User Prestige Classes Strong Spellcasting

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Members of this group are good choices for characters who want their progress toward higher levels of magic to be uninterrupted.

Homebrew Strong Spellcasting Prestige Classes
Name Type1 Description2 Len-
Min. Level4
Acolyte of Barnabus Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting An Acolyte of Barnabus is a worshipper of the greater deity of fear, Barnabus, and practices the highest art of fear. 10
Alchemist Strong Spellcasting The alchemist is a seeker of knowledge, such as the secrets of eternal life or turning lead into gold. 10 5
Anchorite Strong Spellcasting Living in one place can have its advantages, especially if by living there one can gain a special awareness of the area. Anchorites live in just such places, and with few distractions they can learn to use their spells effectively, projecting magical influence over great distances. 10 7
Ancient Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Anima and Animus Mages Strong Spellcasting Jungian mythological theory combines with arcane magic in this prestige class, where two wizards in a close relationship can project their anima and animus properties onto one another, creating two specialized wizards and intense psychological power. 5 7
Anima Apostle Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting An anima apostle is an ur-priest who has learned to bind the vestiges of long dead gods and demons to his will. 10 7
Arcane devotee Spellcasting with a few cleric tricks Arcane devotee is a prestige class on Faerûn comprised of arcane spellcasters dedicated to the deity they worship. 7 5
Arcane Perfectionist Combat-Focused There are mages who spend their lives in their study and mages that concentrate for hours to gain power.They think that gaining more powerful spells is the key to

power.Fortunately, you know better.You have spent hours of training to learn the perfect accent of the Draconic language and every spellcasting is like a short ritual to you that you treat with respect and enjoy its benefits.

10 5
Arcane Philosopher Strong Spellcasting Scholars devoted to learning and studying magic, above even the practice of it. 5 5
Arcane Savant Strong Spellcasting A master of both academic and innate arcana 10 7
Arcane Warrior <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Arcanist Strong Spellcasting The arcanist is a spellcaster who tires of the limitations of his own magic, and seeks to unlock the secrets of the other 10 5
Archwark Strong, Arcane Spellcasting Chocobos of immense arcane power. 5 15
Arthroparch Strong Spellcasting A master of vermin, with the unique ability to bend them to his will. 10 7
Artificer Strong Spellcasting An exceptionally gifted creator of magical items, able to easily forge the most powerful of items with his magical powers. These creators are both Divine or Arcane in nature and have been known to create the greatest items of legend. 10 5
Autumneve Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Autumneves are battle-sorcerer priests of Modroben, whose speciality in invocation allows them to blast undead hordes in great numbers. 10 7
Barrister of the Nine Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A contract broker of the Nine Hells; often times, the contract's collateral is one's soul. 10 9
Battle Caller Strong Spellcasting Masters of the Summoning arts they are able to summon both celestial and damned beings 10 5
Battle Herald Strong Spellcasting The quintessential battlefield bard, whose music sounds even sweeter on the field of battle. 10 6
Battle Mage Strong Spellcasting A master of abjuration and evocation magic. 5 10
Battle Teleporter Battlefield controller A specialized class for a magic user, focusing on teleportation this class has 6 levels 4th Level
Dimensional Hop castable
Concentration 7 ranks.
Blackshirt Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Blackshirts are ebony-clad wizard-priests of Modroben, specializing in arcane enchantment magic, especially in the creation of magical potions and objects to assist people in defense against the undead. 10 7
Bladed Magus Melee Combat focused, Spellcasting A mage of devastating power, who has trained to channel power through their blade
Blessed Emissary of Eilistraee Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Powerful and devout worshippers of the Dark Maiden, the Blessed Emissaries of Eilistraee serve as the faces for Eilistraee's redeemed Drow followers. 10 7
Blightmancer Strong Spellcasting Blightmancers are walking biological weapons; spellcasters who command and control devastating diseases, various poisons, and hordes of angry vermin 10 6
Blood Mage Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Despicable minions of the demon Acerbus, these evil spellcasters enjoy spreading pain and terror before them like the flames that wreath their dark masters body. 10 5
Boneblade Reaper Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting A hybrid spellcaster-monk who studies death as a form of dark enlightenment 10 6
Bonetamer Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Bonetamers necromancers of the light, those who use their sinister magics to protect life from the ravages of undeath, specializing in the theft, and liberation, of undead from those who control them. 10 7
Candlelord Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Candlelords are wizard-priests of Modroben in his guise as god of time; they protect the world, and reality itself, from those who would abuse magic and risk catastrophe to achieves personal riches. 10 7
Celestial Beacon Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused A beacon of light that shines even in the evil of the lower planes. 10 7
Celestial Caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Chronicler Strong Spellcasting Bardic orators who use the power of their stories to alter history and even predict the future. Few live to master the class. 10 10
Clayshaper Strong Spellcasting A spellcaster with the ability to manipulate and infuse clay with magic. 5 7
Cloaktower Watchman Strong Spellcasting An arcane agent and spellweaving combatant in the service of the Cloaktower of Neverwinter. 10 5
Corpselight Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting Corpselights are shamans who worship the nature spirits who are holy to Modroben, god of death; they derive their powers from the scavenger species that their order holds sacred. 10 7
Corpselight Whisperer Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Druidic Master of decay, and the secrets of the Will-o-Wisps 10 6
Courier Mage Skilled, Strong Spellcasting When it absolutely, positively, has to be there in two seconds. 10 5
Creative Genius Strong Spellcasting A creative genius uses their magical abilities to create items and constructs, and eventually imbue them with intelligence 10 5
Creator strong spellcasting, divine spellcasting A creator is a divine spellcaster who seeks to attain the most basic power of the gods, the ability to create life itself. 15 10
Crossroad Demon <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Cryomancer Strong Spellcasting By focusing on the harsh cold lands of the ice deserts, the Cryomancer has learnt how to manipulate the cold to a fine degree. 10 5
Crystal Mage Strong Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Uses mana crystals in combat and other use... 5 5
Cullinomancer Strong Spellcasting The Cullinomancer is a spellcaster who grows tired of mundane, normal, or boring spells, and instead opts for a more crearive approach, through cooking. 10 5
Cursed Soul Separate Spellcasting. The negative manifestation of the favored soul, the cursed soul is given powerful magics in exchange for a life of great suffering. 10 5
Cyst Disciple Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A divine spellcaster who worships the undead cyst that has taken root in their living flesh. 10
Dark Flame Disciple Strong Spellcasting, Supernatural Abilities, Extraordinary Abilities, Spellcasters infused with the power of The Black Flame Dragon God Fairnedahlk[[1]] 10 5
Darkdrawn Priest Strong Spellcasting Among the clergy of some dark deities, there are those who even the shadow fears. 10 6
Darkfire Guild Wizard Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Despicable minions of the demon Acerbus, these evil spellcasters enjoy spreading pain and terror before them like the flames that wreath their dark masters body. 10 5
Death Disciple Evil/Neutral Necromancer. Caster Focus. A dark being who demands and requires the absolute dominion of undead, becoming like one them selves and gaining a familiar before long that is too undead. 10 10
Death King Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting The will of the people will at times keep a great hero from dying 6 8
Death Priest Necromancer Death Priest 10 9
Deathlock Combat Spellcaster For sorcerers or wizards who have abandoned all but the powers of destruction, the path of a Deathlock awaits. 20 20
Defiler of Temples Strong Spellcasting A Defiler of Temples is a divine caster who likes ticking off the enemies of his god. 5 6
Demonbinder Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Demonbinder are either the the master or the bane of all fiends, they are able to perform incredible task against or with them.... 10 8
Descendant of Red Dragon Spellcasting Red Dragon Wannabe 10 6
Devout Leader Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Bad Guy Master of authority through power, influence, or divine conviction. 10 3
Dirge <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10 5
Disciple of the Flame Strong Spellcasting The Disciple of the Flame advocates herself to the purity of fire, and becomes one with the holy bird, the phoenix. She learns of it taking it as her totem, and eventually fuses with it to reach immortality. 10 7
Disciple of the Undying Cold Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A necromancer who embraces the power of bitter cold, eventually becoming undead himself. 10 7
Divine Magus Strong Spellcasting The Divine Magus is a multiclass spellcaster who worships magic as a deity, constantly focusing his study of magic and trying to understand the connection between the divine and arcane. 10 5
Dracolichbound Bad Guy, Transformational, Strong Spellcasting For a caster-focused template, based on Lichbound, but now for dragons! 5 10
Dragon Mystic Arcane Caster Dragons with spells 5
Dragon's Heir Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10
Druid, LoD Divine Spellcaster, Strong Spellcaster The druid are devoted to nature, master of animal and bestower of nature gift and vengeance... 10 8
Druid, Variant Divine Spellcaster, Strong Spellcaster The druid are devoted to nature, master of animal and bestower of nature gift and vengeance... 10 8
Edgeripper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Edgerippers are sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on using spells of transmutation and metamorphosis to battle undeath; they serve as spies and support for large-scale attacks. 10 7
Eldritch Priest Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting The eldritch priest is a master of invocations and divinity. 5 9
Eldritch Sword Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Eldritch Sword is a melee mage who believes in attacking the enemy head on. 10 8
Elemental Manipulator Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Wizards or Mages good at altering the energy 10 5
Epic Leader <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Epic Spell Researcher Strong Spellcasting, Good Guy, Bad Guy Headmaster that wants to Research Epic Spells, and so employs a variety of tricks to make them researchable. 10 27
Eternal Guardian Strong Spellcasting A mimic decided to protect her master until the very end. 5 5
Eternal Incarnate Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting A spellcaster who mastered the art of reincarnation, being able to modify the cycle and recall former lives memories. 8 7
Fate Weaver Combat Focused A caster that uses tarot cards to alter her magic. 10 6
Fatemark Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting The Fatemark are sages and scholars in the Church of Modroben, wizard-priests specializing in divination and the protection of the passage of fate. 10 7
Fell Warrior Strong Spellcasting, Combat-focused The warlock's answer to the spellcaster's eldritch knight 10 6
Foolsman/Foolswoman Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Foolsmen are chaotic and unstable sorcerer-priests of Modroben who focus on developing skills in illusions and phantasms, especially in the distraction of large numbers of undead so they can be destroyed easily. 10 7
Forgefire Warlock Strong Spellcasting The chosen of Alethros, forgefire warlocks channel raw fiery power from the heart of the earth. 3 8
Fury Mage Moderate Spellcasting, Combat Focused Fury Mages learn to channel rage into their spells. 10 5
Ghostwyld Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting The Ghostwyld are mysterious and reclusive priests of Modroben, who wield shamanic magic and allow themselves to be possessed by dead spirits, as well as gathering totemic objects from undead prey to bolster their power. 10 7
Gravitist Strong Spellcasting Gravitists specialize in manipulating gravity. 10 2
Green Whisperer Spellcaster, Arcane/Divine Nature speaks and the green whisperer listens. The green whisperer is attuned to nature and the wisdom of animals. 5 5
Guile Mage Strong Spellcasting, Social Manipulator Combining arcane power with a silver tongue, the Guile Mage is the ultimate manipulator. 10 10
Hallowed Bladesinger Strong Combat, Strong Spellcasting A revered elven hero and practioner of the Old Ways who's legend is long past their prime. 10 5
Heartless Mage Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Heartless Mage pursues a stoic form of immortality 5 9
Hedge Wizard Strong Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Not all wizards spend all their spare time studying intensively in libraries. There are those that must see more of the world, who lead mainly nomadic lives, making them much more robust. 5 1
Hellfire Destroyer Alternate Spellcaster TThe Hellfire destroyer is a mage whose body has been through the devastating heat of the Hellfire. The presence of the Hellfire in his very soul does not consume him like the others, instead, he takes power from it becoming one with the flame itself, sharing the instinct of burning everything in his path. 10 7
Hellmaster Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting Hellmasters are those damned souls who dared to deal with the devil. 5 11
Herald of the Fourth Horseman Bad Guy, Strong Spellcaster The Herald that portends the coming of the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. He uses pestilence and disease to create undead minions and officially begin Death's reign of power. 10 6
Immortalist Strong Spellcasting Some are cowards, some fear death more than anything else in the world. Some become liches, undead or other non-living abominations. Some others don't want to surrender the pleasures of flesh. They take the path of the immortalist. 5 15
Initiate of the Black Tower Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting An enslaver of fiends 10 9
Jamagus Strong Spellcasting His mastery of a single chosen element grants tremendous power. 10 9
Keeper of Secrets Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting An Archivist searches for secrets of long lost pasts; the Keeper of Secrets finds them. 10 5
Liar Savant <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Lich Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting This is a monster class which allows a character to aquire the Lich template over 4 levels, instead of requiring the level adjustment of +4. 4 11
Lichbound Bad Guy, Transformational, Strong Spellcasting For a caster-focused template, Lichdom is caster suicide, only barely passable for, ironically, melee characters. Now gain lichdom without 4 lost levels. 5 10
Lightkeeper Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Lightkeepers are abjurers, specializing in the art of protective magic to defend civilians and the Church of Modroben against undead. 10 7
Lord Artificer Arcane Spellcasting Arcane spellcasters that sacrifice their spellcasting power to create magic items unsurpassed by any other. 10 3
Lord of the Damned Divine Necromancer, Strong Spellcasting Student of the forces that create undead 10 6
Lord of The Dark Magic Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A black magic user who delves into evil so thoroughly, they become one with it. 10 5
Lord of the Dead Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Bad Guy Lord of the Deads gains in both Arcane and Divine spell casting power, while also learning to control the power of necromancy 10 8
Loreblade Moderate Spellcasting Loreblades use a combination of wit and weapons to overcome obstacles. 10 6
Loregrimmer Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting Loregrimmers are the highest-ranking functionaries in the Church of Modroben, and are powerful clerics and healers with advanced spellcasting and soulcleaving abilities. 10 7
Lotus Disciple Skilled, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting In construction 10 5
Lurker in the Swarm Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Undead Beekeeper (no, really) 10 6
Madness Disciple Strong Spellcasting There are worlds beyond the understanding of man. The Disciple seeks to gain power through understanding of these worlds, and in doing so sacrifices his mind to insanity. 10 6
Maestro of the Arts <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Magnetic Warrior Combat-Focused, Arcane Spellcasting The Magnetic Warrior is a mage that levitates several lodestone blades which she uses to strike foes with. 10 5
Magocrat Strong Spellcasting A mage who dominates his surroundings through power and guile (but mostly power). 6 12
Magus Portalus Strong Spellcasting Master of the Portal 10 5
Master Arcanist Strong Spellcasting After intensive research into the principles of arcane magic, it is possible for one to consolidate their spells a single spell table and spellbook, utilizing both the great functions of a wizard and sorcerer. 5 5
Master Necromancer Strong Spellcasting, Bad Guys Dark spellcaster who studies the black art of necromancy and undeath. 10 8
Master of Evocations <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Master of Snake Mountain Strong Spellcasting Whenever you find a dungeon, take it over. Get eyebeams. 5 6
Master of the Familiar Moderate Spellcasting For many spellcasters, a familiar is only an occasionally useful tool -- or, at worst, a liability. Others, however, embrace and strengthen the bond between master and familiar, gaining powerful companions. 5 5
Master of the Seven Necromantic Mysteries Strong Spellcasting, Necromancy Necromancer extraordinaire 7 9
Master of the Spoken Word Strong Spellcasting A master of the spoken word has realized the power that languages hold. He has devoted himself to the study of new languages, and often knows more than his fair share of either the Words of Creation and the Dark Speech. 10 6
Mesmerist Strong Spellcasting Experts at charm and deceit, mesmerists compel others to heed their words and bend to their will. 5 6th
Metamage Strong Spellcasting The metamage uses metamagic to make his spells highly potent and use them in ways others cannot duplicate. 10 7
Metamage 3.0 Strong Spellcasting The metamage uses metamagic to make his spells highly potent and use them in ways others cannot duplicate. 10 7
Mimic Spy Strong Spellcasting A mimic who mastered the art of stealth. A mimic spy learnt how to manipulate her living metal to create powerful weapon. 5 3
Mummy Lord Divine Spellcasting, Bad Guy The Mummy Lords are the top of the Mummies. 5 10
Mystic Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Mystics, wise mages from another age, who have learned to focus their mind unlike any other beings have ever been able to. 3 7
Mystic Mind Strong Spellcasting Combines divine magic and psionics. 10 6
Nature's Arcanist Strong Spellcasting Their are many druids and arcane spellcasters that value nature above all else, using nature in harmony they can bond themselves to a tree, and have it act as their spellbook. 10 6
Necromancer of Undead Army Necromancer Necromancer of Undead Army is a prestige focused on buffing undead you control. 10 8
Nightsummoner Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Nightsummoners are wizard-priests of Modroben who can summon a legion of allies when they find an undead horde, specializing in the art of conjuration. 10 7
Omniarcanist Strong Spellcasting This class is designed for followers of the deity Caladon. All forms of generalist spellcasters may be drawn to this class because of its versatility. If the character is interested in being given a taste of each of the Orders of High Sorcery because of their affiliation to Caladon, this is the class for them. 10 7
Omniarcanist of Caladon Strong Spellcasting All forms of generalist spellcasters may be drawn to this class because of its versatility and improvement to all schools of casting. 10 5
Order Battlemage Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The Order Battlemage is an evocationist who focus' on using sudden metamagic to improve his blasting abilities. 5 5
Outlaw Theurge Strong Spellcasting The Outlaw Theurge is a multiclass spellcaster who has deicided to use his magical abilities for profit. The Outlaw Theurge above all else is versatile. He is able to sneak past enemy lines, in an out of a wealthy land owners mansion, raid a caravan of merchants, or strike down foes witrh powerful spells and dissappear without a trace. Often employed by wizards guilds and thieves guilds to acquire valuable items or deal with enemies of the guild. 10 5
Pact Warlock Good Guy, Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A warlock who has made a deal with an other worldly patron in search of even greater power. 17 3
Paramander Priest Skilled, Strong Spellcasting Paramanders do not exist. Were they to exist as a secret society, their purpose would be to preserve the balance and defend the natural order, playing off good vs. evil, law vs. chaos, so that none ever becomes too powerful. Their actions would be directed and aided by masters of powerful magic, both divine and arcane. 10 5
Peacock Sage Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting The peacock sage a bit of everything: charmer, scout, and protector, complete with ability to go nova and obliterate just about anything moving, all wrapped in a brilliant package of shimmering iridescence. 10 9
Phantasmist <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Possessed Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A spellcaster who shares a body with a powerful fiend, forming a symbiotic relationship. 10 7
Preacher of Letum Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Preachers of Letum help anyone who has undergone a recent death in their life. 5 5
Precognosis Adept Skilled, Strong Spellcasting Your divinations enable you to enhance your evasive defenses and employ many talents. 10 8
Pumpkin King Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Leader of magical pumpkins 8\10 5
Pyromancer Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcaster Fire. FIRE EVERYWHERE. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH FIRE! 10 5
Reaper Combat-Focused, Strong Spellcasting When a case is particularly difficult to understand, one may send a reaper along with plaintiff's adventuring party to observe, help, and ultimately decide said plaintiff's fate, even if he must decide with force. 10 6
Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Sangromancer Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A spellcaster who draws from his own blood to apply metamagic and other benefits to his spells. 5 6
Savage Priest Good Guy, Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Strong Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting The Savage Priest is a wielder of Divine beast-magics, empowering themselves and their spells to more closely resemble their animal allies. A rarity beyond comprehension, those who are Savage Priests are born to achieve such a destiny tied to the animal soul, and deviate from their clerical or other holy calling to answer their beast ties. 5 5
Scion of the Tenebrous Dragon Strong Spellcasting A great descendant of the mighty shadow dragons, the Scion has learned to tap his heritage for added power, altering his form in foreign ways. 10 7
Scriptwriter Strong Spellcasting The Scriptwriter wields the power of Word magic to craft magical items to fit the situation. 5 7
Seeker of the Lost Wizard Traditions Strong Spellcasting Use the old ways of magic to destroy the new ways. 5 6
Seeker of Truth Strong Spellcasting A Seeker of Truth is someone who has dedicated his life to finding and eradicating all sources of lies, in the hope that one day, only what is true shall remain. 10 8
Seer of the Tempest Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting A half-mad mage of Pandemonium 8 6
Sepulchral Patrician (3.5e Epic Prestige Class) Bad Guy, Strong Spellcaster Epic-level spellcasting undead class that focuses on the necromantic creation and empowerment of personal guards. 10 20
Shrouded Warrior Combat Focused, Strong Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting Illusionists and enchanters who take up the sword. 5 5
Skindancer Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A unique type of assassin who wears the skins of his victims 10 7
Skyclad Practitioner Strong Spellcasting A Skyclad Practitioner is a spellcaster who prepares and casts spells in a state of ritualistic nudity in order to increase his/her sensitivity to natural and arcane magic, and be "at one" with magic. 3 2
Sonic Mage Strong Spellcasting Sonic mages are masters of manipulating the magical energy of sound. 10 2
Soul Collector Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting Not to be confused with a grim reaper working for the sake of the natural cycle, soul collectors actually gather souls for their own use, drawing power from them. 10 17
Soul Merchant Strong Spellcasting An arbitrator and salesman in the business of souls 8 9
Soulcatcher Strong Spellcasting An incarnum user/binder
Speaker for the Dead Good Guy, Strong Spellcasting A guardian of the souls of the dead, their voices, and their memories 10 6
Spellmaster Strong Spellcasting Spellmasters know a singular spell can be rather powerful if studied carefully. They specialize in one particular spell and develop it to amazing levels. 3 5
Staffshaper Strong Spellcasting An arcane master that focuses on the creation of his personal staff. 10 9
Storm Mage Strong Spellcasting Because of the storms terrible power, some are attracted to them. These people pattern their innate casting after what is the single most powerful force they have ever witnessed. The calling is always the same, to become one with the raging storm, and to harness it's terrible power. 10 5
Stranger with the Burning Eyes Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting Living a parasitic existence, the Stranger occupies bodies of others in a twisted form of immortality 10 9
Tainted Disciple Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting The tainted disciple is a master of divine magic and dark invocations. 10 5
Temporal Lord Strong Spellcasting epic lvl Some are cowards, some fear death more than everything. Some are at the right place at the right time, or the Wrong place at the wrong time. fate chooses to create a Temporal Lord. " Sometimes fate chooses your path for you " 5 30
The Arch-Mage (Wizardly Types) Strong Spellcasting Relies COMPLETELY on the Wizardly Types(3.5e Class) 10 6
The Twilight Blade Caster, Rogue, Assassin An arcane spellcaster who combines an assassin's guile with arcane might. 10 5
Thief of Souls Bad Guy, Skilled, Arcane Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting A thief after the most treasured possessions of all 10 6
True Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Unbound Strong Spellcasting A mimic who outlived it master, they gain newfound power in such freedom. Gaining powers by sustaining on the former telepathic bound. 5 4
Undead Priest Necromancer Undead Priest 10 9
Vermin Acolyte strong spellcasting Vermin acolytes are those who devote themselves to vermin, controlling them and, eventually, gaining the ability to become one themselves. 10 7
Void Knight Heavy Combat/Casting focus A Void Knight is a spellcaster who has been transformed by the Void, the plane between the planes, into a melee combat magician. Void Knights retain the strength of their spellcasting class, along with the powers of the Void, augmenting them physically. 10 5
Voidwalker Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting, A warlock whose eldritch studies has led them to discover the void and the power it holds. 10 6
Weathercaster Strong Spellcasting This specialized wizard has devoted energy and studies into controlling aspects of the weather. 10 6
Widow Queen Bad Guy, Strong Spellcasting A necromancer with vampiric powers, with a web of ensnared minions 10 6
Word of Life Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Word of Life uses word magic for good and healing purposes. 3 5
Word of Undeath Bad Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Word of Undeath uses word magic for evil and necromantic purposes. 3 5
Yin-Yang Warlock Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Strong Spellcasting Harmony of power between 2 Warlock Classes 10 10
  1. A general category the PrC fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the PrC, should advertise the PrC.
  3. The length is the amount of levels the PrC is made for. e.g. 10, 5, 3.
  4. The minimum number of levels possible to meet the PrCs requirements.