3.5e Prestige Classes

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This page contains a list of all user-submitted prestige classes. To see a list of the prestige classes by category click on the following links. The organizations are from Wizards of the Coast, and they are divided into 6 main types:

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Name Type Description
8-Bit Black Mage Strong Spellcasting The 8-Bit Black Mage is a nexus of magic given form, usually for destructive ends and watched over by dark and evil gods.
8-Bit Fighter Combat-Focused, Good Guy I will further my skills with the sword in order to—oooh, shiny...
Abomination Combat Focused, Bad Guy Abominations have been present throughout history, some making themselves well known such as the Frankenstein monster, whilst many have tried to emulate their hideous appearance, it takes a truly twisted and deformed mind to create such a being. Though it takes much more vision to become one as opposed to giving life to one...
Acari <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Acolyte of Barnabus Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting An Acolyte of Barnabus is a worshipper of the greater deity of fear, Barnabus, and practices the highest art of fear.
Acolyte of the Gods (3.5e Epic Prestige Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Acolyte of the Golem <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Adamantine Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Adamantine Knight sees perfection in the unyielding resilience and unequalled hardness of adamantine. By means of a strange alchemical process kept secret by the Adamantine Knights, these stalwart defenders of order actually incorporate that perfect metal into their own bodies.
Adipose Avatar Combat-Focused A mortal who has survived starving to the brink of death and now hungers for eternity.
Aerial Cavalier Good Guy, Combat Focused Expert at flying on an aerial mount.
AEXIII's Death Knight Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Mortals, in their fear, often seek to thwart Death, and, in doing so they upset the natural balance between it and Life. Death Knights are those who have dedicated themselves to setting the balance right.
AEXIII's Weapon Master Combat Focused Warriors who have dedicated themselves to a particular weapon until its use is like an art form.
Aghori Guru Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Arcane Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting, The Aghori are a small cult of occult monks that worship a deity of destruction and rejuvanation, delving into eldritch arts and specializing in grappling foes
Airship Pilot (10 Levels) Skilled 10 levels version of Eiji's Airship Pilot prestige class.
Airship Pilot Skilled Control the skies in your own airship. You may be an army commander or a pirate captain, but you own the air!
Alchemist Strong Spellcasting The alchemist is a seeker of knowledge, such as the secrets of eternal life or turning lead into gold.
Ambassador of Obad-Hai Spellcaster Ambassador's of Obad-Hai are the great bridges between the Natural world and the Divine. They act as the right hand of Obad-Hai protecting, nurturing, and advancing all of nature.
Ambassador of Slime Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Anchorite Strong Spellcasting Living in one place can have its advantages, especially if by living there one can gain a special awareness of the area. Anchorites live in just such places, and with few distractions they can learn to use their spells effectively, projecting magical influence over great distances.
Ancient Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Angel Disciple Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Transformational Those with angelic heritage can draw on their blood to transform into a higher power of good.
Angel Disciple, Variant Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Transformational Those with angelic heritage can draw on their blood to transform into a higher power of good.
Anima and Animus Mages Strong Spellcasting Jungian mythological theory combines with arcane magic in this prestige class, where two wizards in a close relationship can project their anima and animus properties onto one another, creating two specialized wizards and intense psychological power.
Anima Apostle Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting An anima apostle is an ur-priest who has learned to bind the vestiges of long dead gods and demons to his will.
Animal Lord Animal Lords are hunters and woodsmen who have completely devoted their lives to wolves.
Animal Soul Moderate Spellcasting Some find themselves drawn to certain animals. Some have a bond so strong they eventually become part of that animal. And sometimes, that animal is really weird.
Apex Archer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Apostate Sovereign Combat-Focused The Apostate Sovereign Is a Devout Vessel who has severed ties with their divine patron or leader. These individuals no longer serve a higher power but instead embrace their own strength, ambition, and individuality.
Apostle of Tirek <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arachnomancer Moderate Spellcasting The Arachnomancer is a spellcaster atuned to the powers of spiderkind.
Arc Lord Combat Focussed A lightning-infused combatant who strikes hard & fast with powerful shocking abilities.
Arcane Archer, Spellcasting Variant Moderate Spellcasting An Arcane Archer who gives up some attack bonus in return for spellcasting
Arcane Brother <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arcane Dancer Arcane dancers combine the movements of their bodies seamlessly with the movements of the mystical energies within them as they cast their spells.
Arcane devotee Spellcasting with a few cleric tricks Arcane devotee is a prestige class on Faerûn comprised of arcane spellcasters dedicated to the deity they worship.
Arcane Dissector Light Spellcasting, Moderate Combat Constantly seeking knowledge, gaining more information each step of the way, the Dissector is an amazing Prestige class to enter a campaign with, friend or foe.
Arcane Drummer Silly, Ranged Combat Focused, Separate Spellcasting Everyone knows about bards. However, there are some bards who decide to bang a drum kit so loudly and disgustingly, it disrupts almost any enemy. Infused with arcane magic, you have the arcane drummer
Arcane Hunter Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The stormtroopers of the Arcane Order are the Arcane Hunters. They pick up the people or beasts that get a warrant on their heads from the Arcane Order
Arcane Mentalist Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting A Wizard who uses magic and various other tools to expand their mind.
Arcane Perfectionist Combat-Focused There are mages who spend their lives in their study and mages that concentrate for hours to gain power.They think that gaining more powerful spells is the key to

power.Fortunately, you know better.You have spent hours of training to learn the perfect accent of the Draconic language and every spellcasting is like a short ritual to you that you treat with respect and enjoy its benefits.

Arcane Philosopher Strong Spellcasting Scholars devoted to learning and studying magic, above even the practice of it.
Arcane Savant Strong Spellcasting A master of both academic and innate arcana
Arcane Sniper Moderate Spellcasting Arcane Snipers specialize in the use of the pistol and the rifle, trading their spellcasting proficiency for the ability to imbue bullets with magical effects.
Arcane Synergist The Arcane Synergist dabbles in areas of arcane spellcasting that few mages are even willing to acknowledge. He is an experimentalist in nature, and is often willing to take great risks just to learn more about the arcane.
Arcane Warrior <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arch Psion Strong Manifesting The arch psion gains the ability to alter powers remarkably, but she sacrifices some of her psionic capability to master these psionic secrets.
Archblade Combat-Focused The elite of those who take up arms, they are masters of the physical blows.
Archer of Artifice Moderate Spellcasting Those that follow the path of the Archer of Artifice are feared in combat due not only to their abilities to infuse magical spells directly into their arrows, but also due to the superiority of their magically-enhanced equipment in all regards.
Archmind <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Archwark Strong, Arcane Spellcasting Chocobos of immense arcane power.
Arctic Augurer Strong Spellcasting An Arctic Augurer focuses soley in his chosen discipline: Cold magic
Armored Marksman of the Gods <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arthroparch Strong Spellcasting A master of vermin, with the unique ability to bend them to his will.
Artificer Strong Spellcasting An exceptionally gifted creator of magical items, able to easily forge the most powerful of items with his magical powers. These creators are both Divine or Arcane in nature and have been known to create the greatest items of legend.
Ascendant Knight Battle-Focused, Good Guy The Ascendant Knight has achieved a new level of power derived from the five energies, a gift only possible from the celestials. They combine destructive energy powers with a rejuvinative ability to form a deadly force on the battlefield.
Assassin of the Dagger of Light Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Good themed Assassin with some focus on spellcasting and better silent movement.
Assassin, Creed Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Assassin, Stealth Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Assassin, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Atlantean Cavalier Combat-Focused Atlantean cavaliers are seafarers who patrol the ocean's coasts and depths.
Augmenter of the Glorious Evolution <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Augmentor Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting An arcane caster who specialises in enhancing his own physical capabilities & those of his allies.
Autumneve Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Autumneves are battle-sorcerer priests of Modroben, whose speciality in invocation allows them to blast undead hordes in great numbers.
Avenging Barbarian Combat Focused A barbarian that draws power from vengeful fury. Taking pain, or seeing things they deem important in their life gives them seemingly unyielding strength, all to be unleashed upon the one who did it
Baatorian Arcanovore Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Special agents of a cryptic and infernal order from the 9 Hells that specialize in the elimination of arcane spellcasters and outsiders. Intended for campaigns that allow Outsider PCs, or as an NPC Outsider class.
Bahamut's/Tiamat's Fanatic Combat-Focused Former clerics that devote their everything to further the cause of their chosen dragon deity.
Bard of the Secret Chord Good Guy, Bard Good bards that use their heavenly music to purify the souls of others.
Baron of the Grave Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting The divine hand of the undead, the royalty and master of the undead, and the blurring of line between life and death.
Barrister of the Nine Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A contract broker of the Nine Hells; often times, the contract's collateral is one's soul.
Battle Caller Strong Spellcasting Masters of the Summoning arts they are able to summon both celestial and damned beings
Battle Hedgehog Combat-Focused A battle hedgehog is a warrior who specializes in the use of spiked armor and spiked gauntlets. As the warrior progresses down this path, he begins to gain abilities that go beyond using spikes in battle.
Battle Herald Strong Spellcasting The quintessential battlefield bard, whose music sounds even sweeter on the field of battle.
Battle Mage Strong Spellcasting A master of abjuration and evocation magic.
Battle Master Combat-Focused The first into battle, the last out of battle.
Battle Teleporter Battlefield controller A specialized class for a magic user, focusing on teleportation
Battlemage Moderate Spellcasting, Combat-Focused The Battlemage is a spellcaster who has mastered the art of melding might and magic
Bearlock Spellcasting, any alignment Ever seen a caster? Not very intimidating with them flabby arms, huh? That's where the Bearlock is different!
Beast Master <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Beastmaster Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Beastmind Warrior Moderate Spellcasting Warriors who use psionic abilities to become like beasts.
Becomer Transformational,seperate spellcasting This class is desinged to let you become a number of creatures not normally avalible for play. the apothisis is at level 2, while other abilitys come later.
Black Rock Stalker <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Blackshirt Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Blackshirts are ebony-clad wizard-priests of Modroben, specializing in arcane enchantment magic, especially in the creation of magical potions and objects to assist people in defense against the undead.
Blade Master Combat-Focused Masters of the blade these mystical warriors are fast and deadly.
Blade of Orien (Fix) Battlefield Control Remake of Blade of Orien PrC
Blade Scribe Combat/Utility Focused A Specialized Weaponmaster with unique powers.
Bladed Magus Melee Combat focused, Spellcasting A mage of devastating power, who has trained to channel power through their blade
Blademaster Combat-Focused A lightly-armored warrior that uses two-handed weapons.
Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Bladesinger of Old <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Blessed Emissary of Eilistraee Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Powerful and devout worshippers of the Dark Maiden, the Blessed Emissaries of Eilistraee serve as the faces for Eilistraee's redeemed Drow followers.
Blightmancer Strong Spellcasting Blightmancers are walking biological weapons; spellcasters who command and control devastating diseases, various poisons, and hordes of angry vermin
Blind Warrior Combat-Focused A dedicated warrior who refuses to think of his blindness as a disability
Blood Defender Combat-Focused One who protects friends with raging fury.
Blood Knight Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Blood knights are servants of vampirekind, prestigious warriors, and powerful vampires.
Blood Mage Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Despicable minions of the demon Acerbus, these evil spellcasters enjoy spreading pain and terror before them like the flames that wreath their dark masters body.
Blood Reaver <Heavy Melee> A Blood Reaver is a Barbarian whom has Demonic ties and where taught a form of Blood Magic to enhance their combat.
Blood Soldier Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Blood Soldier are evil, and they seek to earn a "better" place in their infernal afterlives. They will work for anyone to achieve this end goal, making sure they do not become a nobody in the netherworld.
Bloodmeister Combat Focused, Bad Guy The power of blood, which exists in all living things, is an alluring force. Some would call the warriors who harness that power as a physical weapon true visionaries; others would call them madmen. Of course, there is often little difference between the two...
Bloodseeker Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting A warlock prc that revolves around blood magic. Female only. Connected to the Dhampyr.
Bludfrost Cavalier Combat-Focused Blüdfrost Cavalry are the stout cold-weather warriors who patrol the Northern Wastes
Blue Vizier/Al-Zwuri Strong Spellcasting The Al-Zwuri, or Blue Viziers, are hydromancer warlocks. They get their powers from pacts with mighty marids and use them for ruling, knowledge and religious ceremonies.
Bonespur Bad Guy, Combat-Focused A fanatical worshipper of Nerull who learns to use his own bones as weapons.
Bonetamer Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Bonetamers necromancers of the light, those who use their sinister magics to protect life from the ravages of undeath, specializing in the theft, and liberation, of undead from those who control them.
Bow Master Combat-Focused Master of ranged combat, bow master fillets his opponents with arrows from all ranges. The bow masters familiarity with his weapons allow him to perform extraordinary feats of archery.
Bowman of Hunting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Breath Weapon Adept <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Breathstealer Bad Guy Breathstealers kill to satisfy their morbid curiosity and twisted urges.
Brother of the Dark Assassins Bad Guy, Combat Focused Cruel and harsh the Brothers of the Darkness are like their master Salavr
Brother of the Scarred Hand Good guy, bad guy, minor spellcasting Ascetics who learn the powers of healing and harming
Builder Land Modifier Built for building. Weather it be a quick tower for you spotter to keep a look out or a fortress worthy of the Gods
Bullet Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Burning Soul Good Guy, Combat-Focused Brave heroes never back down from a fight against evil, even in the face of death. And the phoenix rises from the fire of their souls.
Calculated Warrior Combat Focused A fighter that uses opportunities to fight smarter.
Candlelord Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Candlelords are wizard-priests of Modroben in his guise as god of time; they protect the world, and reality itself, from those who would abuse magic and risk catastrophe to achieves personal riches.
Cassian Temptress Combat-Focused Cassian Temptresses are females who use their beauty, agility, and magic to steal vital energy for their goddess.
Cathardigan Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Cathardigan are an elite team of acrobatic gnomish paladins who slay undead in the name of their lord, Modroben, known for riding giant condor mounts.
Cavalier, charming Combat-focused Charming cavaliers are mounted knights skilful both at court and on the battlefield; using his authoritative power in addition to his riding skills.
Cavern Strider Combat-Focused, Skilled No one else can match a Cavern Strider's ability to climb.
Celestial Artist Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled The Celestial Artist uses their ability to manifest material from their paintings and their own special inks and talents to perform incredible feats of valor and strength.
Celestial Beacon Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused A beacon of light that shines even in the evil of the lower planes.
Celestial Caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Celestial Disciple Combat-Focused, Divine A Celestial Disciple is a warrior who through intense training forges herself into a divine weapon, spreading her faith and striking down infidels in righteous vengeance.
Celestial Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Celtic Guardian <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Champion of Khorne Bad Guy, Combat Focused A maniacal beserker who allows his anger to guide his actions and who cares only for slaughter and blood
Champion of Nature Moderate Spellcasting <.>
Channeler Spellcasting Focuses The Channeler is a spellcaster who has honed his spellcasting for one particular branch of energy to the extreme
Cheerleader Skilled, April Fools, Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Give me a B! Give me an A! Give me an R! Give me a D! Bards who focus on supporting through dance and song can find their efforts rewarded as a cheerleader (or marching leader for a more manly look on it).
Child of the Night Skilled The Child of Night is a member of the guild of its namesake, and specializes in one-hit knockouts.
Chiseled Adonis Combat-Focused The Chiseled Adonis could be avoiding the hits he takes, but it's too good of a work out.
Chiseled Warrior Combat Focused A warrior whose body becomes like steel.
Choreutist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Chosen Blade Faith-Based Skills, Combat Focused A chosen blade is an agent of their chosen faith, deputized by a higher ranking priest or paladin.
Chronicler Strong Spellcasting Bardic orators who use the power of their stories to alter history and even predict the future. Few live to master the class.
Chrono Splicer Combat-Focused A monk who can bend time to make more attacks.
Clayshaper Strong Spellcasting A spellcaster with the ability to manipulate and infuse clay with magic.
Cloaktower Watchman Strong Spellcasting An arcane agent and spellweaving combatant in the service of the Cloaktower of Neverwinter.
Combustioneer Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Combustioneers are clerical priests of Modroben, god of death, who serve him as masters of cremation and fire elementrics.
Contemplative Domains and divine bonuses for divine casters. A contemplative and studious approach to the divine. Adaptation of a classic PrC with extremely minor changes in order to appeal to a wider range of concepts.
Corpselight Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Corpselights are shamans who worship the nature spirits who are holy to Modroben, god of death; they derive their powers from the scavenger species that their order holds sacred.
Cottage Witch Moderate Spellcasting A cottage witch is one who has built and occupied a cottage and been accepted by the local populace. By doing so she gains powers over the local landscape, populace, flora and fauna, as well as crafting and casting bonuses whilst inside her cottage.
Courier Skilled, Separate Spellcasting When it absolutely, positively, has to be there overnight.
Courier Mage Skilled, Strong Spellcasting When it absolutely, positively, has to be there in two seconds.
Court Champion Good Guy, Combat, Detects, reveals, and combats treason and corruption among those in high places
Craftsman A master mundane craftsman
Creator strong spellcasting, divine spellcasting A creator is a divine spellcaster who seeks to attain the most basic power of the gods, the ability to create life itself.
Crepuscular Visage Strong Spellcasting These warlocks gain power by mixing light and darkness, manipulating positive and negative energies to do their bidding.
Crossroad Demon <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Cryomancer Strong Spellcasting By focusing on the harsh cold lands of the ice deserts, the Cryomancer has learnt how to manipulate the cold to a fine degree.
Crystal Mage Strong Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Uses mana crystals in combat and other use...
Cullinomancer Strong Spellcasting The Cullinomancer is a spellcaster who grows tired of mundane, normal, or boring spells, and instead opts for a more crearive approach, through cooking.
Cursed Soul Separate Spellcasting. The negative manifestation of the favored soul, the cursed soul is given powerful magics in exchange for a life of great suffering.
Cyst Disciple Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A divine spellcaster who worships the undead cyst that has taken root in their living flesh.
Dabbler of All Kinds/Ultimate Theurge Moderate Spellcasting, Moderate Psionics, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Akin to the mystic theurge or celebremancer, but this one aims to combine all magic systems WotC has released, psionics, truename magic, shadow magic, vestige binding, essentia / chakra binding, arcane magic, divine magic, and is good at none of them
Dagger Mage Combat Caster Melee fighter, arcane caster
Daimyo <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dark Flame Disciple Strong Spellcasting, Supernatural Abilities, Extraordinary Abilities, Spellcasters infused with the power of The Black Flame Dragon God Fairnedahlk[[1]]
Dark-Light Vindicator Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The path of Dark and Light
Darkdrawn Priest Strong Spellcasting Among the clergy of some dark deities, there are those who even the shadow fears.
Darkfeather Good Guy, Combat-Focused Priests of Modroben who worship him in his guise as god of death, Darkfeathers are highly trained archers blessed with the eyes of their patron animal, the buzzard, which they use to pick off undead targets from great distances.
Darkfire Guild Wizard Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Despicable minions of the demon Acerbus, these evil spellcasters enjoy spreading pain and terror before them like the flames that wreath their dark masters body.
Darksong Paladin Dual Wielding Paladin Highly skilled graceful warriors of Eilistraee
Death Dealer Combat Focused, Spontaneous Spellcaster. A slayer with superb tracking and damage dealing abilities to 'marked' opponents.
Death Disciple Evil/Neutral Necromancer. Caster Focus. A dark being who demands and requires the absolute dominion of undead, becoming like one them selves and gaining a familiar before long that is too undead.
Death Hand <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Death Incarnate <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Death Priest Necromancer Death Priest
Deathlock Combat Spellcaster For sorcerers or wizards who have abandoned all but the powers of destruction, the path of a Deathlock awaits.
Deathstalker A murderous servant of a dead god. A murderous servant of a murderous deity of killing and violent death. Based upon a PrC in DraMag #322.
Deathwright Good Guy, Combat-Focused Holy paladins enforcing the will of Modroben by destroying undead, deathwrights are vengeful defenders of life and death, and are known for seeking out the most powerful and vile kinds of necromancers.
Deepwood Sniper <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Deepwood Sniper, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Defender of Destiny Moderate Spellcasting Defenders of destiny believe everyone in the world has its own path to follow. Some people stray from their path, and it’s their duty to lead them back to their destiny, with force.
Defiler of Temples Strong Spellcasting A Defiler of Temples is a divine caster who likes ticking off the enemies of his god.
Delver of Dreams Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled Dreams are the inexplicable realm where all humanoid races live things that have passed, thing that are meant to be...
Demolisher Combat-Focused Demolishers are experts in destroying objects and constructs.
Demon Berserker Bad Guy, Combat Focused Barbarian meets demon.
Demon Hunter, Variant Good Guy; Combat-Focused; semi-skilled A Hunter, who is exceptionally good in tracking and slaying Demons(and other evil/chaotic Outsoders)
Descendant of Red Dragon Spellcasting Red Dragon Wannabe
Desert Dreamwalker Combat-Focused, Separate Spellcasting, Two-weapon fighting Some find themselves among those few who can not only enter the world of dreams, but can manipulate both that world and the waking world, even when awake. They can use these powers combined with their martial prowess to both cut through enemies and aid allies.
Devoted Warsinger Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Devout Leader Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Bad Guy Master of authority through power, influence, or divine conviction.
Dieharder Melee Combat, Damage mitigation The Dieharder, the man in the army that stands in the front, the overly large ogre leading the pack, those who are just able to soak more lethal blows and sinister strikes with minimal repercussions. The Dieharder PrC allows a character to enhance his or her Diehard feat through class features.
Dieharder (Redo for Powergamers) Melee Combat, Damage mitigation The Dieharder, the man in the army that stands in the front, the overly large ogre leading the pack, those who are just able to soak more lethal blows and sinister strikes with minimal repercussions. The Dieharder PrC allows a character to enhance his or her Diehard feat through class features.
Diplomat Separate Spellcasting While anyone can be an effective negotiator, there are some who have received advanced training in this field, using spells to influence ideas, these people are Diplomats.
Disciple of Blood <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Disciple of Shadow Comat-Focused, Melee-Focused Martial adept that focuses on the Shadow Hand Discipline
Disciple of the Bow Good Guy Prestige levels unlocked by activation of the Bow of Dragons Sorrows
Disciple of the Flame Strong Spellcasting The Disciple of the Flame advocates herself to the purity of fire, and becomes one with the holy bird, the phoenix. She learns of it taking it as her totem, and eventually fuses with it to reach immortality.
Disciple of the Spirit Wave Combat-Focused An homage to Yusuke Urameshi from YuYu Hakusho. Also, should play pretty well.
Disciple of the Undying Cold Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A necromancer who embraces the power of bitter cold, eventually becoming undead himself.
Diva Bad Guy, Skilled 10 Levels version of Dirgesinger prestige class from Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Divine Ascendant Combat-Focused So you're epic level and trying to go for godhood. Now you can rule over everything with an iron fist!
Divine Assassin Sneak Deity Assassin
Divine Knight Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Blessed knights are chosen by their church, and they draw on their divinely given power to perform devastating attacks channeled through their weapon.
Divine Magus Strong Spellcasting The Divine Magus is a multiclass spellcaster who worships magic as a deity, constantly focusing his study of magic and trying to understand the connection between the divine and arcane.
Divine Oracle A caster based on scrying and divination. A chosen oracle of a deity or a diviner that peers beyond the veil, interpreting the future and the will of the gods. Adaptation of a classic PrC with extremely minor changes.
Divine Soldier Good Guy, Bad Guy, Minor Spellcasting, Melee Pietous warrior with limited spellcasting
Divine Swordsman <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Divine Thaumaturge <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Divine Warrior <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dracolichbound Bad Guy, Transformational, Strong Spellcasting For a caster-focused template, based on Lichbound, but now for dragons!
Draconic Champion Melee Combat-Focused A Half-Dragon Variant for melee classes such as barbarian and fighter.
Draconic Shadow Combat-Focused, Skilled Draconic Shadows are firstly, followers of their patron dragon; and secondly, masters of stealth-based combat.
Dragon Lord <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dragon Mystic Arcane Caster Dragons with spells
Dragonbond Knight Combat-Focused A character who rides a dragon.
Dragonfire Champion Combat Focused, Good Guy A powerful force of draconic good, infusing breath weapons with smiting power.
Dragonologist Moderate Spellcasting Dragonologists study the nature of the dragons and want to seek draconic powers through this learning. They try to earn a dragon's trust and live with that dragon, learning and becoming stronger with the dragon himself.
Dragonrider of Bahamut Martial, Secondary Support Caster The Dragon Rider of Bahamut is a specialized paladin prestige class that focuses on the paladin's mount. This allows a worthy paladin to ride into battle on top of a powerful dragon that gets stronger as the Dragon Rider levels up. This class trades most of the paladin's additional ability progression (smite evil, remove disease, turn undead) as well as half of its casting ability in order to get a superior dragon mount.
Dragoon Combat-focused Dragoons specialize in fighting extremely large enemies. They prefer spears for this purpose because of the simplicity of use and the reach. With a bit of natural magic and a lot of hard work, they grow to be capable of incredible maneuvers.
Dragoon (LoD supplement) "Combat-Focused" A fighter of mythical proportions, they fight with the power of dragons at their disposal.
Dragoon, 3rd Variant Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting PrC designed based off of the Dragoons from 'Legend of Dragoon' game from the PS1, an alternative compared to another's.
Dragoon, Variant Combat-focused Dragoons specialize in fighting extremely large enemies. They prefer spears for this purpose because of the simplicity of use and the reach. With a bit of natural magic and a lot of hard work, they grow to be capable of incredible maneuvers.
Dread Hunter Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Bad Guy The ultimate ranger, the most studied hunter: A Ranger prestige class that grants dreadful and baneful powers that make slaying Favored Enemies simpler than swinging a mace.
Dreadful Rager <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dreadknight Bad Guy, Combat Focused The dreadknights are the champions of the lawful evil.
Druid, LoD Divine Spellcaster, Strong Spellcaster The druid are devoted to nature, master of animal and bestower of nature gift and vengeance...
Druid, Variant Divine Spellcaster, Strong Spellcaster The druid are devoted to nature, master of animal and bestower of nature gift and vengeance...
Drumblack Good Guy Drumblacks are highly-trained bards chosen to wield a very powerful magic, allowing them to cast spells through the intonations of percussion instruments, some of which can be heard for miles.
Drunken Brawler Combat-Focused As a barbarian can go into a rage, a drunken brawler, after a few drinks, can become just as beserk.
Drunken Master, Tome Combat Focused, Unusual Abilities, Dodgy AKA, the Drunk Monk. Uses Dungeonomicon Monk
Dune Walker Combat-Focused Dune walkers differ from other adventurers in that they don't fight the harsh conditions of their adopted home - they embrace them. As they progress down the path of the desert-initiated, they slowly gain abilities that resonate with the desert's characteristics, culminating in an astounding ability to shift their bodies into a contiguous mass of sand.
Dungeon Veteran Combat-Focused, Skilled You're well-suited to exploring and surviving dungeons.
Eagle Rider Moderate Spellcasting Eagle Riders were trained as Druids, learning to love and fully understand their animal companions. Eagle Rides have a close connection to their eagles, and they learn how to ride eagles better than anyone else every could.
Earth Vanguard Combat-Focused A master of stone produced by generations of dwarven tradition.
Easy Rider Good Guy A devoted Animal Companionist, that rides his Companion and marches to glory
Ebon Hand talented criminal and social manipulator Socially adept thief with a tendency to brag, taunt, and show of his skills.
Edgeripper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Edgerippers are sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on using spells of transmutation and metamorphosis to battle undeath; they serve as spies and support for large-scale attacks.
Eldritch Priest Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting The eldritch priest is a master of invocations and divinity.
Eldritch Shadow Combat-Focused Because of how Eldritch Shadows are treated in many places, and because of a general mistrust, Eldritch Shadows learn secrets of their heritage and the underworkings of the "other" side of the law.
Eldritch Sword Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Eldritch Sword is a melee mage who believes in attacking the enemy head on.
Electrokinecist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Elemental Manipulator Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Wizards or Mages good at altering the energy
Elemental master <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Elothar Warrior of Bladereach Combat Focused Totally not a ninja!
Endowed Orator Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled The Endowed Orators are leaders. They gather followers, command armies, & concur kingdoms with ease.
Enlightened Spirit In The Dungeon Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting This a remake of the Enlightened Spirit from Complete Mage and it's part of the In The Dungeon series.

These warlocks are few and far in between, having renounced their evil ways, or at least demonic connection, to embrace Light or some good superior entity. Their powers remind of a classic cleric or paladin, engaged in constant war with undeads and fiends.

Epic Artificer (3.5e Epic Prestige Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Epic Leader <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Epic Spell Researcher Strong Spellcasting, Good Guy, Bad Guy Headmaster that wants to Research Epic Spells, and so employs a variety of tricks to make them researchable.
Erinys Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Sometimes called Furies, Erinyes (plural of Erinys) are heralds of justice and death, bringing righteous vengeance to those who deserve it.

They are relentless in their chase, hunting down evildoers of any kind, flying miles to reach them and exempt swift justice. They are similar to the inevitables in their doing.

This class is intended for the favored soul variant: Favored Soul In The Dungeon, but with little adaptation should be fit for the paladin, ranger and cleric class.

Esoteric Inventor Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting A creator and an engineer that combines the acuity of the mind with eldritch knowldege to build powerful contructs and golems, infused with occult energies.
Espada Combat-Focused The best of the best when it comes to the Arrancar and Vasto Lorde
Espada, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Eternal Guardian Strong Spellcasting A mimic decided to protect her master until the very end.
Eternal Incarnate Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting A spellcaster who mastered the art of reincarnation, being able to modify the cycle and recall former lives memories.
Eternal Servant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Ether Engineer Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Minor Psionics Through the lens of you knowledge and skill as an Engineer, you perceive the world and its magic.
Expert Tripper Combat-Focused The expert tripper is a master of tripping people, making weakness where their was none before. They are all about exploiting battle, using tripping to gain the upper hand.
Exponential Grower Exponential Growers have stats that never stop growing for the rest of their lives
Exterminator Combat-Focused, Stealthy Who stalks the stalker?
Face Skilled Some become strong by the sword. Some find their power in arcane runes, or the will of gods. Faces finds their power in the power of others, and the binding oath.
Faceless Combat-Focused A divine warrior that sacrificed everything that defined him as a person in exchange for the power to serve his god.
Facsimile Moderate Spell casting, Unique Ability A Facsimile uses there knowledge of the arcane to reproduce themselves.
Fae Arcanite Ranged Combat, Arcane Caster Learn to be a sneaky fey sniper
Fae Marksman (3.5e Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Faerglissal Moderate Spellcasting A powerful drow warlock who taps the Underdark for power.
Faerie Warlock Strong Spellcasting The warlocks of the Faerie Covenant are mysterious arcanists that benefit from a pact made with a powerful fairy lord or queen or other similar natural spirits. Every pact is usually made with a different fairy for each warlock so they are not a cohesive society, reflecting the chaotic nature of their patrons.
Falconer Combat-Focused, Pet-Based The Falconer fights side-by-side with her avian animal companion.
Fang of the Four Winds Combat-Focused, Skilled Students of the Desert Wind discipline expand their mastery over fire until other elements of the world.
Fate Weaver Combat Focused A caster that uses tarot cards to alter her magic.
Fatemark Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting The Fatemark are sages and scholars in the Church of Modroben, wizard-priests specializing in divination and the protection of the passage of fate.
Fell Knight, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Fell Warrior Strong Spellcasting, Combat-focused The warlock's answer to the spellcaster's eldritch knight
Fell Warrior, the bluez's variant Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting. A mystic warrior, that mixes eldritch arts with martial arts. A variant of the Fell Warrior class.
Feral Assassin Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Assassins with an affinity for animals.
Feral Lord of the Forest <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Feymage Moderate Spellcasting Feymages are spellcasters of fey or elven race who choose to develop and enhance the skills, affinity with nature, and innate magical characteristics inherent in their fey heritage.
Fiendish Arm Combat-Focused Beings linked to Demons in one form or another may bring out that power by sacrificing their arm, creating something known as the Fiendish Arm.
Fierceweapon Smith Combat-Focused Deep in some ravenous races of the horde tribes there lies a Fierceweapon Smith. Through radical experimentation and sheer desire, they have created something truly wicked and horrifing.
Firelord <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Fist of the Dragon <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Flame Priest Blaster based spellcaster class, combat focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Flamesworn Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting A Magus who Sacrifies his very being in the pursuit of raw power
Fleshbinder Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Fleshbinders are a special kind of warlocks that direct their powers towards their bodies and eventually towards others'.

Their powers allow them to buff allies and themselves and to ruin the flesh of enemies.

Fleshcrafter Combat-Focused, Bad Guy A crafter, weaver and stitcher of mort flesh
Fleshwarper <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Foolsman/Foolswoman Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Foolsmen are chaotic and unstable sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on developing skills in illusions and phantasms, especially in the distraction of large numbers of undead so they can be destroyed easily.
Forgefire Warlock Strong Spellcasting The chosen of Alethros, forgefire warlocks channel raw fiery power from the heart of the earth.
Forgemaster Exhalted, Good Guy, Craftsman, NPC Divine craftsman of good.
Formless Druid Advacement Allows Greater Wild Shape use
Forsaker Combat Focused, Unusual You refuse the use of magic in favor of your own capabilities.
Fox of Sin Neutral, Good-Guy. The Fox of Sin walks the line of good and evil taking from both to power her abilities!
Frost Demon Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Frostbite Warknight Combat Focused, Good Guy, Bad Guy A mighty martial obelisk of ice.
Fury Mage Moderate Spellcasting, Combat Focused Fury Mages learn to channel rage into their spells.
Fury Scion Moderate Spellcasting Warlocks who heed the true call of their hearts come to channel their rage into blasts instead of just their fists. If ever rubbed the wrong way, their torrent of power made of a mixture of magical and physical nature could humble a rampaging Orc.
Gambler Skilled Some see luck as being too circumstantial. Others see luck as a weapon, simply waiting to be wielded by skillful hands. These wielders of luck are called gamblers, and they play a game every time they step out the door.
Gazebo You are a Gazebo.
Gentle Monk Combat-focused, anti-caster Another Monk PrC experiment. Based on Naruto this time.
Ghost Monk Combat-Focused Ghost Monks are a sect of the Monastic disipline concerned with dodging and counters. The art they practice is reactive, improvisational, and suprisingly powerful. While less effective against non-humanoids, there are few fighters that can stand up to the might of a trained Ghost Monk.
Ghostwyld Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting The Ghostwyld are mysterious and reclusive priests of Modroben, who wield shamanic magic and allow themselves to be possessed by dead spirits, as well as gathering totemic objects from undead prey to bolster their power.
God of Death Combat-Focused Harvester of souls
God Slayer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Godling Turns you into a god, without breaking the game
Gold Templar Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting An escort of healers, and server of those in need of healing and protection
Golem Warcrafter Combat based,strong spellcasting Prestige class for those who want to build golems
Golem-Knight of Mechanus Super-crafter and tank extraordinaire.
Gorgon Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A gorgon is a warlock that is descendant from unions between medusas and other races or gains similar powers through other means.

It can paralyse and even petrify those who oppose it. It learns to control snakes and use poisons.

Usually they are females but male gorgons are not unheard of.

Grafter Moderate Spellcasting A master of alchemical, organic magic items that are bonded to the bodies of applicants, the grafter delves into strange research that pushes the boundaries of magical item creation.
Grandmaster Combat-Focused A Grandmaster has seen it all and has always found victory. His biggest strength is versatility—the Grandmaster can fight anywhere, every time, the way he wants to. His biggest weakness is determination—his job is fighting, and nothing else.
Gravewire Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Gravewire are dedicated rangers who focus on defending large cemeteries, tombs and similar resting places for the corpses of the deceased.
Gravitist Strong Spellcasting Gravitists specialize in manipulating gravity.
Gray Monk (3.5e Class) Life is disparity. Life and death, light and dark, good and evil. The Gray Monk rejects these, and embraces the peaceful gray existance.
Gray One Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A warlock prestige class mechanically geared towards debuffs in combat, outside of battle it works well as a group face, given its need of a high Charisma. Characterized as a creature full of sadness, delving in contemplation of the absurdity of existence.
Graylimm Good Guy, Divine Spellcasting Graylimm are druids who study and venerate fungi, especially mushrooms, breeding pocket versions with spores that can cause anything from healing to instant death.
Great Swordsman Combat-Focused A focused warrior who dedicates all of his training to the sword.
Greatweapon Smith Combat-Focused Every Orc tribe needs a blacksmith to create their weapons of destruction, you are that orc. You can create fierce weapons and be just as deadly with them. You specialize in two-handed weapons and you know how you cut down many creatures with them.
Green Whisperer Spellcaster, Arcane/Divine Nature speaks and the green whisperer listens. The green whisperer is attuned to nature and the wisdom of animals.
Greenward Bulwark Combat-Focused A druid who specializes in heavy armor
Grenadíer Throwing grenades at people.
Grim Psion Strong Manifesting The Grim psion becomes undead and eventually gains a phylactery. He sacrifices some of his psionic powers for the price of immortality.
Guardian Combat-Focused A "tank" in every sense of the word. The Guardian specializes in staying alive against all odds.
Guild Adventurer Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled The Guild Adventurer are those who spend their time among stalwarts learning from the best and the lucky. They find hints and secrets that many may accidentally drop from time to time, and use them well.
Guile Mage Strong Spellcasting, Social Manipulator Combining arcane power with a silver tongue, the Guile Mage is the ultimate manipulator.
Gun Mage Ranged Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Mages who infuse their magical firearms with pure arcana.
Gunslinger Combat-Focused Gunslingers are adept in the use of pistols, wielding them as a duelist wields a sword
Gutbuster Combat Focused Spiked Tanks of Death
Halfling Defense Force Carrier Good Guy, Skilled HDFC
Halfling Defense Force Judge Combat-Focused HDFJ
Hallowed Bladesinger Strong Combat, Strong Spellcasting A revered elven hero and practioner of the Old Ways who's legend is long past their prime.
Hallowed Vessel Pact-Making, Skilled A hallowed vessel is a binder who takes their pacts to a whole new level, tattooing the sigils of their favored vestiges onto their flesh.
Hammerer Combat-Focused A member of a greathammer-wielding knightly order, devoted and steadfast.
Hand Crossbow Hunter Combat Focused, Skilled "Hunters who see killing enemies with a great sword or heavy crossbow far too easy."
Hapless Fool <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Harmful Hand Adept Combat-Focused An unarmed combat style for those who like to take their battle to close-quarters.
Harrier Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Harriers are agile specialists who exploit flanking, attacks of opportunity and tripping, taking down their victims with surprise attacks and wolf pack tactics.
Hasamir Silencer Skilled Hasamir Silencer are the elite guards of the Hasamir Village of Silence in Wra'sh. They are stealthy and deadly, able to silence anyone who break the silence of Hasamir.
Hashshashin Novice Combat-Focused, Skillful, Stealthy The Hashshashins of Kreed are a philosophical order of assassins who fight a continuous secret war. The Hashshashins struggle to ensure the survival of free will, as it is what allows for the progression of new ideas and the growth of individuality.
Healer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Healing Hand Combat-Focused Healing focused devote
Healing Master Support Nobody dies on my watch
Hedge Mage Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A journeyman honing his craft while he searches for a suitable location for his tower.
Hedge Witch Moderate Spellcasting A journeywoman witch, honing her skills while searching for a suitable location to build her cottage.
Hedge Wizard Strong Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Not all wizards spend all their spare time studying intensively in libraries. There are those that must see more of the world, who lead mainly nomadic lives, making them much more robust.
Hellfire Archer Ranged & Fire Focused Combat The Hellfire Archer blends ranged attacks with powerful fire abilities.
Hellmaster Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting Hellmasters are those damned souls who dared to deal with the devil.
Hellwalker Moderate Spellcasting A wanderer of the lower planes.
Hemoturgist Combat Focused, Unique Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Herald of the Fourth Horseman Bad Guy, Strong Spellcaster The Herald that portends the coming of the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. He uses pestilence and disease to create undead minions and officially begin Death's reign of power.
Hero of Courage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Hida Senzoku AGGRO stealing Power Tank Death is light as a feather, but duty is as heavy as a mountain. It is the duty of every Crab bushi to leave behind friends and loved ones to defend this callous empire. We risk our lives, limbs, sanity, and very souls against the terrifying monstrosities that seek to destroy us. Limitless armies of bakemono and oni array themselves against us.

So be it. The Crab are ready; let them come.

Hidden Archer Combat-Focused Part of the Guild of Hidden Archers they specialize in stealth and silence, using the shadows to snipe their enemies from a safe distance.
High Incantatrix Metamagic focused spellcaster. Metamagic specialist who has exceeded the normal limitations associated with her art.
Hightombed Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled The Hightombed are scholarly priests of Modroben who serve him as masters of mummification and the elementrics of air.
Holy Knight, Andreichekov Good Guy, Combat Focused, Domain Caster Paladin with access to domains.
Holy Knight, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Holy Rager Front line combat, Primary DPS A barbarian who makes a pact with a deity for protection in exchange for enacting the gods divine will.
Hooded Pupil Bad Guy, Combat-Focused This is a Monster Class which allows a PC to acquire the Hooded Pupil template (Libris Mortis) over 4 levels instead of requiring a +4 Level Adjustment.
Hunter of Evil Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Consumed by righteous wrath and need of retribution the Hunter of Evil never wavers from the path that would lead him to his next target.
Iaijutsu Master, Variant Combat-Focused Iaijutsu is the martial art of drawing a weapon (almost always a katana) and attacking with it in the same fluid motion. It is the foundation of some forms of dueling in Oriental Adventures (see Iaijutsu Duels in Chapter 6: Combat), and its masters are feared and respected throughout Rokugan and other lands where iaijutsu is practiced. Iaijutsu masters harness their ki energy to strike with blinding speed and devastating power. Iaijutsu masters are almost always members of the samurai character class. In Rokugan, they are drawn exclusively from the Crane clan, where they are trained in the Kakita school. NPC iaijutsu masters serve as sensei to the finest samurai in the Empire.
Immortalist Strong Spellcasting Some are cowards, some fear death more than anything else in the world. Some become liches, undead or other non-living abominations. Some others don't want to surrender the pleasures of flesh. They take the path of the immortalist.
Important Businessman Skilled Many heroes accumulate vast sums of wealth, but some heroes hunger for even more than that. An Important Businessman's hunger for oney drive his everyday life.
Improvisor Combat-Focused Mad scientists and gnome tinkerers.
Infernal Lich Bad Buy, Combat-Focused Infernal Liches are spellcasters who through a a series of intricate lies and bargains have turned a willing Devil into their phylactery, for use in an obscure Lich Transformation ritual.
Initiate of the Black Tower Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting An enslaver of fiends
Invisible Blade Combat-Focused, Skilled 10 Levels version of Invisible Blade
Ioun Master Spell Caster The Ioun Master has unlocked the true abilities of Ioun Stones, he my use them as weapons and gain further abilities form them.
Iron Templar Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Paladins who master the forge and siege warfare.
Jamagus Strong Spellcasting His mastery of a single chosen element grants tremendous power.
Justice: Judge, Jury, Executioner Combat Oriented <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Kamahl Acolyte Good guy, Neutral Followers of the hero, Kamahl
Kamikaze Combat Focused, Alternate Combat Options The kamikaze's body has become unstable to the point where sudden impact causes his body to explode. The kamikaze learns how to control these explosions and learns to exercise a variety of powers with them.
Keeper of Secrets Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting An Archivist searches for secrets of long lost pasts; the Keeper of Secrets finds them.
Keeper of the Eternal Flame Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Holy warriors of light and fire
Kendo Blade Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Ki Master Moderate Spellcasting A Ki Master has learned to use Ki so well that they rely on the physical and can complete amazing feats with their Ki.
Killer Bad Guy, Combat-Focused There are those who fight with honor, against worthy and prepared opponents. And there are those who simply kill, as efficiently as possible, by stealth and treachery.
Knight of Beauty Combat Focused, Good Guy, Paladin Prestige Gallant Knights in love with beauty, and willing to fight for it.
Knight of Guinea <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Knight of Mystic Fire, Frealms <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Knight of the Moon Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A paladin/sorcerer combination with the ability to cast spells and attack in the same round.
Knight of the Morning Sky Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Warriors who combat the undead.
Lava General Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Forged by fire and covered in magma, the Lava General uses an army of flaming soldiers and extreme heat to dominate the front lines.
Leaf Ninja Combat-Focused Ninja from Village Hidden in the Woods.
Legendary Shinobi Special What happens when shinobi make themselves known to the world as a hero.
Liar Savant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Lich Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting This is a monster class which allows a character to aquire the Lich template over 4 levels, instead of requiring the level adjustment of +4.
Lightkeeper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Lightkeepers are abjurers, specializing in the art of protective magic to defend civilians and the Church of Modroben against undead.
Lightning Archer Ranged Focus Little or no armor, but major ranged offense.
Lion Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused Guardians of Mythical Lineage.
Livemetal Adept Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Use arcane power to become a construct. Perhaps what the green Star Adept should have been.
Lord Artificer Arcane Spellcasting Arcane spellcasters that sacrifice their spellcasting power to create magic items unsurpassed by any other.
Lord of Power <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Lord of The Dark Magic Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A black magic user who delves into evil so thoroughly, they become one with it.
Lord of the Dead Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Bad Guy Lord of the Deads gains in both Arcane and Divine spell casting power, while also learning to control the power of necromancy
Lord of the Thundercats Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Lord of the Thundercats begins the long road of mastering his skills, perfecting them in just one unique sword.
Loreblade Moderate Spellcasting Loreblades use a combination of wit and weapons to overcome obstacles.
Loregrimmer Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting Loregrimmers are the highest-ranking functionaries in the Church of Modroben, and are powerful clerics and healers with advanced spellcasting and soulcleaving abilities.
Lotus Disciple Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting In construction
Lunae Divine Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused Lunar Divine Knight's are taciturn warriors of the Moon Goddess. They will sacrifice their to empower their attacks.
Lunar Champion Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Martial adepts dedicated to routing out members of Shar's church, especially Shadow Knights of Shar.
Machine Head Skilled Way ahead of his time, and way too obsessed with his work.
Mad Scientist Insane reasearcher, master of the undead and potential immortal threat He's completely bonkers though he is hard to kill.
Mad Scientist, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Madness Disciple Strong Spellcasting There are worlds beyond the understanding of man. The Disciple seeks to gain power through understanding of these worlds, and in doing so sacrifices his mind to insanity.
Maestro of the Arts <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mage Blade Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcaster Spell and blade all are known to the mage blade
Mage Lord Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Bonded with a witch lady, he is freed to delve deep into his arcane craft.
Mage Smith Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting A magician who has erected his tower, and who now devotes much of his time to researching and smithing items to channel his arcane and psionic powers.
Magehunter Combat Focused Bane of all spellcaster.
Mageslayer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Magic Eaters Combat-Focused Tales tell of a fortunate few who had the chance to meet and befriend the sjtel, a rare kind of fey that is addicted to stealing magic. Magic Eaters are the experts among sjtel, perfecting their addiction for magic.
Magical Girl (Arcane) Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Magic With bound focus in hand, the Magical Girl conjures her armour and throws herself into the fight for what she thinks is right.
Magician combat focussed a sneaky combatant that focuses on fooling his foes with intricate mundane illusions
Magna Blade Combat-Focused Magna Blades are an elemental force of destruction, and anyone who stands in their way had better move or they will soon find themselves staring at eternity.
Magocrat Strong Spellcasting A mage who dominates his surroundings through power and guile (but mostly power).
Magus Portalus Strong Spellcasting Master of the Portal
Manifest Soul Combat-Focused A PrC designed to make a soul knife more resemble Archer from Fate/Stay Night.
Marksmen of the Dark Combat-Focused Whilst some vow to bring the light to all who have dark, yet others bring the dark to anyone. Marksmen of the Dark reveal in the shadows and deep within the darkness, using shadows to accomplish their tasks.
Marquis Good Guy, Combat Focused Brave heroes whose noble status and upbringing grant them amazing command and potential.
Martial Cognoscente Combat-Focused The Martial Cognoscente is a mentally focused warrior who's mind is in tune with the battle around him/her and makes calculated tactical decisions to control the field.
Master Adventurer Skilled Hardy and resourceful, a Master Adventurer trains to cope with many typical adventuring situations: they are all-rounders, rather than skill specialists like the Rogue. They also gain a great deal of versatility in the use of adventuring equipment.
Master Arcanist Strong Spellcasting After intensive research into the principles of arcane magic, it is possible for one to consolidate their spells a single spell table and spellbook, utilizing both the great functions of a wizard and sorcerer.
Master Assassin Combat Focused, Skilled A Master of assassination, they travel the world in search for new and exotic ways to commit murder and get paid for it.
Master Necromancer Strong Spellcasting, Bad Guys Dark spellcaster who studies the black art of necromancy and undeath.
Master of Evocations <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Master of Masks Support, Gap Filler <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Master of Snake Mountain Strong Spellcasting Whenever you find a dungeon, take it over. Get eyebeams.
Master of Souls Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Master of Souls learns to use the power of souls from the past in order to increase his power.
Master of the Elements Arcane Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Master of the Familiar Moderate Spellcasting For many spellcasters, a familiar is only an occasionally useful tool -- or, at worst, a liability. Others, however, embrace and strengthen the bond between master and familiar, gaining powerful companions.
Master of the North Combat-Focused A master of the north learns the terrain where it is, the arctic, and knows how to overcome any beast that strays to far north, using the arctic to his advantage.
Master of the Spoken Word Strong Spellcasting A master of the spoken word has realized the power that languages hold. He has devoted himself to the study of new languages, and often knows more than his fair share of either the Words of Creation and the Dark Speech.
Master of the Twin Paths Strong Spellcasting A master of both academic and innate arcana
Master Sniper Combat-Focused, Bad Guy The best at getting them unaware in the crosshair.
Mechanus Signifer Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Melee Scout <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Melee Specialist Combat Focused Increased Focus on one type of weapon.
Mental Blade Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Mental Blade combines a strict mental discipline with natural talent to become a force to be feared.
Mesmerist Strong Spellcasting Experts at charm and deceit, mesmerists compel others to heed their words and bend to their will.
Meta-magic Mystic Theurge <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Metamage Strong Spellcasting The metamage uses metamagic to make his spells highly potent and use them in ways others cannot duplicate.
Metamage 3.0 Strong Spellcasting The metamage uses metamagic to make his spells highly potent and use them in ways others cannot duplicate.
Mimic Spy Strong Spellcasting A mimic who mastered the art of stealth. A mimic spy learnt how to manipulate her living metal to create powerful weapon.
Minddrinker Psion A minddriker is a psion who becomes so familiar with the minds of others that they can obtain their memories, siphon their vitality, and even absorb their foe's intelligence.
Mireblack Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Mireblacks are healing-focused, druid-like priests of Modroben with an affinity for leechmastery and a psionic bent.
MM's Magehunter Combat Focused The bane of spellcasters, the magehunter is an anti-mage prestige class with a range of defensive, offensive and utility abilities meant to counter wizards. It is intended to enable a non-spellcasting build to go toe-to-toe with wizards and their ilk without simply being turned into a toad or (conversely) being flat out superior to other classes. It is an adapted version of Lord Dhazriel's magehunter (3.5e Prestige Class), retooled and balanced.
Mongoose Combat Focused, Anti-Spellcaster Study the mongoose to find how it kills snakes. Then use this to kill casters.
Monitor Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The Monitors are nihilistic Monks with their roots in the Kuo-Toa culture
Monks of Time and History Combat-Focused One of the most basic endurances of nature, that of time itself. It is here where the history monks control over time itself. It takes many years to become even remotely accomplished in time slicing and it takes a strong soul and even stronger will to complete the harsh training, but this is what Monks of Time and History do.
Monstrous Weapon Master Combat-Focused Eschewing all weapons but the largest, some characters become specially attuned to the combat style of their weapons
Moon Warrior Combat-Focused The Moon Warrior is a devout follower of Luna who excells in physical combat and is strong in his will against magic combat.
Mule Mules are invaluable to an effective party. They take their dwarven ancestry of carrying other people's stuff very seriously.
Mummy Lord Divine Spellcasting, Bad Guy The Mummy Lords are the top of the Mummies.
Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger, Assassin, Good Guy Trained in stealth, marksmanship and the dark arts; a mysterious stranger can alter the prevailing conditions of any situation at extreme range with precision.
Mystic Mind Strong Spellcasting Combines divine magic and psionics.
Named Man Combat-Focused Masters of war and single combat. Men of massive renown.
Naruto ANBU Black Ops Agent Super Support class ANBU Black Ops, now to be referred to as ANBU Agents, are the elite of the Naruto Shinobi World, and as such are a very difficult group to get into.
Nature Gnasher "Good Guy" An NPC PrC based around a druid DMPC.
Nature Guardian Modrate Spell-caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Nature's Ally <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Nature's Arcanist Strong Spellcasting Their are many druids and arcane spellcasters that value nature above all else, using nature in harmony they can bond themselves to a tree, and have it act as their spellbook.
Naughty Shadow There are many reason’s you shouldn’t go into the shadow realm. Depending on who you ask having a Naughty Shadow join you upon exiting is one of them, might just be one of them. Ranged Rouges be warned, the rest of the world beware, the Shadow is here.
Necromancer of Undead Army Necromancer Necromancer of Undead Army is a prestige focused on buffing undead you control.
Nen User <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Night Slinger Combat-Focused Night Slingers use their dexterity, night vision, and stop enemies in their tracks by using unquestioned skill with the sling.
Nightsummoner Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Nightsummoners are wizard-priests of Modroben who can summon a legion of allies when they find an undead horde, specializing in the art of conjuration.
Nocturnal Caster internal killer A spell caster that gains abilities at night or in darkness
Nordheim Smith <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Nurse Of The Realm (3.5e Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Oathbound Knife Good Guy, Combat-Focused Master of the dagger
Oathsworn Paladin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Omenomancer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Omniarcanist Strong Spellcasting This class is designed for followers of the deity Caladon. All forms of generalist spellcasters may be drawn to this class because of its versatility. If the character is interested in being given a taste of each of the Orders of High Sorcery because of their affiliation to Caladon, this is the class for them.
Omniarcanist of Caladon Strong Spellcasting All forms of generalist spellcasters may be drawn to this class because of its versatility and improvement to all schools of casting.
Oozemaster A demented master of oozes. Updated to 3.5 from 3.0. Unfinished WIP. A demented master of oozes. Updated from 3.5 to 3.0. Unfinished WIP.
Orc Lord Combat-Focused The ferocity of an orc with the training of a knight
Orc War Master <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Orcish Blood Warrior Combat-Focused While Orcish Barbarians seek to overwhelm opponents with a powerful but unsustainable burst of fury, Blood Warriors seek to outlast opponents and harry them relentlessly, with an indomitable determination that is uncharacteristic of their normally weak-willed race. It is a common myth that slain Blood Warriors must be hacked to pieces to stop them rising again.
Order Battlemage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Order Battlemage is an evocationist who focus' on using sudden metamagic to improve his blasting abilities.
Orespringer Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Orespringers are dwarven priests in the Church of Modroben who specialize in rescuing the souls of miners trapped in cave collapses underground and destroying the undead that roam troglodytic settings.
Outlaw Theurge Strong Spellcasting The Outlaw Theurge is a multiclass spellcaster who has deicided to use his magical abilities for profit. The Outlaw Theurge above all else is versatile. He is able to sneak past enemy lines, in an out of a wealthy land owners mansion, raid a caravan of merchants, or strike down foes witrh powerful spells and dissappear without a trace. Often employed by wizards guilds and thieves guilds to acquire valuable items or deal with enemies of the guild.
Pact Warlock Good Guy, Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A warlock who has made a deal with an other worldly patron in search of even greater power.
Pain Maker Combat Focused Using the enemies own attacks against them.
Paladin Combat Focused, Divine Spellcaster A holy warrior who's righteous wrath smites heretics.
Palutena's Warrior Combat-Focused Palutena, goddess of light grants great power to those who show a love for life, and an affinity for her style of fighting. These warriors do not have the Paladin-like vendetta against evil, but focus more on protecting the innocent from harm. This does not mean that they are afraid to get their hands dirtied in combat, however, as Palutena grants them the ability to defend themselves and those around them.
Paper Talisman Caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Paragon of Light/Darkness Combat-Focused Those with the blood of outsiders may want to learn their heritage. A paragon of light is distantly descended from celestials, while a paragon of darkness comes from fiendish stock. Both have learned to unlock their supernatural abilities, and seek to emulate, and eventually become, like their extraplanar forebears.
Paramander Skilled, Combat-Focused Paramanders do not exist. No one has ever met one, and any reports of their activities have been pure speculation. Were they to exist as a secret society, their purpose would be to preserve the balance and defend the natural order, playing off good vs. evil, law vs. chaos, so that none ever becomes too powerful.
Paramander Priest Skilled, Strong Spellcasting Paramanders do not exist. Were they to exist as a secret society, their purpose would be to preserve the balance and defend the natural order, playing off good vs. evil, law vs. chaos, so that none ever becomes too powerful. Their actions would be directed and aided by masters of powerful magic, both divine and arcane.
Pariah Bad Guy, Combat-Focused Pariahs are demonkind who have chosen the path of evil and it has damned their souls for all eternity. Pariahs are normally the grunt soldiers of hell; their abilities center around harming others as efficiently as possible.
Penumbraul Good Guy, Skilled The Penumbraul are ascetic monks in service to Modroben, with the ability to sneak past their undead foes and manipulate shadow to their advantage.
Performer Skilled <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Phoenix Fire Focused Melee Combatant, Moderate spellcasting. The Phoenix blends melee attacks with fire magic. Druid prestige class.
Piko Moth <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Planeswalker Strong Spellcasting A rare being of unimaginable power who wanders the planes freely.
Plunderer Moderate Spellcasting, Combat Focused Plunderer are not real figthers, they are specialist at disarming an opponent.
Polarity Paragon Melee Fighter, Melee Trickster Polarity Paragon is able to control polarity of metals, tricking their unsuspecting opponents, and winning the battle.
Pontifex Sanctus <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Preacher of Letum Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Preachers of Letum help anyone who has undergone a recent death in their life.
Precognosis Adept Skilled, Strong Spellcasting Your divinations enable you to enhance your evasive defenses and employ many talents.
Prestidigitator Moderate Spellcasting Using Prestidigitation, this PrC adds flavor to their spellcasting that will impress any king, noble, or villager; and by impressing the people they are sure to get help with many things they want.
Presto Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell.
Presto Lite Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell.
Pretty Cool Guy Pretty Cool Guy Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything
Priestess of Correllon Larethian Combat Focused Devout Servant
Primal Warrior Combat-Focused, Skilled Some warriors respect the deadly power of animals and strive to understand and emulate these beasts.
Prodigy Warrior <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Progenitor of the Gith Combat-Focused, Spell-Like Abilities, Racial You were a slave to the illithids. Now you're not, and you've gained from the experience.
Protector Judge Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Psionic Conduit An attempted replacement/fix for the Metamind SRD class
Psychic Predator Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Psionics Psychic Predators are manifesters who have, by blood inheritance, begun a steady alteration into a ferocious psionic beast, blurring the lines of mental might and feral combat. Powerful in the physical and psychic sense, Psychic Predators favor claw and fang above all else, but are equally capable of concealing their primal manifesting by appearing outwardly normal for their race. Exceptionally durable and resilient, these individuals have no particular chink in their armor for their prey (and those who hunt hunters) to exploit easily.
Psychostazi Enforcer Moderate Spellcasting A Enforcer of the laws of the underdark.
Psynergist Moderate Psionics Martial artist who blends his Ki and Psychic potential into a singular destructive force greater than the sum of its parts.
Pugilist Combat-Focused Some people love to fight, bare-fisted, no holds barred. Some make a career of it.
Pumpkinhead Skilled, Arcane Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting Pumpkinheads are tricksters with a sweet tooth that adore to scare people just for fun. They wear pumpkin as headgear.
Pyromancer Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcaster Fire. FIRE EVERYWHERE. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH FIRE!
Pyromancer of the Great Swamp Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Warlock prestige class heavily inspired by the pyromancer class in Dark Souls
Radiant Servant A sun- and light-based priest with bonuses to turning. A divine servant of a sun-diety, focused on healing and vanquishing the undead. Adaptation of a classic PrC with extremely minor changes in order to create a less deity-specific adaptation combined with significant nerfs.
Rage Mage Combat-focused, partial caster A barbarian that channels his spells while he foams at the mouth.
Raging Crasher Combat Focused Run with your anger! Arrgh!
Raging Hulk Combat Focused The Raging Hulk is a barbarian thats anger has reached a point where he actually increases in size when he rages.
Reaper Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting When a case is particularly difficult to understand, one may send a reaper along with plaintiff's adventuring party to observe, help, and ultimately decide said plaintiff's fate, even if he must decide with force.
Reaper of Nerull Combat Focused The Reapers of Nerull are powerful order of soldiers who wield the power of death itself.
Refined Soul Combat Focused, Unique Abilities A variant off the Soulbinder. A Refined Soul has looked inward, discovering the power of its soul and how to use it as a weapon, to protect itself, and to transcend mortal bounds.
Renewer Moderate Spellcasting Renewers dedicate themselves to restoring the bounty the land once knew. Considered somewhat radical by other druids, the Renewers have committed themselves to fighting against mutated natural creatures and aberrations.
Rhinoceros Rider Mounted combat, rangerlike. Specializes in mounted combat on a rhinoceros and gains some of the beast's powers over time.
Rich Kid Combat-Focused Spoiled little brat
Rime Mage Combat-Focused A cold mage
River Gypsy Separate Spellcasting, Good Guy Wanderers of the Waterways
Rock Star Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled Lords of funk who use the power of their voice and instruments to decimate the opposition. They rebel against authority of any kind, refusing to give up their personal freedoms for any reason.
Ruatharian Beastmaster Spellcaster, Skilled, Combat Focused A beastmaster feels more at home among the animals of nature than fellow sentient beings. Over time, these wanderers earn the special friendship of the elven folk for their to exemplary servitude of nature, thus Ruatharian Beastmaster is born.
Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sangromancer Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A spellcaster who draws from his own blood to apply metamagic and other benefits to his spells.
Santoryu no Samurai Masters of three-sword combat, performing devastating attacks with immense strength, dexterity, and superior defense.
Santoryu Swordsman Combat-Focused Sometimes dual wielding just isn't enough. Sometimes, a third sword is all that can suffice.
Savage Priest Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Strong Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting The Savage Priest is a wielder of Divine beast-magics, empowering themselves and their spells to more closely resemble their animal allies. A rarity beyond comprehension, those who are Savage Priests are born to achieve such a destiny tied to the animal soul, and deviate from their clerical or other holy calling to answer their beast ties.
Schismsoul Skilled There are voices in your head, driving you crazy. It's time to take control and bend them to a more useful purpose.
Scion of the Tenebrous Dragon Strong Spellcasting A great descendant of the mighty shadow dragons, the Scion has learned to tap his heritage for added power, altering his form in foreign ways.
Scriptwriter Strong Spellcasting The Scriptwriter wields the power of Word magic to craft magical items to fit the situation.
Scrivened Soul Invoking, Pact-Making A scrivened soul is a multiclassed binder/warlock who has mastered the power of sigils.
Secret Guardian of the Sacred Flame <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Seeker of Forms Combat-Focused, Great Scout, Spy/Infiltration

Shape Shifter, Druid, Ranger

A Seeker is one that wishes to expand upon their knowledge and power in shape shifting. Unlocking more and more forms as his power grows and even making old forms more powerful. This is meant to be a martial class that bases itself on the shapechange spell. It is really a reworked version of Master of Many Forms that was unnecessarily nerfed in the release of 3.5.
Seeker of the Lost Wizard Traditions Strong Spellcasting Use the old ways of magic to destroy the new ways.
Seeker of Truth Strong Spellcasting A Seeker of Truth is someone who has dedicated his life to finding and eradicating all sources of lies, in the hope that one day, only what is true shall remain.
Seer of the Tempest Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A half-mad mage of Pandemonium
Seiken Sword Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sel Reque Worshiper Combat-Focused Warriors who gain favor with a new pantheon of tricksters
Senali Hunter Combat Focused Senali hunter, assassins, tracker, spies. The Senali village spawn these powerful being. adept at tracking and assassination, these emotionless hunters will stop at nothing to destroy their preys.
Seneschal of Io <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sepulchral Patrician (3.5e Epic Prestige Class) Bad Guy, Strong Spellcaster Epic-level spellcasting undead class that focuses on the necromantic creation and empowerment of personal guards.
Shackled Warmage Strong Spellcasting Mages that are forwarded to military service are trained to the extremes in the art of controlling summonings to increase their survivability.
Shadespider Combat-Focused The Shadespiders train their body to the limit so that it can mimic some of the characteristics of spiders. Using these powers, they strike from the shadows to ambush their victims.
Shadow Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow Geist Combat-Focus, Self-Utility <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow Lord Spellcasting and Summoning A summoner that walks the in the grey area between good and evil and works to maintain the balance.
Shadow Master Strong Spellcasting A Creator of shadowy hordes and dark spells
Shadow Spy Strong Psionic, Skilled 10 Levels version of Ebon Saint
Shadow Stalker Rogue, Ninja, Scout <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow Thief <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadowborn Archer Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting A shadowborn Archer is a Drow archer who, due to the dark side of the drow mentality, has an obsession with spiders, yet is somehow unable to become a cleric of lolth.
Shadowdancer Bad Guy, Skilled Shadowdancers are creepy guys and gals who hang out in the shadows. Occasionally, they jump out of those shadows and stab people in the face. Why? You'd have to ask the specific Shadowdancer.
Shadowdancer, Tome Skilled A Shadowdancer variant that doesn't make us want to cry.
Shadowgripper Good Guy, Strong Psionics Shadowgrippers are psychoportive psionicist-priests of Modroben who can teleport through shadows, giving them powerful abilities to strike at the heart of undead hordes.
Shadowknight Stealthy Melee Combatant Whereas a holy liberator fights the battle of freedom in the open, the Shadowknight fights from the darkness. *to be completed*
Shapeflayer Good Guy, Skilled 'Shapeflayers are powerful elementricians and priests of Modroben, who use martial arts and dance to manipulate the flow of their chosen element, allowing them to affect undead in droves from afar.
Sharp Shooter Combat-Focused Sharp shooters use projectile weapons to deal massive damage to foes by striking them in critical areas.
Sharpshooter, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shieldbearer As the name implies, the shieldbearer is a warrior who bears a shield in battle. They know well the virtues of a strong defense, and they are more than willing to put themselves in harm's way in order to protect those under their charge.
Shieldmaster Combat-Focused The sword-and-shield style is terribly ineffective. Show them how to really use a shield in combat.
Shinjin Combat-Focused A master of the martial arts and manipulating Ki.
Shinobi Combat-Focused A shinobi is a ninja who harnesses the power of his ki into amazing abilities. These ki arts are potent tools for completing the shinobi's missions.
Shinobi no Mono (3.5e Class) Combat-Focused A shinobi is a ninja who harnesses the power of his ki into amazing abilities. These ki arts are potent tools for completing the shinobi's missions.
Shrouded Warrior Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Illusionists and enchanters who take up the sword.
Shæné Shadowwright Combat-Focused Shæné shadowwrights are shæné who take full advantage of their natural prowess with shadow.
Silent Snake Stealthy Killer As silent as a snake you strike
Silverslicer Good Guy, Skilled Silverslicers are stealthy assassin-priests of Modroben who specialize in finding elite undead liches and vampires, and the necromancers who create them, and killing them quietly.
Sivatar Combat-Focused A preternatural fighter infused by a divine entity, going into battle with extra arms.
Skald Combat-Focused, Partial Spellcasting A skald combines the support abilities of a bard with the combat prowess of a barbarian.
Skillblade Combat-Focused, Skilled Turn your skills and knowledge into raw power, employing various tricks and traps in combat to turn the tide.
Skinwalker Combat-Focused Your character can finally be a shapeshifter through class levels.
Skullhunter of Khurg Combat-Focused The Skullhunters of Khurg are an elite group of Barbarians, each who has fully given into the power of Rage. Each has passed the Test of Khurg, the founder of the Skullhunters, and each live only for the glory of battle.
Skyclad Practitioner Strong Spellcasting A Skyclad Practitioner is a spellcaster who prepares and casts spells in a state of ritualistic nudity in order to increase his/her sensitivity to natural and arcane magic, and be "at one" with magic.
Smiter he smites things Smiters smite anything that moves.
Smiting Avenger Good Guy, Combat Focused A powerful, martial champion of the gods, smiting enemies down
Sneakyweapon Smith Combat-Focused Every Goblin tribe or camp needs a blacksmith to create their weapons of destruction, you are that goblin. You can create sneaky and deadly weapons and be just as good using them. You specialize in light sneaky weapons and you know how you presicely kill nearly any creature with them.
Sniping Darkweaver Rogue <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Soldier Combat-Focused Trained to the letter under harsh military discipline and well versed in the arts of war, a soldier is prepared specifically to become the most effective killing machine possible.
Songmaiden of Selune Separate Spellcasting Master musicians of Our Lady of Silver, Songmaidens of Selune summon forth divine power through their music. Sacrificing the flexibility of the bard for focus on divine spellcasting and unique songmagic, the Songmaiden is the epitome of the divine bard.
Sonic Mage Strong Spellcasting Sonic mages are masters of manipulating the magical energy of sound.
Sorrow Blade Antagonist, Combat-Focused, Optional spell casting, Heavy RP element The result of losing someone special can leave a wound, the Sorrow Blade's wounds of loss are so deep they change his very being draining out any joy in his heart In so becoming a personification of Pain Torment and Hate.
Soul Collector Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Not to be confused with a grim reaper working for the sake of the natural cycle, soul collectors actually gather souls for their own use, drawing power from them.
Soul Invoker <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Soul Knight Combat-Focused This prestige class is designed to offer Soul Knives the ability to become melee fighting specialists with reputations close to paladins, in society's that have a lot of psionics these warriors are the pinnacle of mental and physical dedication.
Soul Reaper ??? The Reaper Lords have approved of you, and wish for you to serve them in their responsibility to collect souls of the dead and pass them on to the spirit world.
Soul Reaver Vengeful, Good/Bad Guy, Transformed. An unholy warrior whom was betrayed by those he trusted and killed as a result of jealousy or some other emotion. Now raised, they serve a new master in death, and in the process seek revenge, and are permitted to do so, as long as during and after they continue to serve.
Soulbinder Combat-Focused The soulbinder has learned to master the power of his very soul. He learns to bind his soul into his weapons, armor, and even his fellow adventurers to empower them with the awesome power of his very soul.
Soulcatcher Strong Spellcasting An incarnum user/binder
Spell Blade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Spellbinder Moderate Spellcasting A spellbinder sacrifices raw power to gain a mastery over the finer details of his spells.
Spellfire Channeler Combat-Focused, Separate-Spellcasting Those who practice their spellfire can hone their talent into a tool with fantastic abilities that most dabblers can only dream of.
Spellfire Channeler, 2nd Variant gish A Spellfire Channeler is a rare and powerful practitioner who wields raw, untamed magical energy. Unlike traditional spellcasters, they do not rely on spells or incantations but instead absorb, store, and release pure magic at will. This makes them unpredictable in battle, capable of redirecting enemy spells, unleashing devastating bursts of energy, and even healing through absorbed magic. However, their power comes with great risk—overuse can burn them out, and many see them as dangerous anomalies rather than true mages.
Spellfire Channeler, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Spellmaster Strong Spellcasting Spellmasters know a singular spell can be rather powerful if studied carefully. They specialize in one particular spell and develop it to amazing levels.
Spellsword "Moderate Spellcasting, Combat-Focused" "The dream of melding magic and weapon play is fulfilled in the person of the spellsword.
Sphere Minion, Extended Transformational Humans who worship the Great Mother sometimes become more than you bargain for. Human -> Beholder.
Spider Rider Combat-Focused Spider riders are warriors who ride monstrous spiders which are bonded to them mentally, physically, and spiritually
Spiked Juggernaut Combat-Focused The Spiked Juggernaut is a person wholly dedicated to becoming one with his weapon by simply becoming his weapon.
Spirit Hunter Combat-Focused A divine warrior who hunts and destroys undead filth (or dominates them).
Spy Skilled, Master of Infiltration and assassination.
Staffmage Moderate Spellcasting Some spellcasters wield their staff as something more than a weapon. They see in their staff a powerful ally in battle and a tool for spellcasting.
Staffshaper Strong Spellcasting An arcane master that focuses on the creation of his personal staff.
Star Pilgrim Strong spell-casting Star pilgrims are a boundless group of space and planes travelling mystics devoted to visit every corner of the multiverse and specialized in teleportation magic.
Starburst Striker, Variant 1 <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Stat Increaser Someone who raises their power linearly and how they increase in power.
Sternritter Quincy <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Storm Mage Strong Spellcasting Because of the storms terrible power, some are attracted to them. These people pattern their innate casting after what is the single most powerful force they have ever witnessed. The calling is always the same, to become one with the raging storm, and to harness it's terrible power.
Stormbow Combat Focused Bringin' back the balls to the bow.
Stormbringer Good Guy, Spellcasting-Focused An 'enhancement' class usually used by paladins which allows them to learn damaging spells as spell-like abilities WITHOUT losing their ability to gain further levels as paladins.
Stormcaster (re-write) Strong Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
StormLord Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Divine Spellcasting Stormlords often live as brigands, indulging their personal desires for wealth, food, luxury items, and wanton behavior as they crave random, spectacular acts of violence.
Stormrider Combat-Focused The barbarian tribes that dwell on the highest mountains around the globe got their elite units. Meet'em, but beware.
Stormtamer Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting These warriors attune with the storm inside of them and dominate it to unlock their true power.

They revere the Storm as driving force, that moves the arm, the blade and the arrow as one thing, one entity. They are elites rangers, fighters and scouts, maybe the three classes most attracted to the stormtamer. Contrary to the Storm's nature they must not be chaotic, lest they succumb to its sway.

Strider Skill Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting A rogue uses his environment to sneak around and remain unseen. A Strider uses his background in druid to make his environment usable.
Student of Chaos <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sublime Master Combat-Focused, Skilled The Sublime Master is a devout scholar of the Sublime Way.  They dedicate their entire life to the study of martial combat, typically focusing on one particular discipline above all others.
Sun Archer <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sword God "Combat-Focused" "A swordsman who uses dozens of swords scattered around the battlefield."
Sword Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Swordmaster Combat focused sword user Swordmasters dance around the battlefield with techniques learned in the academy.
Swordsman of the Mirror Combat-Focused The Swordsmen of the Mirror are warriors that have chosen to learn an inkling of magic so that they may better resist it and, perhaps more importantly, punish those that use it against them.
Taijutsu Master Combat-Focused A Taijutsu Master is as ferocious as a tsunami, yet able to control this almost immeasurable power. He is a a Monk who has specialized in and around the physical aspect of the Martial Arts and is able to deliver devastating blows from almost any position even while unarmed.
Tanuki Ninja Stealth combat A combination of pranksters with stealth abilities
Tartaric Wizard Combat & Moderate Spellcasting A Tartaric Wizard is strong and can use a weapon quite well, and can cast dangerous spells, making him good for people who like magic and might.
Tattooed Vessel Invoking, Pact-Making A tattooed vessel is a warlock/binder who takes their pacts to a whole new level, tattooing the sigils of their vestiges onto their flesh and, in turn, garnering a greater understanding of the darker arts.
Team-Killing F*cktard Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The most hated of all warriors; the kind that kills their own teammates and are too stupid to do anything about it.
Templer of Lock "Good Guy, Combat-Focused" An arch-type dwarven warrior priest / Fusion of proto-cleric and dwarven defender. The ToL is excels at protecting others with both spell and shield. He is hardy and able to hold the line casting spells in full battle regalia. That is with both hammer and shield in hand.
Temporal Lord Strong Spellcasting epic lvl Some are cowards, some fear death more than everything. Some are at the right place at the right time, or the Wrong place at the wrong time. fate chooses to create a Temporal Lord. " Sometimes fate chooses your path for you "
Terminator Combat Focused An unstoppable warrior who specializes in killing those who would be prepared for ordinary assassins.
The Arch-Mage (Wizardly Types) Strong Spellcasting Relies COMPLETELY on the Wizardly Types(3.5e Class)
The Barbed Hand of Loviatar Combat focused A heavily scarred priestess of Loviatar (FRCS-specific)
The Blade Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Stealthy The Blade is a very skilled hunter, a hunter of 2–legged prey. They utilize daggers, small swords and stealth to strike their targets.
The Path of Four Winds Combat-Focused Those who study the martial arts often take time to turn from their schools to experience the world around them. Those who embrace the Path of Four Winds have done exactly that. It is in their travels that they learn to accept the ways the wind blows and master the winds within themselves.
The Twilight Blade Caster, Rogue, Assassin An arcane spellcaster who combines an assassin's guile with arcane might.
Thousand Hand Zenith Combat Focused Good Luck to your DM.... tried to make this somewhat balance for future games... couldve been much worse trust me....
Thrall of Yeenoghu Combat focused, bad guy A gnoll dedicated to Yeenoghu, the Demon Prince of Gnolls
Thrallian Cavalier Combat-Focused Thrallian Cavaliers are the desert wardens who patrol the sands and dunes.
Tideturner Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-oriented A class of adventurers who turns the tide of war, for good or ill.
Tiger Monk Combat-Focused A nostalgia trip if you played Killer Instinct for the SNES. Uses the Dungeonomicon Monk
Time Grandmaster (3.5e Epic Prestige Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Time Mage Moderate Spellcasting A Dexterity based Spellcaster who focuses on bending time.
Time Weaver Moderate Spellcasting This class is cause to most permanent spells.
Titan Blade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Titan Blade, 2nd Variant Combat Focused Wield enoumous weapons, and utilize them to their fullest potential.
Titan Blade, 3rd Variant Combat Focused Wield enoumous weapons, and utilize them to their fullest potential.
Titan Disciple Combat Focused, Barbarian, Spellcasting Titan's are powerful beings of emotion and magic. A Titan Disciple is someone that taps into a Titan ancestry to gain power.
Transmuter Alchemist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Trap Master Combat Support Tactical adept who fights using traps of all kinds, primarily by quickly making them and setting them mid combat, in order to quickly create a tactical advantage
Triclopean Planeshifter Moderate Spellcasting A master of planar travel: "the Opener of Worlds"
True Aegis Combat-Focused Sword & Shield style is terribly ineffective. Show them how to REALLY use a shield in combat.
True Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
True Sharpshooter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Truthringer Good Guy, Strong Psionics Truthringers are psionic telepaths whose focus is on investigating crimes, especially necromantic acts, and punishing those responsible.
Twilight Artificer Moderate Spellcasting By spending long hours under the stars forging arms and armor, the Twilight Artificers have learned to tap in to the very essence of magic and combine it with the flames of their forge.
Twilight Riders Combat Focused Divine Spellcaster Araleth Letheranil's elite warriors.
Twilight Warrior Moderate Spellcasting Through deep concentration under the stars, the Twilight Warriors have learned to tap in to the very essence of magic and imbue their weapons with the power of the stars.
Tórai <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Umbral Sage Combat-Focused, Spellcasting Umbral sages study shadow elementals and the Plane of Shadow, learning to wield their power as if it were any other element, enhancing their body and spells in the process.
Unbound Strong Spellcasting A mimic who outlived it master, they gain newfound power in such freedom. Gaining powers by sustaining on the former telepathic bound.
Undead Priest Necromancer Undead Priest
Undefeated Combat-Focused A Undefeated is a badass warrior.
Unseen Hand Good Guy, Bad Guy, Thief Men and women who have supernatural theiving abilities.
Unwavering Hunter Combat-Focused The unwavering hunter dedicates his life, body and soul, to the destsruction of a certain, chosen species.
Urgrosh Master Melee, Combat-Focused, Defensive The Urgrosh Master is a melee combatant who excels at fighting multiple enemies at once.
Vacuus Manus Assassin Combat-Focused This class is designed to utilize the skills of the Soulknife in an Assassin role.
Vampire Hunter One who fights the undead in general, but especially vampires. Actually two separate paths in this one, the first one using magic (similar to Alucard, Sypha Belnades, and Hector), and the second one using purely martial prowess and a larger skill set (similar to the Belmont Clan, Charlie Vincent, Abraham van Helsing, et al.)
Vampire Lord <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Vampire Trinity <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Vassal of Jayem-Dea Combat-Focused The protectors of the balance of reality. Holy warriors of Jayem-Dea.
Vengeance Sworn Combat Focused, The vengeance sworn are relentless, implacable foes, hurling themselves against their draconic enemies armed only with steel weapons and bitter fury.
Vermin Acolyte strong spellcasting Vermin acolytes are those who devote themselves to vermin, controlling them and, eventually, gaining the ability to become one themselves.
Vigilante Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Skilled Similar to the Assassin, but with a Good alignment. The Vigilante has a strong sense of justice and seeks to hunt down and destroy the wicked so that the innocent may live in peace.
Viking Combat-Focused You are a worthy seaman and a vicious fighter. When you fly into Rage and go Berserk you cut down all who fight against you.
Viking Warlord Combat-Focused Rape, pillage and plunder are the name of the game for a Viking.
Vizard Shinigami <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Void Knight Heavy Combat/Casting focus A Void Knight is a spellcaster who has been transformed by the Void, the plane between the planes, into a melee combat magician. Void Knights retain the strength of their spellcasting class, along with the powers of the Void, augmenting them physically.
Voidwalker Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, A warlock whose eldritch studies has led them to discover the void and the power it holds.
Walking Fortress <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Wandering Wolf Melee Fighter, Lightly Armored A skilled warrior who tracks by scent and quickly brings down his foes. has bonuses to flanking and tripping.
War Breakdancer Combat Focused Mixing music and unarmed combat, the War Breakdancer spins across the battlefield, a flurry of fists, feat, and song.
War Soul Combat-Focused An Intense Combat-Oriented Soulknife
Warper Moderate Spellcaster Warp the three dimensions to assist allies' attacks!
Warper, Truenamer Moderate Spellcaster A Truenamer who specialises in using Truespeak to warp reality.
Warrior Beast Trainer Combat-Focused As the name might suggest, a warrior beast trainer's greatest weapons are his animal allies.
Warrior of the Soul Good Guy, Combat-Focused Warriors of the Soul are extremely good persons, who have dedicated themselves to serving the cause of Heaven in the afterlife. Rather than have a peaceful and easy afterlife, they have sacrificed their eternal bliss to protect Good for all eternity. In other words, they have chosen to have a worse afterlife than they deserve.
Weak Point Specialist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Weapon Specialist Combat-Focused An elite fighter who uses a single weapon to devastating effect.
Weathercaster Strong Spellcasting This specialized wizard has devoted energy and studies into controlling aspects of the weather.
Weeping Knight Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Weeping Knights are holy warriors who disavow killing.
Wellwisher Good Guy <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Werewolf Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Wetboy <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Whipblack Skilled, Good Guy, Combat-Focused Undead-slaying fighters occupying an important role in the Church of Modroben, Whipblacks are a martial clan of whip-specialized warriors who use a type of knout (a multiple-tipped whip) to wade into hordes of zombies or skeletons.
Whipsinger Combat-Focused Bards that choose to specialize with a whip are able to master the flowing grace of the weapon, turning it into a whirling dance.
Whirling Reaper Combat-Focused The scythe; an amazing tool and weapon, which the Whirling Reaper learns how to use. They develop a style of endless spinning strokes that mows down opponents in a deadly dance.
Wild Beastmaster Melee The Wild Beastmaster lives in solitude and hones his fighting abilities.
Wild Mind Strong Psionics Even more so than traditional wilders, the wild mind opens their heart and their consciousness to the raw, untapped power of the cosmos and the remnants of the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of every psionicist who ever lived. This drives many of them slightly (and sometimes more-than-slightly) mad, but grants them a boost to their inherent psychic powers. Usually, anyway...
Wildheart Combat-Focused, Strong spellcasting Wildhearts are warlocks of chaos and bestiality, empowered by the force called Wild Heart. They delve into their animalistic roots in a more primal way than druids and rangers, similar to barbarians. Shifter warlocks often follow this path that better responds to their instincts.
Wildhunter Combat Focused A cunning and instinctive warrior of the wilderness
Wind Blade Combat-Focused The Wind Blade is a swordsman who has focused on speed, skill, and a creative use of the air around him. He's dangerous up close or at a bit of a distance.
Windwalker Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Windwalkers are free spirits, mystics that concentrate on flying and the skies and use their powers to gain incredible mobility and sky-related powers
Winterborn Combat-Focused, Good Guy A Winterborn is the ultimate defensive character, willing to lay down his life for his allies.
Winterskin Good Guy, Combat-Focused Winterskins are rainid warrior-Claine, battle-priests of the god of death Modroben, known for enforcing his will on ships, most famously by serving as soulcleaver to navies and pirate fleets alike as well as ridding the seas of ghost ships.
Witch Hunter <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Witch Lady Moderate Spellcasting The witch lady is one who is bonded with a mage lord and has established an estate around his tower, greatly enhancing her skills, spells and powers.
Witcher, Variant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Witchkiller Combat-Focused The witchkiller excels in killing all and any evil spellcaster or undead being.
Wolf of Moonbow Good-Aligned Ranger-type A good-aligned prestige class for afflicted Lycanthropes, followers of the path of the Wolf of Moonbow seek to purge evil, both from within themselves and in the world at large.
Wolf Rider Moderate Spellcasting Rangers and Druids become Wolf Riders, learning to embraces the wild nature of their wolf mounts. They excel at archery, and their moutns gain nifty bonuses and special attacks as they level up.
Word of Life Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Word of Life uses word magic for good and healing purposes.
Word of Undeath Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Word of Undeath uses word magic for evil and necromantic purposes.
Wordsman Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Wordsman combines the power of words with the power of swords (or other weapons)
Wrath of the Gods <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Wyrm Knight Combat-Focused The Wyrm Knight is a vassal to dragon kin. His very presence strikes fear into the hearts of it's enemies. He uses his martial focus to deadly effect.
Yin-Yang Warlock Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Harmony of power between 2 Warlock Classes
Zen Shadow Archer Ranged Zen Shadow Archer uses his wings and the shadows to move around and shoot at single targets rabidly or multiple targets at once

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