Fallen Avariel (5e Subrace)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This is a much more powerful subrace than the UA avariel. It has extra flying speed, minor prestidigitation, and a good way to get lots of easy sneak attacks and remain in hiding. It also uses incorrect 5e terms. "Free action," for example, does not exist in 5e.

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Fallen Avariel[edit]

The Fall[edit]

An Avariel is defined by their wings, physical manifestations of their airborne freedom and grace. A terrible thing it is to lose your way to the vaults of the skies, and a wingless Avariel will carry this grief with them always. For some, this turmoil is so overwhelming it becomes a core part of the fallen one's being, as they desperately search for a way back into the skies; whether stripped of their wings by divine intervention or mere mortal atrocity, a Fallen will stop at nothing to dance in the skies once more.

Nothing is out of reach for those with desire, but everything has a price.

The Wingless[edit]

One that has set upon this dark path will find themselves more shade than songbird, as their grief and desires stain their very souls and shape their bodies to a sad mimicry of what they once were. The sun that once warmed their feathers rejects their unnatural clinging, and the dark shadowy beings at the edge of all planes are only too happy to move in and capitalize on the suffering of the Fallen. Those that lose themselves on this path of despair often wallow in their suffering, taking comfort in the consistency of their misery if nothing else. But as with all damned creatures, redemption is possible for those that are willing.


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Shadow Immersion. The grief of your loss visibly enshrouds you. You can try to hide when you are only lightly obscured by shadow or cover, and when you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position. You can instantaneously snuff a candle, a torch, a small campfire or similar small light sources, similarly to prestidigitation.
Sunlight Aversion. The sun no longer welcomes you in its skies. You have vulnerability to radiant damage, and you gain disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight when you are in bright light. Every number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier you spend in direct daylight, roll a Constitution save (DC 15) or gain a level of exhaustion.
Unnatural Darkvision. Your darkvision has a range of 120 feet, instead of 60. Additionally, magical darkness does not impede your darkvision.
Incorporeal Wings. At 3rd level, you gain a foul mimicry of the wings you once had. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet while in dim light or darkness, and a flying speed of 30 feet while in bright light. These wings are visibly incorporeal and macabre while in bright light, but give the illusion of having mass in darker conditions. These wings can be dismissed or summoned as a free action.
Shadow Steps. At 5th level, you can spend a full round in dim light or darkness to embrace your cursed nature. You gain the effects of pass without trace while in dim light or darkness until you are in bright light. Once you lose the effect, you cannot gain it again until an hour has passed.

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