5e 3rd Level Spells
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3rd-Level Spells | Summary | |||||||||||
A Little Help | You reach into the collective consciousness of the world and ask for a little help. | |||||||||||
A-Bomb | Command a construct to launch an acid bomb that corrodes enemy armor. | |||||||||||
Absorb Energy | This spell absorbs anything harmful thrown at you, and stores that energy into your weapon. | |||||||||||
Abyssal Eruption | Release a blast of necrotic energy in an area that withers both the outside and inside of creatures. | |||||||||||
Abyssal Strength | Wield strength from an abyssal being. | |||||||||||
Abyssal Strength, Variant | Wield strength from an abyssal being. | |||||||||||
Accursed Strike | Empower your blade to strike a wound into a creature that won't heal. | |||||||||||
Afraid of the Dark | A shadowy image of your foe appears and grabs them before disappearing | |||||||||||
Afterburner | You move super-humanly fast, leaving a trail of fire behind you. | |||||||||||
Agitate Metal | You speak an Utterance that causes the metal in an area to glow with fiery rage, or in reverse, chill to a deathly cold. | |||||||||||
Allegro Velocità | Play a cheerful quick song to increase the walk speed of your friends | |||||||||||
Alternate Reality | You tamper with an event from within the last couple of seconds, potentially changing the outcome. | |||||||||||
Analyze Creature | Figure out how tough something is! | |||||||||||
Ancestral Recall | Connect with the past for temporary access to new spells. | |||||||||||
Anchor Howl | A shout that draws in and damages enemies. | |||||||||||
Ancient Death Rancor | Sends out vengeful skulls made of ghostflame. | |||||||||||
Animal Resurrection | You touch a beast that has died with the last 24 hours, and return it to life. | |||||||||||
Animate Army | you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp. | |||||||||||
Animate Skeleton | Create a skeletal undead servant. | |||||||||||
Anti-Fireball | Perfect answer for Fireball. | |||||||||||
Apostle's Black Flame Blade | A spell used by the Godskin Apostles to amplify their weaponry with Black Flame. | |||||||||||
Aqua Axe | Create an axe composed completely of water. | |||||||||||
Arc Bolt Grenade | A grenade that explodes with lightning in a 10 foot cube. | |||||||||||
Arcana Rune | You use a rune to channel the power of the weave for a period of time. | |||||||||||
Arcane Barrage | You conjure a barrage of magical bullets to assault your enemies. | |||||||||||
Arcane Explosion | A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of arcane energy. | |||||||||||
Arcane Guard | You conjure a magical ward around yourself, protecting you and nearby allies from harm. | |||||||||||
Arcane Juggernaut | Take anything that comes your way and return it. | |||||||||||
Arcane Shield | Ward against the destructive forces of magic | |||||||||||
Arcane Sight | This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you. | |||||||||||
Arcane Spear | Turn a staff into a deadly magically-enhanced projectile. | |||||||||||
Armor of Avernus | You conjure a layer of armor around a creature formed from the magic of Avernus. | |||||||||||
Artisan's Blessing | You pray to your God to bless a creature with the knowledge of Artisan's Tools. | |||||||||||
Ascertain Inventory | A simple but useful spell to quickly ascertain the general contents of nearby containers. | |||||||||||
Ashallian's Tower | Crafted by the necromancer Ashallians to extend their dominion, Ashallian's Tower harnesses life force to sprout an obsidian tower. Initially a two-story structure, its 15x15x10 feet floors can be arranged in diverse configurations. | |||||||||||
Aspect of the Crucible: Horns | One of the more abrasive spells of the Crucible Knights. | |||||||||||
Aspect of the Reaper | You assume the form of a phantasmagorical reaper. | |||||||||||
Astral Guardian | Calling for assistance from the Astral Plane, an ethereal apparition of a Guardian Form Chronomancer materializes in front of you in a 10-foot area. | |||||||||||
Asura-Kannon | Take a sword shot that hits the enemy. | |||||||||||
Aura of Blades | You conjure up a barrier, around yourself, made up of small spinning blades to harm and protect. | |||||||||||
Aura of Truth | An aura that makes it where a creature is unable to lie, forcing the creature to talk when asking questions and the aura can translate all languages. | |||||||||||
Azrael's Vicious Flock | Summon a vicious flock of ravens and crows from The Void to swarm an area. | |||||||||||
Backstep | You constantly warp back to the location you casted. | |||||||||||
Bakudo 30 | Bakudō # 30: Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Bakudo21 | Bakudō #21: Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape) is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Bakudo37 | Bakudō # 37: Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star) is a Kidō spell. | |||||||||||
Barrak's Black Fangs | Black fangs erupt from the ground and assault your enemies. | |||||||||||
Black Blizzard | Conjure a storm of shadows to obscure an area | |||||||||||
Black Flame | Make a melee attack against a target, dealing 5d10 necrotic damage on a hit. | |||||||||||
Blade of Justice | You call forth the white flames of justice, causing white flames to erupt from a non-magical melee weapon you touch. | |||||||||||
Blade Storm | Magical daggers strike 1-2 targets causing slashing damage. | |||||||||||
Blade Storm, Variant | ||||||||||||
Blasting Smite | Smite a target and everything behind them. | |||||||||||
Blaze Net | Create and throw a net out of fire that catches creatures and deals damage over time | |||||||||||
Blazing Smite | The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon roars with divine flame. | |||||||||||
Bleeding Strike | Attack your enemy with the very blood they have spilled. | |||||||||||
Bless Water | You touch a body of water with a surface area up to 100 feet square and imbue it with divine magic. | |||||||||||
Blessing of Kings | Channel the powers of the Light to empower a target with the knowledge, power, and guidance of kings of old. | |||||||||||
Blinding Heal | Cleansing wounds with blinding light. | |||||||||||
Blocking Blade | You summon a blade of mystical energy to protect creatures around you. | |||||||||||
Blood Casting | You spill your own blood instead of your spell slots... how gruesome. | |||||||||||
Blood Minion | You create a meat monster from a corpse to assist you in battle. | |||||||||||
Blood Parasite | Conjure a horrible bloodsucker, which eats away at a creature from the inside. | |||||||||||
Blood Revenant | Using a blood sacrifice, you create a living thrall to assist you. | |||||||||||
Blood Surge | You cause your heart to beat incredibly fast, forcing an adrenaline surge. | |||||||||||
Blood Swarm | You summon a large quantity of blood-seeking ooze. | |||||||||||
Bloodwhirl | Regain a little bit of health after suffering damage. | |||||||||||
Bloody Sacrifice | You point your finger at a corpse or undead within range and cause it to explode in a burst of vile energy which harms your enemies but heals your allies. | |||||||||||
Blow Mind | Blow everybody's mind | |||||||||||
Boil Cistern | Boil up to a 10-ft cube, cylinder, or sphere of still water for up to 25 hours. | |||||||||||
Talk:Bone Crushing Hug | Crush the bones of a creature your size or one size larger or smaller as a reaction to a successful grapple (yours or theirs). | |||||||||||
Bone Crushing Hug | Crush the bones of a creature your size or one size larger or smaller as a reaction to a successful grapple or body slam. | |||||||||||
Bone Trap | you make a circle of blood which shoots up with sharp bones when a creature walks over it | |||||||||||
Bonesword | A bone, held in your free hand, becomes a shortsword, longsword or greatsword. | |||||||||||
Bonesword, Variant | A bone, held in your free hand, becomes a shortsword, longsword or greatsword. | |||||||||||
Booming Word | You utter a very, very, very loud divine word. | |||||||||||
Borca's Improbability Zone | Attempt to hold control over the Weave, then lose control and watch the return to entropy wreak havoc on your enemies. | |||||||||||
Bore Hole | You create a hole in the ground with a diameter of 10 ft in a location that you can see. The hole can be up to 15 ft deep. | |||||||||||
Boulders of Winter | Condense air moisture into deadly ice boulders. | |||||||||||
Breathless Cyclone | A whirlwind of bones and skulls centered on the original skull. | |||||||||||
Briars of Punishment | Calls forth briars surrounding the caster. | |||||||||||
Briars of Sin | Calls forth blood briars in line in front of the caster. | |||||||||||
Brittleskin | make a creature's skin weak, dealing more damage to them when hit | |||||||||||
Bullet Rain | Throw bullets into air activating the AOE spell "Bullet Rain" | |||||||||||
Butterfinger | Oops! You dropped something! | |||||||||||
Call Spirit Swarm | You call four swarms of small butterfly spirits to aid you and your allies in battle. | |||||||||||
Carian Phalanx | Creates a phalanx of magical blue translucent blades that rush forth. | |||||||||||
Carian Retaliation | Abosrbs a spell directed at the caster and turns it into magical blades | |||||||||||
Catastrophic Devastation | "You brought judgement upon yourself, once you accept your life is at end, you are at peace" | |||||||||||
Cerg's Fortification Fortification | A magical, shimmering barrier falls over items, causing them to be much more durable. | |||||||||||
Chain Heal | You cast a bolt of healing mist that hits to up to 3 allies | |||||||||||
Chains of Justice | You conjure magical golden chains, that strike and ensnare your foes. | |||||||||||
Chaos Ball | You point your finger toward a point within range where a sphere of flickering light suddenly appears. The light on the sphere flashes very quickly before stopping on one color, and the sphere collapses into itself, before exploding into a color wave. | |||||||||||
Chaotic Smite | You call upon chaos & draw forth divine power from its tempestuous depths. | |||||||||||
Charged Magic Missile | You create a glowing dart of magical force that gets stronger the longer you wait to fire it. | |||||||||||
Chill Rune | You use a rune to channel the power of a winter for a period of time. | |||||||||||
Choke | You raise your hand and forcefully choke up to five creatures within range, elevating them several inches off the ground. | |||||||||||
Chorus of Awe | You snap your fingers and the sky becomes bright as a heavenly choir sounds and begins an awesome song of empowerment. | |||||||||||
Chorus of Destruction | You snap your fingers and the sky becomes bright as a heavenly choir sounds and begins an awesome song of destruction. | |||||||||||
Chromatic Spray | You hold up your open hand and a spray of energy shoots forth from your palm. | |||||||||||
Chrono-regression | Reverse someone's physical health to a previous time. | |||||||||||
Chronomancer (5e Class)/Time Stop Variant ) | A defensive use of the time stop. | |||||||||||
Cleanse the Blood | You remove the impurities in a creature's blood. | |||||||||||
Clinging Darkness | Bring forth oozing shadows, clinging to everything within its area, holding them still | |||||||||||
Cobra's Spit | You grow a set of poison-producing organs in the back of your throat. | |||||||||||
Coin Lore | Hold a coin. The spell brings to your mind a brief summary of significant transactions in which the coin was involved. | |||||||||||
Coin Shot | A spell that launches an unstoppable ethereal projectile. | |||||||||||
Collapsing Stars | Sends forward a group of gravity warping voids. | |||||||||||
Column of Time | You raise your hand and open it up towards the sky as Astral Runes start to form around your feet. | |||||||||||
Combat Avatar | Encase yourself in a powerful combat avatar. | |||||||||||
Conceal Item | You render a single item undetectable while it is hidden on your person. | |||||||||||
Coned Blast | You ring a small bell and cause it to emit a concussive blast. | |||||||||||
Conflagulated Breath | You breathe forth a cone of red acidic droplets. | |||||||||||
Conjure Bladestorm | You animate several swords, which then fight for you. | |||||||||||
Conjure Mannequin | You create a glyph which summons simple humanoid constructs if triggered. | |||||||||||
Conjure Minigun | You conjure an energy minigun, which is ready to blast your enemies. | |||||||||||
Conjure Minor Devils | You summon lawful fiend creatures that appear in the unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Conjure Plant Creatures | You summon spirits that take the form of plant creatures. | |||||||||||
Conjure Potion of Healing | Summon a potion of healing! | |||||||||||
Conjure Wraith | Summon one wraith. | |||||||||||
Conjured Boundary | Heavily inspired by the Elven High Magic Theur’Foqal. | |||||||||||
Conspiracy Theory | Call forth a magical conspiracy of ravens. | |||||||||||
Continual Light/Darkness | You create a patch of eternal light or eternal darkness. | |||||||||||
Continuous Frosty Ray | A continuous beam of ice shoots out from you. | |||||||||||
Control Living Skeleton | Control the internal skeleton of a living creature | |||||||||||
Control Polarity | Magically change the magnetic pull of two target. | |||||||||||
Convalescence | A wave of warm, blue healing energy washes over a creature within range, healing its wounds. | |||||||||||
Cover | In a flash of light, you and the targeted creature switch places. | |||||||||||
Creeping Darkness | You create an amorphous cloud of inky darkness that fills a 10-foot cube. | |||||||||||
Crippling Darkness | Creates a magical darkness that drains the energy of creatures enveloped by it. | |||||||||||
Crumble | Erode a construction or a construct | |||||||||||
Crunch Wrap | This spell is used only by the wielded of the artifact known as the Taco Bell. It restrains your foes. | |||||||||||
Crushing Despair | You extend your hands and emit an invisible wave of crushing despair that dampens the spirits of those caught in it. | |||||||||||
Crushing Gravity | A crushing pull onto the ground, pulling creatures off their feet. | |||||||||||
Crushing Wave | A wave of water rushes out from you, sweeping creatures off their feet. | |||||||||||
Cry of the Ancestral Druids | ||||||||||||
Crystallize | Bind your enemies in crystal. | |||||||||||
Cure Disease | Use this spell to help those that are sick with the simple cold up to the plague | |||||||||||
Cure Heavy Wounds | A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 4d8 + your spellcasting modifier and gains 1d6 temporary hit points. | |||||||||||
Curse Weapon | Imbue weapons with the power to curse both the wielder and those they harm | |||||||||||
Cursed Tablet | ||||||||||||
Dancing Shadows | Grant targets cover | |||||||||||
Dark Dome | You invoke the power of Urei, conjuring a dome of dark magic that surrounds you in a protective dark barrier, in response to an attack. | |||||||||||
Dark Flare | A stream of dark fire bursts forth from your hand. | |||||||||||
Dark III | ||||||||||||
Dark Striking Thunder | You raise your hand up towards the sky and issue a prayer to the King of Urei to strike you and your enemies with dark lightning. | |||||||||||
Dark Transport | You briefly turn into a flurry of ravens, reappearing somewhere else and damaging creatures. | |||||||||||
Darkmoon Blade | You strengthen a blade with the power of the Darkmoon. | |||||||||||
Dashing Strike | ||||||||||||
Death Cloud | You fill the lungs of your foes with the stench of death. | |||||||||||
Deathtouch | Your being is filled with necrotic energy, extending to your physical touch and your attacks for the duration. | |||||||||||
Death’s Caress | Create a deathly aura that gives your allies increased attack power. | |||||||||||
Decaying Ground | You launch a blast of necrotic energy at a point within range you can see, causing the ground there to become decayed and infused with necrotic energy. | |||||||||||
Defense Lattice | You surround yourself with a network of magic energy that solidifies into discrete barriers in response to incoming attacks. | |||||||||||
Delayed Beam Dissolution | You build energy in your hands before releasing it in a beam that grows stronger the longer you charge it. | |||||||||||
Deprotect | You attempt to expose your target's weakest points. | |||||||||||
Desert Wall | ||||||||||||
Deshell | Similar to an egg, crack open the shell that which shrouds sentient life from the arcane arts. | |||||||||||
Desolation Aura | Deteriorating energy radiates from you in an aura. | |||||||||||
Detect Enchantment | ||||||||||||
Dhoulramses' Glutinous Flame | A crackling popping line of flame which refuses to go out | |||||||||||
Diero's Pocket Plant | Take a tree for the road! | |||||||||||
Dire Charm | You magically infect a living creature with murderous impulses, unless that creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw. | |||||||||||
Dispelling Smite | Attempt to cleanse a creature of magical effects. | |||||||||||
Dome of Discombobulation | ||||||||||||
Dome of Light | ||||||||||||
Dominating Smash | ||||||||||||
Dongle's Frozen Fireball | A version of Fireball, invented by Dongle, that freezes foes on impact. | |||||||||||
Doomhound | ||||||||||||
Doozel's Dome of Kinectic Redirection | ||||||||||||
Dragon Rises from the Sea | You swing your weapon, as waves of energy leap from the swing. | |||||||||||
Drill Beam | A beam of pure energy forming a line that is 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. | |||||||||||
Earth Rune | You use a rune to channel the power of the earth for a period of time. | |||||||||||
Earth Slide | make a small platform to fly around on | |||||||||||
Echoes of Agony | Corrupt your enemy's flesh with a dark curse. | |||||||||||
Element of Chaos | Conjure a magical spell from the chaotic Qi of the world. | |||||||||||
Elusive | You can dart suddenly to and fro, becoming uncannily nimble and hard to pin down. | |||||||||||
Emerald Splash | A cone of magical emeralds that cut their targets. No one can deflect it. | |||||||||||
Emyhr's Rhyme | You recite a puzzling, cryptic rhyme and force a creature to ponder it for some time. | |||||||||||
Enchant Item | This spell both adds progress to crafting magic items and can be required to finish the enchantment of an item. | |||||||||||
Energizing Smite | The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon sends electrifying energy through the target's body, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 lightning damage to the target. | |||||||||||
Energy Resistance | You speak an Utterance that causes the element of your choosing to bend to your will. | |||||||||||
Enhanced Darkness | A 60-foot-radius of magical darkness spreads out from a point you choose within range. | |||||||||||
Enhancement of Chaos | Conjure a magical spell from the chaotic Qi of the world. | |||||||||||
Erode Defenses | You thin down at the natural and unnatural defenses of your enemies, opening up a weakness within them. | |||||||||||
Ethereal Wisps | Summon parts of your soul for use as projectiles. | |||||||||||
Explosive Frog | A frog constructed from magic appears at the casting location. It can be remotely detonated to poison foes from afar. | |||||||||||
Expose | Reveal the weaknesses of a chosen creature, making striking against its vital points easier. | |||||||||||
Exsanguinate | You point your hand at a creature within range and attempt to drain it of its vital fluid | |||||||||||
Extended Stasis | Place a creature under stasis for up to 30 days. | |||||||||||
Fade | Immediately after taking damage, you fade from view and become harder to hit and locate. | |||||||||||
False Ballad | A spell based off the False Hydra ability. | |||||||||||
False Death | One living, willing creature you can see within range that has current hit points equal to or less than your spellcasting modifier has their hit points lowered to 0. | |||||||||||
Fiery Beam | A sweeping beam of fire | |||||||||||
Fighter's Arms | ||||||||||||
Find Greater Familiar | A spell that summons a more powerful familiar. | |||||||||||
Find Lesser Dragon Familiar | ||||||||||||
Find Pack of Familiars | A spell to summon a group of familiars to fight for you. | |||||||||||
Finnegan's Forceful Fusillade | You conjure a barrage of arcane lances, and send them forth to strike your enemies. | |||||||||||
Fire Boom | ||||||||||||
Fire Swing | You swing your weapon in an upward motion, sending a giant, flaming visage of your weapon forward. | |||||||||||
Firebeads | A series of fiery beads spring from your hand, darting across the battlefield to six different points within range. | |||||||||||
Fitzmyr's "Conjurer's Hands" | A Murder of hands to do your work, with a small price to pay. | |||||||||||
Flame Charge, Variant | Cloak yourself in flame and rush forward in a line, dealing damage to any creature you pass through and potentially knocks them prone. | |||||||||||
Flame Jump | Bursts of flame fly from under your feet launching you quite far. | |||||||||||
Flame Step | Teleport to a point within range and leave a devastating explosion on impact | |||||||||||
Flame Swathe | After a short delay, great flames envelop and immolate faraway foes. | |||||||||||
Flare Wave Explosion | A devastating touch based spell designed for Wave Controllers. Based on ToG. | |||||||||||
Flaskbang | A thrown debilitating magical explosion | |||||||||||
Flicker | You flash through the Plane of Shadow. | |||||||||||
Floormaster's Grasp | You transform part of your body into a giant, clawed, violet-black hand to grab hold of a creature in range. | |||||||||||
Fly Eye | This spell allows the caster to see 360 degrees around itself. | |||||||||||
Fog Bank | You create a 20-foot-radius, 20-foot-high cylinder of fog centered on a point within range. | |||||||||||
Font of Anguish | You tear a portal through to a land of forsaken souls, to inflict their suffering upon your enemies. | |||||||||||
Fool's Speech | You touch up to eight willing creatures. Creatures affected by this spell gain the ability to speak in a secret language that is incomprehensible gibberish to all other creatures. | |||||||||||
Force Beam | A brilliant beam of pure energy shoots from your hand towards a target within range. | |||||||||||
Force Nova | A bubble of force erupts around you, sending creatures and objects flying. | |||||||||||
Force Surge | Blast of pushing or pulling Force power | |||||||||||
Freezing Gale | Channel the essence of a blizzard in a line of effect. | |||||||||||
Freidyne | With a somatic gesture, you evoke a spherical blast of white light at a point within range. | |||||||||||
Frigid Rebuke | You utter a string of magical words and a momentary blizzard surrounds the creature that attacked you. | |||||||||||
Frigid Smite | The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon is enshrouded in freezing energy, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 cold damage to the target. | |||||||||||
Frost Lance | You hurl a lance made of ice at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Frostball | A small ball of blue and white energy leaves the tip of your finger and flies to a point you can see within range, exploding upon impact with a sharp crack and covering surfaces in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point with snow and frost. | |||||||||||
Frozen Blood | Freezes someone's blood | |||||||||||
Frozen Fragment Field | The user conjures a floating field of small ice chunks to deflect physical projectiles. | |||||||||||
Furious Unleashment | A spell to use as a last resort when enemies gets too close to your liking or in desperate situations. | |||||||||||
Fury Fugue | Aid the attacks of a creature with various fire missiles | |||||||||||
Fusion Grenade | ||||||||||||
Gale Arms | Imbue a ranged weapon with the force of the winds. | |||||||||||
Gale Arrows | Imbue a quiver with the force of wind to enhance the damage of its arrows. | |||||||||||
Gemstone Aura | Envelop you and your allies in a gleaming aura. | |||||||||||
Ghostly Clone | You create partly visible clones of yourself to fight for you. | |||||||||||
Ghostly Encirclement | You create 13 images of yourself encircling up to 3 creatures within 5 foot proximity. Which one is the real one? | |||||||||||
Glacial Pass | You create a wave of ice shards that rise out of the ground along a line 5 feet wide and 30 feet long. | |||||||||||
Glass Canon | boom boom lore cannon | |||||||||||
Glass Spray | You summon a jet of glass dust towards your foe. Disrupting their actions and sapping their resolve. | |||||||||||
Glyph of Teleportation | Teleportation has always been one of the more useful bits of magic and mages are always looking to improve on it. This method while simple is fairly versatile. | |||||||||||
Good Hope | This spell instills powerful hope in those around you, relieving them of their worries. | |||||||||||
Gorgon Breath | Wash your enemies in the verdant breath of a gorgon. | |||||||||||
Grant Power | You give a willing creature you can see within 30 feet incredible destructive powers. | |||||||||||
Gravity Anchor | Turn an area within range into a new center of mass. | |||||||||||
Greater Disguise Self | ||||||||||||
Greater Mending | ||||||||||||
Greater Necrostrike | ||||||||||||
Greater Returning Weapon | YEET | |||||||||||
Grum's Stinky Steed | Your trusty steed has died, no problem, it will now serve you in death! We have the Necrotic Energy! | |||||||||||
Guard of the Peacetalker | Conjure an illusory bodyguard to protect you when you can't protect yourself. | |||||||||||
Guise over Necrosis | Cast a guise over necrotic energies, hiding the presence of friendly undead and necrotic energies from bystanders. | |||||||||||
Hado 31 | You launch a ball made of spiritual pressure, exploding in a large wave of fire. | |||||||||||
Halo | Create a golden halo that provides protection to a creature. | |||||||||||
Halo of Lightning | Create a halo of crackling lightning orbs. | |||||||||||
Hashnad's Shadowy Tendrils | Conjure a swarm of shadowy tendrils to blind and confuse your foes | |||||||||||
Heal Major Injury | You imbue a creature you touch with restorative magic potent enough to heal even potentially lasting injuries. | |||||||||||
Heavenly Lightning | You raise your hand towards the sky and summon lightning in a 100-foot tall cylinder with a 30-foot radius centered on you. | |||||||||||
Heavenly Prison | You create a cube-shaped heavenly prison around a creature you choose within range. | |||||||||||
Heavy Words | Speak words that burden a group of creatures. | |||||||||||
Hellish Spawn | you fish up a demon from the fiery abyss. | |||||||||||
Hemorrhage | You briefly conjure tiny sharp things in the bodies of creatures nearby, causing them to bleed internally. | |||||||||||
Hindering Light | A beam of light shines from the heavens, allowing you to stop a creature from altering your mind or body with a spell. | |||||||||||
Hissing Darkness | You launch a hissing ribbon of pure darkness from your hand. | |||||||||||
Ice Axe | This spell creates a battleaxe-shaped formation of jagged, fast-swirling ice shards in your hand. | |||||||||||
Ice Eruption | A bright blue streak flashes from your pointing finger, spreading jagged ice across the ground in a 30-foot square centered on a point within range. | |||||||||||
Ice Reave | You augment your fist with explosive ice magic, slamming it into the ground below and sending waves of ice out in 30-foot-radius circle centered on that point. | |||||||||||
Ice Rupture | Touching one frozen creature, their body is irreparably shattered | |||||||||||
Ice Spear | A frozen spear of ice pierces through a line 30 feet long by 5 feet wide starting at a point in range that you can see. | |||||||||||
Igneous Suffocation | Coal becomes the fuel for a raging fire. | |||||||||||
Illusory Light | Blind opponents in an area | |||||||||||
Illusory Phantom | The user creates a water phantom to distract their foes. | |||||||||||
Imperial Blight | Blast an creature with radiant energy, consuming its body with flames of pure light. | |||||||||||
Imperil | Momentarily invoke the powers of the elemental chaos and rip asunder a creature's elemental defences. | |||||||||||
Improved Familiar | Summons a more powerful familiar. | |||||||||||
Inception | You break into someone's mind a plant a seed that grows into an idea. | |||||||||||
Incomplete Chord | Play a chord that another must complete for a powerful and destructive effect. | |||||||||||
Inflict Greater Wounds | You fill your hand with negative energy and transfer that energy to a target. | |||||||||||
Instill Madness | Cause a creature to become mad with fear. | |||||||||||
Intensify Emotions | You attempt to create strong emotions in a group of people. | |||||||||||
Inumaki Word "Explode" | Force a creature to adhere to your word and Explode. | |||||||||||
Invisibility Purge | ||||||||||||
Invoke Scarecrow | You invoke the powers of a scarecrow to help you deal with plants easier. | |||||||||||
Invoke Wolfgeist | You throw your arms back and howl to the sky as a shroud of primal energy encircles your body. | |||||||||||
Isaac's Missile Swarm | An upgraded version of Magic Missile, with slightly higher damage and restrictions. | |||||||||||
Isband's Freezing Chains | You summon a mass of icy chains to bind your enemies, which burst into existence around a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Ishartalot's Stride | Get the runs and leave a fiery hot trail behind you. | |||||||||||
Judge's Familiar | Summon the judge's familiar, the preferred familiar of Azorius lawmages. | |||||||||||
Kaleido Star Cannon | The star is concentrated and pressed, then several rings are created, the size of 3 feet, in front of you in the predetermined direction and you discharge a beam of light 360 feet from you that invests everything, whoever in the trajectory makes a Dexterity saving throw . A creature that fails the save takes radiant damage + fire damage + force damage, or takes only half as much damage on a successful one. | |||||||||||
Killing Shadows | You shoot forth a cone of punishment from your eyes | |||||||||||
Kira's Explosive Touch | Transform some random junk into high-power explosives | |||||||||||
Klee's Fireball | A fireball variant made by a child prodigy. Please be careful when using it. | |||||||||||
Knight of Honor | "The Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands" were the words of Bladesinger Lancelot, this is a spell that is the embodiment of the incident in which he was forced to fight his squad unarmed and proved his fighting prowess by claiming victory with a stick of elm. | |||||||||||
Krupa's Syncopated Spell | You play your music syncopated to the beat of the universe, with the power your magic you are out of line with all of space, but who says thats a bad thing.(made for a bard college, wizard school, and who knows what else, I am planing to make, until then, here is this spell) | |||||||||||
Leonardo's Everflowing Chalice of Missiles | You summon a pool of radiance that unleashes magic missiles. | |||||||||||
Leonardo's Projected Force | You create balls of force that circle your person, and for the duration can hurl one per turn to deal damage. | |||||||||||
Lesser Polymorph | ||||||||||||
Lesser Purge | You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you. | |||||||||||
Lesser Zone of Euphemisms | Twisting the framework of communication itself, you create a space where proper etiquette is compulsory. | |||||||||||
Leticia's Ward | Inscribe a mark above a doorway or other aperture to protect it. | |||||||||||
Life Boost | You create an aura that enhances healing. | |||||||||||
Life Manipulation | BLOODY HELL | |||||||||||
Life Seed | You create a seed of positive energy that buries into the ground at a point within range, and blossoms into a 10-foot radius sphere of golden energy. | |||||||||||
Light of Celestia | Your body glows with a celestial light that can be expended as an attack. | |||||||||||
Lightning Charge | Turn into a furious bolt of lightning and strike all foes in a direct line then reappear behind one of them. | |||||||||||
Lightning Cloak | Coat yourself in a shield of lightning, making yourself massively faster at the cost of limiting your magic. | |||||||||||
Lightning Spear | You create a bolt of lightning in your hand, similar in shape to a spear and hurl it at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Lightning Stake | Stake an enemy with a bolt of explosive lightning. | |||||||||||
Lights Mark | The User targets a weapon, which begins to glow bright and the next attack with this weapon causes the creature to absorb this radiant glow and soon after the target creature explodes in a ray of light. | |||||||||||
Limb Growth | You sculpt additional body parts onto a creature. | |||||||||||
Lingering Flame | You create a ball of fire, set to explode when anyone comes near. | |||||||||||
Local Inventory | A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents, not its exact location. | |||||||||||
Lock of Guilt | A lock that attaches itself to the hearts and souls of the guilty. | |||||||||||
Lockhart's Fireball | A haphazardly bouncy fireball. You're gonna have to work on your aim. | |||||||||||
Looped Projectile | Throw a projectile and contain it in a temporal feedback loop that increases its potential energy. | |||||||||||
Luck Brew | No falling on my own sword today! | |||||||||||
Lulling Spores of Harmonious Sleep | You spawn a cone of spores to put foes to rest. | |||||||||||
Lunar Blast | Harness the power of the moon to weaken your foes and reveal their true natures | |||||||||||
Lunar Luck | Miniature moons orbit you and let you bestow luck on allies. | |||||||||||
Lunar Serenity | You summon the moon's serene grace or the sun's healing rays, creating a sphere of purplish light or incandescent yellow light. | |||||||||||
Lunar Spirit | Manifest a companion spirit from moonlight. | |||||||||||
Mage Plate | You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and an immensely protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. | |||||||||||
Magic (Mobius) | ||||||||||||
Magic Fang, Greater | Whenever the target makes an attack or damage roll with an unarmed strike, the target can roll a d8 and add the result to its roll. | |||||||||||
Magic Pocket | As the spell is about to hit you, you crack open a small hole into a pocket dimension. | |||||||||||
Magic Shield | ||||||||||||
Magic Speed | You move in the blink of an eye, literally, you can blink twice your movement speed. | |||||||||||
Magic Vestment | You touch a suit of nonmagical armor or nonmagical shield. For the duration, that armor or shield becomes a magic item that provides a +1 bonus to the wearer's or wielder's AC. | |||||||||||
Magic Warhead | Fires off a larger version of Magic Missile that not only automatically hits its target, but also damages those around it. | |||||||||||
Mana Siphon | ||||||||||||
Mass Arcane Cure | With the power of the arcane arts of a Magister you can heal more than 1 creature at a time | |||||||||||
Mass Blood Transfusion | You cause your blood to flow to wounded creatures in the area, mending their wounds. | |||||||||||
Mass Mental Binding | The targets believe that they are bound | |||||||||||
Master Spark | Bringing your hands together, palms forward, you fire a white, rainbow-tinged beam of light and heat energy from your hands that is 90 feet long and 5 feet wide. | |||||||||||
Materialize Trap | Summon traps that are yours to command for once! | |||||||||||
Maxwell's Marvelous Mantle | A spell specifically tailored for travel in harsh environments. | |||||||||||
Melody of Lasting | Start up a rousing song that you can sing for hours on end to keep up your spirits. | |||||||||||
Meritorious' Mind Wipe | ||||||||||||
Message to the Masses | Stringing together a message, you reach every sentient mind in range. | |||||||||||
Meteoric Barrage | Hurl a swarm of meteoric embers toward your foes. | |||||||||||
Mike's Hard Lemonade, Variant | Harnessing the power of Lapuard, you unleash a torrent of Booze upon your enemies to quench their thirst and render their bows and blades useless. | |||||||||||
Mind Pain | A bolt hits a creature in range, and great pain takes over the target's mind. | |||||||||||
Mind Trauma | Hurts your opponent mentally and physically for 1 minute | |||||||||||
Mind Wipe | With a wave of your hand, you attempt to wipe the memories of a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Mini Tornado | A small tornado that can suck up creatures | |||||||||||
Miniaturize | Mega-shrink | |||||||||||
Mitotic spindle | You conjure a Small, translucent orb, dry to the touch but filled with viscous fluid and thin blue spindles, in an unoccupied space you can see within range, which floats in midair and lasts the duration. | |||||||||||
Monomorph | ||||||||||||
Niflbolt | A ray of glowing blue ice shoots from your palm at a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Night Guardians | You call forth dream creatures to protect you. | |||||||||||
Nightscar | You place a magical mark on a creature which can only be seen by you, that creature, and up to seven other creatures of your choice you when you cast the spell. | |||||||||||
Noxious Blast | Blast enemies with deadly fumes. | |||||||||||
Null Bolt | Fires a bolt of energy that dispels magic upon impact. | |||||||||||
Nyan's Ball Lightning | Based on an actual natural phenomenon! Basically fireball with lightning. | |||||||||||
OGC:Astromancy | ||||||||||||
OGC:Herculean Force | ||||||||||||
Ophis Transformation | Take on the unique abilities of snakes. | |||||||||||
Orb of Deception | The caster conjures a blue orb of their spiritual essence and launches it before it returns to them. | |||||||||||
Orb of Discord | You create an orb of chaos that floats over the head of an enemy within range. | |||||||||||
Orb of Harmony | Bless a creature with a continuous healing orb. | |||||||||||
Orb of Sacred Fire | A brilliant golden orb of sentient divine fire springs from the casters hand and when flung explodes, damaging enemies and healing allies in explosion. | |||||||||||
Organic Graft | Graft your foes limbs on to yourself and others. | |||||||||||
Orilia's Beastly Action | You take on the abilities of a beast for a short time | |||||||||||
Orilia's Devil Resistance | Bolster a creature with fiendish resistance. | |||||||||||
Other | A spell that makes you appear as another creature to divination magic. | |||||||||||
Otto's Crystal Rhythms | ||||||||||||
Otto's Imperative Ambulation | ||||||||||||
Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle | ||||||||||||
Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness | ||||||||||||
Otto’s Crystal Rhythms | ||||||||||||
Overcompensated Weaponry | Is your greatsword just not great enough anymore? | |||||||||||
Pancea | An all around healing for persisting afflictions, while not necessarily fixing wounds. | |||||||||||
Parasitic Link | A strained whip of flesh extends from your body, the target forced to take your pain. | |||||||||||
Persistent Harrier | You psionically link a melee weapon with your mind, allowing it to move and strike at a greater distance. | |||||||||||
Pestilence | Crawling insects swarm a wide area. | |||||||||||
Phy's Wondrous Acid | A bubble of sticky acid appears in your hand, which you throw at a creature that you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Pincushion | You weave a magical barrier around yourself, stopping most, if not all, projectiles. | |||||||||||
Pit of Flame | You conjure a 10-foot square pit, 10 feet deep and filled with flames, on ground that you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Pool of Acid | You create a bubbling pool of corrosive acid, which covers a 20-foot-radius circle on the ground centered on a point within range. | |||||||||||
Porghum's Painful Pun | You make a horrid but insightful play on words. | |||||||||||
Positive Energy Blast | Cause an explosion of raw positive energy. | |||||||||||
Post’s Glaring Optic | You create an invasive arcane sensor to study the anatomy of a creature within range. | |||||||||||
Poultice of Life | A true life savor | |||||||||||
Power Word Fall | You lace your speech with magic to make surrounding creatures fall to their knees. | |||||||||||
Powerstride | Like the wind. | |||||||||||
Protection from Negative Energy | You protect a creature against negative energy. | |||||||||||
Psionic Drain | You attempt to sap the psyche of a creature you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Psybeam | You fire a beam of psionic energy 60 feet long and 5 feet wide from your eyes. | |||||||||||
Psyblast | ||||||||||||
Psyche Drain | You attempt to siphon life force from a sentient creature to slightly heal your wounds. | |||||||||||
Psyche Drain, Variant | You siphon the intelligence as well as some life force from a sentient creature to slightly heal your wounds and fortify your intellect. | |||||||||||
Pull of Acherus | Create coils of darkness, reaching for life. | |||||||||||
Queen's Touch | Anything can be a bomb if you're creative enough. | |||||||||||
Quench | You extinguish all fires in a 30-foot cube centered on a point within range. | |||||||||||
Quietus Beam | You create several beams of magical force. | |||||||||||
Radiant Death | Overload a creature with positive energy, potentially killing them. | |||||||||||
Radiant Pulse | You channel divine power directly down from the heavens on a target or a point in range. | |||||||||||
Radiant Revolvers | You conjure four radiant revolvers that orbit around you firing radiant bullets. | |||||||||||
Raise Undead Army | Summon lesser undead in quantity. | |||||||||||
Raksha's Wash Cycle | By forming a summoning circle, an item is transported to a different dimension for cleaning and purification, potentially with a chance of drastic failure, and the cost of it being a free service. | |||||||||||
Razor Leaf | You fling scores of razor-sharp leaves, which fly and cut into all creatures in a 30-foot cone originating from you, but then disappear. | |||||||||||
Reality Slash | Create a razor sharp distortion in space and hurl it in a direction. | |||||||||||
Reckless Lightning Bolt | ||||||||||||
Record Memory | Can be used to uncover everything a person remembers | |||||||||||
Recovery Blade | You gain life while others fall to your blade. | |||||||||||
Red-Hot Chains | Create flaming chain links to restrict your enemies! | |||||||||||
Redirecting Shield | A Shield spell that returns fire. | |||||||||||
Reinforce | Magically strengthen an object or structure. | |||||||||||
Rejuvenation | Natural healing energies wash over a creature of your choice within range, taking the form of spectral raindrops and leaves. | |||||||||||
Repairs | Magically restores damage to objects and constructs | |||||||||||
Restoring Field | Create an object of healing for you and your allies. | |||||||||||
Retrocognition | Predicting the future is so cliche. Allows the user to predict the past. | |||||||||||
Reverb | A spell that bombards your target with sounds. | |||||||||||
Rewind Death | You make creatures survive death. | |||||||||||
Riddle's Rapid Retreat | Palming the stone used as the material component, you briefly create a powerful repulsive force between yourself and a target you can see within 10 feet. | |||||||||||
Rift | You slash the air in front of you with your hand or bladed weapon. | |||||||||||
Rigor Mortis | You incapacitate an undead creature. | |||||||||||
Rocks Fall | Rocks rain down from above | |||||||||||
Royal Flare | A brilliant streak of sunlight flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range then blossoms with a high-pitched "flash" sound into a radiant ball of sunlight energy. | |||||||||||
Rune of Bloodlust | Awaken the hunger of blood in a creature. | |||||||||||
Rusting Sands | Brilliant green sand springs from the caster and quickly devours Iron and wood armor and objects. | |||||||||||
Sacrificial Summon | Sacrifice your soul while summoning a small army | |||||||||||
Salvi's Ward | Disguise an area and subtly dissuade creatures from entering it. | |||||||||||
Sand Spear | Create a spear made of sand that you can throw at your enemies. | |||||||||||
Sandblast, variant | Create a blast of sand that erodes enemies and objects. | |||||||||||
Sanguis Burst | Convert your blood to another element. | |||||||||||
Sapping Smite | ||||||||||||
Scarecrow | A scarecrow imbued with fear magic that seeps into the surrounding area appears in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. | |||||||||||
Scatter Banish | You attempt to send one creature to a location within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be teleported. | |||||||||||
Scatter Grenade | ||||||||||||
Scout | A spell that allows to create a visage of yourself that can move through objects. | |||||||||||
Sealing Strike | Infuse a ranged weapon with a pure aspect of morality. | |||||||||||
Searing Blow | Channel your magical energy into your weapon to deal additional damage based on your alignment. | |||||||||||
Searing Choker | You reach out and conjure a circle of super-heated metal around your victim's neck. | |||||||||||
Searing Light | Focusing divine power like a ray of the sun (or moon), you project a blast of light from your open palm. | |||||||||||
Seeking Blade | This one's got your name on it. | |||||||||||
Selective Invisibility | The caster has gained the ability to erase their image from another creature’s mind. | |||||||||||
Sensory Field | This spell allows the castor to have complete knowledge of nearby surrounding, making illusions and invisibility futile. | |||||||||||
Serpentine Shape | You enter a more serpentine form to better evade and battle in a new body. | |||||||||||
Serrated Gust | Conjure bolts of wind to cut your enemies | |||||||||||
Servant Permanence | Remove the time limit of a servant, binding it to eternal service. | |||||||||||
Shadow Armor | A necrotic shroud appears over your robes, temporarily defending you from harm. | |||||||||||
Shadow Evocation | You tap energy from the Plane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a sorcerer or wizard evocation spell of 2nd level or lower. | |||||||||||
Shadow Lord | This spell is divided into different benefits and provides the user with the probability of generating their own personal army of Shadows. | |||||||||||
Shadow Realm | The Shrooms make people hallucinate, they all look funny where you are going | |||||||||||
Shadow Step | Steps into the shadows and teleport to another shadow nearby | |||||||||||
Shadow's Hunger | You've got friends on the other side | |||||||||||
Shape Bond | You bind the shape and size of an item or group of item to someone. | |||||||||||
Shard of Hope | You cause motes of light to radiate from an ally, strengthening the resolve of allies. | |||||||||||
Sharp Shadows | Shadows coalesce around you, and harden to points | |||||||||||
Sheer Heart Attack | A spell that deploys a small heat-seeking drone that explodes when it reaches its target. | |||||||||||
Shield Barrier | Created by war mages as an enhancement of the shield spell to support and protect others, not just your self. | |||||||||||
Shift Balance | You call into the power of Mechanus to alter the balance of chance, favoring some people over others. | |||||||||||
Sigil Sword Strike | A destructive spell developed by a legendary enchantress. Call down a spectral blade to damage enemies and slow them down with special effects. | |||||||||||
Sky-Fury Bolt | You create a long-range bolt of crackling force which is especially effective against flying creatures. | |||||||||||
Sleepy Trouble Bubble | Kick a bubble at enemies and put them to sleep! | |||||||||||
Slimebolt | A black sticky sphere shoots from your pointing finger. | |||||||||||
Snap Into a Slim Jim | Please, Slames James is my father. Call me Slim. | |||||||||||
Snooze | You cast a cloud of sleeping powder. | |||||||||||
Solid Darkness | Transmute shadows in such a way that they become completely solid. | |||||||||||
Solid Freeze | You cast a line of frost witch will instantly freeze any liquid even blood leaving a trail of frost on the ground. | |||||||||||
Something | Gives you something. | |||||||||||
Sorrel's Greater Magic Missile | Sorrel Glintwing's more powerful magic missile | |||||||||||
Sorrel's Rending Missile | Sorrel Glintwing's special magic missile variant that affects objects as well as normal targets. | |||||||||||
Soul Blade | ||||||||||||
Soul Gem, Create | Enchant a gem with the power to house a soul | |||||||||||
Soul Puppet, Variant | you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp. | |||||||||||
Soul Reading | You read the souls of any creature and object within the radius. | |||||||||||
Soul Spear | Fire a great bolt of magical energy.. | |||||||||||
Souls Embrace | <! after countless hours of spell craft you after learned how to channel the power of your soul to perform minor miracles in the form of resurrection at the expense of your own being | |||||||||||
Sound Burst | You emit a concussive sound wave, damaging creatures within the area. | |||||||||||
Speak with Images | Talk to a picture | |||||||||||
Speak With Skull | Grant an eerie vitality to a skull of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose. | |||||||||||
Spellbreaking Smite | The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your weapon sunders a spellcaster's ability to cast spells. | |||||||||||
Spiritual Arsenal | You are bestowed with divine power in order to wage war with evil & protect the innocent. | |||||||||||
Spurn the Supernatural | You speak an Utterance that twists the reality within an object or on person such that magic is brought to an unusable state. | |||||||||||
Stasis | You attempt to put an attacking creature or projectile near you into stasis. | |||||||||||
Steal Spell | This spell allows you to use another creature's spell. | |||||||||||
Step | Like Thunder Step, but without the thunder. | |||||||||||
Sticky Fingers | A spell that summons a zipper that can aid you. | |||||||||||
Storm Front | You fire a thin bolt of lightning at a creature or object within range. | |||||||||||
Storm Grenade | ||||||||||||
Storm Rune | You use a rune to channel the power of a storm for a period of time. | |||||||||||
Strands of Success | Insightful look at the threads of fate helps you archieve success | |||||||||||
Strangulate | ||||||||||||
Strength of Shadows | The absence of light bolsters your very being. | |||||||||||
Strokov's Instinctive Defense | Messes non-hostile beasts' instincts for defensive purposes | |||||||||||
Succor | Empower multiple nearby allies with a quick burst of healing, and a temporary magical shield | |||||||||||
Summon Anthill | Call forth ants from far and wide to spew from a new anthill. | |||||||||||
Summon Exotic Humanoid | Call forth an exotic champion to your aid. | |||||||||||
Summon Lesser Spirit | You summon a spirit or group of spirits of your choice to fight for you appearing in spaces you can see within range. | |||||||||||
Summon Monstrous Humanoid | Call forth a ferocious warrior to your aid. | |||||||||||
Summon Smith | Will Smith will give your opponent a smack. | |||||||||||
Sunlight | You touch one object that is no larger than 15 feet in any dimension and cause it to shed sunlight. An upgraded form of the light cantrip. | |||||||||||
Sunspark | You create a brilliant, blinding glowing orb to illuminate the way before you. | |||||||||||
Super Sonic | ||||||||||||
Swift Speed | You gain the agility of a feline, along with their speed. | |||||||||||
Sword of Protection | Similar to spiritual weapon, but with a wizard's twist and better/more versatile. | |||||||||||
Swordcraft | You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and gain the ability to unleash a flurry of blurry, brightly glowing slashes of magical force in every direction. | |||||||||||
Syncopate | Reduce a spell to a significantly weaker state. | |||||||||||
Teleport Slash | Summon an ethereal blade capable of slicing through space to hit its target. | |||||||||||
Teleportation Glyph | Teleportation has always been one of the more useful bits of magic and mages are always looking to improve on it. This method while simple is fairly versatile. | |||||||||||
Teleposition | You and your victim exchange places. | |||||||||||
Temporal Slash | You gain the ability to make a slash in the time | |||||||||||
Temporary Expertise | You touch a vehicle or set of tools and gain highly technical insight into its function. | |||||||||||
Terra Tonic | Become as hard as rock | |||||||||||
The blade of the water stream | ||||||||||||
The Emptiness of the Beginning | Become the very embodiment of the abyss. | |||||||||||
The Murderer's Ear | This dark ritual creates a locus of divination out of the ear of a murderer. | |||||||||||
Tidal Surge | You surge forward in a burst of astral water, damaging and knocking creatures prone in your path. | |||||||||||
Tide of Steel | Conjure the spirits of war to aid you in combat and mow down your enemies. | |||||||||||
Tidecaller's Blessing | You imbue an ally's weapon with strong frost energy. | |||||||||||
Time Bomb | A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range in which you set an invisible time bomb which then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of arcane when activated. | |||||||||||
Time Stop Variant | A defensive use of the time stop. | |||||||||||
Trip Grenade | ||||||||||||
True Stasis | You stop something in time for exactly 1 round. Any force, damage, or effects exerted while in stasis occur all at once afterwards. | |||||||||||
Turn Tables | Switch places with one creature | |||||||||||
Turn the Blade | Telekinetically control the weapons in your enemies hand's, forcing them to swing at others and themselves. | |||||||||||
Umber Stride | Step through the shadowfell and release a surge of dark power to rend the life from your assailants | |||||||||||
Umbral Touch | You draw forth darkness around your hand and harden it | |||||||||||
Undead Non-Living Bomb | Send out spores to make the undead go BOOM. | |||||||||||
Unholy Frenzy | ||||||||||||
Unholy Weapon | An unholy weapon appears in the within the location. | |||||||||||
Unstable Sphere | You summon an entropic, fractal orb of light to blind and burn your enemies. | |||||||||||
Uplifting Fireworks | You put on a fireworks display that brightens the moods of all those nearby. | |||||||||||
Vampiric Blade | With a successful melee weapon attack, this spell drains the life from an opponent | |||||||||||
Vankodek's Bloody Stitches | Hastily attach a replacement for a lost bodypart. | |||||||||||
Vasuu's Oblation | caster gives target ally their action and half of their movement for 1d4+2 turns | |||||||||||
Venomous Spite | You fire several poisonous darts. | |||||||||||
Venomous Web | You summon thick sticky strands of webbing which emit poisonous vapors. | |||||||||||
Verdant Reanimation | Strengthen your undead allies using plantlife. | |||||||||||
Vexing Concoction | Curse the opposition | |||||||||||
Viktor's Dark Transport | Your body morphs into a massive swarm of bats, leeching life as it flies. | |||||||||||
Viktor's Mana Zone | ||||||||||||
Viktor's Soul Splinter | You splinter your soul into four green lashes that surround you that you can use to attack. | |||||||||||
Virgil's Blade Flash | You weave between your enemies in a flash of lightning, striking every foe you pass. | |||||||||||
Void Bombard | Let loose a bolt of force, which explodes upon impact. | |||||||||||
Void Wall Grenade | You throw a grenade that explodes into a temporary wall of necrotic flames. | |||||||||||
Wall of Vines | You create a wall of vines on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. | |||||||||||
Wardstone | Magical Infrastructure Spell | |||||||||||
Warmth | Create a calming flame that heals creatures near it. | |||||||||||
Warrior's Weapon | ||||||||||||
Warrior’s Blessing | Give target resistance to either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. | |||||||||||
Water Tempo | Flow like the river. | |||||||||||
Wave Lash | You conjure the water surrounding you, turning it into an effective beatstick. | |||||||||||
Weaponswap | Weapon changing | |||||||||||
Wendigo's Hunger | A curse to transform a creature into a monstrous predator | |||||||||||
Wild Chaos Blade | You join your hands together, and as you mimic unsheathing an imaginary sword, the light around you temporarily get dimmer. A sword of chaotic energy appears in your hand, looking like solidified multicolored light. | |||||||||||
William’s Wonderful Word Bomb | You can capture your message in a jar and pass it on, or you can use it as a word bomb. | |||||||||||
Willman's Rocktomb | You create a three-row toothed trap made of solid stone that springs right below a creature you can see in range. | |||||||||||
Wings of the Phoenix | As your vision begins to fade, your magical power surges as you are granted wings of fire. | |||||||||||
Wither | Time ends all things. | |||||||||||
Wizard's Tower | Wizard's Basic Tower Builder | |||||||||||
Wrath of Morass | Summon a carpet of moss that, when disturbed, releases toxic spores and slows those who dare trek within. | |||||||||||
Write Contract | Form a contract that both parties are forced to follow. | |||||||||||
You are Going to Бяazil | Some spells send you to Hell. Some send you to the Astral Plane. Others? Heh, well, others send you to Бяazil. | |||||||||||
Youngblood | Give someone a refreshing de-aging brain massage. Also, you can decrease their mental age if you want to. | |||||||||||
Yuya's Tracking Spirit | Summon a spirit to lead you to someone | |||||||||||
Zone of Faith | Create a zone to bolster those of your faith | |||||||||||
Zone of Frost | Call forth a zone of cold, freezing the ground and anyone caught in the effect. |