5e Legendary Magical Weapons

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Legendary Magical Weapons, Featured and Quality[edit]

These articles have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Magic Legendary Rarity Type
Infinity Blade legendary longsword

Legendary Magical Weapons[edit]

Magic Legendary Rarity Type
20% Delirium Legendary Light Machine Gun
Ace of Spades Legendary .454 Casull
Adamantine Meteor legendary warhammer
Aegis Sword legendary longsword
Agreious Legendary rapier
Alash'Serrar legendary Chain Blade
Alley Cat Fangs legendary dual daggers
Alpha Legendary any
Ancestral Weapon rarity varies any
Angel's Cry Legendary Spear
Apollo's Wrath legendary any bow
Aquila Favonia legendary longsword
Archangel Sword legendary any sword
Areis's Second legendary any sword
Arm of Balor Legendary Slabsword
Arm of Darkness Legendary Pistol
Arm of Darkness, Variant Legendary Pistol
Arrow of Yondu legendary arrow
Art of War legendary longsword, shortsword, or greatsword
Ascalon the Dragon Slayer legendary longsword
Assassin's Mark legendary dagger
Astur's Might legendary longsword
Athena's Sword legendary longsword
Atomizer of Decimation legendary long sword
Avalanche Hammer legendary any hammer
Axe of Rage legendary greataxe
Axe of the Furyborn legendary battleaxe
Axel legendary longsword
Azek's Will legendary drill
Azkre's Arcane Sniper Rifle Legendary Adamantine Sniper Rifle
Azrael's Rapier legendary rapier
Balmung legendary greatsword
Bane of Justice Legendary greataxe
Bare legendary longsword
Battlecry legendary rapier
Berserker Runesword of Winter legendary any sword
Black Axe of the Monster legendary greataxe
Black Death legendary revolver
Black Rose legendary longsword
Blade of Coldfire legendary any sword
Blade of Earth's Rage legendary longsword
Blade of Eldritch Power legendary any sword
Blade of Everbleed Legendary Any Sword
Blade of Evolution legendary longsword
Blade of Fortune's Bane legendary any sword
Blade of Levistus legendary any sword
Blade of Mourning legendary longsword
Blade of Power Absorption legendary rapier
Blade of Ruin legendary greatsword
Blade of the Arcanist, +1, +2, or +3 rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Blade of the Burnt Hand legendary longsword
Blade of the Chronomaster legendary longsword
Blade of the Holy legendary longsword
Blade of the Mind Legendary Longsword
Blade of the Moonwalker legendary longsword
Blood Fire Phoenix legendary rapier
Blood-Sword Legendary Greatsword
Bloodbringer legendary halberd
Bloodletter legendary greatsword
Bloods Wrath legendary bow
Bloodskal Blade legendary greatsword
Bloodthirster legendary longsword
Bow of Liutia legendary longbow
Bow of Resistance Legendary bow
Bow of the Fey Queen legendary longbow
Bow of Ysgard legendary longbow
Breaker legendary warhammer
Breakneck Legendary Assault rifle
Calibur legendary longsword
Caretaker's Spade legendary swordspear
Cat's Curiosity legendary
Celestial Fury legendary longsword
Celestial Orichalcum Lance legendary lance
Ceremonial Dagger legendary dagger
Champion's Axe of Might legendary greataxe
Chaos Blade legendary any sword
Charge Blade, Variant legendary Long sword, Shield, Great Axe
Chastiefol Spirit Spear legendary spear
Chivalrous Weapon legendary sword or lance
Chromatic Dual Lashers Legendary whip
Claws of War legendary lizal gauntlet
Cold Iron Staff legendary quarterstaff
Conditional Finality Legendary Shotgun, Super
Consecrating Greataxe legendary greataxe
Consummate Pair legendary scimitar
Copper Dragon Rapier legendary rapier
Cradlewood Crossblade legendary greatsword
Cresweld Straight Sword legendary longsword
Crissaegrim legendary longsword
Cross Knife legendary longsword
Crusader Cannon Legendary Cannon
Cursed Scourger legendary any sword
Cygnus Alpha Legendary Firearm
Cypher Legendary Shortsword
Dagger of Death's Hand legendary dagger
Dagger of the Abyss legendary dagger
Daikatana Legendary Odachi
Dark Light Greatsword legendary greatsword
Dark Pit Staff legendary quarterstaff
Dawn's Edge legendary longsword
Dawnbreaker legendary longsword
Dawnbringer legendary longsword
Dawnbringer, Variant legendary glaive
Dead King's Blade legendary greatsword
Death Sword Legendary Greatsword
Deathcleaver legendary greataxe
Dec's Mercy Legendary Double Weapon Great Axe
Deceivingly Small Axe Legendary Battleaxe
Defiled Vindicator legendary any sword
Dekkard's Blade legendary dagger
Demon Scythe Abygale legendary crescent scythe
Divine Axe Rhitta legendary Heavy Hand Axe
Divine Riptide Legendary Longsword
Djerg Nurn legendary longsword
DoomBlade Legendary Greatsword
Double-edged Sword of the Einherjar Legendary Longsword
Drach'nyen Legendary Greatsword
Dragon Render legendary any sword
Dragon Soul Weapons legendary any
Dragon Spine and Claw legendary longsword and dagger
Dragon Tooth Dagger legendary dagger
Dragon's Wrath legendary maul
Dragonbone Club of Reinvigoration legendary Club
Dragonfang Longbow Legendary shortbow, longbow
Dragonslayer Greataxe legendary greataxe
Dragonspine Axe legendary battleaxe
Draupnir Spear legendary Spear
Ea, Sword of Rupture legendary longsword
Ebony Blade legendary any sword
Eevlet Sacred Blade Legendary
Eidolon Ally Legendary Assault Rifle
Eira legendary spear
Elemental Weapon varies any
Elemental's Bane Legendary Maul
Elementalist's Bow legendary any bow
Elis'vor, The Incandescent legendary glaive
Elven Recurve Longbow legendary longbow
Embercleave legendary greatsword
Endrian Blade legendary all martial weapons
Blasphemous Blade legendary greatsword
Dark Moon Greatsword legendary greatsword
Ruins Greatsword legendary greatsword
Sword of Night and Flame legendary shortsword or longsword
Erubus' Chaos Legendary Light Crossbow
Eruption Legendary Flamethrower
Erwin's Rapier of Trickery legendary rapier
Ethereal Staff Legendary Quarterstaff
Ethereal Weapon rare (+0), very rare (+1), or legendary (+2) any melee weapon
Etheria's Dagger legendary dagger
Excalibur, the Sword in the Lake legendary longsword
Exponential Weapon legendary any
Fabian Strategy Legendary Assault Rifle
Fallen Angel legendary longbow
Farasta and Lintie, Long Bow and Quiver legendary longbow and quiver
Fate and Karma Legendary dagger
Fiore legendary greatsword
Firebane legendary longsword
Firerazor legendary
Firestarter Legendary Maul
Flamethrower Chainsaw Guitar Legendary glaive/instrument
Flash of Keranos legendary javelin
Force Edge legendary longsword
Force Saber Legendary Sword, any
Forerunner Legendary Pistol, Heavy Automatic
Frost's Bite legendary any sword
Frostfire Axe legendary battleaxe
Frostmourne legendary greatsword
Fume Greatsword legendary greatsword
Gamma Velorum Legendary Firearm
Gauntlets of Niflheim Legendary Glove/Gauntlet
Ghostflame Blade legendary any sword
Giant Blade rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) greatsword
Giantfall legendary greataxe
Gift of the Deity legendary battleaxe
Githyanki Silver Sword legendary greatsword
Glaive Prime legendary Glaive (Warframe)
Glowing Sword of the Ljosalfar Legendary Longsword
Golden Sword legendary greatsword
Goltal Legendary Maul
Greataxe of Anti-Faith legendary greataxe
Greataxe of Baphomet legendary greataxe
Greatsword of Artorias legendary greatsword
Greatsword of Judgement legendary greatsword
Greatsword of Phasing Legendary Greatsword
Greatsword of Time legendary greatsword
Grendel legendary ultra greatsword
Greyblade legendary longsword
Greystaff legendary spear
Grim legendary any sword
Gripsoul legendary longsword
Gungnir legendary Spear
Gunlance Legendary Lance, Greatsword, Firearms
Hammer of Daedalus legendary light hammer
Hammer of Damnation legendary warhammer
Hammer of the Holy Forge legendary warhammer
Hammer of the Meteorite legendary light hammer or warhammer
Hand of Malenia legendary Katana
Hawk Blade legendary greatsword
Hawkmoon Legendary Magnum Revolver
Heartcleaver legendary glaive
Hearthlance legendary lance
Heavenly Array legendary special
Hedron Hammer legendary mace
Hellblade legendary glaive
Hofund Legendary Greatsword
Holy Moonlight Greatsword legendary longsword
Hope's End legendary longsword
Huckleberry Legendary Submachine Gun
Hunting legendary scythe
Hurricane Blade legendary any sword
Imaginary Blade legendary any sword
Inferno legendary gunblade
Instant Death Dagger legendary dagger
Iranstraad's Call legendary warhammer
Ironic Pacifist legendary any sword
It Which Shatters legendary mace
Jeryal's Focus Legendary Longsword
Judge & Jury legendary pistols
Judge and Jury Pistols legendary pistols
Kamish's Wrath Legendary dagger
Kenmyouren Legendary Katana
Knuckles of Shattering legendary brass knuckles
Kusarigama of the Moon Legendary Chain weapon
Kylerion legendary longsword
Lady Luck's Gambit, Ella'Nor Legendary Pistol
Lament Legendary Chainsword
Lament, Variant Legendary Revolver
Lance of Longinus legendary spear
Lance of Michael legendary lance
Lance of the Seal legendary lance
Lasso of Hestia legendary whip
Law/Order legendary small pistol
Lawbreaker legendary maul
Leviathan Daggers Legendary dagger
Leviathan's Bane Legendary trident
Leviathan's Breath Legendary Compound Long Bow (5e Equipment)
Liar's Cane legendary rapier and whip
Life-Siphoning Greataxe legendary greataxe
Light Arrow legendary arrow
Light Stream legendary any bow
Lightning Blade legendary rapier or shortsword
Lightning's Wrath legendary spear
Living Rags legendary Living Armor
Loaded Question Legendary Fusion Rifle
Longbow of Smiting legendary longbow
Longbow of the Frigid Wind legendary longbow
Longsword of Bladesinging legendary longsword
Longsword of Elements Legendary Longsword
Louisville Slugger legendary Baseball Bat
Lumina Legendary Magnum Revolver
Luna's Howl Legendary .454 Casull
Mace of Molag Bal legendary mace
Mace of the Vampire King legendary mace
Mage Slayer rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Magician's Hat Legendary Hat
Mani Katti Legendary Rapier or Elven Longblade
Manreaper legendary Power Scythe
Maul of Devastation legendary maul
Maul of the Sky Cleavers Legendary maul
Mechanical Quarterstaff of Power legendary quarterstaff
Megaton Hammer legendary maul
Mehrune's Razor legendary dagger
Meowthrower Legendary Flamethrower
Meteor Sword legendary longsword
Meteoric Hammer legendary maul
Microcosm Legendary Trace Rifle
MIDA Multi-Tool Legendary Battle Rifle (5e Equipment)
Molten Poleaxe legendary Halberd
Monster Hunter's Greatsword legendary greatsword
Monte Carlo Legendary Automatic Rifle
Moonlight Greatsword legendary greatsword
Morgott's Cursed Sword legendary greatsword
Morne's Great Hammer legendary greatclub
Mortal Blade legendary longsword
Mr. Shifty's Trident legendary trident
Murasame Legendary Katana
Murasame, One Cut Killer Legendary Katana
Murasame, The Demon Blade Legendary Katana
Nameless King Swordspear legendary swordspear
Netherite Pickaxe Legendary Pickaxe
Netherite Sword legendary longsword
Nightfall Legendary longsword
Ninniel Seldarine legendary longsword
Nith Longsword legendary longsword
Nox's Bow legendary Shortbow and Longbow
Ntofos legendary Tonfa
Nunchucks of Lightning legendary nunchucks
Odin's Greataxe legendary greataxe
Old One's Bone legendary quarterstaff
Onyx Blade legendary greatsword
Outsider's Bane legendary greatsword
OVERLORD's Sword Legendary Longsword
Oxygen SR3 Legendary Battle Rifle
Painful Truth legendary sickle
Plague Sword legendary any sword
Portal Scepter legendary Any Scepter or Staff
Profaned Greatsword legendary greatsword
Punisher's Cross Legendary Unique
Pyromancer's Parting Flame Legendary Special
Quentin's Incredible Blunderbuss legendary firearm
Quincygun Legendary Martial Ranged Weapon
Radiance legendary longsword
Rain legendary warhammer
Rapier of Ravaging Rapidity Legendary rapier
Ravager legendary any axe
Reaper's Judgement Legendary Scythe
Rebellion legendary longsword
Reckless Abandon legendary any melee weapon with the two-handed or versatile property
Redrix's Claymore Legendary Assault Rifle
Reginald the Strongsword Legendary Longsword
REKT (Rapidly Escalating Kill Tactic) Weapon legendary any
Revoker Legendary Sniper Rifle
Revolver of Light Legendary revolver
Rhitta Divine Axe, Variant legendary Heavy Hand Axe
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers legendary longbow
Rhumnam legendary rapier
Rider's Sword of the Dragon's Bond Legendary Any Sword
Rienfleche legendary longbow
Rodin's Baseball Bat Legendary quarterstaff club
Rose of Ariandel legendary whip
Ruinous Doom legendary longbow
Runic Blade legendary any sword
Ruyi Jingu Bang legendary quarterstaff
Ryderwood Bow Legendary Longbow
Saber of the West Wind legendary saber
Samehada legendary greatsword
Samesword legendary longsword
Scorching Hatchet legendary handaxe
Scythe of Life and Death Legendary great double scythe
Scythe of Quakes Legendary Scythe
Scythe of the Cosmos Legendary greatscythe
Scythe of Time legendary greatscythe
Sentiment Legendary Gun, Specials
Shamisen Sword legendary longsword
Shining Discus legendary Chakram
Shiva Hailstorm legendary katana
Shoutouren Legendary Katana
Shurikens of Ice Legendary Shurikens (50/100
Sieg'gram legendary longsword
Silver Chariot's Rapier Legendary Rapier
Sky Cleaver Legendary battleaxe
Sky Guard Legendary Longsword
Sling of Sacrifice legendary sling
Slither Sling legendary sling
Solar Instrument legendary greatsword, longbow
Soul Scythe legendary greatscythe
Spear of Akatosh legendary spear
Spear of Destiny legendary spear
Spear of the Ebon Crusader legendary spear
Spear of the Warriors Might legendary spear
Spellbinder legendary whip
Spirit Spear Chastiefol Legendary spear
Sseth Scimitar Legendary Scimitar
Staff of the Redeemer legendary quarterstaff
Staff of the Thunderous Storm legendary Quarterstaff
Starfang legendary greatsword or longsword
Steelbrand Legendary Scythe/Rapier
Storm Bringer legendary broadsword
Storm God's Greataxe legendary battleaxe
Sturm Legendary .454 Casull
Sun Blade, Variant uncommon (+0), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) any sword
Sun's Wrath legendary longsword
Sunbright legendary shortsword
Swift Flame legendary shortsword
Swift Rapier legendary rapier
Sword of Armageddon legendary any sword
Sword of Fenris legendary longsword
Sword of Fire Legendary Katana
Sword of Fire and Ice Legendary Longsword
Sword of Fire and Rock Legendary Longsword
Sword of Glory's Wrath legendary greatsword
Sword of Power - Clarent legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Durendal legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Excalibur legendary shortsword
Sword of Power - Joyeuse legendary shortsword
Sword of Solamnus Legendary Longsword
Sword of the Bards legendary any sword
Sword of the Celestials Legendary any Sword
Sword of the Creator legendary longsword
Sword of the Phoenix Legendary Any sword
Sword of Vanchilia legendary greatsword
Swords of Light and Darkness Legendary Longsword
Swords of Night and Day Legendary Longsword
Taulmaril's Quiver Legendary Quiver and Arrows
Tenseiga legendary katana
Terra Blade legendary greatsword
Terrarian Excalibur legendary longsword
Tessaiga legendary katana
The Accursed Rakuyo Legendary Longsword
The Black Rose legendary heavy revolver
The Blade of Lathander Legendary Any weapon the deals slashing damage
The Bloodthirster legendary Greatsword
The Bow of Helios Legendary Longbow
The God Slayer legendary greataxe
The Golden Rapier legendary rapier
The Hummingbird Blade: Domina Mortis Legendary Rapier
The Hush Legendary Longbow
The Hybrid Blade legendary any sword
The Lashing Python Legendary Whips
The Mountaintop Legendary Grenade Launcher
The Recluse Legendary Submachine Gun
The Talon of Horus Legendary Lightning Claw
The Trident of The Drowned legendary Trident
The Yato Blade Legendary longsword
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury legendary longbow
Thorn, Crusader of the Falling Sky legendary glaive
Thunder Striker legendary any bow or crossbow
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Variant Legendary Longsword
Thunderlord Legendary Heavy Machine Gun
Tieren legendary scimitar
Time Warp Legendary Longsword
Timekeeper's Scythe Legendary Scythe
Trident of Atlantis legendary trident
True Shillelagh legendary club or quarterstaff
True Spirit Spear Chastifol Legendary spear
Twilight legendary katana
Twin-Bow Herritt Legendary Greatbow
Tzeechian Psychic Bracers Legendary Bracers
Ultima Weapon legendary special
Undead Longbow legendary longbow
Unholy Moonlight legendary greatsword
Valorheart legendary broadsword and buckler
Vampiric Blade legendary any sword
Vampiric Claws legendary Claws
Vampiric King's Greatblade legendary greatsword
Van Goyle's Hammer Legendary Warhammer
Vengeance is Mine Legendary longsword
Vexcalibur Legendary Glaive (Destiny)
Villager Sword legendary shortsword
Void Halo Legendary Halo
Volendrung legendary maul
Volt's Uprising legendary katana
Wailer Legendary greataxe
Weapon of Annihilation Legendary any weapon
Wendigo GL3 Legendary Grenade Launcher, Multiple
Witherbane legendary longsword
Wolf Knight Greatsword legendary greatsword
Wolf's Fang legendary greatsword
X-Buster legendary Unique
Yamato legendary longsword
Yami legendary any bladed weapon
Yeoui legendary quarterstaff
Yoldorg Legendary Scythe
Zen Meteor Legendary Anti-Materiel Rifle
Zezzet Deck, Variant legendary Deck of Tarot

April Fools Legendary Magical Weapons[edit]

Magic Legendary Rarity Type
Bone-Pulverizer Legendary Heavy Flail
Loaded Gun Legendary Firearm
Mithril Pebble of Pig Smiting legendary improvised weapon
Poor People's Bane Legendary Browning Hi-Power
Sword of Libet's Delay Legendary Any weapon
The 4 Skinner legendary any sword
The Blade legendary katana

Incomplete Legendary Magical Weapons[edit]

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