5e Construct Monsters
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Construct Type Monsters, Quality and Featured[edit]
These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Construct Type Monsters[edit]
Name | CR | Speed | Size | Type | Alignment |
Aalar's Chosen Flesh Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Abaddon | 45 | 60 ft., fly 120 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | neutral evil |
Abomination of Flesh | 14 | 15 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | neutral |
Adam | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic evil |
Adamantine Obliterator | 29 | 40 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | neutral |
Adamantine Shelled Warbot | 9 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Adamantine Taint | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Adamantine Warrior | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Aegian Sentinel | 7 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Aegis | 29 | 50 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Aegis Reflector | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
AI Housing | 25 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Alexander Prime | 25 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | lawful good |
Altrohan | 1/4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral |
Amber Golem | 10 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 | 1 | 30 ft., swim 40 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Anaxim | 26 | 40 ft., fly 80 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Ancient Crawler | 8 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral |
Ancient Golem | 21 | 60 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | lawful good (25%), neutral (25%), chaotic good (25%) or unaligned (25%) |
Android | 5 | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Animated Caster | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Animated Cauldron | 1/4 | 15 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Animated Shield | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Apocrypha Artifice | 25 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Huge | construct | any alignment |
Archer Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Armed Armor | 3 | 30 | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Armed Sentinel | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Armor Puppet | - | 25 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Armos | 1/2 | 20 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Armos Knight | 3 | 35 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Asaurus Rex | 24 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Astral Warrior | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Automaton | 1/8 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Avatar of Harlok | 21 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral evil |
Ball of Blades | 14 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Battle Horror | 8 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Battle Mech | 15 | 50 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | unaligned |
Beamos | 5 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Bedsheet Ghost | 1 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Beldum | 1 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Belltower Gargoyle | 4 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Berserk | 30 | 60 ft., climb 60 ft., swim 60 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral |
Blood Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Bob-omb | 1/2 | 30 ft. | Small | construct | lawful neutral |
Bone Golem | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Book Dragon | 1/4 | 25 ft., climb 15 ft., fly 35 ft. | Tiny | construct | chaotic neutral |
Book Golem | 2 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | neutral |
Bostik | 4 | 0 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Brain Golem | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Brass Juggernaut | 8 | 35 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Buckler Guardian | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
BUL Loader | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Bullet-kin | 1/4 | 25 ft. | Small | construct | chaotic evil |
Cake Construct | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Cannon Colossus | 24 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | unaligned |
Cannon Tiger | 3 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Card Golem | 1/4 | 30 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Carrionette, Variant | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Small | construct | chaotic evil |
Caryatid Column | 2 | 25 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Ceiling Turret | 3 | 0 ft. | Small | construct | lawful neutral |
Chal'Gund | 2 | 15 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Chaos Space Marine, Dreadnought | 13 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | any evil alignment |
Chi-Yu | 16 | 0 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Tiny | construct | neutral evil |
Chien-Pao | 16 | 50 ft., climb 40 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Clay Man | 3 | 20 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Clay War Golem | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Clayman | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Clock Sentinel | 0 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Clockwork Ape | 2 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Clockwork Fiend | 17 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Clockwork Golem | 9 | 20 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Clockwork Humanoid | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Clockwork Mini-Pyrobomb | 1/2 | 30 ft., burrow 15 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Clockwork Pyrobomb | 2 | 30 ft., burrow 15 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Clockwork Spider | 1/4 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Clockwork Tarrasque | 5 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Cloth Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Clothes-Colony | 2 | 20 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Colossi Magen | 12 | 40 ft., fly 60 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Commander Warbot | 13 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Conduit Hound | 4 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Construct Companion | 2 | 30 ft., fly 25 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Construct Companion, Basic | 1/4 | 25 ft., fly 5 ft. | Tiny | construct | neutral |
Construct Companion, Complex | 4 | 40 ft., fly 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Construct Companion, Intricate | 4 | 40 ft., fly 40 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
CRTyrant | 12 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | chaotic evil |
Crystal Golem | 13 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Cupcake Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Cyberman | 8 | 25 ft., fly 40 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Cybus Industries Cyberman | 3 | 25 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Dalek | 10 | 15 ft., fly 45 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Deathmask Trooper | 10 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Decayed Guardian | 11 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
DeepWave Ice Golem | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Destroyer | 18 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | chaotic evil |
Diamond Golem | 24 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Diamond Knight | 1 | 25 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Dodongo Snake | 6 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Doll Golem | 5 | 40 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Doomwheel | 7 | 80 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Door Golem | 4 | 0 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Dread Flesh Golem | 7 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | any chaotic alignment (usually chaotic neutral or chaotic evil) |
Dreadlord Flesh Homunculus | 45 | 30 ft. | Colossal | construct | chaotic evil |
Earth Golem | 12 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Enchanted Chain | 2 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Small | construct | unaligned |
Explosive Turtle | 2 | 10 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Fenbeast | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Flying Dagger Swarm | 1 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Flying Shield | 2 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Flying World Cleaver | 25 | 0 ft., fly 150 ft. (hover) | Gargantuan | construct | neutral evil |
Fob-watch Flyer | 1/2 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | lawful neutral |
Font Artifice | 19 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Forged Automaton | 0 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Fossil Golem | 19 | 40 ft. (10 ft., fly 60 ft. in flying form, 20 ft., swim 40 ft. in swimming form) | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Garden Gnome | 1/4 | 20 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Gargoyle Dragon | 5 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. | Small | construct | chaotic good |
Genesect | 4 | 35 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral |
Genesect, Variant | 19 | 35 ft., climb 35 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral |
Gesistu | 5 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Ghost of Light | 0 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | usually lawful good |
Giant Clay Golem | 12 | 20 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Giant Clay War Golem | 18 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Giant Paper Dragon | 1 | 25 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Giant Snow Golem | 6 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Gimos | 1 | 25 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Glass Eye | 1 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | neutral |
Glass Golem | 8 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Godly Construct of the Astral Plains | 36 | 40 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | lawful neutral |
Goht | 9 | 60 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful neutral |
Golem Soldier | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Golem Soldier MKII | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Adamantine | 25 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Arcane | 11 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Mithral | 21 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral |
Golem, Quicksilver | 19 | 70 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Golem, Tentacle | 6 | 20 ft., climb 20 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Golett | 3 | 20 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Golurk | 7 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Grass Golem | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Guardian Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Guardian Construct of the Consul | 10 | 20 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Guardian of the Eastern Dawn | 21 | 30 ft., fly 50 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral |
Guardian Scout I | 3 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Guardian Scout II | 4 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Guardian Stalker | 11 | 40 ft., climb 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Haunted Mask | 3 | 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | chaotic neutral |
Helper Warbot | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Herculean Golem | 16 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | neutral |
Hierotitan | 18 | 25 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | neutral |
HOT Loader | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Hover Sentry Mk1 | 1 | 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover) | Small | construct | unaligned |
Ice Golem, Terraria | 9 | 20 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful neutral |
Iceforged Golem Soldier | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Imaginary Friend | 0 | 50 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Incarnate Bastion | — | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Indestructible | 10 | 50 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | chaotic neutral |
Ink Golem | 11 | 60 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Inkblot | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
ION Loader | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Iron Demi-Golem | 8 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Iron Golem | 4 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Iron Guard | 26 | 50 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Ironclad Executioner | 6 | 25 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral |
Ironclad Observer Unit | 6 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
JET Loader | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
JNK Loader | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Kamikaze Drone | 7 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Knight Valiant | 34 | 40 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | chaotic good |
Koloktos | 11 | 0 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Kumo | 9 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | chaotic neutral |
Kurt Zisa | 16 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral evil |
Laser Orb | 2 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | lawful neutral |
Laserbeak | 3 | 10 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Lava Golem | 11 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Legolem | 7 | 30 ft. (0 ft. in object form, 45 ft. in quadruped form, 5 ft., swim 30 ft. in sea creature form) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Lightning Golem | 13 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Living City | 50 | 120 ft. | Titanic | construct | unaligned |
Living Floating Disk | 1/2 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover; altitude limit 3 ft.) | Small | construct | chaotic neutral |
Living Stinking Cloud | 3 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Lychguard | 9 | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Machine Lifeform, Adam | 10 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Machine Lifeform, Adam Evolved | 15 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Machine Lifeform, Engels | 18 | 25 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | any alignment |
Machine Lifeform, Small Stubby | 1/8 | 25 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Magearna | 18 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Magedoom | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Magitek Armor | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Martian | 10 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
Matrix Guardian | 9 | 35 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mech | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mechanic Fighter | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Mechanic Hunter | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Mechanic Rogue | 1 | 35 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Mechanic Tank | 2 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Mechanical Golem | 9 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Mechanized Guardian | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Melmetal | 14 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Meltan | 1/8 | 20 ft. | Tiny | construct | any alignment |
Metagross | 10 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | any alignment |
Metal Sonic | 30 | 100ft., fly 100ft. | Medium | Construct | unaligned |
Metang | 5 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Mist Golem | 10 | 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Necrofex Colossus | 17 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | neutral evil |
Necrosphinx | 15 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Needlekin | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Neutronium Golem, Lesser | 28 | 10 ft., fly 600 ft. (hover) | Small | construct | lawful neutral |
Nightmare, Variant | 1/2 | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic evil |
Nyraala Golem | 3 | 25 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Obsidian Golem | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Ocram | 20 | 50 ft. | Huge | construct | chaotic evil |
Omega | 27 | 40 ft., climb 40 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Omega, Variant | 27 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 80 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | lawful evil |
Ore Construct | 8 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Origami Golem | — | 25 ft. or 35 ft. (Attack Mode) | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Oteres | 3 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Pagefiend | 1/8 | 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Paper Dragon | 1/2 | 25 ft., fly 50 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Pod | 1/2 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | any alignment |
Polyhedron | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral | |
Portrait of Desolation | 3 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic evil |
Porygon | 2 | 30 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Porygon-Z | 7 | 30 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Porygon2 | 4 | 30 ft. | Small | construct | any alignment |
Possessed Lute | 7 | 25 ft. | Small | construct | any chaotic alignment |
Project Series: Drone | 1/8 | 0 ft., fly 30 ft. | Small | construct | neutral |
Project Series:19C | 1/4 | 0 ft., fly 20 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Puppeteer | 12 | 35ft | Large | Construct | Neutral Evil |
PWR Loader | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Ravage | 3 | 50 ft., climb 40 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Regice | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Regidrago | 18 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Regieleki | 19 | 200 ft., 200 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | chaotic evil |
Regirock | 18 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Registeel | 19 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Repair Drone | 1/8 | 5 ft., fly 40 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Rimworld: Scyther | 4 | 35 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Ripper Drone | 3 | 25 ft., fly 40 ft. | Small | construct | unaligned |
Robot Blademaster | 18 | 60 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot GCV | 6 | 120 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Grunt | 3 | 60 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Grunt Mark II | 7 | 60 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Horse | 3 | 60 ft. | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Robot Overlord | 20 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | lawful evil |
RPG Loader | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Rubble | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Rumble | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic evil |
Runic Golem | 18 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Rust Golem | 11 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Salt Golem | 9 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Sanctuary Guardian | 7 | 0 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | lawful neutral |
Sand Golem | 3 | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Schematica | 15 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
SCP-173 | 15 | 60 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Scrapper | 2 | 40 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Scrimshaw Figure | 1/4 | 20 ft., swim 20 ft. | Tiny | construct | neutral good |
Scrive-Spinster | 13 | 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) | Huge | construct | lawful neutral |
Senior Scrivener | 16 | 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Gargantuan | construct | lawful neutral |
Sepiks Prime | 7 | 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover) | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Sepulchral Stalker | 7 | 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Servo | 0 | 30 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
SGT Loader | 6 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Silver Scourge | 5 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Skeletron Prime | 16 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Huge | construct | neutral evil |
Skitarii | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Skull Puppet | 1/8 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Slaughterstone Behemoth | 29 | 20 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Slimeborg | 6 | 30 ft., swim 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Snow Golem | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Snow War Golem | 5 | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Sonorosian | 3 | 40 ft | Medium | construct | any alignment |
Soundwave | 6 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful evil |
Space Marine, Dreadnought | 12 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | any non-good alignment |
Stained Glass Golem | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Stained Glass Golem, Variant | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Steam Tank | 9 | 45 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Steel Man | 10 | 25 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 25 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Stone Demi-Golem | 5 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Stone Hinox | 7 | 40 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful evil |
Straw Juggernaut | 3 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic neutral |
Sugar Construct | 2 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Swarm of Fob-watch Flyers | 4 | 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) | Tiny | construct | lawful neutral |
Swarm of Paper Dragons | 1 | 25 ft., fly 50 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Sword Spirit | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. | Medium | construct | any alignment | |
T-Rox | 1/4 | 25 ft., burrow 5 ft., swim 20 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful neutral |
Terminator, T-1000 | 8 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Terminator, T-800 | 6 | 30 ft., climb 20 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Terracotta Warrior | 3 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
The Rook | 19 | 30 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | unaligned |
The Sculpture | 24 | 0 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic neutral |
The Stalker | 9 | 40 ft. | Medium | construct | lawful evil |
Throne of Blades | 2 | 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Thunderer Artifice | 20 | 30 ft., fly 60 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Ting-Lu | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral evil |
Tiny Wooden Soldier | 1/8 | 20 ft., jump 30 ft. | Tiny | construct | unaligned |
Titan Warbot | 18 | 40 ft. | Gargantuan | construct | unaligned |
Titanium Golem | 17 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Tomb Scorpion | 11 | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. | Huge | construct | neutral |
Tomb Scorpion, Variant | 15 | 50 ft., burrow 50 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful neutral |
Treasure Golem | 14 | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) | Large | construct | unaligned |
Tubbioca | 1 | 25 ft. | Tiny | construct | neutral good |
Tungsten Golem | 16 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Twins | 18 | 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) | Huge | construct | chaotic evil |
Ullagon | 23 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Ushabti | 7 | 30 ft. | Large | construct | neutral |
Venom | 2 | 30 ft., climb 30 ft. | Medium | construct | chaotic evil |
Walking Castle | 35 | 80 ft. | Colossal | construct | neutral |
Walking Forge | 18 | 20 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
WAR Loader | 4 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Warbot | 1 | 30 ft. | Medium | construct | unaligned |
Warmech | 40 | 300 ft., fly 300 ft. (hover) | Colossal | construct | lawful neutral |
Wax Golem | 6 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Wickerman | 12 | 30 ft. | Huge | construct | unaligned |
Wo-Chien | 16 | 10 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Wood Golem | 7 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | unaligned |
Wraithguard | 10 | 20 ft. | Large | construct | chaotic good (50%) or chaotic evil (50%) |
Yaga's medium cursed corpse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 7 | 55ft. | medium | Construct | chaotic good |
Yaga's small cursed corpse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 5 | 45ft. | small | Construct | chaotic good |
Yaga's tiny cursed corpse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) | 5 | 45ft. | tiny | Construct | chaotic good |
Yellow Devil | 13 | 35 ft. | Huge | construct | lawful neutral |
Zephyr Artifice | 20 | 40 ft., fly 90 ft. | Large | construct | any alignment |
Zodar | 20 | 90 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral |
Zombie Golem | 7 | 20 ft. | Medium | construct | neutral evil |
Incomplete Construct Type Monsters[edit]
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