Potion of Slime (5e Equipment)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This replaces your race without a saving throw even, and can only be removed through use of the wish spell. If your class is a spellcaster, it destroys that too. This feels more like a joking, campaign item for a quest and not something to be given to PCs.

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Potion, rare (requires attunement)

A bottle of glowing blue potion.

Curse. This potion is cursed. This curse may only be lifted through successful use of the wish spell.

After drinking potion, you take 1d10 acid damage and fall unconscious and are covered in blue light. After 1d4 minutes, the target wakes up and the blue light dispels and reveals the target's new form. The target is turned into a living slime, you lose all features of your old race, and gain new ones.

  1. slime body: your body is made of blue, transparent gel, and can shape to fit your needs. You have resistance to acid damage. You have vulnerability to cold damage. No non-magical restraints can hold you.
  2. amorphous: you can go through spaces as small as 1 inch.
  3. spiderclimb: you can climb on walls and ceilings without needing to make an ability check.
  4. slippery form: you can't wear armor or use shields, your AC is 12 + Dexterity modifier.
  5. regeneration: you gain 1d4 hit points back per round.
  6. ooze form: your body can shape itself at your will, however, you need concentration to keep your humanoid form.
  7. liquid body: you can't cast spells, and attacks do half damage.
  8. ooze speech: your words always come out bubbly and muted, like you're underwater.
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