Scrapper Armor (5e Equipment)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Without the modifications, this armor is overpowered. Besides that, heavy armor does not allow you to add an ability modifier to the armor's AC, how salvaged materials provide such great protection is unexplained, and most of the armor modifications are overpowered.

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Scrapper Armor[edit]

Heavy Armor
Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
1000 gp+100 gp per upgrade 14 + Intelligence modifier 16 none 60 lbs lb.

Scrapper Armor is made of salvaged materials, and is often mismatched, painted and/or rusty. It is often modified and customized, so you can really make it look however you want. You can modify the armour in the following ways, costing 100 gp per upgrade and requiring 8 hours to make. You can have no more than 3 modifications at a time:

Wrist Crossbow. You can use a bonus action while wearing the armor to make an attack as if wielding a hand crossbow.

Reinforced Metal. Your AC becomes 17+Intelligence modifier.

Bulky Figure. The armor's weight is doubled and your movement speed is halved, and you become one size category larger. You also have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.

Padded Plates. You no longer have disadvantage on Stealth checks while wearing this armor.

Arcane Wards. You have resistance to any damage caused by a magic weapon or spell.

Enhanced Strikes. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4+Intelligence modifier+Strength modifier.

Mounted Shield. You gain the effects of wearing a shield without equipping one. this counteracts any non-magical methods of eliminating disadvantage on Stealth checks.

Hidden Dagger. You can use your bonus action to make an attack as if wielding a dagger. You cannot use the Thrown property with this feature.

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