Eternal blade of the soul eater (5e Feat)

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Eternal Blade of the Soul Eater

Prerequisites: Level 15 or higher, proficiency with martial weapons, Wisdom or Constitution 15 or higher.
You have bonded with a cursed blade that grants immense power at a terrible cost. The blade consumes the essence of other weapons to grow stronger, but each offering brings you closer to losing your soul entirely.

General Benefits: - Soulbound Weapon: The Eternal Blade is a cursed weapon that cannot be discarded, destroyed, or separated from you. It can take the form of any melee weapon you choose and is treated as magical for overcoming resistances. - Weapon Devourer: You can feed the blade any magical weapon as an action. The Eternal Blade consumes the weapon and gains its properties (damage type, bonuses to attack and damage rolls, and any special effects like extra damage or spells). You lose 10% of your soul for each weapon devoured. - Growing Power: For every weapon devoured, the Eternal Blade gains +1 to attack and damage rolls (up to a maximum of +5).

Active Abilities: - Abyssal Slash (Action): The blade channels the power of all the devoured weapons into a devastating attack. Choose a number of targets within 30 feet up to the number of weapons devoured. Each target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your attack bonus + your Wisdom modifier).

 - Targets that fail take damage equal to the combined damage of all devoured weapons + 6d10.  
 - Targets that succeed take half damage.  

- Wrathful Binding (Reaction): When a creature damages you, the Eternal Blade retaliates with its bound power. The attacker takes force damage equal to the total bonuses granted by the devoured weapons and is restrained until the end of its next turn.

Cursed Effects: - Soul Consumption: Each time you feed a weapon to the Eternal Blade, you lose 10% of your soul. When you reach 100%, your soul becomes completely consumed, and you fall under the control of the blade's will. While under its control, your character becomes an NPC, but the blade retains all its powers. - Mark of the Cursed: You gain a visible curse mark on your body, making it obvious that you wield a cursed weapon. Creatures hostile to you may try to destroy you or the blade.

Passive Benefits: - Unbreakable Bond: You cannot be disarmed of the Eternal Blade. If the blade is destroyed (such as by a wish spell), it reforms in your possession after a long rest. - Devour and Adapt: The Eternal Blade adapts to any damage type of a devoured weapon, allowing you to deal that damage type at will. You can choose the damage type during a short or long rest. - Cursed Resilience: While wielding the Eternal Blade, you have resistance to necrotic and psychic damage.

Epic Ability: - Final Soul Reaping (Action): Once per long rest, you can channel the full power of the Eternal Blade to unleash an apocalyptic strike. All creatures within 60 feet must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your attack bonus + your Constitution modifier).

 - Creatures that fail take damage equal to 20d12 necrotic damage plus the combined bonuses of all devoured weapons.  
 - Creatures that succeed take half damage.  
 After using this ability, you lose an additional 10% of your soul, regardless of how many weapons have been devoured.  

This feat represents a dangerous pact with a cursed weapon that grants immense power in exchange for your very essence. Only the most daring or desperate would wield such a blade.

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