User Prestige Classes Good Guy

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Members of this group define themselves by their alignment and their outlook on the world first, their other abilities second. Their strengths reflect their alignment choices, and roleplaying one means putting attitude first. A good guy designation doesn't mean that every such character is a hero in your campaign.

Homebrew Good Guy Prestige Classes
Name Type1 Description2 Len-
Min. Level4
8-Bit Fighter Combat-Focused, Good Guy I will further my skills with the sword in order to—oooh, shiny... 10 6
Adamantine Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Adamantine Knight sees perfection in the unyielding resilience and unequalled hardness of adamantine. By means of a strange alchemical process kept secret by the Adamantine Knights, these stalwart defenders of order actually incorporate that perfect metal into their own bodies. 3 15
Aerial Cavalier Good Guy, Combat Focused Expert at flying on an aerial mount. 10 6
Angel Disciple Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Transformational Those with angelic heritage can draw on their blood to transform into a higher power of good. 10 6
Angel Disciple, Variant Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Transformational Those with angelic heritage can draw on their blood to transform into a higher power of good. 10 6
Arcane devotee Spellcasting with a few cleric tricks Arcane devotee is a prestige class on Faerûn comprised of arcane spellcasters dedicated to the deity they worship. 7 5
Ascendant Knight Battle-Focused, Good Guy The Ascendant Knight has achieved a new level of power derived from the five energies, a gift only possible from the celestials. They combine destructive energy powers with a rejuvinative ability to form a deadly force on the battlefield. 10 6
Assassin of the Dagger of Light Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Good themed Assassin with some focus on spellcasting and better silent movement. 10 5
Autumneve Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Autumneves are battle-sorcerer priests of Modroben, whose speciality in invocation allows them to blast undead hordes in great numbers. 10 7
Bard of the Secret Chord Good Guy, Bard Good bards that use their heavenly music to purify the souls of others. 10
Blackshirt Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Blackshirts are ebony-clad wizard-priests of Modroben, specializing in arcane enchantment magic, especially in the creation of magical potions and objects to assist people in defense against the undead. 10 7
Blessed Emissary of Eilistraee Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Powerful and devout worshippers of the Dark Maiden, the Blessed Emissaries of Eilistraee serve as the faces for Eilistraee's redeemed Drow followers. 10 7
Bonetamer Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Bonetamers necromancers of the light, those who use their sinister magics to protect life from the ravages of undeath, specializing in the theft, and liberation, of undead from those who control them. 10 7
Brother of the Scarred Hand Good guy, bad guy, minor spellcasting Ascetics who learn the powers of healing and harming 10 7
Burning Soul Good Guy, Combat-Focused Brave heroes never back down from a fight against evil, even in the face of death. And the phoenix rises from the fire of their souls. 10 8
Candlelord Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Candlelords are wizard-priests of Modroben in his guise as god of time; they protect the world, and reality itself, from those who would abuse magic and risk catastrophe to achieves personal riches. 10 7
Cathardigan Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Cathardigan are an elite team of acrobatic gnomish paladins who slay undead in the name of their lord, Modroben, known for riding giant condor mounts. 10 7
Celestial Artist Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled The Celestial Artist uses their ability to manifest material from their paintings and their own special inks and talents to perform incredible feats of valor and strength. 10 6
Celestial Beacon Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused A beacon of light that shines even in the evil of the lower planes. 10 7
Celestial Caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Celestial Disciple Combat-Focused, Divine A Celestial Disciple is a warrior who through intense training forges herself into a divine weapon, spreading her faith and striking down infidels in righteous vengeance. 10 6
Combustioneer Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Combustioneers are clerical priests of Modroben, god of death, who serve him as masters of cremation and fire elementrics. 10 7
Corpselight Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Corpselights are shamans who worship the nature spirits who are holy to Modroben, god of death; they derive their powers from the scavenger species that their order holds sacred. 10 7
Court Champion Good Guy, Combat, Detects, reveals, and combats treason and corruption among those in high places 10 5
Creator strong spellcasting, divine spellcasting A creator is a divine spellcaster who seeks to attain the most basic power of the gods, the ability to create life itself. 15 10
Dark Knight Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The Dark Knight was an attempt to duplicate the powers of the Holy and Fell Knights by the Kaladonian Empire. While it failed insofar as that objective, the lost art of the Dark Knight is still something to behold. 10 7
Darkfeather Good Guy, Combat-Focused Priests of Modroben who worship him in his guise as god of death, Darkfeathers are highly trained archers blessed with the eyes of their patron animal, the buzzard, which they use to pick off undead targets from great distances. 10 7
Death Knight Combat-Focused, Bad Guy Combining undeath with the dark blessings of fiends, the Death Knight wields powers of both flame and death, able to raise undead servants and armies on his own through his spell-like abilities. 5 6
Deathwright Good Guy, Combat-Focused Holy paladins enforcing the will of Modroben by destroying undead, deathwrights are vengeful defenders of life and death, and are known for seeking out the most powerful and vile kinds of necromancers. 10 7
Devoted Warsinger Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10
Disciple of the Bow Good Guy Prestige levels unlocked by activation of the Bow of Dragons Sorrows 2 NA
Divine Knight Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Blessed knights are chosen by their church, and they draw on their divinely given power to perform devastating attacks channeled through their weapon. 10 6
Divine Soldier Good Guy, Bad Guy, Minor Spellcasting, Melee Pietous warrior with limited spellcasting 10 5
Divine Swordsman <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Dragon's Heir Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10
Dragonfire Champion Combat Focused, Good Guy A powerful force of draconic good, infusing breath weapons with smiting power. 12 5
Dragoon, Variant Combat-focused Dragoons specialize in fighting extremely large enemies. They prefer spears for this purpose because of the simplicity of use and the reach. With a bit of natural magic and a lot of hard work, they grow to be capable of incredible maneuvers. 10 6
Dread Hunter Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Bad Guy The ultimate ranger, the most studied hunter: A Ranger prestige class that grants dreadful and baneful powers that make slaying Favored Enemies simpler than swinging a mace. 3 11
Drumblack Good Guy Drumblacks are highly-trained bards chosen to wield a very powerful magic, allowing them to cast spells through the intonations of percussion instruments, some of which can be heard for miles. 10 7
Easy Rider Good Guy A devoted Animal Companionist, that rides his Companion and marches to glory 10
Edgeripper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Edgerippers are sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on using spells of transmutation and metamorphosis to battle undeath; they serve as spies and support for large-scale attacks. 10 7
Enlightened Soul Good Guy, Combat Focused Having come to appreciate the sanctity of all life, whether pure or corrupted, the Enlightened Soul has learned to adapt her skills so that she might strike without harming. 10 20
Epic Spell Researcher Strong Spellcasting, Good Guy, Bad Guy Headmaster that wants to Research Epic Spells, and so employs a variety of tricks to make them researchable. 10 27
Fatemark Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting The Fatemark are sages and scholars in the Church of Modroben, wizard-priests specializing in divination and the protection of the passage of fate. 10 7
Fist of the Dragon <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Flame Crusader Chaotic, Fire Use, Sphere-focused When one has been exposed to sufficiently powerful flame for long enough, that flame takes a form within him. He becomes a living advocate for the powers of fire, a curse and blessing that follows him wherever he goes. 10 6
Flame Crusader, Tirr <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Foolsman/Foolswoman Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Foolsmen are chaotic and unstable sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on developing skills in illusions and phantasms, especially in the distraction of large numbers of undead so they can be destroyed easily. 10 7
Forgemaster Exhalted, Good Guy, Craftsman, NPC Divine craftsman of good. 10 5
Fox of Sin Neutral, Good-Guy. The Fox of Sin walks the line of good and evil taking from both to power her abilities! 10 Levels None
Ghostwyld Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting The Ghostwyld are mysterious and reclusive priests of Modroben, who wield shamanic magic and allow themselves to be possessed by dead spirits, as well as gathering totemic objects from undead prey to bolster their power. 10 7
Gold Templar Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting An escort of healers, and server of those in need of healing and protection 10 5
Gravewire Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Gravewire are dedicated rangers who focus on defending large cemeteries, tombs and similar resting places for the corpses of the deceased. 10 7
Graylimm Good Guy, Divine Spellcasting Graylimm are druids who study and venerate fungi, especially mushrooms, breeding pocket versions with spores that can cause anything from healing to instant death. 10 7
Harrier Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Harriers are agile specialists who exploit flanking, attacks of opportunity and tripping, taking down their victims with surprise attacks and wolf pack tactics. 6 4
Hero of Courage <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Hightombed Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled The Hightombed are scholarly priests of Modroben who serve him as masters of mummification and the elementrics of air. 10 7
Holy Knight Good Guy, Combat-focused Baptized in the divine light of the Church, the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques. 10 7
Holy Knight, Andreichekov Good Guy, Combat Focused, Domain Caster Paladin with access to domains. 5 levels. 8 levels of Paladin.
Hunter of Evil Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Consumed by righteous wrath and need of retribution the Hunter of Evil never wavers from the path that would lead him to his next target. 10 8th
Hybrid Elite, Turbo Utilizes falling damage, Combat-Focused A warrior infused with green magic. A paragon of unnatural strength and warfare. 10 8
Iaijutsu Master, Variant Combat-Focused Iaijutsu is the martial art of drawing a weapon (almost always a katana) and attacking with it in the same fluid motion. It is the foundation of some forms of dueling in Oriental Adventures (see Iaijutsu Duels in Chapter 6: Combat), and its masters are feared and respected throughout Rokugan and other lands where iaijutsu is practiced. Iaijutsu masters harness their ki energy to strike with blinding speed and devastating power. Iaijutsu masters are almost always members of the samurai character class. In Rokugan, they are drawn exclusively from the Crane clan, where they are trained in the Kakita school. NPC iaijutsu masters serve as sensei to the finest samurai in the Empire. 10 3
Illusionary Weapons Master Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The illusionary weapons master is a spellcaster who specializes in illusions, and can create illusions so realistic that they actually border on reality. They use this to cast superior illusion spells and create fearsome illusion weapons with which they can vanquish a large array of foes. 10 5
Iron Templar Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Paladins who master the forge and siege warfare. 10 5
Kamahl Acolyte Good guy, Neutral Followers of the hero, Kamahl
Keeper of the Eternal Flame Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Holy warriors of light and fire 10 5
Knight of Beauty Combat Focused, Good Guy, Paladin Prestige Gallant Knights in love with beauty, and willing to fight for it. 10 5
Knight of the Moon Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A paladin/sorcerer combination with the ability to cast spells and attack in the same round. 10 5
Knight of the Morning Sky Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Warriors who combat the undead. 10 5
Legendary Shinobi Special What happens when shinobi make themselves known to the world as a hero. 5 15th [Naruto Shinobi]
Lightkeeper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Lightkeepers are abjurers, specializing in the art of protective magic to defend civilians and the Church of Modroben against undead. 10 7
Lion Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused Guardians of Mythical Lineage. 10 6
Lord Knight Combat-Focused, Good Guy Holy warriors, crusaders for the cause of their lords, ladies and gods, the Lord Knight fights for all that is good and orderly in this chaotic, unpredictable world 10 4
Lord of the Thundercats Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Lord of the Thundercats begins the long road of mastering his skills, perfecting them in just one unique sword. 10 5
Loreblade Moderate Spellcasting Loreblades use a combination of wit and weapons to overcome obstacles. 10 6
Loregrimmer Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting Loregrimmers are the highest-ranking functionaries in the Church of Modroben, and are powerful clerics and healers with advanced spellcasting and soulcleaving abilities. 10 7
Lunae Divine Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused Lunar Divine Knight's are taciturn warriors of the Moon Goddess. They will sacrifice their to empower their attacks. 10 5
Lunar Champion Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Martial adepts dedicated to routing out members of Shar's church, especially Shadow Knights of Shar. 10 5
Maestro of the Arts <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Magical Girl (Arcane) Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Magic With bound focus in hand, the Magical Girl conjures her armour and throws herself into the fight for what she thinks is right. 10 5
Marquis Good Guy, Combat Focused Brave heroes whose noble status and upbringing grant them amazing command and potential. 10 9
Master Monk Combat-focused A monk, heavily devoted to their physical training, whose unarmed attacks are deadly. Their Punch Art is extremely deadly. 10 7
Mental Blade Good Guy, Combat-Focused The Mental Blade combines a strict mental discipline with natural talent to become a force to be feared. 10 7
Minddrinker Psion A minddriker is a psion who becomes so familiar with the minds of others that they can obtain their memories, siphon their vitality, and even absorb their foe's intelligence. 5 5
Mireblack Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Mireblacks are healing-focused, druid-like priests of Modroben with an affinity for leechmastery and a psionic bent. 10 7
Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger, Assassin, Good Guy Trained in stealth, marksmanship and the dark arts; a mysterious stranger can alter the prevailing conditions of any situation at extreme range with precision. 5 5
Nightsummoner Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Nightsummoners are wizard-priests of Modroben who can summon a legion of allies when they find an undead horde, specializing in the art of conjuration. 10 7
Orespringer Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Orespringers are dwarven priests in the Church of Modroben who specialize in rescuing the souls of miners trapped in cave collapses underground and destroying the undead that roam troglodytic settings. 10 7
Pact Warlock Good Guy, Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A warlock who has made a deal with an other worldly patron in search of even greater power. 17 3
Palutena's Warrior Combat-Focused Palutena, goddess of light grants great power to those who show a love for life, and an affinity for her style of fighting. These warriors do not have the Paladin-like vendetta against evil, but focus more on protecting the innocent from harm. This does not mean that they are afraid to get their hands dirtied in combat, however, as Palutena grants them the ability to defend themselves and those around them. 11 5
Penumbraul Good Guy, Skilled The Penumbraul are ascetic monks in service to Modroben, with the ability to sneak past their undead foes and manipulate shadow to their advantage. 10 7
Pontifex Sanctus <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Prestidigitator Moderate Spellcasting Using Prestidigitation, this PrC adds flavor to their spellcasting that will impress any king, noble, or villager; and by impressing the people they are sure to get help with many things they want. 10 3
Presto Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell. 5 7
Presto Lite Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell. 5 7
Protector Judge Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10 5
Psychic Predator Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Psionics Psychic Predators are manifesters who have, by blood inheritance, begun a steady alteration into a ferocious psionic beast, blurring the lines of mental might and feral combat. Powerful in the physical and psychic sense, Psychic Predators favor claw and fang above all else, but are equally capable of concealing their primal manifesting by appearing outwardly normal for their race. Exceptionally durable and resilient, these individuals have no particular chink in their armor for their prey (and those who hunt hunters) to exploit easily. 6 6
Raging Hulk Combat Focused The Raging Hulk is a barbarian thats anger has reached a point where he actually increases in size when he rages. 10 10
River Gypsy Separate Spellcasting, Good Guy Wanderers of the Waterways 10 5
Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Savage Priest Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Strong Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting The Savage Priest is a wielder of Divine beast-magics, empowering themselves and their spells to more closely resemble their animal allies. A rarity beyond comprehension, those who are Savage Priests are born to achieve such a destiny tied to the animal soul, and deviate from their clerical or other holy calling to answer their beast ties. 5 5
Secret Guardian of the Sacred Flame <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadow Assassin <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadowdancer Bad Guy, Skilled Shadowdancers are creepy guys and gals who hang out in the shadows. Occasionally, they jump out of those shadows and stab people in the face. Why? You'd have to ask the specific Shadowdancer. 15 Rogue 5th
Shadowgripper Good Guy, Strong Psionics Shadowgrippers are psychoportive psionicist-priests of Modroben who can teleport through shadows, giving them powerful abilities to strike at the heart of undead hordes. 10 7
Shaolin Monk Good Guy, Lawful Guy, Combat-Focused shaolin monks emit an aura of pure awesomeness, and their Gong fu is of unparalleled quality. 10 6
Shapeflayer Good Guy, Skilled 'Shapeflayers are powerful elementricians and priests of Modroben, who use martial arts and dance to manipulate the flow of their chosen element, allowing them to affect undead in droves from afar. 10 7
Shield Knight Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Armor bearer, Shield bearer, Fighter. A Shield Knight is meant to be the groups AC tank and his primary objective is to keep the rest alive by throwing himself in front of every blow and soak it with his armor and shield. 10 6
Silverslicer Good Guy, Skilled Silverslicers are stealthy assassin-priests of Modroben who specialize in finding elite undead liches and vampires, and the necromancers who create them, and killing them quietly. 10 7
Smiting Avenger Good Guy, Combat Focused A powerful, martial champion of the gods, smiting enemies down 10 6
Soul Reaver Vengeful, Good/Bad Guy, Transformed. An unholy warrior whom was betrayed by those he trusted and killed as a result of jealousy or some other emotion. Now raised, they serve a new master in death, and in the process seek revenge, and are permitted to do so, as long as during and after they continue to serve. 10 10
Speaker for the Dead Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting A guardian of the souls of the dead, their voices, and their memories 10 6
Stormbringer Good Guy, Spellcasting-Focused An 'enhancement' class usually used by paladins which allows them to learn damaging spells as spell-like abilities WITHOUT losing their ability to gain further levels as paladins. 5 5
Tattooed Monk (3.5e Class) <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Templer of Lock "Good Guy, Combat-Focused" An arch-type dwarven warrior priest / Fusion of proto-cleric and dwarven defender. The ToL is excels at protecting others with both spell and shield. He is hardy and able to hold the line casting spells in full battle regalia. That is with both hammer and shield in hand. 10 5
Terminator Combat Focused An unstoppable warrior who specializes in killing those who would be prepared for ordinary assassins. 10 6
The Blade Good Guy, Combat Focused, Skilled, Stealthy The Blade is a very skilled hunter, a hunter of 2–legged prey. They utilize daggers, small swords and stealth to strike their targets. 15 5
Tideturner Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat-oriented A class of adventurers who turns the tide of war, for good or ill. 5 10
Titan Blade <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Truthringer Good Guy, Strong Psionics Truthringers are psionic telepaths whose focus is on investigating crimes, especially necromantic acts, and punishing those responsible. 10 7
Twilight Riders Combat Focused Divine Spellcaster Araleth Letheranil's elite warriors. 10 8
Uthgardt Totem Berseker Meele Combat, Wild Life Uthgardt Barbarian dedicated to his tribe way of life 10 4
Vengeance Sworn Combat Focused, The vengeance sworn are relentless, implacable foes, hurling themselves against their draconic enemies armed only with steel weapons and bitter fury. 10
Vigilante Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Skilled Similar to the Assassin, but with a Good alignment. The Vigilante has a strong sense of justice and seeks to hunt down and destroy the wicked so that the innocent may live in peace. 10 5
Vizard Shinigami <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Warrior of the Soul Good Guy, Combat-Focused Warriors of the Soul are extremely good persons, who have dedicated themselves to serving the cause of Heaven in the afterlife. Rather than have a peaceful and easy afterlife, they have sacrificed their eternal bliss to protect Good for all eternity. In other words, they have chosen to have a worse afterlife than they deserve. 5 5
Weeping Knight Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Weeping Knights are holy warriors who disavow killing. 10 5
Whipblack Skilled, Good Guy, Combat-Focused Undead-slaying fighters occupying an important role in the Church of Modroben, Whipblacks are a martial clan of whip-specialized warriors who use a type of knout (a multiple-tipped whip) to wade into hordes of zombies or skeletons. 10 7
Winterborn Combat-Focused, Good Guy A Winterborn is the ultimate defensive character, willing to lay down his life for his allies. 10 10
Winterskin Good Guy, Combat-Focused Winterskins are rainid warrior-Claine, battle-priests of the god of death Modroben, known for enforcing his will on ships, most famously by serving as soulcleaver to navies and pirate fleets alike as well as ridding the seas of ghost ships. 10 7
Word of Life Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Word of Life uses word magic for good and healing purposes. 3 5
  1. A general category the PrC fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the PrC, should advertise the PrC.
  3. The length is the amount of levels the PrC is made for. e.g. 10, 5, 3.
  4. The minimum number of levels possible to meet the PrCs requirements.