Transcendental Vástago (5e Feat)
Transcendental Vástago
Prerequisites: lvl 10
You have reached a level of evolution beyond the ordinary, expanding an essential part of your being: body, mind, or soul. By acquiring this feat, you choose one of these three paths, unlocking exceptional abilities:
Body: Titanium Heart A second heart increases your strength and endurance.
Increases your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by 2 points each (maximum 22).
- You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
- You gain resistance to poisons and diseases.
- Once per long rest, you can enter a state of overload for 1 minute, doubling the damage of melee attacks, gaining advantage on all physical rolls, and doubling your movement speed.
- (Once for rest), If you are reduced to 0 hit points or if an instant death effect is cast on you, you will be left at 1 hit point since you will lose one of your hearts but the other will continue to beat. If you do not find a way to heal your damaged Heart, you will lose this feat for 10 days.
- You can sacrifice one of your hearts to double one of your physical stats for 1 minute. If you cannot find a way to heal your damaged heart, you will lose this feat for 1 month.(You can do this a number of times equal to half of your competition modifier).
Mind: Intellectual Duality
A second mind amplifies your cognitive and magical abilities.
Increases your Intelligence and Wisdom by 2 points each (maximum 22).
- You can concentrate on two spells at the same time, as long as neither requires concentration for more than 1 minute.
- You gain a +3 bonus on Intelligence checks.
- You gain resistance to all types of mind control.
- You gain resistance to psychic damage.
- You can cast two spells in a single turn, as long as one is of a lower level. (You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier.)
Soul: Divine Shard
An additional soul shard connects your being to the spiritual and the eternal.
Increases your Charisma and Wisdom by 2 points each (maximum 22).
- You gain a 10-foot aura that grants you and nearby allies: Advantage on rolls against enchantments and effects that attempt to control the will.
- You can touch and manipulate ethereal or intangible objects and creatures.
- You gain soul vision, this also allows you to see 20 feet into the ethereal plane.
- You can use your action or reaction to free yourself or all allies within 30 feet of any crowd control effects, (Charm, fear, paralysis, petrification, immobilization, and similar conditions that limit movement or action.) When using this ability, you can choose to retain a portion of the energy expended. Make a Charisma or Wisdom saving throw (DC 15): If you succeed you regain the use of this ability; if you fail you cannot use it until after a short rest.
- Spiritual Attack: You project your soul toward an enemy within 30 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma or Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). If it fails, it takes 6d10 psychic damage and is unable to take offensive actions until the end of its next turn. (You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier.)
You can spend the use of this ability to transport your soul to another body temporarily.
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