User Prestige Classes Moderate Spellcasting

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Members of this group do not get top-notch spells quickly, but they have other abilities to make up for their reduced progress.

Homebrew Moderate Spellcasting Prestige Classes
Name Type1 Description2 Len-
Min. Level4
Animal Soul Moderate Spellcasting Some find themselves drawn to certain animals. Some have a bond so strong they eventually become part of that animal. And sometimes, that animal is really weird. 10 6
Apostate Sovereign Combat-Focused The Apostate Sovereign Is a Devout Vessel who has severed ties with their divine patron or leader. These individuals no longer serve a higher power but instead embrace their own strength, ambition, and individuality. 20 0
Arachnomancer Moderate Spellcasting The Arachnomancer is a spellcaster atuned to the powers of spiderkind. 10 4
Arcane Archer, Spellcasting Variant Moderate Spellcasting An Arcane Archer who gives up some attack bonus in return for spellcasting 10 6
Arcane Hunter Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The stormtroopers of the Arcane Order are the Arcane Hunters. They pick up the people or beasts that get a warrant on their heads from the Arcane Order 10 5
Arcane Mentalist Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting A Wizard who uses magic and various other tools to expand their mind. 5 7
Arcane Sniper Moderate Spellcasting Arcane Snipers specialize in the use of the pistol and the rifle, trading their spellcasting proficiency for the ability to imbue bullets with magical effects. 10 6
Archer of Artifice Moderate Spellcasting Those that follow the path of the Archer of Artifice are feared in combat due not only to their abilities to infuse magical spells directly into their arrows, but also due to the superiority of their magically-enhanced equipment in all regards. 5 5
Assassin of the Dagger of Light Good Guy, Arcane Spellcasting Good themed Assassin with some focus on spellcasting and better silent movement. 10 5
Bard of the Secret Chord Good Guy, Bard Good bards that use their heavenly music to purify the souls of others. 10
Baron of the Grave Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting The divine hand of the undead, the royalty and master of the undead, and the blurring of line between life and death. 10 5
Battlemage Moderate Spellcasting, Combat-Focused The Battlemage is a spellcaster who has mastered the art of melding might and magic 10 5
Blackguard, Variant Bad Guy, Moderate Spellcasting A variant of the SRD Blackguard 10 6
Bladesinger <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Champion of Nature Moderate Spellcasting <.> 10 15
Cheerleader Skilled, April Fools, Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Give me a B! Give me an A! Give me an R! Give me a D! Bards who focus on supporting through dance and song can find their efforts rewarded as a cheerleader (or marching leader for a more manly look on it). 10 5
Cottage Witch Moderate Spellcasting A cottage witch is one who has built and occupied a cottage and been accepted by the local populace. By doing so she gains powers over the local landscape, populace, flora and fauna, as well as crafting and casting bonuses whilst inside her cottage. 10 8
Cryomancer Strong Spellcasting By focusing on the harsh cold lands of the ice deserts, the Cryomancer has learnt how to manipulate the cold to a fine degree. 10 5
Dabbler of All Kinds/Ultimate Theurge Moderate Spellcasting, Moderate Psionics, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting Akin to the mystic theurge or celebremancer, but this one aims to combine all magic systems WotC has released, psionics, truename magic, shadow magic, vestige binding, essentia / chakra binding, arcane magic, divine magic, and is good at none of them 10
Dark Flame Disciple Strong Spellcasting, Supernatural Abilities, Extraordinary Abilities, Spellcasters infused with the power of The Black Flame Dragon God Fairnedahlk[[1]] 10 5
Death Disciple Evil/Neutral Necromancer. Caster Focus. A dark being who demands and requires the absolute dominion of undead, becoming like one them selves and gaining a familiar before long that is too undead. 10 10
Deathwright Good Guy, Combat-Focused Holy paladins enforcing the will of Modroben by destroying undead, deathwrights are vengeful defenders of life and death, and are known for seeking out the most powerful and vile kinds of necromancers. 10 7
Defender of Destiny Moderate Spellcasting Defenders of destiny believe everyone in the world has its own path to follow. Some people stray from their path, and it’s their duty to lead them back to their destiny, with force. 10 5
Desert Dreamwalker Combat-Focused, Separate Spellcasting, Two-weapon fighting Some find themselves among those few who can not only enter the world of dreams, but can manipulate both that world and the waking world, even when awake. They can use these powers combined with their martial prowess to both cut through enemies and aid allies. 10 5
Devoted Warsinger Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10
Disciple of the Seven Deadly Sins Moderate Spellcasting, Bad Guys Those who master the dark arts of their own darkness. 5 Variable
Diva Bad Guy, Skilled 10 Levels version of Dirgesinger prestige class from Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead 10 6
Divine Knight Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Blessed knights are chosen by their church, and they draw on their divinely given power to perform devastating attacks channeled through their weapon. 10 6
Dragonologist Moderate Spellcasting Dragonologists study the nature of the dragons and want to seek draconic powers through this learning. They try to earn a dragon's trust and live with that dragon, learning and becoming stronger with the dragon himself. 10 5
Dragoon, 3rd Variant Combat-Focused, Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting PrC designed based off of the Dragoons from 'Legend of Dragoon' game from the PS1, an alternative compared to another's. 10 3rd
Dread Hunter Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Bad Guy The ultimate ranger, the most studied hunter: A Ranger prestige class that grants dreadful and baneful powers that make slaying Favored Enemies simpler than swinging a mace. 3 11
Drumblack Good Guy Drumblacks are highly-trained bards chosen to wield a very powerful magic, allowing them to cast spells through the intonations of percussion instruments, some of which can be heard for miles. 10 7
Eagle Rider Moderate Spellcasting Eagle Riders were trained as Druids, learning to love and fully understand their animal companions. Eagle Rides have a close connection to their eagles, and they learn how to ride eagles better than anyone else every could. 10 6
Ether Engineer Skilled, Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Minor Psionics Through the lens of you knowledge and skill as an Engineer, you perceive the world and its magic. 5 Although there is no specific level requirement, the Skill ranks requirements effectively bars any character under 3rd level from taking levels in this Class.
Fae Arcanite Ranged Combat, Arcane Caster Learn to be a sneaky fey sniper 10 5
Faerglissal Moderate Spellcasting A powerful drow warlock who taps the Underdark for power. 10 5
Feymage Moderate Spellcasting Feymages are spellcasters of fey or elven race who choose to develop and enhance the skills, affinity with nature, and innate magical characteristics inherent in their fey heritage. 10 5
Flying Archer Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting An archer who takes to the air and rains down death from the skies. 10 6
Fury Mage Moderate Spellcasting, Combat Focused Fury Mages learn to channel rage into their spells. 10 5
Fury Scion Moderate Spellcasting Warlocks who heed the true call of their hearts come to channel their rage into blasts instead of just their fists. If ever rubbed the wrong way, their torrent of power made of a mixture of magical and physical nature could humble a rampaging Orc. 10 6
Gold Templar Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting An escort of healers, and server of those in need of healing and protection 10 5
Grafter Moderate Spellcasting A master of alchemical, organic magic items that are bonded to the bodies of applicants, the grafter delves into strange research that pushes the boundaries of magical item creation. 10 5
Green Whisperer Spellcaster, Arcane/Divine Nature speaks and the green whisperer listens. The green whisperer is attuned to nature and the wisdom of animals. 5 5
Guild Adventurer Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled The Guild Adventurer are those who spend their time among stalwarts learning from the best and the lucky. They find hints and secrets that many may accidentally drop from time to time, and use them well. 7 5
Hedge Mage Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A journeyman honing his craft while he searches for a suitable location for his tower. 6 4
Hedge Witch Moderate Spellcasting A journeywoman witch, honing her skills while searching for a suitable location to build her cottage. 6 4
Hellwalker Moderate Spellcasting A wanderer of the lower planes. 5 5
Holy Knight, Andreichekov Good Guy, Combat Focused, Domain Caster Paladin with access to domains. 5 levels. 8 levels of Paladin.
Hunter of Evil Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Skilled Consumed by righteous wrath and need of retribution the Hunter of Evil never wavers from the path that would lead him to his next target. 10 8th
Illusionary Weapons Master Moderate Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting The illusionary weapons master is a spellcaster who specializes in illusions, and can create illusions so realistic that they actually border on reality. They use this to cast superior illusion spells and create fearsome illusion weapons with which they can vanquish a large array of foes. 10 5
Ioun Master Spell Caster The Ioun Master has unlocked the true abilities of Ioun Stones, he my use them as weapons and gain further abilities form them.
Iron Templar Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Paladins who master the forge and siege warfare. 10 5
Kamahl Acolyte Good guy, Neutral Followers of the hero, Kamahl
Keeper of the Eternal Flame Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Holy warriors of light and fire 10 5
Knight of the Moon Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting A paladin/sorcerer combination with the ability to cast spells and attack in the same round. 10 5
Knight of the Morning Sky Moderate Spellcasting, Good Guy Warriors who combat the undead. 10 5
Lava General Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Forged by fire and covered in magma, the Lava General uses an army of flaming soldiers and extreme heat to dominate the front lines. 10 8
Leaf Ninja Combat-Focused Ninja from Village Hidden in the Woods. 10 5
Livemetal Adept Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Use arcane power to become a construct. Perhaps what the green Star Adept should have been. 10 5
Lunar Champion Combat-Focused, Good Guy, Moderate Spellcasting Martial adepts dedicated to routing out members of Shar's church, especially Shadow Knights of Shar. 10 5
Maestro of the Arts <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mage Blade Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcaster Spell and blade all are known to the mage blade 10 6
Mage Lord Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting Bonded with a witch lady, he is freed to delve deep into his arcane craft. 10
Mage Smith Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting A magician who has erected his tower, and who now devotes much of his time to researching and smithing items to channel his arcane and psionic powers. 10 7
Magical Girl (Arcane) Good Guy, Combat-Focused, Moderate Magic With bound focus in hand, the Magical Girl conjures her armour and throws herself into the fight for what she thinks is right. 10 5
Master of the Elements Arcane Spellcasting, Moderate Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Mechanus Signifer Combat-Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 5 7
Nature Guardian Modrate Spell-caster <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Oozebound Transformational An updated and altered form of the Oozemaster, you slowly transform into a being of slime. 10 5
Palutena's Warrior Combat-Focused Palutena, goddess of light grants great power to those who show a love for life, and an affinity for her style of fighting. These warriors do not have the Paladin-like vendetta against evil, but focus more on protecting the innocent from harm. This does not mean that they are afraid to get their hands dirtied in combat, however, as Palutena grants them the ability to defend themselves and those around them. 11 5
Pontifex Sanctus <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Possessor Support/Combat A fierce and unpredictable combatant. Five. 9th.
Prestidigitator Moderate Spellcasting Using Prestidigitation, this PrC adds flavor to their spellcasting that will impress any king, noble, or villager; and by impressing the people they are sure to get help with many things they want. 10 3
Presto Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell. 5 7
Presto Lite Specialized Spell casting Specializing in the spell Prestidigitation which gives you uncanny possibilities with this spell. 5 7
Protector Judge Combat-Focused <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description! 10 5
Psychostazi Enforcer Moderate Spellcasting A Enforcer of the laws of the underdark. 10 5
Renewer Moderate Spellcasting Renewers dedicate themselves to restoring the bounty the land once knew. Considered somewhat radical by other druids, the Renewers have committed themselves to fighting against mutated natural creatures and aberrations. 10 7
Rhinoceros Rider Mounted combat, rangerlike. Specializes in mounted combat on a rhinoceros and gains some of the beast's powers over time. 10 9
Rock Star Moderate Spellcasting, Skilled Lords of funk who use the power of their voice and instruments to decimate the opposition. They rebel against authority of any kind, refusing to give up their personal freedoms for any reason. 10 7
Ruatharian Beastmaster Spellcaster, Skilled, Combat Focused A beastmaster feels more at home among the animals of nature than fellow sentient beings. Over time, these wanderers earn the special friendship of the elven folk for their to exemplary servitude of nature, thus Ruatharian Beastmaster is born. 5 5
Saint <!No Description Present!> Please edit this class and add a description!
Shadowborn Archer Moderate Spellcasting, Separate Spellcasting A shadowborn Archer is a Drow archer who, due to the dark side of the drow mentality, has an obsession with spiders, yet is somehow unable to become a cleric of lolth. 6 3
Skald Combat-Focused, Partial Spellcasting A skald combines the support abilities of a bard with the combat prowess of a barbarian. 10 5
Spellbinder Moderate Spellcasting A spellbinder sacrifices raw power to gain a mastery over the finer details of his spells. 5 9th
Spellsword "Moderate Spellcasting, Combat-Focused" "The dream of melding magic and weapon play is fulfilled in the person of the spellsword. 20 5
Spy Skilled, Master of Infiltration and assassination. 5
Staffmage Moderate Spellcasting Some spellcasters wield their staff as something more than a weapon. They see in their staff a powerful ally in battle and a tool for spellcasting. 10 8
Stormbringer Good Guy, Spellcasting-Focused An 'enhancement' class usually used by paladins which allows them to learn damaging spells as spell-like abilities WITHOUT losing their ability to gain further levels as paladins. 5 5
Strider Skill Focused, Moderate Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting A rogue uses his environment to sneak around and remain unseen. A Strider uses his background in druid to make his environment usable. 10 6
Tartaric Wizard Combat & Moderate Spellcasting A Tartaric Wizard is strong and can use a weapon quite well, and can cast dangerous spells, making him good for people who like magic and might.
Team-Killing F*cktard Bad Guy, Combat-Focused The most hated of all warriors; the kind that kills their own teammates and are too stupid to do anything about it. 3 5th
Time Mage Moderate Spellcasting A Dexterity based Spellcaster who focuses on bending time. 10 3
Titan Disciple Combat Focused, Barbarian, Spellcasting Titan's are powerful beings of emotion and magic. A Titan Disciple is someone that taps into a Titan ancestry to gain power. 10
Triclopean Planeshifter Moderate Spellcasting A master of planar travel: "the Opener of Worlds" 5 9
Twilight Artificer Moderate Spellcasting By spending long hours under the stars forging arms and armor, the Twilight Artificers have learned to tap in to the very essence of magic and combine it with the flames of their forge. 5 5
Twilight Riders Combat Focused Divine Spellcaster Araleth Letheranil's elite warriors. 10 8
Twilight Warrior Moderate Spellcasting Through deep concentration under the stars, the Twilight Warriors have learned to tap in to the very essence of magic and imbue their weapons with the power of the stars. 5 5
Vengeance Sworn Combat Focused, The vengeance sworn are relentless, implacable foes, hurling themselves against their draconic enemies armed only with steel weapons and bitter fury. 10
Warper Moderate Spellcaster Warp the three dimensions to assist allies' attacks! 10 10
Warper, Truenamer Moderate Spellcaster A Truenamer who specialises in using Truespeak to warp reality. 10 10
Weeping Knight Good Guy, Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting Weeping Knights are holy warriors who disavow killing. 10 5
Whipsinger Combat-Focused Bards that choose to specialize with a whip are able to master the flowing grace of the weapon, turning it into a whirling dance. 5 5
Witch Lady Moderate Spellcasting The witch lady is one who is bonded with a mage lord and has established an estate around his tower, greatly enhancing her skills, spells and powers. 10 18
Wolf Rider Moderate Spellcasting Rangers and Druids become Wolf Riders, learning to embraces the wild nature of their wolf mounts. They excel at archery, and their moutns gain nifty bonuses and special attacks as they level up. 10 4
Wordsman Combat Focused, Moderate Spellcasting The Wordsman combines the power of words with the power of swords (or other weapons) 10 4
  1. A general category the PrC fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the PrC, should advertise the PrC.
  3. The length is the amount of levels the PrC is made for. e.g. 10, 5, 3.
  4. The minimum number of levels possible to meet the PrCs requirements.