Forest Elf (5e Subrace)

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Forest Elf Subrace[edit]

These elves come from astray magicless descendants of wood elves that left their woodlands in search of a newer purpose. Upon finding a magically rich forest they soon settled there and were greeted by a forest god and soon made a deal that granted them magical forest-like powers in exchange for them to start converting to the god's faith. This bargain was soon struck and these elves soon started to have magic and these elves started to be called Forest Elves. These elves are similar looking to their descendants, the wood elves besides two possible distinctable features, forest elves have leaf-like hair and/or eyes that seem polka dotted in a green and black color at the middle of their eyes. Considering forest elves are astray, wood elves often have discontent with forest elves but since wood elves are level-headed creatures, that discontent never really boils into anger but in recent years that discontent has faded gradually and the forest and wood elves are starting to become more content with each other.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Forest Walk. Like your close descendants of wood elves, your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Blessing of Nature. The forest god whispered to your kin long ago, granting them some magical powers from a religious deal that was made between the first of your kin. Starting at 1st level, you learn the Druidcraft cantrip and Longstrider or Speak with Animals. At 3rd level, you learn Spike Growth or Gust of Wind. At 5th level, you learn Erupting Earth or Plant Growth. You use your charisma or wisdom modifier for these spells.
Survivalist. Your kin has become acquainted with the forest for some time and thrives in the dangerous wild, honing their skills within the forest. You have proficiency in the Survival skill and advantage on checks made to track a creature in a forest.
Forest Adaptation. With each growing year forest elves become a custom to forests. Difficult terrain that originated in a forest does not effect you.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Table: Forest Elf Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
5′ 9″ +2d10 120 lb. × (1d6) lb.
(0 votes)

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