Devout Leader (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Devout Leader[edit]

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Devout Leaders draw upon a unique form of magic known as Vessel Magic, which allows them to convert the energy of their followers into potent magical effects. Unlike innate magical abilities that one might be born with, Vessel Magic is a learned discipline, requiring rigorous training and the establishment of a deep bond with their followers. Through this connection, Devout Leaders can drain the vital essence of their vessels to empower their spells and abilities, turning the devotion and energy of their followers into a formidable source of power.

The practice of Vessel Magic is not something that comes naturally but is a skill honed through dedication and training. Devout Leaders must master this arcane art, learning to channel and utilize the essence of their followers effectively. This complex interplay between personal charisma and the sacrificial energy of their followers makes the Devout Leader a master of both inspiration and command, able to wield tremendous power through the unwavering support of those they lead.

Becoming a Devout Leader[edit]

Characters pursue the Devout Leader prestige class for a variety of reasons, each driven by their personal motivations and the path they have chosen in life. Whether it's the pursuit of power, the desire for influence, a deep-seated religious conviction, or even lust for control, the Devout Leader is a class for those who seek to wield authority in all its forms.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: any
Base Attack Bonus: 3
Race: N/A
Skills: N/A
Feats: Commanding_Leader_(3.5e_Feat)
Spellcasting: N/A
Patron: N/A
Domains: N/A
Special: Must have at least Five followers. (Atleast Three Levels In Any Class)
Table: The Devoted Leader

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st 1 2 1 5 2 First Level Abilities, Simple Domain
2nd 1 2 1 6 2 Second Level Abilities, Bonus Feat
3rd 2 3 2 7 2 Third Level Abilities, Moderate Domain
4th 2 3 3 8 2 Fourth Level Abilities, Bonus Feat
5th 3 4 3 9 one 5th Level Ability,
6th 3 4 4 10 One Sixth Level Ability, Bonus Feat
7th 4 4 4 11 One Seventh Level Ability, Advanced Domain
8th 4 5 4 12 One 8th Level Ability, Bonus Feat
9th 4 5 4 13 One 9nth Level Ability,
10th 5 6 5 14 1 Tenth Level Ability, Bonus Feat

Class Skills 6 + Cha modifier per level)
Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive, Survival, Bluff, Heal, Gather Information, Listen, Hide, Move Silently,Seduce.


Simple Domain (1st Level) Simple Domain At the core of your power lies the ability to create a Simple Domain, a manifestation of your soul’s essence that extends into a defined space around you. This domain represents a raw, unfiltered extension of your will and spirit, creating an area of influence that reflects your innermost nature. When activated, the Simple Domain engulfs a 30-foot radius around you, shaped according to your desires—whether it manifests as a shimmering void, a storm of ethereal energy, or a serene, tranquil landscape. The visual appearance of your domain is entirely up to you, offering a personalized touch to your essence’s influence.


Activation The Simple Domain can be used Three Times per day, with its effects lasting for 1 turn plus your Will save bonus. After activation, the exertion of power results in a 1d10 damage penalty to you upon the domain’s conclusion.

Range and Effects Within this enclosed space, you can choose one ability from the following list of Five, tailoring the domain’s impact to your strategic needs:

Soul Purge: Inflict 1d6 damage every turn to any creature within range, excluding yourself. Note that your allies are also vulnerable to this effect, symbolizing the harsh cost of your power.

Fortune’s Favor: Gain a +5 bonus to all rolls, representing a surge of luck and skill that enhances your capabilities during the domain’s duration.

Vital Surge: Regenerate hit points equal to half your level at the start of each turn, reflecting your domain’s restorative power.

Unyielding Spirit: Become immune to fear effects and double your effectiveness on will-related rolls, showcasing the indomitable strength of your will.

Dominion’s Command: Force any creature within the domain to obey a single command or be stunned for one turn, demonstrating your authoritative presence.

Drawback The domain’s effects come with a toll, as the power you wield reverberates back to you in the form of 1d10 damage once the domain dissipates.

Moderate Domain (Third Level)

At the next level of mastery, your ability to manifest your soul's essence evolves into a Moderate Domain. This expanded domain showcases the greater breadth and intensity of your power, enveloping a 40-foot radius around you. The Moderate Domain represents a more refined and potent extension of your spirit, offering increased control and a wider range of effects within its bounds. The visual manifestation of this domain can be anything from an opalescent dome of swirling energy to a tempestuous whirlwind of elemental forces, tailored to your personal aesthetic and the nature of your soul.


Activation The Moderate Domain can be invoked Two Times per day, with its effects enduring for 1 turn plus your Will save bonus plus your class level. The exertion required to maintain this expanded domain results in a significant toll, as you take 3d10 damage upon its conclusion.

Range and Effects When activating your Moderate Domain, you maintain the abilities granted by your Simple Domain and can choose One additional abilities from the following list of four, enhancing your strategic options:

Relentless Gambler: At the start of your domain, roll a d20 to determine the outcome:

10 or Lower: You gain a +5 bonus to all rolls. 11 to 19: You gain a +10 bonus to all rolls. 20: You gain a +10 bonus to all rolls, and your domain lasts for 2 additional turns.

Ruthless Repercussion: Inflict 2d6 damage to all entities within your domain aside from yourself, along with 2 points of bleeding damage per turn. This relentless effect continues to weaken all affected within the domain, showcasing the harsh price of your presence.

Regenerative Surge: Regain hit points equal to your level at the start of each turn, reflecting the domain’s potent life-renewing energy and your enhanced resilience.

Unshakable Will: You and your allies within the domain are immune to all will-related effects. This ability fortifies the resolve of all present, reinforcing your collective defenses against mental and emotional manipulation.

Drawback The power exerted to maintain a Moderate Domain is considerable, and upon its end, you take 3d10 damage as the strain of the extended influence and its effects rebound upon you. This reflects the significant cost of wielding such extensive control over the domain’s space and its impact on all within.

Advanced Domain (6th Level)

  • The Pinnacle of Soul Manifestation*

At this level of mastery, your domain expands into an **Advanced Domain** with an 60-foot radius, showcasing the full extent of your soul’s power. The domain’s visual manifestation intensifies, perhaps becoming a radiant field of shimmering energy, a maelstrom of chaotic forces, or an eerie, tranquil void depending on your soul's nature. The Advanced Domain represents not only your power but the deep, intrinsic connection between your being and the world around you.


    • Mechanics**

Activation: You can invoke your Advanced Domain once per day, with its effects lasting for 1 turn plus half your Will save bonus.

Range and Effects: Upon activation, the Advanced Domain encompasses an 60-foot radius around you. You retain the abilities granted by your Moderate Domain and can select One from the following potent effects:

1. **Butcher:** While within the domain, all entities (excluding you) take 4d6 damage per turn. Additionally, any target within the domain suffers 2 points of bleeding damage per turn. You are immune to this effect, reflecting your ruthless dominance over those within your domain.

2. **Vitality Surge:** You regenerate hit points equal to your Will save plus half your level at the start of each turn. This ability reflects the domain’s power to draw life and resilience from within you, keeping you in peak condition even in the heat of battle.

3. **Lucky Relentless Gambler:** Embrace the chaotic aspect of your soul and roll a d20 at the start of your domain activation:

  - 10 or Lower: Gain a +10 bonus to all rolls.
  - 11 to 19: Gain a +15 bonus to all rolls.
  - 20: Gain a +20 bonus to all rolls, and regenerate hit points equal to twice your Will save every turn for the duration of the domain.
  This ability highlights the risk and reward inherent in your soul’s power, allowing you to leverage fortune itself as a weapon.

4. **Soulbound Summon:** You may summon a creature within your domain, a manifestation of your soul, alignment, and very essence. This creature:

  - Cannot die within the domain but also cannot leave it.
  - Instantly regenerates limbs when severed.
  - Has 100 hit points per Devout Leader level.
  - Deals 3d10 unarmed damage per Devout Leader level.
  The creature remains for 1 turn plus your Will save bonus before dissipating. It embodies the deepest aspects of your being, fighting with relentless ferocity on your behalf.

Drawback: The strain of maintaining such a powerful domain is immense. Upon its conclusion, you take 6d10 damage as the domain’s energy collapses back into your soul, representing the toll of commanding such overwhelming force.

1 to 10nth Level Abilities[edit]

1st Level Abilities

(1st Level) Will of the Leader Description: As a Devout Leader, you have the power to project your will onto your vessels, Followers, guiding their actions and fortifying their resolve. This ability allows you to temporarily enhance the capabilities of a chosen vessel, empowering them to act with greater precision and strength.

Effect: Choose one vessel within 60 feet. For the next minute, the chosen vessel,Follower gains the following benefits:

Attack and Damage Bonus: The vessel receives a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. Resilience: The vessel gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier And Half Your Con Modifier (minimum of 1). Inspired Action: Once during this minute, the vessel can reroll a failed attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

Siphon Strength 1st-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Charisma or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), you can use Siphon Strength to drain hit points directly from your vessel's soul, regardless of their location. The amount siphoned is equal to your class level + your Charisma modifier, and the hit points are transferred to you as healing. This ability represents your profound control over the essence of your followers, allowing you to draw upon their vitality whenever necessary.

Binding Command 1st-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Charisma or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), you can issue a Binding Command to one of your vessels, compelling them to follow your directive. The vessel may attempt to resist by rolling a Will save with a DC equal to 15 + your Prestige Level + your Charisma modifier + half your Will save. If they fail, they must obey your command, showcasing the deep control you have over those who have pledged their loyalty to you.

Siphon Chain 1st-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Charisma or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), you can create a chain of mystical energy that deals damage equal to 1d6 plus your Will save plus half your Charisma save. The chain also deals bonus damage equal to the amount of hit points siphoned from a vessel The damage is Dealt Equal to Half the Hitpoints Taken From Said Vessel. The color of the chain depends on your alignment:

Chaotic Evil: Crimson Red with a Purple Glow Neutral Evil: Void Black with a Purple Glow Lawful Evil: Black with a Grey Glow True Neutral: Pure Grey Lawful Neutral: Grey with a White Glow Neutral Good: Grey with a Gold Glow Lawful Good: Gold with a White Glow This ability illustrates your capacity to harness and manipulate the energy of your vessel, manifesting it as a formidable weapon.

Sacrificial Strike 1st-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Charisma or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), you can unleash a powerful attack known as Sacrificial Strike. This attack deals 1d10 damage Plus your Twice Your Will save plus your Charisma modifier, and it cannot miss as long as the target is within 60 feet. However, using this ability inflicts 1d12 damage to yourself, reflecting the personal cost of your potent strike.

2nd Level Abilities

The Unseen Claw 2nd-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Charisma or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher), you can conjure a mystical claw that remains invisible to anyone who is not a Leader,Or Atleast Level 6. The claw can carry up to 100 pounds and has a reach of up to 20 feet away from you. It deals 3d10 damage and can be summoned for up to 2 minutes. The claw operates independently with its own initiative, allowing it to act according to your will.

Maximum Power Drain 2nd-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to half your Will save, you can drain hit points from up to 4 vessels or followers within range 120 feet, transferring them to yourself. You gain exactly half of their hit points as your own, and you also gain half of their AC bonus for the duration. This ability lasts for 1 turn plus half your level.

Last Stand 2nd-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, you can activate Last Stand when you are reduced to 0 hit points. Instead of falling unconscious or dying, you can choose to have one of your vessels or followers within 60 feet take the damage that would have been dealt to you. The chosen vessel or follower dies in your place, preserving your life and allowing you to continue. This ability reflects the ultimate sacrifice your loyal followers are willing to make for you and your unyielding resolve to lead.

3rd Level Abilities

True Vessel 3rd-Level Vessel Ability

True Vessel is a profound and transformative ability that allows you to secure your essence beyond the confines of your physical form. With this power, you can select up to Three different followers, vessels, who become your designated anchors in the event of your death. This selection process occurs weekly, ensuring that your most trusted and capable supporters are always prepared to bear the weight of your soul.

Upon your demise, regardless of how or where it occurs, your soul will transfer into one of these chosen individuals, regardless of their location or the plane of existence they occupy. The transfer process ensures that a small fragment of your soul is imbued within each chosen vessel, acting as a fail-safe mechanism. When your mortal body perishes, the remaining essence of your soul converges upon this fragment, allowing you to inhabit the body of the chosen vessel and continue your existence.

In this new form, you retain your Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom scores, but you lose all bonuses related to your physical body and instead gain the Constitution, Strength, and Dexterity of your new vessel. This shift means you will be fully integrated into the new body, with all physical attributes, skills, and capabilities of the vessel becoming your own. However, any class features or bonuses tied specifically to your original physical form will be lost. Conversely, if the vessel's class is tied to their physical form, you will gain the corresponding abilities while in their body.

Classes or abilities tied to your soul, intellect, or essence—such as Wizard, Sorcerer, Devoted Follower, or Devoted Leader—remain intact. This ensures that despite the physical change, you retain the core aspects of your identity and powers related to your soul's nature.

Side Effects Every Follower you Put Said Soul Fragment Into You Gain A Perm -1 To all Rolls Per Fragment Meaning At Max you have a Perm -3 To all Rolls Untill You Fuse Back You Also Suffer a -3 Penalty To Your Hitpoints Per Vessel capping up to -9

Essence Harvest 3rd-Level Vessel Ability

Essence Harvest allows you to transfer a portion of up to 5 vessels' hit points into your own, drawing upon their vitality to bolster your strength. When activated, you channel the life force of your chosen vessels, converting a quarter of their hit points into your own. However, the process is taxing: for each vessel affected, you suffer 1d4 damage directly to your normal hit points, bypassing any damage reduction or temporary hit points you might have. The damage taken from Essence Harvest is applied directly to your main hit points.

Essence Harvest lasts for 2 turns, during which you can sustain this connection. The ability can be used once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your level and half your Will save. This represents a significant trade-off as you drain the life force of your followers to enhance your own survivability.

Healing Factor 3rd-Level Vessel Ability

You gain a regenerative ability that allows you to heal rapidly. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to half your Will save. This continuous healing reflects your deep connection to your Soul and the life force that sustains you, showcasing the profound impact of your vessel's power on your own well-being.

4th Level Abilities

Vessel Claws

    • 4th-Level Vessel Ability**

By channeling the full extent of your power, you manifest formidable claws that reflect your alignment. The claws can be activated or deactivated any number of times per day. When active, they deal damage equal to 1d6 plus your Will save, and they can attack once per activation, similar to a normal weapon.

The claws are retractable and remain active until you manually retract them with a free action. Each successful strike causes 3 points of bleeding damage for 1 turn after the attack.

The appearance of the claws is influenced by your alignment:

- Chaotic Evil: Crimson red with a purple glow. - Neutral Evil: Void black with a purple glow. - Lawful Evil: Black with a grey glow. - True Neutral: Pure grey. - Lawful Neutral: Grey with a white glow. - Neutral Good: Grey with a gold glow. - Lawful Good: Gold with a white glow.


Vessel Infusion

4th-Level Vessel Ability

By channeling pure vessel energy into every fiber of your being, you can transform your physical form into a vessel of formidable protection. This process infuses your entire skeleton, body, organs, and blood with solidified vessel energy, creating an impenetrable shield of energy that harms anyone who dares to make contact with your essence.

Any creature or object that touches or comes into direct physical contact with your infused form suffers damage equal to your Will save. This includes melee attacks, grappling attempts, or any form of physical interaction with your body or blood.

In addition to the protective barrier, this infusion grants you a permanent +3 bonus to your Armor Class (AC), enhancing your defensive capabilities and making you significantly harder to hit in combat.

The intense vessel energy surrounding you serves as both a deterrent to attackers and a symbol of your unyielding strength, showcasing the depths of your devotion and power.

5th Level Abilities

Cataclysmic Demise 5th-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, you can choose to undergo a cataclysmic transformation that results in a massive explosion. This ability has the following effects:

You release a devastating explosion centered on yourself with a radius of 60 feet. The explosion deals damage equal to three times your maximum hit points plus your Will save. This damage is considered unresistible and bypasses any form of damage reduction or resistance. All creatures within the blast radius must make a Reflex save against a DC equal to 15 + your Prestige Level + your Charisma modifier + half your Will save. On a failed save, they take full damage; on a successful save, they take half damage. After the explosion, your body is completely atomized, leaving no physical trace behind. However, your soul remains intact and is immediately transferred to one of your chosen vessels, restoring you to life with full hit points. Upon being restored, the vessel you inhabit is disoriented, suffering a -2 penalty to all skill checks and attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Limb Regen 5th-Level Vessel Ability

Once per day, plus an additional number of times equal to your Will Save, you can instantly regrow a severed limb. This ability reflects your profound connection to your own soul and the life force that flows through you. The regrown limb is fully functional and indistinguishable from the original, symbolizing the resilience and depth of your being.

Sixth Level Abilities

Eternal Sustenance 6th-Level Vessel Ability

You gain semi-immortality, becoming impervious to certain natural threats:

You no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep, effectively making you immune to hunger and thirst. You are also unaffected by aging and do not suffer any negative effects from growing older. Your physical appearance remains unchanged, and you retain your vitality regardless of your age. This ability grants you a form of extended life, allowing you to persist without basic needs or the usual effects of aging. However, you can still be affected by other forms of damage or harm, such as combat injuries or magical effects.

7th Level Abilities

Temporal Recall 7th-Level Vessel Ability

You gain the ability to teleport to any location you have previously visited, within the same plane of existence:

Teleportation Range: You can instantly teleport to any place you have been before, provided it is on the same plane of existence. This ability does not allow travel to different planes or dimensions. Memory Requirement: You must have a clear memory of the location you wish to teleport to. If you have been to the location recently, this ability is easier to use, but if it has been a long time, you may need to focus more to recall the exact details. Activation: You can use this ability as a standard action, and it has no material or verbal components. The teleportation is instantaneous and occurs without any visual or auditory effect, making it ideal for quick escapes or strategic repositioning.

Ethereal Sensory Adaptation 7th-Level Vessel Ability

Your vessel energy enhances your senses to transcend physical limitations:

Breathless Existence: You no longer need to breathe, making you immune to effects that would suffocate or poison you through air. Enhanced Perception: You can see without physical eyes and hear without ears. Your senses are augmented by your vessel energy, granting you immunity to blindness and deafness. You perceive your surroundings through a form of energy-based perception. Darkvision: If you do not already possess darkvision, you gain darkvision with a range of 120 feet, allowing you to see in complete darkness as if it were dim light. Sensory Effects: Your enhanced senses are not affected by conventional sensory impairments, such as blinding or deafening effects. This makes you highly resilient against any forms of sensory-based attacks or disruptions.

8th Level Abilities

Perfect Vessel Replica 8th-Level Vessel Ability

You gain the power to create a flawless physical replica of your original body. This replica is a vessel designed to hold your soul if needed:

Creation: Once per week, you can create a perfect physical copy of your original body. This replica retains all your physical attributes, such as Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but it does not have a soul and cannot perform any actions or think independently. Duration: The replica lasts for an amount of time equal to your race's natural lifespan. After this period, the replica decays and becomes a normal inanimate object, unable to be used again. Soul Transfer: You can transfer your soul into this replica, preserving all physical bonuses and attributes. This is useful if you need to retain physical enhancements or if your original body is compromised. Your original body’s bonuses and abilities are fully maintained in the replica. Limitations: The replica is purely a physical entity and cannot perform any actions or provide any benefits beyond holding your soul. It cannot be used as a living vessel for any purpose other than soul transfer.

Mass Teleportation 8th-Level Vessel Ability

You can teleport up to 20 of your followers or vessels to your location instantly, provided they are on the same plane of existence:

Teleportation Range: You can transport up to 20 followers or vessels to your current location instantly, as long as they are on the same plane of existence. Activation: This ability requires a standard action and has no material or verbal components. You must be able to clearly visualize or sense the location where you wish your followers or vessels to arrive. Limitation: This teleportation cannot be used to send followers or vessels to other planes of existence. They must already be within the same plane to be teleported. Effect: Upon activation, the selected followers or vessels appear at your current location, ready for immediate action or interaction. This is particularly useful for rallying allies or bringing a large number of supporters to your side quickly.

9th Level Abilities

Evasion Mastery 9th-Level Vessel Ability

You have mastered the art of evasion, granting you exceptional agility and reflexes to avoid incoming attacks:

Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Ac involving attacking you, including attacks made against you by enemies. This bonus enhances your ability to dodge, parry, and otherwise evade attacks. Effect: This bonus applies to all forms of attacks, including physical, magical, and ranged. It provides a significant increase to your defenses, making it harder for enemies to land successful hits against you. Duration: This bonus is a permanent passive effect that is always active.

Vengeful Resilience 9th-Level Vessel Ability

When you are reduced to half or less of your maximum hit points, you become more resilient and vengeful, gaining enhanced defensive and offensive capabilities:

Bonus to AC: When your hit points drop to or below half your maximum hit points, you gain a bonus to your Armor Class (AC) equal to your Will save. This bonus reflects your increased defensive instincts and heightened awareness of threats. Bonus to Attack Rolls: You also gain a bonus to all attack rolls made against the entity that damaged you, equal to your Will save. This bonus represents your focused determination to retaliate against those who have harmed you. Activation: These effects automatically trigger when your hit points are at or below half your maximum, and they remain active until you are healed above half your maximum hit points or until the end of combat.

10th Level Abilities

Undying Resilience 10th-Level Vessel Ability

Your resilience and willpower have reached unparalleled levels, allowing you to endure beyond the brink of death:

Persistence: You can persist in combat and remain active until your hit points drop to -20. While you are in this state, you are not required to be stabilized to continue functioning. Endurance: You can continue to act and take actions as long as you are above -20 hit points. Upon reaching -20 hit points, you die as normal, but until then, you remain resilient, reflecting your ultimate endurance and refusal to succumb easily. Activation: This ability is always active as a passive effect once you reach 10th level.

Absolute Will Immunity 10th-Level Vessel Ability

You have achieved perfect mental fortitude, granting you complete immunity to any effects that target or rely on Will saves:

Immunity: You are immune to all effects and abilities that require or involve Will saves. This includes spells, abilities, and other effects that would normally require you to make a Will save to resist or avoid their effects. Effect: This immunity means you are completely unaffected by any mental or psychological effects, including fear, charm, or mind control, that rely on Will saves. Activation: This ability is always active as a passive effect once you reach 10th level.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Devout Leader[edit]

Combat: Devout Leaders excel in commanding followers and siphoning energy. They can deal significant damage and manipulate their vessels, but their combat role is heavily dependent on their connection to their vessels.

Advancement: Focus on boosting Charisma and Will save for enhanced control and power. Multiclassing with spellcasters like Wizard or Sorcerer complements their abilities well, unlike physical-focused classes which can result in losing Devout Leader abilities.

Resources: Devout Leaders receive support from their loyal followers and vessels. They may belong to secretive organizations that aid in their mastery and offer additional resources, aligning with their powerful control and influence.

Devout Leader in the World[edit]

In the heart of battle, my will becomes their command. With every soul I guide, my power grows. They follow not just me, but the very essence of my belief

Devout Leaders are revered figures, often seen as religious or ideological guides. They command great respect and authority, wielding their followers and vessels with divine or mystical influence. They can be pivotal in shaping religious or political movements.

NPC Reactions: NPCs view Devout Leaders with awe and sometimes fear. Their powerful presence and command over followers can inspire loyalty or dread, depending on their alignment and goals. Allies seek their guidance, while enemies might target them for their influence.

Devout Leader Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) can research Devout Leaders to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
11 You know that Devout Leaders are individuals with significant influence, commanding followers and vessels to exert their will. Their powers are often tied to divine or mystical sources.
16 Devout Leaders have unique abilities to manipulate their followers and draw power from them. They can command vessels even when distant and have a range of potent abilities linked to their alignment.
21 A Devout Leader’s abilities include transforming their essence into followers, using vessels as conduits of power, and wielding potent attacks. Their power scales with their charisma and will, making them formidable opponents or allies.
26 Devout Leaders are rumored to have access to esoteric rites and forbidden knowledge. Their true power lies in their ability to transcend physical form, merging with followers’ bodies or causing their essence to explode with devastating effects. Only the most knowledgeable or high-ranking members of the class might fully understand their deeper secrets.

Devout Leader in the Game[edit]

Devout Leaders act as powerful commanders and divine intermediaries, blending martial prowess with mystical authority. They are formidable both in combat and in managing followers and vessels, making them pivotal in any campaign involving divine or dark forces.

Adaptation: Adapt this class by tailoring the source of their power to fit your campaign's setting—be it a pantheon of gods, ancient relics, or forbidden rituals. Modify their abilities to reflect the nature of their divine or arcane source, ensuring they integrate seamlessly into your world’s lore and dynamics.

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