining. This should be clarified if these feats can be taken as normal feats after 1st level as well.
Changeling, 4th Variant (5e Race) |
Shapechanger Humanoid does not explain how creature traits can be used.
Changeling (variant 1.0) |
This is just better than any changeling out there with its lack of shapechanging restrictions and it can even mimic things like flying and alter its body shape.
Chimera Ant (5e Race) |
So this thing is tiny to Large? Races don't just range in size like that, especially when these sizes have mechanical effects. Many traits are also pretty whack. You have traits giving flat expertise, and flat damage traits going over cantrip damage levels. There's also very high movement speeds, whatever "aura points" are, corpse possession(??), +3 AC, and even the power to gain pawn ants to completely break the system with numbers. This is in no way balanced and should be reimagined from a first-party race perspective. Subraces are not balanced with each other. See 5e Race Design Guide.
Chrisanthor (5e Race) |
This race currently has far more than 10 traits. Several traits are contrary to standard 1st-party race design or are overpowered. Having potential vulnerabilities doesn't mean other traits can be broken. See 5e Race Design Guide.
Colossari (5e Race) |
Gargantuan sized players are an immense pain for DMs to build around due to crazy size limitations and map adjustments. This thing also has a ridiculous ASI, as well as free 4d10 force damage unarmed strike attacks AND passive, perma-resistance to normal weapon damage. It really does not seem built for a PC at all, but rather some endgame mecha thing.
Cookiefolk (5e Race) |
This race is a bit weird in balance because the Tiny size implications will never not be problematic. Going from the base race, you have a very powerful trait of life powder, which boosts your HP potential by a lot. Mad Dash doesn't have an action to use it. The glutton trait is weird because I feel it was meant to increase the effects of potions, which is also very powerful. Meals also don't get rid of exhaustion. You need nutrition AND proper rest for that. The idea of Sogginess as a new condition feels like it needs a lot more elaboration. Since this is a race for a specific supplement, it would be good to have it as a variant rule for that campaign setting. But we already have two rather powerful traits in the base.
Onto the Subraces. The flat bonuses and doubling or halving damage feels way too class-like and are also very powerful. Ovenbreaker even mentions a "high advantage" (whatever that is) and more than one subrace gives you a free pet. There's also some very overpowered traits (possession is never an answer, curse of the dark cookie is literally a warlock feature slapped here, eg).
If this is intended for a certain level of play in the setting, I would recommend changing this page to be a (Cookie Run Supplement) so people don't think it's for a generic table.
Coyotefolk (5e Race) |
Not a super crazy race, but some of the power is a bit wonky. So this has 4 ASI when put altogether with base and subrace. That's on top of the 35 walking speed. If it were that and just the base traits, this would still be okay, not too versatile that it goes over even a half-elf. The things that push the envelope is something like pack tactics. Kobold was an official race with pack tactics... but they also had sunlight sensitivity. Also, this trait was removed in the updated version of kobold in MPMM. By itself, it wouldn't be too much a problem, but coupled with the abovementioned extant bonuses, then it gets a bit much. Cutting down on a score might even it out and make room for a flavorful ribbon trait, even. Opportunistic strike is similarly powered, but more allowing for attacks per round than advantage. Attuned to trickery gives blanket advantage on deception checks, which is a no-no. You want to avoid that and try to use situational advantage, generally. The second half about rolling against being charmed is interesting, but the wording on rest recharges is incorrect.
Ctalln (5e Race) |
5 ASI. 45 base walking speed blows 1sst party races out of the water. Having fewer traits doesn't mean the others should be overpowered to compensate. See 5e Race Design Guide.
Cursed Life (5e Race) |
This race has such a strong interaction with the hit die economy that it seems to belong to a variant rule. You are immune to poison, but take poison damage from some healing effects. Has 12 traits.
Deadlightkin (5e Race) |
The feed on fear trait sort of necessitates the unbalanced Nightmare trait, I think, which has an unlimited use of frightening a creature in range on success. Granted, the target gains immunity on a successful save, but it still does make for frightening spam attempts.
Dejah (5e Race) |
Allowing these guys to wield multiple shields and two-handed weapons on top of large size and +4 ASI is, build-wise, stronger than the marilith
Demogor (5e Race) |
Diclonius (5e Race) |
The amount of vectors possible at level 20 is kind of ridiculous and the damage for each one deals damage above that of a monk's unarmed strike from 1st level. The amount of times these things can apparently attack with a single attack action is also crazy as a result.
Dirt (5e Race) |
The ASI for this thing is insane. There are also ridiculous traits (too many for me to list on a glance) including but not limited to 60 base movement speed, resistance to blud/pierce/slash, unlimited boosted healing... etc.
Dracon (5e Race) |
The subraces are very oddly and clearly not balance against one another. Near dracon combines some of the best traits in the other subraces, thereby blowing them out of the water in versatility.
Dragon, 2nd Variant (5e Race) |
1d8 natural attacks, large size, etc.
Drakeborn (5e Race) |
The ashen scales attempt of balancing immunity with a "weakness" is false balance. Boil over has an abnormal recharge compared to the usual rests or Xpb before needing a rest to use again. Resistance to bludgeoning for a race out the gate is not okay. The seismic slam is another weird attempt at false balancing by literally knocking you out for a turn, and not needing a recharge.
Dryad Variant (5e Race) |
While none of the traits alone are too crazy, there are too many that they overpower the race. The base race as it is has spellcasting, unarmored defense, and damage resistance, as well as immunity to being charmed and poisoned. Subraces add onto the spell capability. The immunity to certain conditions, especially charm, is VERY powerful in particular.
Ectonurite (5e Race) |
Fly speed of 50 feet is aarakocra levels of flight, and this has a weird sight range? Intangibility could also benefit from better mechanical wording in how it works, what materials it works on, etc. Possession is the biggest no-no here, allowing a PC to potentially gain control of a very powerful NPC. The save calc is also wrong. Protective Skin alone warrants a centerpiece trait.
Eldricos (5e Race) |
This race is kind of ridiculous with its traits. 2 condition immunities (no idea what "bewitched" is), 2 damage resistances, a subrace granting flight and a suspicious amount of ranged weapon buffs, and the other subrace with melee and movement buffs. The base race alone is quite strong since you have versatile resistance choice and immunities, so this is overdone. Some of the wording is also vague and needs to be more strictly adherent to official terminology and mechanics ("reaction to move away from this attack or effect, potentially causing it to miss" is not how AC or saving throws would work, eg.)
Elven Ascendant (5e Race) |
Too many overpowered features.
Enderian (5e Race) |
Silk touch does not have any limits, thus allowing you to potentially pick up an obscene amount of nonmagical things without needing a check??
Fallen Human (5e Race) |
Different soul weapons are NOT balanced between eachother at all, let alone balanced on their own.
Farborn (5e Race) |
Aberrant lineage does not properly detail how having this creature type affects mechanics (negation of spells that target only humanoids, etc). This race sounds like two creatures. Do you get two creatures to play as, or is this merely flavor. It sounds like a variant or setting rule than something for a generically usable race, same for the effect of when they kill each other. "Per X rest" wording needs to be properly written out ("you regain all uses of x after finishing a long rest...", eg).Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help and consider checking out some of the comparable Featured Articles.
Felis (5e Race) |
Night fury mentions a "pounce attack" but that isn't a RAW thing in 5e. Is it supposed to be like lizardfolk hungry jaws? Intense learner and herbalism also use arbitrary rolls, and intense learner is particularly vaguely worded and able to be abused as a result.
Fire Soul (5e Race) |
Racial traits, save for dice increases like dragonborn breath, do not generally increase over 5th level.
Flame Atronach (5e Race) |
Fireball is a 3rd-level spell so it is very broken to have that from level 1. It's also redundant since flame spells also gives fireball. Spells that can be cast at different levels must have a specified level when cast through a trait. See tiefling's Infernal Legacy for help.
Fragment (5e Race) |
+5 ASI
Furry, Variant (5e Race) |
Too much that's too powerful. 40 feet movement and climbing speed, 12 + 2 modifiers AC. Immunity to cold. SDarkvision. Changing from 2 to 4 legs and vice-versa doesn't take an action/bonus action or isn't a 'recharge' trait. 1d8 natural weapons.
Gelatine (5e Race) |
The grand gelatine sub grants free resistance to bludgeoning damage, which no race really should have.
Ghani (5e Race) |
Several traits are not worded with mechanical stringency, leaving them vague and abusable or absolutely useless. 4 languages for a single race?
Ghoul, 2nd Variant (5e Race) |
Kagune were turned into a class for Ghoul, Variant (5e Race) for this exact reason, they're far too strong to just be something everyone gets automatically, especially when adapted like this. Additionally, Kakuja is a complete mess.
Gifted Human (5e Race) |
A race with what seems to be a whole subclass built in. Obvious issue there.
Glitch (5e Race) |
In no way is insert code balanced. The ability to possess other creatures is crazy strong without anything else. Add that with ethereal sight and the stupidly high ASI and you have a perfectly broken race. Refer to how official or featured races are written. This needs a significant nerf and tone-down.
Glitched (5e Race) |
So glitchling trait alone gives you a flat +3AC and there is no actual mechanical wording for how it triggers and it also has no duration so you get this very strong, legendary-level buff permanently. Other traits suffer similar issues with lack of proper wording and mechanics.
GoTverse Wererabbit (5e Race) |
What are the three forms? Do they have different stat blocks/abilities/features/benefits? These need to be written out. And "+1 to Perception bonus" doesn't make much sense. Do you mean proficiency?
Great Spirit (5e Race) |
Spirit sanctuary is clearly not finished. As it is now, this race can basically cast unlimited, instant, impossible to dispel Leomund's Tiny Hut. This cannot be, if one can even make that assumption - as nothing important about this extradimensional space is written, like ways to enter it, leave, if you can just kidnap someone into it against that creature's will etc.
Gustatory Cookiefolk (5e Race) |
This race is a bit weird in balance because the Tiny size implications will never not be problematic. Going from the base race, you have a very powerful trait of life powder, which boosts your HP potential by a lot. Mad Dash doesn't have an action to use it. The glutton trait is weird because I feel it was meant to increase the effects of potions, which is also very powerful. Meals also don't get rid of exhaustion. You need nutrition AND proper rest for that. The idea of Sogginess as a new condition feels like it needs a lot more elaboration. Since this is a race for a specific supplement, it would be good to have it as a variant rule for that campaign setting. But we already have two rather powerful traits in the base.
Onto the Subraces. The flat bonuses and doubling or halving damage feels way too class-like and are also very powerful. Ovenbreaker even mentions a "high advantage" (whatever that is) and more than one subrace gives you a free pet. There's also some very overpowered traits (possession is never an answer, curse of the dark cookie is literally a warlock feature slapped here, eg).
If this is intended for a certain level of play in the setting, I would recommend changing this page to be a (Cookie Run Supplement) so people don't think it's for a generic table.
Half-Giant, Variant-A (5e Race) |
This isn't horribly overdone with traits, but some spots do need work. With +4 base ASI, and 35 ft move, this also does get a sort of lot of traits. The base race alone would make up a race budget. The fire giant heritage's fiery touch attacks do not have a duration of how long the weapon is on fire for. Stone catcher also doesn't make much sense (I assume this was ripped from monk) as it is a class feature turned into a trait, but it also uses your action for some reason when you're the one being attacked?
Half-Oni, Variant (5e Race) |
The ability to gain many spells past that of 5th level is ridiculously overpowered. This also seems like it's supposed to be part of a compact class-race, from the mention of the ki points, than a standalone.
Half-Phantom (5e Race) |
Resistant or immune to almost all damage types and conditions. Ludicrous.
Half-Phoenix (5e Race) |
A +4 ASI combined with enhanced darkvision and racial spellcasting is already perhaps too strong, the flying speed is far too much, and the rebirth trait is problematic at best (5e does not use level drain). A design disclaimer is no excuse for imbalanced content.
Half-Siren (5e Race) |
This race grants too many features, has powerful subraces, and grants several high-power spells which can be cast AT WILL at first level. Also, the bite attack is highly powerful. This race seems more like a mid-CR monster and is in desperate need of balancing.
Hatling (5e Race) |
Very much a race that is more monster than anything a player should have, particularly with its ability to possess other creatures. The amount of additional options makes this sound more class-like than race, with the different options to even build your own puppet body (and out of mythical metals like ADAMANTINE???). Some of the benefits provided like HP adjustment are very very suspect weighed against first party. Also, the language and the flat bonuses and whatnot make for some very overpowered things.
Hippocampus (5e Race) |
The homeworld flying speed seems a bit strange since little information is given on it and so that speed is almost negligible as it is setting-specific. The hover speed also needs to be more stringently defined, as I am assuming it is what their "walking" speed is based off of despite the lack of legs.
Hive Mind (5e Race) |
The possession ability is worded very strangely and allows for abuse. It mentions races... and then mentions CR. If this thing allows you to take the form of monsters, that is in no way balanced.
Humlebi (5e Race) |
As written, this far outclasses an official flying race like the aarakocra or owlin. In addition to 4o feet of flight, you have a trait from 1st level that can augment your ability scores. This is a very grey area of 5e since that means changing a lot of connected effects and skills, which is why even items that do this are very rare. Extra limbs here as written is even stronger than that of the Marilith (5e Race), which is a very strong, multilimbed race as it is. The stinger also seems to automatically cause the poisoned condition, which is in no way balanced
Hybrid (5e Race) |
This runs into the issue as any of the make-your-own homebrew half races... And it allows you to cherry pick the best traits from two potentially very strong races (like yuan-ti and halfling, eg)
Isekai Slime (5e Race) |
Off the bat, the ASI is pretty funky, but not crazy. However, you then have a Small race with 40 base movement speed. Aside from that, this has the VERY infamously gamebreaking mechanic of enemy absorption. And this is before the free healing from damage (that's definitely a no) and the progression as far as level 10, even. Overall, nowhere near balanced to play against first party material. Base walking speed is higher than wood elves. Ability damage from a racial trait?
Jättedēop (5e Race) |
Large size, S. Darkvision, giant's stride all add up as it is. Throw in something completely broken like arcane ignorance and you don't even need to always succeed your saves against spells. It's just damage halved for you. So, this is much stronger than first party content.
Kandra (5e Race) |
This thing is immune to crit damage? Is that right? And it has " Resistance to non-magical physical damage, and any such damage is considered non-lethal to you"?? That is in no way balanced. The additions of vulnerabilities are poor attempts at false balance. There's other problematic traits like flat double proficiency in a skill (expertise), condition immunities beyond poison, etc. This thing sounds more like a monster with so many traits.
Kirby's Friend (5e Race) |
Bomb kirby seems to make unlimited bombs. These bombs also round count (an arbitrary 2).
Kitsune, 6th Variant (5e Race) |
Where is the mechanic for changing into a fox written?
Kitsune, 8th Variant (5e Race) |
Free feat, cantrips, free at-wills of even a 2nd level spell once you reach 3rd, along with a high walking speed. Fox also doesn't have a proper linked stat block, and the ASI decrease in strength is pretty much just min-maxing for a non-strength build (this screams spellcaster so strength is negligible).
Living Doll, Variant (5e Race) |
The need to absorb spells as crystal hearth body type seems very strange and doesn't really detail the actual downside if you do not absorb these spells to keep you running. Overall, the trait is also strangely worded and the need for levels at early levels is very difficult if you only run into cantrips or only cost your allies spell slots. This sort of trait would also justify being a primary gimmick for a race alone, and would be a lot coupled with a soul type. Traits like repairable really need a re/action to trigger. Overall, the combos between soul and body types feel a bit much given how strong or advantageous some of the sub traits are on their own.
Living Hats (5e Race) |
This race gets free healing from the mending cantrip without any consideration of spell levels (which is how the anarmor race is more balanced with giving a cantrip healing ability). Tricksters teleport allows for unlimited teleportation, and the AC calculation for Tough has a base of 11 along with two common good ability scores, making it potentially rival or surpassing unarmored defenses features in a class, like monk.
Living Spellbook (5e Race) |
What is the action needed to use many of the paper shape traits? How much paper do you need to eat to regenerate? How well can you reshape your body (you're not clay or paper mache, you're a dry book...)? The traits would benefit from more mechanical rigor in definition.
Luma (5e Race) |
Racial traits generally do not improve beyond 5th level save for damage dice (dragon breath, eg.). Also, since these are star guys, should they not have limits on what they can wear due to their body shape? Their size category is also listed as just small, but they can apparently be tiny also (which comes with its own potential bag of worms).
Maggotborn (5e Race) |
Metaphasis. Blight. additional healing during short rests and free damage when injured. Traits should provide small benefits.
Manakete, Variant (5e Race) |
Being able to turn into a dragon, albeit a young one, is very strong until at the very least level 10.
Marshmellon (5e Race) |
An April Fools page is not a reasoning for something to be unbalanced. Up to +8 ASI, you can change your subrace during play. Is Golden Brown meant to entail, 3 times ever? It should instead try to modifier and balances around being able to be used at least once a day instead of 3 times in total.
Masked Puppet (5e Race) |
There are arbitrary DCs in this race, as well as flat bonuses to skills. Additionally, how does mask swapping work? The fact this race has essentially 4 subraces by the time they are level 20 to swap around is overpowered in besting pretty much any other race in versatility. It sounds more like a class gimmick, given how much a mask gives in comparison with something like the official eladrin.
Matsugaia (5e Race) |
Appears to grant a +12 ASI; fails to comprehend principles of race design.
Merslug (5e Race) |
The speed is balanced poorly for a typical campaign that would feature any land travel. It also has a strangely written Fey Fish trait that would benefit from standardizing with loacathah or grung. Fast Swimmer is kind of weird, since it might make more sense to be based on tabaxi's trait. Poisonous trait gives a scaling natural weapon that can be used as a BA, which is stronger than any natural weapon in official. The Large size interaction with half and half is also really weird and confusion since you apparently count as medium size. Overall, the traits would benefit from better structure and wording to cohere with official content.
Moth'Drin (5e Race) |
What is "mech armor" that impedes your flight? Also, this race just keeps gaining entire resistances to damage types? Yeah, no. And the subs have arbitrary saves, regeneration stronger than most axolotl-based homebrews, and also a large amount of excessive level scaling.
Mothlin (5e Race) |
Sense of smell has a mechanical benefit with the advantage on smell, so that part is fine. But the emotion part is poorly defined. What do you roll? What counts as "strong emotions?
Nature's Blessing (5e Race) |
The Change Form trait is far too open to interpretation, and could range from useless to gamebreaking. The Life Essence Bond trait is utterly absent of explanation.
Night Hag's Daughter (5e Race) |
+4 ASI (race and sub), 120 darkvision, okay... and then 3 traits from a "father" race... Even with the current constraints written, the options available would be far too versatile and easy to abuse!! These three traits could all be major traits from other races, thus throwing the budget out the window for this race. As if that wasn't enough, you also get two damage resistances. This alone makes the base race overpowered, even without looking at the subs. But, onto the subs, planar travel from the get-go is REALLY wonky. The Plane of Dreams is also not well defined nor linked to what this environment even is. It really should be more defined within this race's page, and would benefit from granting something more akin to a spell, like a non-damaging vicious mockery maybe. Dream eater is another poorly defined thing, with arbitrary DC and no telling what a "dream ball" is or what it does. Dream scriber has similar issues with the AC. Nightwalker is far superior to even the inactive state of sleep that warforges have, since you basically have eyes all within a freaking mile of yourself.
Nopon (5e Race) |
Their breath "weapon" is written incorrectly with a very strange scaling and usage parameter. It should mirror the dragonborn's in dice and usage.
Nue (5e Race) |
The natural weapons of 1d8 break monk's unarmed strike damage. The poison attack is also way too strong.
Palademon (5e Race) |
The two forms have a 7th level boost, which is beyond the usual 5th level limit. They also give a flat bonus which is more 4e and discouraged in 5e. The occult variant doesn't work on account of having force resistance of all things, and a very setting-conditional trait to communicate with deities. The race also isn't fully well-conceptualized on account of how celestials and fiends work in DnD. And it also has alignment restrictions, which are ill-advised for 5e.
Pangilofolk (5e Race) |
While not super overly powered, the race has a high AC base trait, higher than 13 base, which is about the highest in official content. At this point, it should be given tortle's AC, which does not take dexterity into account. It also gets superior darkvision and burrowing speed to be used at will, so you can gain cover almost automatically in the right terrain. This combined with the other traits make the race feel a bit over first party content in some ways.
Perfect Homunculus v2 (5e Race) |
Seems more like a creature NPC then a playable race.
Phantom-kind (5e Race) |
Ghostly form doesn't seem to fit the design space for 1st-party race-based spellcasting. Needlessly better than standard darkvision.
Polypus Sapiens (5e Race) |
This race gives unconditional resistance to standard damage types (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning). Pure damage (if this is an alterative rule if needs to be linked). Natural dart weapon scales hard. Flat bonus to all checks. See 5e Race Design Guide.
Porcelain Doll (5e Race) |
Vitrified skin is in no way balanced. It's resistance against nonmagical bps
Primarch (5e Race) |
Where do I even begin. This race has +2 to everything, which is a direct upgrade to the already pretty good Human. Flat AC bonuses are a big no-no, and a damage increase to all melee attacks is insane as well.It's almost like the Primarchs are intentionally meant to be a direct perfection of the baseline Human form, hmm?
Prinny (5e Race) |
not one race feature in here is remotely balanced, reach one being way over the top
Psionic Human (5e Race) |
See talk page.
Rainwing (5e Race) |
So this thing is already large, which poses some mobility issues on a map already, ignoring the variant rule on large size PCs. These guys also have 30 flying AND climbing speed, no limit in any way. And then acid spitter is numerically stronger than the cantrip acid splash, with an added bonus of lowering AC. And then this thing can turn invisible from the get-go, which is a 2nd level spell, with no limit. These traits come together to make this race stronger than first party content.
Reincarnated Devil (5e Race) |
Per the talk page, basing abilities purely off their anime sources is a very bad way to balance in DnD. You have traits gained after 5th level.
Rhopalofae (5e Race) |
The fact they are described as looking like normal butterflies, which are extremely tiny, and having 35 feet of flying speed, is a disconnect. Tiny size for PCs also can have some implications, see this variant rule, and this should be considered. Dex casting, even more so than con casting, is extremely powerful considering dexterity is a god stat in 5e. This is also poorly corroborated as to why dexterity, even. It would make more sense to only have cantrips from the subs, since they already get two. Getting three and having the spread score use is very messy and strong.
Risen (5e Race) |
The base race toes the line but is still within balance standards. However, because the subrace "variants" are included here, they will also be judged since this is a page for PC creation. Creature/enemy/villain creation should not be included on a player race page. Pharaoh is confusing since it offers radiant resistance, but the base race already offers this. Prophet has a trait to cast a spell twice, which is a bit arbitrary of a use count. It also comes with a trait on what god to choose, which seems more appropriate for a background than a race. God-King's Fated trait is basically halfling's lucky, which is VERY powerful with unlimited use. This is why halfling doesn't get a lot else that's very strong. However, the god-king also gets other powerful traits like an automatic lie-detector (no need for insight checks there), half-orc relentless endurance, and it's not clear also if you get this with the base risen race still... Dark Risen trait is also very clunky for 5e and risks making too many excess calculations that interrupt the flow of battle. HP/damage counting is also very very uncommon and clunky overall.
Rumbra (5e Race) |
Flat AC bonus that scales aggressively with level. +2 against seduction? See 5e Race Design Guide.
Runeterra Troll (5e Race) |
Large races already push the envelope. A huge race possibly blows it out of the water.
Rät (5e Race) |
Burrowing speed is very very dangerous for PCs, same as flying speed. Burrowing speed will allow a player to essentially gain cover very easily, and it is not limited in any way here, in contrast to the rakaka or dao subrace of the genie race. Additionally, their speed and supposed size is strange, since if they were Small, having a speed as fast as 35 feet is weird. There could be more flavorful traits injected here.
Sealing (5e Race) |
Flat armor bonus. See 5e Race Design Guide#Race Do's and Dont's (modifiers section).
Selach (5e Race) |
There are subraces granting resistance to one of the basic nonmagical damage types, which is a no-no. Some subs also grant a very powerful natural weapon attack, with damage dice that scales. There's even a trait granting a flat +2 on attack rolls. These are just a few of the traits, and the whole race would benefit from a once-over for more issues.
Shadowling (5e Race) |
See talk page
Shapechanger (5e Race) |
The traits are pretty insane how they are written. It is poorly defined compared to official changeling language, and therefore can be read much stronger. You can literally blow wildshape out of the water with this, as well as most illusion spells at lower level.
Sharklin (5e Race) |
Goblin has 2 skill profs., 35 move speed, and increased melee (I believe). Great White 1d8 natural weapon. 4 total ASI for most subraces, and 1 subrace has a replacement ASI.
Sheikah (5e Race) |
Only has two traits and is heavily weighted towards Trinkets. See gnome for something similar but more spread out. Lack of saving throws throughout. Ignite has no Con save. Lure has no CR limits.
Slime, Variant (5e Race) |
Base AC of 17 and includes con mod. Proficiency in grappling isn't a thing, and the absorb trait deals auto-damage (also is written poorly in terms of targeting). And, of course, ridiculous resistances
Slippy Slime (5e Race) |
"within reason" is a nebulous constraint that means nothing and needs mechanical constraint for change form. Other traits also need some more mechanical wording, like usage specifications (is there a limit to what kind of item you can stick in your body, eg.).
Sugar Elemental (5e Race) |
Some of the wording for the traits is non-standard to 5e (using expertise or conditional expertise, eg). Also, no race should give resistance to any of the 3 basic weapon damage types
Swamp Ogre (5e Race) |
Aside from the two-player thing, even if this were a no-subrace race, this thing gets large size, extra movement, an even higher HP increase than normal races, AND a feat at base. With the subraces, this only gets more out of hand. Adamantine skull, for example, gives a super high damage die to unarmed strikes and a +3 to con. The -2 is reminiscent of the powergaming min-max of older editions, which is not the philosophy of design in 5e. The other subraces have similar power issues.
Sylphs (5e Race) |
This race could have 1 or 2 more traits. Unrestricted flying speed is iffy. See the 5e Race Design Guide.
Symbiote (5e Race) |
This reminds me of the priaced race, which was deleted for pretty obvious reasons. The way you even get a host and can just overpower them is not detailed well enough to balance this against first party content. Additionally, some of the traits scale beyond 5th level and are not simply damage increases like the dragonborn's breath. These are also written weird. Devour is also obviously unlimited healing. And also, sonic damage isn't a thing this edition.
Tarnished (5e Race) |
Several traits are worded poorly mechanically and therefore unusable or abusable. There are clear attempts to directly translate from the source material, which is a bad idea since the game's power level is very different from Dnd
Tenno/Warframe (5e Race) |
Stronger than any first party race and uses incomplete and incorrect wording throughout. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague. Overall poorly executed and needs a rework both from a mechanic and lore perspective to better integrate with the first party content. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help and see the Featured Articles pages for some exemplary content.
The Eater of Worlds (5e Race) |
An extradimensional evil monster that is better than changeling doesn't seem like a good PC choice. This has changeling's properties and ridiculous traits about rolling for intimidation when rolling over 18 on an attack roll? And also advantage after 27 hours, why even.
The Hive (5e Race) |
Does chitinous defense interact with shields? The base race looks ok, but it's entirely knocked off balance by ver powerful subrace traits. Being able to spam a 1st-level spell at-will even at 5th level is kind of ridiculous for a race, when you look at innate spellcasting constraints in official content. Hive wizard has that and 40 feet of flying as well as 2 more cantrips, which are very powerful. The knight has a spammable bonus action and an extra 20 feet of movement in addition to more AC bonuses. For a race out the gate, that's a bit much. And Hive acolyte has spammable heals AND teleport with no recharges, which is enough said on how powerful that is.
The Primordial (5e Race) |
A player race with telepathy? Speeds are extremely high and unrestricted. ASI +2 to all abilities.
Tigerfolk (5e Race) |
Several traits of this race step into class/feat territory with how strong they are. Regaining hit points, even if only on critical hits, is a very centerpiece level of trait for a race, so having that alone would mean there should be less traits. Hunter's physique is also quite good in reducing the distance needed to get up from being prone, another rather strong trait. Add on a trait like brute savagery, which allows you to roll all attack rolls of 1 and you have a pretty powerful, combat-centric race as it is. And then you also have a type resistance and even a shape changing trait. But wait, one of the subraces eve lets you have an uncommon magic item equivalent attack bonus against creatures that have yet to take damage. That pushes the race over a bit. And for orange tigerfolk, their trait conflicts with brute savagery's damage dice for "natural attacks." This needs to be clarified for their unarmed strikes. See official and featured races for proper wording (tabaxi, eg). Overall, this race feels like it gets quite a lot within a few traits, and perhaps a bit too much. Removal of a trait's component or two might help tame it.
Titan, Variant (5e Race) |
A player race being Huge poses not only issues in narrative but also issues when it comes to map making, as maps generally assume players are able to fit into a medium creature space for various crawls and dungeons. The attempts of balancing this by smacking a player with disadvantage on dex checks/saves and also a flat penalty on skill checks is also not recommended in 5e race design (esp when this then gives you flat and absolute advantage on two other ability saves).
True Moon Elf (5e Race) |
The base of this race gets +4 ASI already, and the subs each add +1 so that's +5 total. If that's not a red flag, then the aggregate power of 35+ base speed, natural armor of 15 base plus dex, and relentless endurance+ for full moon should say something. Then the other sub is just an outright suped up drow with no drawbacks.
Unblooded (5e Race) |
Life of the forest has no usage limit. Also, cure wounds is not a cantrip. Sniping references a circumstance bonus, which doesn't exist in 5e. Also double your level is too much for a bonus in 5e. And what the heck is a ranged sneak attack
Verenai (5e Race) |
See 5e Race Design Guide. Arbitrary DCs (and really badly calculated ones), +1 unarmed strike (?), flat bonuses to skill checks, ridiculous str increases based on a roll, no fire damage specified for venting, bleeding damage (not official rule) for an arbitrary number of turns... too many undefined traits with undefined DCs and damage (Nightshade kiss, eg.). This is not playable.
Vessel (5e Race) |
The ASIs are a bit inconsistent, with some giving a negative score, which is discouraged in 5e. The void given focus trait is a level 17 trait addition, going beyond first party trait improvements (for reference, simic gives up to 5th level and dragonborn only increases breath damage dice). Other traits like the one for infected grant AC bonuses that could break bound accuracy and you also have a subrace that grants immunity, etc. Overall, this race needs to be re-evaluated from a DND standpoint, as translating a videogame over to DnD is very messy when done without consideration for balance against first party content.
Void Kitsune (5e Race) |
In particular, the unlimited use of polymorph stands out to me. Polymorphing gives you a buffer of hit points because only excess over your polymorphed form is applied to your original hit points. So this gives you a lot of potential hit points, especially at a low level. The tails being an extra hand and also boosting your ability to essentially inspire yourself also improve more frequently than a dragonborn's breath and go beyond 5th level improvement. The soul of the void trait is also very poorly written and seems very strange with the sparse lore. You literally become a slime? As in changing into one by stat block? Overall, there's a bit much and it doesn't all go together well in terms of balance against first-party content.
Void Vessel (5e Race) |
Needs a look through. It seems to be a little too much.
Warden (5e Race) |
Far too many features. 02:45, 22 September 2024 (MDT)
Warforged, 5th Variant (5e Race) |
The celestial variant has fly speed of about 60 feet, 120 feet of darkvision, and immunity to radiant as well as resistance to necrotic damage. That is only one of the options here. The rest need to be properly assessed as well. See talk page.
Wispy Willow (5e Race) |
The scaling of this race into levels over 5 is too much. Consider going the composite class route like with the Vulpes Flos (5e Race). Or maybe a scaling feat that you can take repeatedly to get higher effect increases. Hover speed at 40 feet is also very strong since hover is actually flying speed but better because you don't need to keep moving to stay afloat. Life accessory is really punishing and could probably do more like a warlock's pact weapon or even a hexblood's token to give it some leeway and not false balance.
WoF - IceWing (5e Race) |
Traits like vision have no actual use/mechanics, same for naturally shiny. It needs some kind of range. Icy breath is also not worded correctly and lacks proper confines like dragonborn's breath.
Wyrmkin (5e Race) |
Some things need a bit of defining, like what twilight vision is supposed to be. Do you mean darkvision?