Yellow Devil (5e Creature)
Yellow Devil[edit]
Huge construct, lawful neutral Armor Class 13
Saving Throws Str +18, Con +19 Adamantine Weapons. The yellow devil's weapons count as adamantine. Amorphous. The yellow devil can move through spaces as wide as three feet without squeezing. Immutable Form. The yellow devil is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form. Siege Monster. The yellow devil deals double damage to objects and structures. Vulnerable Eye. The yellow devil has a single eye, about the size of a small creature, hidden in its body, which it can move to the surface and open, or close and hide again, as a bonus action on its turn. While the eye is open, the Yellow Devil has 120 ft. of darkvision (which it can see normally beyond) and can use its eye beam, but its eye can be attacked by creatures with ranged or reach weapons and spells. The eye (AC 13) has no damage immunities and resistance only to nonmagical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning that isn't adamantine, and is vulnerable to lightning damage. ACTIONSMultiattack. If the yellow devil's eye is open, it makes three eye beam attacks. Eye Beam. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 70 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 3) fire or lightning damage. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., up to two targets within 5 feet of each other. Hit: 13 (6d12 + 8) bludgeoning damage. Divide. If the yellow devil's eye is closed, the yellow devil divides itself into several globs of metallic alloy and launches them towards a 15-foot cube centered on a point it can see within 60 feet of itself, or within 120 feet if the yellow devil's eye was open at the start of the turn it uses this action. Any creature between the cube and the yellow devil's location, as well as any creature in the cube the yellow devil targeted, must make three DC 16 Dexterity saving throws, taking 28 (4d12) bludgeoning damage for each failure. The yellow devil immediately reforms from its pieces in the 15-foot cube that it selected.
A massive advanced construct built for combat by a mad scientist who had previously focused only on stealing the works of others. Its true body is the spherical eye-like computer hidden and ever-moving within the ultrahard metallic body that gives the yellow devil its namesake color. This metal also doubles as a shape-memory material, and each piece will return to its proper shape once connected to the signals of its eye, allowing the yellow devil to fling itself piece by piece both for travel and as a puzzling attack that requires good memory and reflexes to avoid. Fortunately, the yellow devil has a lone flaw, its eye must be opened to identify enemies and, in these moments, is highly vulnerable to lightning damage. |
Variant: Mk. III[edit]A newer, more advanced variant of the original yellow devil Mk. I, the Mk. III yellow devil is outfitted with a yellow gear-like iris in its eye that enhances its dividing abilities in a lethal fashion. This variant gains the following actions. Divide: Speed Gear. The yellow devil divides its huge body into nine medium bodies called mini devils, one of which contains its vulnerable eye and always has it open. All nine mini devils share the yellow devil's initiative, hit points, and hit point maximum, and if one is damaged, all are damaged. A mini devil's stat block is the same as the yellow devil's except for the following changes: The Challenge Rating of this variant increases to 16 (15,000 XP). |
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