Sharing Energy (5e Feat)

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Sharing Energy

Prerequisites: Constitution 13 or higher, more than 60 maximum hit points, Construct type.
Your body is built with advanced technology, And you have a huge energy source inside you, Gives you an ability to share your energy with others. You gain following benefits:

  • You gain the ability to rapidly heal yourself. Whenever you start your turn with less than half your maximum hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to 1d6 + proficiency bonus, if your near with your energy sources.
  • You can spend any sources of energy you have such a Ki or Magic(Spell slot), to restore others, and they can do the same thing to you.
  • You can give your hit points to heal other Warforged, Construct or any creature that can consume energy like Gazer, Nishruu, Spellgaunt, Cloud ray, if you have same energy sources with them, and they can also do the same thing to you.
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