Mask of Animal Form (5e Equipment)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Lose 2 on sleight of hand but +5 reach? Transformations feel very out of balance with each other. Other than cosmetic differences, the wolf transformation only adds a natural weapon (a strong one) and a tail. Meanwhile others are purely cosmetic, prevent you from wearing armor, give you extra limbs, remove your limbs, removes your grip, etc.

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Wondrous item (mask), uncommon (requires attunement)

A white mask with many different animal features, shapes itself to fit the wearer. attunes itself once worn.

Curse. once the mask is put on, it will fuse itself to the wearer, making it impossible to remove except for a wish spell. After 1 min, the wearer's body starts changing rapidly. Transformations happen painfully over 1d4 minutes. During that time, it can be reversed by a lesser restoration spell, but afterwards, it can only be reversed by a wish spell. Use table below.

1d10 Animal Description
1 wolf The wearer starts growing gray/black fur on their body, ears relocate to top of the head and grow pointy, grow claws that do 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage. You also grow a tail.
2 eagle The wearer grows a coat of feathers, arms shift to change into large wings, you gain a flying speed equal to twice your basic walking speed. You lose your hands, and can't hold anything, your mouth elongates, turning into a gold colored beak.
3 cat The wearer grows black/brown/gray fur. Ears relocate to the top of the head and turn pointy. You gain +1 to your Dexterity score. You also grow a tail.
4 fox The wearer grows orange and black fur and a tail. Your ears relocate to the top of the head and turn pointy. The face elongates into a snout.
5 spider The wearer grows short black fur all over their body. The wearer grows 4 additional legs and limbs turn thin and spider-like. wearer shrinks 1 size. The wearer grows a spider-like abdomen and gains spider climb trait.
6 snake The wearer grows hard green scales all over their body. You gain resistance to poison damage. The wearers legs fuse together and form a long snake tail, you lose the ability to dash or jump.
7 octopus The wearer's skin turns blue/green and is always wet. The wearer gains gills and loses lungs, you gain water breathing and a swimming speed of 50 feet. Your arms turn into large tenticles. You lose 2 on Sleight of Hand, but gain +5 feet of reach.
8 ooze The wearer's skin/insides turn into transparent blue gel. Your body can shape itself into any shape you want, but it takes concentration to maintain your humanoid form. you gain resistance to acid damage. You gain the spider climb and amorphous features. Weapons do half damage and you can't cast spells. Your speech always comes out bubbly and muted, as if you're underwater. You also can't wear armor.
9 bat The wearer starts growing black/brown fur on it's body. ears relocate to the top of the head and shape more like a bat's. The wearer's arms shift and change to turn into large bat wings, you gain a flying speed equal to your base walking speed, but lose your hands and can no longer hold anything.
10 sheep The wearer grows a soft coat of wool on it's skin. Your hands and feet turn into hooves, you can no longer hold anything. You gain resistance to cold damage.
(one vote)

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