Espada (5e Class)
Espada is Spanish for "sword" and Japanese for "ten blades". They were initially created as an answer to Soul Society’s Gotei 13, the most elite of the Soul Reapers. The Espada have the skill of Soul Reapers augmented by the raw strength of an undead beast.
Creating an Espada
- Quick Build
You can make an Espada quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution.
Class Features
As a Espada you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Espada level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Espada level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Melee Weapons, Martial Melee Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose 3 from the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Religion, or Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- White robes
- Zanpakutō
- (a) Explorer’s Pack or (b) 2 Simple Weapons or (c) 1 Martial Weapon
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Reiryoku Points |
1st | +2 | Reiryoku, Hollowfication, Arrancar Tools, Arrancar Type | 8+con |
2nd | +2 | Hierro, Bala, Lighter than a Feather | 16+con |
3rd | +2 | Cero, Regeneration, Arrancar Type Feature | 24+con |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 32+con |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 40+con |
6th | +3 | Sonído, Arrancar Type Feature | 48+con |
7th | +3 | Caja Negación | 56+con |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 64+con |
9th | +4 | Arrancar Type Feature | 72+con |
10th | +4 | Resurrección | 80+con |
11th | +4 | Descorrer | 88+con |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 96+con |
13th | +5 | Arrancar Type Feature | 104+con |
14th | +5 | Resurrección Mastery | 112+con |
15th | +5 | Extra Attack(2) | 120+con |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 128+con |
17th | +6 | Arrancar Type Feature | 136+con |
18th | +6 | Gran Rey Cero | 144+con |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 152+con |
20th | +6 | Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, Extra Attack(3) | 160+con |
Reiryoku (霊力, Spiritual Power) is a power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Shinigami, Espada and other spiritual beings to provide power for their various abilities.
Reiryoku Points
Beginning at 1st level, you have a number of Reiryoku points equal to your Espada level x 8, as shown in the Reiryoku Points column of the Espada class table, + your Constitution modifier. If you already have Reiryoku from another class, such as from the Fullbringer class, or Reishi from the Soul Reaper class, you may add these Reiryoku points to that pool instead, and any features that use Reiryoku may use the other point pool as well.
You regain all expended Reiryoku points when you finish a long rest. Additionally, you regain one Reiryoku point every minute.
If your Reiryoku points reach a count of 0, you have Disadvantage on all saving throws, excluding death saving throws, until you regain at least one Reiryoku point.
Some of your Reiryoku features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects, or you to make a spell attack. Constitution is your ability modifier for these features. The saving throw DC and spell attack bonus are calculated as follows:
Reiryoku save DC= 10 + your proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier.
Reiryoku attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier
- Reiatsu
Reiatsu is the physical force/pressure that a person’s Spiritual Energy creates when released. The difference between spiritual energy and spiritual pressure is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts. In other words, Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use and can be sensed by other spiritually aware beings.
- Reiatsu Release
All Reiatsu released by individuals eventually returns to them, but Reiatsu released in explosive bursts also engulfs energy in its surroundings in the process, forming devastating waves of pressure lethal to any who would be affected by it.
At 1st level as an action, you can release your Reiatsu aura in a devastating wave surrounding you. Creatures in area of 15 x your Espada level ft. must attempt a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 + your Espada level force damage on a failure or 0 on a successful one.
You can spend additional Reiryoku points to increase the damage of this attack. For every 3 additional Reiryoku points you spend, the damage increases by 1d8. The maximum number of Reiryoku points that you can spend on this feature is equal to your Constitution Modifier X 10 (minimum of 2).
Additionally, you can spend 4 Reiryoku points to imbue your Zanpakutō with your Reiatsu aura as a bonus action for 1 minute. While empowered, your Zanpakutō deals an extra 1d10 force damage.
You can spend additional Reiryoku points to increase the extra damage by 1d10 per 2 Reiryoku points spent. The maximum amount of additional die you can attain to your Zanpakutō is equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). For example, if your Constitution modifier is +4, you can spend a maximum of 8 Reiryoku points to attain an additional 4d10 force damage.
You must maintain concentration on your Zanpakutō in order to maintain your aura on it as if you were concentrating on a spell.
Also at 1st level, you have effectively died and been brought back to life, becoming a Hollow, a spiritual creature that is driven by instinct and desire. Your time as a Hollow could have been short or lengthy, depending on your journey into becoming an Espada, but it has eventually led you into having your Hollow Mask mostly stripped from you, forcing you to assume a more humanoid and more powerful form.
As a Hollow your default speed is added by + 15 feet
Though your type doesn’t change, you no longer need to sleep, breath or eat. You can, however, benefit from devouring souls.
After killing an enemy, you may choose to devour its soul as an action. By doing so, you regain an amount of Reiryoku points equal to that creature's challenge rating times two (minimum of 1). If your Reiryoku points are completely filled, then you can choose to regain the Reiryoku points as Temporary hit points instead.
When you devour the soul of a creature, you can instead gain one of of its Traits instead, such as a Chain Devil's "Devil's Sight", or an Owlbear's "Keen Sight and Smell".
There are some exceptions to the extent of abilities you can gain from a soul, as such:
- You cannot devour the soul of an Undead or a Construct.
- You cannot gain a feature from a creature with a CR higher than your Espada level.
- You cannot gain any of its actions, reactions, damage resistances, damage immunities, Legendary Actions or Legendary Resistances.
- You must have slain the creature with your Zanpakutō or one of your Reiryoku abilities.
- The target must have died in the last 15 minutes.
You can only retain an amount of traits equal to your Constitution modifier. When you devour a new soul and you have already reached the maximum amount of traits you can possess, you can replace one of your current traits with the trait you want to receive.
Any acquired traits last 4d24 hours. You can extend the duration for one feature by forgoing the other benefits of devouring a soul, when you do so, you gain no benefits from devouring the soul, but you can extend the duration of one of your acquired traits by 4d24 hours. At level 10 this duration becomes indefinite, however, you can only retain an amount of traits equal to your Constitution modifier.
A creature that has had its soul devoured can only be resurrected by the True Resurrection or the Wish spells.
Arrancar Tools
Starting at 1st level, you will receive certain tools to help you on your journey as an arrancar.
- Arrancar Robes
You have arrancar clothes made of your own Reiryouku, they generally look like a kimono. You can spend 5 Reiryoku points as a bonus action to reinforce them for 8 hours. While reinforced you AC equals 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier, at 8th level it increases to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier, and in the 12th level it further increases to 12 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. At 16th level it becomes 14 AC + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. The reinforcement is considered magical for the purpose of Dispel Magic and its level equals half your Espada level rounded down.
- Zanpakuto
Your Zanpakutō is similar to that of a Soul Reaper’s in the sense that it contains your soul's power. Due to this if it were ever destroyed, it will become completely repaired after a long rest. It is a one-handed martial finesse weapon which deals 1d10 slashing damage. Although the specific appearance is dependent on the wielder as it is an imprint of their spiritual pressure, they primarily take the form of a katana, wakazashi, nodachi, or tanto.
Arrancar Type
Starting at 1st level, arrancars come in many shape and forms, and have very different personalities and ways of fighting. You can choose one of the Arrancar Types provided at the end of the class description, giving you features at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 13th and 17th level.
Lighter than a Feather
At 2nd level, you are lighter than a feather. You can move half your normal walking speed through the air as if you were flying. However, if something were to paralyze you, or cause your movement speed to fall to zero, you will begin to fall, this includes going unconscious. You must have at least one reiryoku point to use this feature.
Starting at 2nd level, your skin is covered in small reiatsu particles to make your endurance stronger. Whenever you take damage while not wearing armor or only wearing your Arrancar Robes, you will reduce the damage equal to one-fourth of your Espada level rounded up. This effect is lost if you run out of Reiryouku points, and can be overcome by magical damage.
At 10th level, your Hierro grows stronger and now can block even magical damage.
Also starting at 2nd level, you learn how to concentrate your Reiatsu into small, condensed projectiles that pack deadly force behind them.
By spending 3 Reiryoku points as an action, you can manifest three projectile bullets composed of red Reiatsu from the palm of your hand and hurl them at up to three creatures you can see within 60 feet at.
Make a ranged weapon attack for each bullet. On a hit, the bullets deal 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier force damage. You can spend 2 Reiryoku points to create one additional projectile.
Your Bala's damage die increases by one die category when you reach 5th level (1d8), 11th level (1d10), and 17th level (1d12).
Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to fire powerful blasts of concentrated spiritual energy from your mouth, hands, or any other parts of your body.
You can spend 4 Reiryoku points as an action to shoot a blast of colored Reiatsu, forming a line 150 feet long and 15 feet wide, in a direction you choose.
Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
- At 4th level, the line's range increase to 300 feet.
- At 8th level, your damage increases to 3d8.
- At 13th level, your damage increases to 5d8.
- At 16th level, a creature that fails the saving throw against this attack by 5 or more takes an additional 5d8 radiant damage.
At 3rd level due to your body being made entirely of reiatsu, as a bonus action you can spend 1 Reiryoku point to regen 1d4 + Your Constitution Modifier Hit Points. This number increases to 1d6 at 6th level, to 2d6 at 10th level, 2d10 at 15th level and 3d12 at 17th level. You may spend 2 Reiryouku to add one extra dice to the Hit Point. To regain a lost limb or member 20 Reiryoku points must be spent.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 15th level, and to four when you reach 20th level.
Also at 6th level, you learn how to move between places at incredible speeds, impossible to track with the naked eye. As a bonus action you can spend 2 Reiryoku point to teleport somewhere within your movement speed range to that you can see. You can also use Sonído as a reaction if you succeed a Dexterity saving throw against a spell or an effect.
The Sonído technique makes it easy for the user to travel long distances unnoticed. You have advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks made on the same turn this feature is used.
At 13th level, your Sonído range is increased to your movement speed times eight.
Caja Negación
At 7th level, you have received a Caja Negación. This tiny Purple Cube has the ability to seal creatures inside another dimension for 4 + Your Constitution score in hours. To seal someone, you must be at least 90ft from them, and force them to make a Intelligence Saving Throw against your Reiryouku Dc. On a success they resist the seal and are immune from this for 6 hours, on a failure they are sealed and can't get away from the other dimension without some kind of teleportation or the wish spell. In addition the creature you can seal with this feature is limited to creatures with an equal or lower value CR in comparison to your character level
This item can be crafted for 5 Reiryouku, and may be crafted once per day.
Espada usually seal the nuclei of their abilities within the form of a sword, which is entirely different from what the Shinigami use. When they release their weapons' seals, they unleash their true power and their Hollow true form.
Starting at 10th level, you learn how to unseal your true Hollow form and transform in battle. You can spend 10 Reiryoku points as an action to draw your Zanpakutō from its scabbard and speak an unique command word, followed by the Zanpakutō's name, releasing the energy sealed within.
Your appearance changes to match more of your former Hollow appearance. You may choose how you appear after your Resurrección, though you must still appear humanoid if you choose so.
While your Resurrección is active, you gain a +4 bonus to your Strength and Dexterity scores and your movement speed increases by 30 feet. Any ability score increases from your Resurrección can put your scores above 20. In addition, your Zanpakutō either melds into your body or takes a new form to match your Hollow appearance. If you choose to merge with your Zanpakutō, then your unarmed strikes gain the same properties that of your Zanpakutō, and it will also gain a +5 in the attack and damage rolls. It also gains a unique property that varies from user to user. Work with your DM to create something unique that matches your character. This bonus can vary from a constant spell effect, a damage buff, a special attack, or anything of the like.
As a rule of thumb, the effect should not be stronger than a 4th level spell, or should follow the Spell Damage Design Guidelines in terms of damage.
You must spend 5 Reiryoku at the end of each of your turns to maintain this form.
At 11th level, you gain the ability to open gates to other places by ripping a dimensional hole between where you are and where you want to go.
You can teleport yourself from your current location to any other spot within range as an action for 4 Reiryoku points. The range at which you can teleport is up to 500 feet, and you arrive exactly at the sport desired. This space can be a space you can see, one you can visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance and direction, such as "200 feet straight downward" or "upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 feet".
You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also bring up to two willing creatures that are medium or smaller.
If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature, you and any creature traveling with you each take 4d6 force damage and are shunted to the closest unoccupied space.
For every 4 Reiryoku points you can increase the distance by 500 feet.
At 16th level, the range at which you can teleport increases to 1000 feet and for every 4 Reiryoku points you can increase the distance by 1000 feet.
Resurrección Mastery
Starting at 14th level, you have mastered your Resurrección form and improved on its hardiness in battle.
When you activate your Resurrección, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to twice your Espada level, and your movement speed increases by 60 feet while in ressurection. Also while in your ressurection your zanpakuto's damage die is increased by one size (ex: d10 -> d12), even if it merged with you. You will always have this benefit when activating Resurrección .
Gran Rey Cero
At 18th level, you learn a variation of the Cero, the Gran Rey Cero. By mixing your own blood with a Cero, you can fire a Cero with much greater attack power and speed, in addition to having a change of color unique to them. It is many times more powerful than a normal Cero, disturbing the fabric of space as it travels. Upon release, it spins like a razor as it compresses and decompresses due to the sheer speed and raw power.
As an action, you spend 30 Reiryoku points to blast a gigantic concentration of Reiatsu in a direction of your choice. Each creature in a 600-foot cone originating from you must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 12d12 + your Constitution modifier force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage or any objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried are instantly disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust.
Resurrección: Segunda Etapa
At 20th level, your Resurrection surpasses its own limits, earning you a more powerful and further advanced form of your traditional Resurrección.
As a bonus action while in Resurrección for 5 additional Reiryoku, you gain an additional +4 to your Strength and Dexterity score (+8 total). In addition, you gain one additional ability or improve your Resurrección's initial ability. Work with your DM to create a unique ability. Your zanpakutou will change it's bonus to a +10 in attack rolls. You must spend 10 Reiryoku at the end of each of your turns to maintain this form.
The rule of thumb is the same as your Resurrección's initial ability, but you it must not be stronger than a 6th level spell, rather than a 4th level spell.
Some examples of abilities are: becoming a size larger, per the Enlarge/Reduce spell, gaining an additional attack or a special attack, gaining a Cero unique to your character, and so on.
Arrancar Styles
The Mighty Giant
“ | I'm the Cero Espada, Yammy Llargo. Ain't one of the Espada you've fought up until now that's stronger than me. | ” |
—Yammi Llargo, 10th Espada |
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Yammi Llargo the 10th Espada, source [1] |
The One With Infinite Potential
“ | If it's about our faces, keep it to yourself. We got tired of hearing people's thoughts about them a very long time ago. | ” |
—Aaroniero Arruruerie, 9th Espada |
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Aaroniero with it's form revealed, by Apolloscolortheory [2] |
- Soul Absorption
Starting at 1st level, you have devoleped a method to gain the powers of the souls you have hollowfied. When you hollowfy a creature, you must choose one of the following bonuses to gain:
- Endurance: You will increase your maximum Hit Points by 1.
- Spirit: You will increase your maximum reiryoku by 1.
This effects last permanently, not needing for you to Hollowfy another soul to keep it's benefits. You can only absorb as many souls as half your espada level(rounded down) times your Constitution modifier.
- Ability Copy
Starting at 3rd level, you can now absorb even the techniques of the souls you have consumed. When you use soul absorption instead of picking one of the benefits listed above, you can instead gain one feature the creature had. (Ex: You absorb a mage with spellcasting, you would now gain it's spellcasting feature.)
- Identity Theft
At 6th level, you may choose one of the creatures you have absorved using your hollowfication to steal it's body. Your scores will be identical to the creature's, except your Charisma, Wisdom and Intelligence score. Creatures must make an insight check against your reiryoku DC to identify who you are, if it is someone who knows the creature the check will be made with advantage.
- Soul Absorption Improvement
At 9th level, your soul absorption has become even more powerfull. You now gain all the benefits of Soul Absorption and Ability Copy when you you hollowfy a creature.
- Ability Stealer
At 13th level, you have become a true hungry hollow waiting for strong souls to devour. When you use Soul Absorption, you may now gain all of the creature's features.
- Unshackled Power
At 17th level, your power has become limitless. Now for each 10 souls you hollowfy, you will gain +1 to a chosen ability score. This ability score cannot go above 30, and you can only choose one of your ability scores to increase this way.
Spiritual Researcher
“ | For inferior beings like you to irritate me to this extent and even force me to fight you at my full strength... Now, THAT is what I would call a 'bad joke'. | ” |
—Szayelaporro Granz, 8th Espada |
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Szayelporro Granz after an explosion, by Tite Kubo [3] |
- Know Your Enemy
Starting at 1st level, when you would attack an creature type you have already defeated, you can attack it with advantage in the first roll. Creature types you have already seen have disadvantage in attacks made against you in the first roll. You may do this once per creature, and once per battle.
Also, you gain advantage in perception checks involving creature types you have already defeated.
- One Step Ahead
At 6th level, you cannot take opportunity attacks while out of battle, and you can also ask your DM about a creature's full list of stats. You may do this once per turn, and twice per battle.
You can also once per turn do an opportunity attack whenever you see an ally hitting an enemy within 10ft.
- Reiryoku Traps
At 9th level you learned how to use your Reiryoku as a form of landmine, and for 5 Reiryoku you can plant in a 30ft radius 5 bombs, when someone gets 5ft close to the bombs you can choose to make the bombs explode dealing xd6 Magical Force Damage(with X being your proficiency bonus). for each 5 extra Reiryoku points you spend you can plant 1 extra landmine.
- Backup Plan
At 13th level you are aways ready for anything your enemy will throw at you, when your reiryoku is less than half of your total amount, you can recover 3d8 Reiryoku Points and your reiryoku attacks will be advantage for the turn.
- Greatest Researcher
At 17th level you have researched about all types of creatures, and now when you enter battle and take a strike from an enemy, the same strike will now have disadvantage against you. You also can add your Intelligence modifier to your attack rolls, and can know exactly one of the actions, reactions or legendary actions from a creature.
Made For Battle
“ | They're all cowards, every damn one of them. | ” |
—Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, 6th Espada |
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Grimmjow the 6th espada smiling, by Apolloscolortheory [4] |
- Aggressive Attacker
Starting at 1st level, when you attack with your zanpakuto your cuts are filled with ferocity. When attacking with your zanpakuto you will gain a +2 to attack rolls, and may add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll.
This also counts if your zanpakuto merges with you in the ressurecion.
- Reckless Attack
At 3rd level, you swing first worry later. You can choose to make all of your attacks with advantage this turn, however all attacks against you will be made with advantage until the beggining of your next turn.
- Destructive Nature
At 6th level, you don't care about your surroundings when in the heat of battle. When you use an Reiryoku attack, you can spend half the used points to add 1 extra damage dice and increase it's range and width by 10. You can also spend the same amount of reiryoku points to increase the damage by 2 dices instead of 1. You may use this as many times as your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Only I Can Rule Myself!
At 9th level, you are the only one who can control your fate. You have advantage against being frightened or charmed, and you will gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. In case you are already proficient, you will add your proficiency bonus twice.
You can also add your Strength or Dexterity modifier to any Charisma related rolls you make.
- I Will Become The King!
At 13th level, you will use all of your might to survive and win a battle. When you have fallen to 0 hit points you can instead fall to 1 hit point, and will regain reiryoku points equal to the damage taken when you were reduced to 0 hit points. When you get back up this way, you will also retain your ressurecion mode. This can be used once per long rest.
- The Strongest One
At 17th level, you have defined yourself as the strongest around, you gain a permanent +2 in Strength and will now roll Intimidation checks with advantage. While in battle you can spend 4 reiryouku points to do an additional attack that turn. Your zanpakuto bonus also increases to +4.
And you will gain the following atributes while in your ressurecion state:
- - All the bonus you gain from ressurecion gains an extra +2(even in Segunda Etapa).
- - Your movement speed will double, and if you give an unarmed strike while moving at least 20ft it will gain 1 bonus dice of damage.
- - You take half damage from non magical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
Vengeful Soul
“ | I want to die in the heat of battle. That's why I wanna get stronger. The stronger I get, the more battle will surround me. I want to be able to live and breathe the heat of battle. | ” |
—Nnoitra Gilga, 5th Espada |
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Nnoitora the 5th Espada showing off his tongue, by Apolloscolortheory [5] |
- Stronger Hierro
Starting at 1st level, your hierro is specially hardened, making you a very resistant warrior. Your Hierro reduction will now be your Espada level + Your Constitution modifier added twice.
Lonely Soul
“ | If it is due to what you Humans call a 'heart', it is because of that heart that you suffer injuries and it is because of that heart that you will lose your life. | ” |
—Ulquiorra Cifer, 4th Espada |
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Ulquiorra the 4th Espada looking in the distance, by Apolloscolortheory [6] |
- Without a Heart
Starting at 1st level, your lack of a 'heart' give you the following benefits:
Creatures have disadvantage on Persuasion, Intimidation, and Deception checks against you. Additionally, you have advantage against effects that cause you to be frightened or charmed.
- Forever alone
At 3rd level you have accepted that you will forever be alone. If no allies are within 10 feet, you gain: - +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with your Zanpakutō. - This increases to +3 at level 10 and +4 at level 15.
- isolated combatant
At 6th level you have mastered how to fight when without allies. When no allies are within 10 feet, you gain: - +2 bonus to AC. - Advantage on your first attack roll per turn.
- Heartless Cero
At 9th level, your lack of emotion results in you having no concern for your surroundings allowing the damage die of your cero to increase by one size. Also, you may add your dexterity modifier to the damage, although your cero now costs 6 Reiryoku points.
- Ruthless Efficiency
At 13th level your nihilistic tendencies result in you being incredibly efficient giving you the following benefit:
If you reduce a creature to 0 HP with an attack, you may use Sonido and immediately make another attack as part of the same action. This extra attack does not consume your reaction and can chain up to a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier per turn.
- The 'Heart'
At 17th level you have finally discovered what this so called 'heart' truly is giving you a +4 to your wisdom and charisma score and your Zanpakutō gains the thrown (30/90) property and the returning property.
You also gain the following properties in your Resurrección state:
-You gain flying speed equal to your movement speed. If you already have a flying speed you add your movement speed to it. -You gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage. -You may use Cero and Gran Rey Cero as a bonus action.
The Queen Of Hueco Mundo
“ | No world is without sacrifices. But if we produce casualties, we would also sustain casualties of our own. | ” |
—Tier Harribel, 3rd Espada |
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Tier Harribel the queen of Hueco Mundo, [7] |
The God-King Of Hueco Mundo
“ | Soul Reapers, Humans, Hollows, Arrancar, all of their difference and strife, will, Freedom, Beasts, Plants, the moon the stars and the sun! - All of it is meaningless! There is one absolute power in this world, and that is my power! | ” |
—Baraggan Louisenbairn, 2nd Espada |
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Barragan the 2nd Espada, [8] |
- King's Army
Starting at 1st level, your royal status has granted you amazing leadership skills. You will gain proficiency in Persuasion, or expertise if you're already proficient. You can now start your own army of followers, by persuading an npc or a party member agreeing to follow your orders. When someone becomes one of your servants, they will gain the following benefits:
- Bringing the best out of subordinates-+2 in one of their scores.
- King's Confidence- Whenever your in sight range of your subordinates, they will gain advantage against being charmed or frightened.
- For The King- Whenever you're going to receive an attack, one of your subordinates can use it's reaction to move up to their movement speed. If they reach you, they can take the attack damage for you.
All of these benefits are removed if they stop serving you, or bow willingly to another creature.
You can have as many army soldiers equal to your Charisma modifier times half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down).
- King's Pride
Starting at 6th level, you know you're the only true king there is, and you do not treat disrespect towards your title lightly. You gain proficiency in intimidation checks, or expertise if already proficient. In addition, when you intimidate a creature you can then roll persuasion to convince that creature to join your army.
Also, any Charisma checks or saving throws you make against your army soldiers are made with advantage.
- This Is My Kingdom!
Starting at 9th level, you have grown a great army, and you're not afraid to use it. Once per long rest, you can give all of your army members an extra action until the end of your next turn. You may do this twice per long rest at 18th level.
- King's Presence
Starting at 13th level, your army knows they can win as long as they are with you. Whenever you're in sight range of your army members, they will receive the following:
- +10 to their movement speed.
- +2 to their attack rolls.
- Advantage on their first attack.
- The King
Starting at 17th level, your name echoes through the world, some fear you, some adore you, but in the end all will bow towards their true ruler. Whenever you are in a place with a ruler with a Charisma score and a CR lower than your Espada level, you can gather the city folk by making a Persuasion check DC 20 + the ruler's Charisma modifier, on a failure they dont hear you, on a success they will now trust you to be their new leader, and will do anything in their power to overtrone the old one.
Twin Soul
“ | I always envied the weak. Whenever we made friends, their souls would waste away just from being near us. Because we were so alone, we split our soul in two. I don't know which was our original form. Or perhaps, it was neither. But this was the only way we had to escape from our isolation. I so envied the weak. The weak can always find others to be around. I want to be weak. And if that's impossible, I at least want to find companions who are as strong as I. | ” |
—Coyote Starrk, 1st Espada |
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Starrk the strongest Espada with his other half Lilynete, source [9] |
- Never Alone
Starting at 1st level, when you were a hollow your spiritual pressure was so immense that your soul had to be split in two, creating a new version of yourself. This new version acts as a companion Npc, and has the following benefits:
- It has the same scores as you, but your biggest and smallest score will be decreased and increased respectively by 6.
- It has the same proficiencies and proficiency bonus as you.
- It has the same features as you, but cannot use the Ressureción feature.
- It's Hit Dice is a d12, and it will gain another d12 for each time you level up in the Espada class.
- When it is reduced to 0 hit points, instead of dying it will start to roll death saving throws.
If your other half dies, you will develop a immemse depression that only time can heal. You will gain one level of exhaustion for 3d4 days. After the time has passed and you lost the level of exhaustion, at the end of an long rest you may split your soul again to create a new half by spending half of your Hit Points and half of your reiryoku as a bonus action.
At 10th level, when you activate your Ressureción you need to be at least 5ft from your other self, making your souls will become one again. While in the ressurecion state your Strength and Dexterity score increase by 8 instead of 6(It increases to 16 when in Segunda Etapa). You will also regain all the reiryoku that your other half had at that moment, also increasing your reiryoku maximum by their own maximum.
- Overflowing Reiryoku
At 3rd level, your Reiryoku is far greater than even vasto lorde arrancar. Both you and your other half will add your proficiency bonus + constitution modifier to your maximum reiryouku.
In addition, your Reiatsu Release feature will get it's damage die increased by 2, and you are now able to use your Cero as a bonus action.
- Distant Communication
Starting at 6th level, no matter how, no matter when, no matter where, your other half will hear you. You can speak through telepaty to your other half.
Whenever your other half is going to be affected by a attack, you can spend 2 reiryoku as an reaction to make them turn the attack rolled into a miss or gain advantage in the saving throw. You may use this feature as much as your double of proficiency bonus until needing to make long rest.
- Inner Connection
Starting at 9th level, you have a deep and strong bound to your other half, making you feel what the other feels. While you and your other half are within at least 600 ft. of eachother, you will become immune to the frightened and Charmed conditions.
In addition, any positive effects one may receive will affect the other. (Example: Temporary hit points that would go to you will also go to the other half.)
- Suffocating Spiritual Pressure
Starting at 13th level, being together again makes you stronger, but it also makes everyone fade away around you. Whenever you're in your ressurection state, you'll always be exalating immense spiritual pressure, making everyone in 7 x your Espada level ft. around you make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they are knocked prone and will take force damage equal to your level, on a sucess they will not take damage or be knocked prone.
In addition, a creature with a higher level or CR than you can make the saving throw with advantage.
- Together Forever
At 17th level, you are one with your other half, and your other half is one with you. When you die, and your other half is still alive, you will be ressurected when they take their next short rest. The same also applies if your other half dies and you take a long rest.
Resurrección Examples
You're free to create, use, and add your own Resurrección examples.
The Visored Resurrección is the Resurrección that those who multiclass into the Espada class gain due to awakening their inner hollow, rather than innately being a hollow.
- Hollow Mask
While in Resurrección, you gain an additional +1 Strength and Dexterity, and you may spend 20 Reiryoku to gain your character level temporary hit points as a bonus action, repairing your mask in the process. Additionally, you can not use Cero or Gran Rey Cero except while in Resurrección.
- Vasto Lorde Form
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, you gain an additional +1 Strength and Dexterity, +10 ft. of movement speed, and you regain hit points instead of gaining temporary hit points in the bonus action described under Hollow Mask or you can regenerate a missing limb for 30 Reiryiku.
- Get Pissed Off, Ira
While in Resurrección, your size category increases by 1 to a minimum of Large.
- Rage Evolution
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, your size category increases by 1 to a minimum of Huge.
Los Lobos
- Kick About, Los Lobos
While in Resurrección, Your Zanpakuto becomes 2 guns, which fire ceros. your Zanpakuto gains the Range (100/120) property, and deals radiant damage, instead of slashing. Additionally, Cero costs half as many Reiryoku points.
- Cero Metralleta
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, you may use Cero as one of your extra attacks or as a bonus action, and Cero and your Zanpakuto, which no longer has disadvantage when used against a target within 5 ft., ignore cover.
- Rot, Arrogante
While in Resurrección, you are always under the effects of half cover.
- Senescencia
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, ranged attacks and AoE effects such as fireball or a Adult Blue Dragon's fire breath used against you automatically fail, and creatures within 5 ft. of you take 1d6 necrotic damage as they age into nothingness.
- Declare, Gamuza
While in Resurrección, your movement speed increases by +30 ft. and your Zanpakuto gains the Reach property.
- Lanzador Verde
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, your Zanpakuto gains the Thrown (60/120) and returning property and deals 3d12 + your Strength modifier magical piercing damage and moves the target 15 ft. away from you on a successful hit.
- Enclose, Murciélago
While in Resurrección, you may use Cero, and Gran Rey Cero when you gain it, as a bonus action.
- Lanza del Relámpago
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, you gain a flying speed equal to twice your movement speed. As an action, you may spend 50 Reiryoku points to blast a gigantic concentration of Reiatsu in a direction of your choice. Each creature in a 200-foot line originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 20d12 + your Dexterity modifier force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage or any objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried are instantly disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust.
- Strangle, Trepadora
While in Resurrección, your Zanpakuto gains an additional +5 ft. of reach and you may attack an additional time when you take the attack action.
- Lanza Tentáculo
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, your Zanpakuto gains an additional +5 ft. of reach and you may attack an additional time when you take the attack action.
- Grind, Pantera
While in Resurrección, you gain an additional +1 Strength and Dexterity, and you may spend 20 Reiryoku to gain your character level temporary hit points as a bonus action, repairing your mask in the process.
- Desgarrón
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, Bala fires twice as many projectiles and you may add your Dexterity modifier twice.
- Supress, Brujería
While in Resurrección, as an action or bonus action, you can try to move an object that weighs up to 500 pounds that isn't being worn or carried that you can see, you automatically move it up to 30 feet in any direction, but not beyond 120 ft. from you.
You can exert fine control on objects with your telekinetic grip, such as manipulating a simple tool, opening a door or a container, stowing or retrieving an item from an open container, or pouring the contents from a vial.
You also force a creature within 120 ft. that you can see to attempt a Dexterity saving throw, removing use of 1 limb or other body part, such as their mouth or 1 eye, on a failure. You may have up to 5 of this effect active at once.
- El Embrion
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, you become resistant to all damage, but your movement speed becomes 0 and you can not make ranged attacks or use AoE effects such as Gran Rey Cero.
- Sip, Fornicarás
While in Resurrección, as an action for 15 Reiryoku, you may force 1 creature within 15 ft. to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you create a perfect copy of them within 15 ft. of you that has half as many hit points. You may either control this copy or yourself, with the other(s) being completely immobile. If your original body dies or becomes unconscious, or if 12 hours pass, all clones instantly dissipate. You may only create 1 clone per creature per 7 days.
- Gabriel
While in Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, as a bonus action for 20 Reiryoku after successfully hitting a creature with your Zanpakuto, you may inject a fragment of your soul into their body. If you die, you are slowly reborn from their body. They are paralyzed and take 2d10 + twice your Constitution modifier necrotic damage at the end of each of your turns up to a number of d10 equal to your Espada hit dice, after which you appear anywhere within 5 ft. of them with an equal number of hit points.
Final Resurrección
The Final Resurrección feature can only be gained by coming to terms with your mask as part of yourself. As an action, regardless of your level, you gain all of this class's features, not including those of subclasses you have not taken, for 1 minute, and you regain 20 Reiryoku and hit points at the end of each of your turns. At the end of this duration, your mask shatters and you lose all features from this class. Your hit points and character level are uneffected. To begin regaining your previous features, you must reduce yourself to 0 hit points as an action. This action can only be done while you are missing your Espada powers. You can regain your previous features by gaining half as many experience points as it took to originally gain the level you gained the feature at (or through smaller milestones for milestone leveling), and you may change which subclass you chose. Your mask must be reforged as well, which can only be done by a blacksmith of the highest order who can also commune with spirits.
Canon variant rules
The following are variant rules meant to bring this class closer to how it operates in canon. Many, if not all, of these rules are far too powerful to be used alongside most core classes, and should only be used if all players agree.
- Resurrección and Resurrección: Segunda Etapa cost no reiryoku unless the player has the Visored Resurrección Examples.
- When a player gains a bonus to their Strength and Dexterity score from Resurrección or Resurrección: Segunda Etapa, they gain an equal bonus to their Constitution score.
- Sonido costs no reiryoku.
- Until 20th level while Resurrección or Resurrección: Segunda Etapa is active, a Visored must attempt a DC 30- their level + rounds spent in said form Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns. On a failure, they are berserk until the beginning of their next turn.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Espada class, you must meet these prerequisites: 15 Dexterity, 15 Constitution, 12 Intelligence.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Espada class, you gain the following proficiencies: Zanpakutō.
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