Weapon Descriptions

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Weapon Descriptions[edit]

Table: Weapons

Simple Weapons[edit]

Light Melee Weapons[edit]
Name Cost Damage (S) Damage (M) Critical Range Increment Weight1 Type2
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Bayonet 5 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 2 lbs Piercing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Boat Oar 15gp N/A 2d6 14 lbs.
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Dagger Cane 17gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 10 feet 2 lbs. Piercing or Slashing
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Fang Weapon
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Haumesser 2 gp 1d3 2d2 x2 1 lb. Slashing
Hook 6 gp 1d2 1d3 20/×4 1 lb. Piercing or slashing
Hooked Stick 1 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 1 lb Bludgeoning
Kris 1d4 1d6 20/x3 5 1.5 lb. piercing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Nine Tail Whip 2 1d2 1d3 x2 2 lb. Slashing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Poison Injector Blade 10 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 5 1 lb piercing or slashing
Sacrificial Dagger
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Sickle of Luft 45,000 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 2 lb. Slashing
Spear Tipped Chain Whip 5 gp 2d4 18-20/x2 15 feet 2 lb Slashing/piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Switch Blade1 2 gp 1d3 1d4 (19-20)x2 5 feet 1/2 lb. Piercing
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Weighted Shaft 130gp 1d4 1d6 x3 Bludgeoning
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

One-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Bladed Crossbow, Hand 115gp 1d3/1d3 (pick) 1d4/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 30 ft. 3 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Bladed Crossbow, Heavy 65gp 1d8/1d3 (pick) 1d10/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 120 ft. 9 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Bladed Crossbow, Light 50gp 1d6/1d3 (pick) 1d8/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 80 ft. 6 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Boat Oar 15gp N/A 2d6 14 lbs.
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Combat Frying Pan
Combat Umbrella
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Harpoon, Variant 10g 1d8 1d10 ×2 30ft piercing
Hobnail 5gp 1d4 1d6 x2 6 lb. Bludgeoning or piercing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Shovel, Military 4 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 6 lb. Bludgeoning or slashing
Spear Cane
Spear Tipped Chain Whip 5 gp 2d4 18-20/x2 15 feet 2 lb Slashing/piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Two-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Axe, Long 35gp 1d12 2d6 x3 10 ft. 12 lb. Slashing
Battle Book 25 1d4 1d6 20/x2 10 ft. 12 Bludgeoning
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Boat Oar 15gp N/A 2d6 14 lbs.
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Crook 1 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 4 lb Bludgeoning
Dart Staff 15gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 1d4 Dart 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 1d4 Dart x2 Both 20ft Dart 5 lb. Bludgeoning Staff / Piercing Dart
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Farming Scythe 10 gp 1d4 1d6 20/x2 4 lbs Slashing
Fauchard 7 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Galagian Greatsword (3.5e weapon) 1,000 gp 1d10 2d6 19-20/x3 10 lbs Slashing
Harpoon, Variant 10g 1d8 1d10 ×2 30ft piercing
Mace, Two-Handed
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Nichirin Sword Type (Demon Slayer) 4000 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 2.6 lbs Slashing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Rifle Butt As longarm 1d4 1d6 ×2 As longarm Bludgeoning
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Toilet Seat 1 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 2 lb. Bludgeoning
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Warclub 1d6 2d4 ×2 10 ft. 6 lb. Bludgeoning
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Ranged Weapons[edit]
AK-47 20gp 1d8 2d6 19-20/×2 130 ft. 20lbs Piercing
Arquebus, Heavy 50 gp 1d6 1d8 ×4 120 ft 8 lbs Piercing
Arquebus, Light 35 gp 1d4 1d6 ×4 80 ft 4 lbs Piercing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Axe, Long 35gp 1d12 2d6 x3 10 ft. 12 lb. Slashing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Bladed Crossbow, Hand 115gp 1d3/1d3 (pick) 1d4/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 30 ft. 3 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Bladed Crossbow, Heavy 65gp 1d8/1d3 (pick) 1d10/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 120 ft. 9 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Bladed Crossbow, Light 50gp 1d6/1d3 (pick) 1d8/1d4 (pick) 19-20/x2 or x4 (pick) 80 ft. 6 lb. Piercing/Piercing
Blowgun Dart 100 1d4 1d6 2x 40 feet 2 ounces piercing
Boat Oar 15gp N/A 2d6 14 lbs.
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Crossbow, Alchemal 65gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft 4 lb. Piercing
Crossbow, Sniper's 250gp 1d6 or 1d8 (heavy) 1d8 or 1d10 (heavy) 19-20/x2 160 or 240 ft. 5 lb. Piercing
Dart Gun 20gp 1d4 1d4 x2 20ft 2 lb. Piercing
Dart Staff 15gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 1d4 Dart 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 1d4 Dart x2 Both 20ft Dart 5 lb. Bludgeoning Staff / Piercing Dart
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Gatling Gun 1000 gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/×2 300 ft. 594 lbs. Piercing
Grenado 50 sp 1d4 fire + 1d2 piercing 1d6 fire + 1d4 piercing ×2 20 ft. 2 pounds Piercing
Hand Crossbow, Simple 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/×2 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Handcannon 500 gp* 1d10 2d6 ×3 30 ft 4 lb. piercing
Handgun, Simple 20 gp 1d3 1d4 ×4 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Heavy Shuriken Thrower 100 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 40 ft. 8 lb Slashing and Piercing
Light Shuriken Thrower 40 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 20 ft. 4 lb Slashing and Piercing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Musket, Heavy 50 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 120 ft 8 lbs Piercing
Musket, Light 35 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 80 ft 4 lbs Piercing
Pistol, Heavy Western 40 gp 1d10 ×2 80 ft. 3 lb. Piercing
Pistol, Simple 20 gp 1d4 1d6 ×3 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Revolver, Western 35 gp 1d6 19-20/×2 50 ft. 4 lb. Piercing
Rifle, Heavy Western 50 gp 1d12 ×2 120 ft. 11 lb. Piercing
Rifle, Western
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Slingshot 5sp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 20 ft Bludgeoning
Slingshot Crossbow 1gp 1d3+1 1d4+1 19-20/x2 50 ft 4lb Bludgeoning
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Warclub 1d6 2d4 ×2 10 ft. 6 lb. Bludgeoning
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Martial Weapons[edit]

Light Melee Weapons[edit]
Assassin Dagger, Variant 50gp 1d6 x3 40ft 1lb. peircing
Assassin's Friend 20gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 1 lb. Piercing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Bear Claw 20 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 4 lb Piercing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Blades of Fire and Ice 2d6 2d6 18-20/x5 10 ft 5lbs var
Blades of Light and Dark 100gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 20/x3 for bow and 18-20/x2 for blade. 120ft(bow) 8p Piecing/Slashing
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Cane-sword Minimum of 40gp (often more for a fancy cane) 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 2 lbs. (4 lbs. including cane) Piercing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Clementia 4 gp 1d2 1d3 19-20/x2 4 lb. Piercing
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Force Lance 1,000gp 1d6 1d6 30ft. 5lb Force 1,000gp 2d6 2d6 5lb Bludgeoning
Gauntlet, Bladed 8 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 1 lb. Slashing
Gloves, Battle Variant 12g 1d6 1d8 20/x2 2 lbs Bludgeoning
Iaito 300 1d6 1d8 19–20/×2 2.5 lb. Slashing
Kukri, Heavy 15 gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 3 lb. Slashing
Longdagger, goblin 12 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/×2 2 lb. Piercing or slashing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Parrying Dagger, Swordbreaker 18 gp 1d3 1d4 20/x3 10' 2lbs Piercing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Rondel 8 gp 1d3 1d4 18–20/×2 1 lb Piercing
Scalpel 15 gp 1d2 1d3 18-20/×2 1 lb. Slashing
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Spear Tipped Chain Whip 5 gp 2d4 18-20/x2 15 feet 2 lb Slashing/piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Sword Cane
Throwing Knife 2 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 20 ft 1 lbs Piercing
Throwing Sword 12 gp 1d4 1d8 ×2 30 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

One-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Assassin's Friend 20gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 1 lb. Piercing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Bat 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 ft 7 lb Bludgeoning
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Cane 2 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 3 lb Bludgeoning
Cane-sword Minimum of 40gp (often more for a fancy cane) 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 2 lbs. (4 lbs. including cane) Piercing
Cavalry Saber 30gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/x2 5 Slashing or Piercing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Combat Parasol 20 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 20/x3 or 18-20/x2 3 lbs Bludgeoning/Piercing and Slashing
Cutlass 15 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 3 lbs Slashing
Demonslayer Arm 1500g 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 8lb Slashing or Bludgeoning
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dueling Cane
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Ekrund Rods 6 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 3 lb. Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Japanese Jintachi 275 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20 x2 3 lb. Slashing
Japanese Katana 150 1d6 1d8 x3 2 lb. Slashing
Keyblade 2400gp 1d6 2d4 x3 6lb piercing/slashing
Kodachi 10 gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/x2 2lb Piercing
Lance, Footman's 7 gp 1d4 1d8 ×3 7 lb. Piercing
Leaf Sword 15gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 3 lbs Slashing
Lifeshank nocost 38d4 38d4 1 pound Piercing
Light Demonslayer Arm 1500g 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 8lb Slashing or Bludgeoning
Macuahuitl (Realistic) 10gp 1d6 1d8 x3 6lbs Bludgeoning & Slashing 15gp 1d8 2d6 x3 10lbs Bludgeoning & Slashing
Malchus 12 gp 2d3 2d4 x2 4 lb. Slashing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Rapier of Luft 45,000 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 2 lb. Piercing
Retractable Longsword 50gp 1d4 1d8 x2 7 lbs Slashing & pericing
Reverse Blade
Saw Edged Blade 24 gp 1d4+1d2 (See description) 1d6+1d3 (See description) 18-20/x2 2 lb Piercing or Slashing
Sawnoff Ahlspiess 5 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 3 piercing
Scythe 25 gp 1d6 1d10 20/x2 5 lbs Slashing
Shortlance 50 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 18 lb. Bludgeoning or Piercing
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Sica 25gp 1d6 1d8 x2 8lbs. Slashing and Piercing
Side-sword 13 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 3 lbs Piercing or slashing
Spear Tipped Chain Whip 5 gp 2d4 18-20/x2 15 feet 2 lb Slashing/piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Thorn Sword 15gp 1d6/1d4 2d4/1d6 x3 3lbs. Piercing or Slashing
Throwing Sword 12 gp 1d4 1d8 ×2 30 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Tsurugi 35 1d8 1d10 2.5 lbs
Venetian Warhammer 16 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 5 lbs. Bludgeoning/Piercing
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Two-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Axe, Long 35gp 1d12 2d6 x3 10 ft. 12 lb. Slashing
Bardiche 9 1d8 1d10 x3 12 Slashing
Bashaak 6gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 x2/x3 12lbs Bludgeoning
Bat'leth 150gp 1d6 2d4 19-20/x3 12 Piercing and slashing
Battlehammer 25 gp 1d10 1d12 ×3 10 lb. Bludgeoning
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Blades of Fire and Ice 2d6 2d6 18-20/x5 10 ft 5lbs var
Blades of Light and Dark 100gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 20/x3 for bow and 18-20/x2 for blade. 120ft(bow) 8p Piecing/Slashing
Brandistock 10gp 1d4/1d4 or 1d6, see text 1d6/1d6 or 1d8, see text x3 6lbs Bludgeoning or Piercing; see text
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Cavalry Saber 30gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/x2 5 Slashing or Piercing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Combat Shovel, Variant
Cutlass 15 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 3 lbs Slashing
Dart Staff 15gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 1d4 Dart 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 1d4 Dart x2 Both 20ft Dart 5 lb. Bludgeoning Staff / Piercing Dart
Doru 10 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 lbs Piercing
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Fixed Bayonet As longarm 1d8/1d6 1d10/1d8 ×2 As longarm Piercing or Bludgeoning
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Force Lance 1,000gp 1d6 1d6 30ft. 5lb Force 1,000gp 2d6 2d6 5lb Bludgeoning
Goedendag 10g 1d8x3 or 1d10x2 1d10x3 or 1d12x2 (see text below) 20x2 or 20x3 (see text below) 8 lbs. Piercing or Bludgeoning (see text below)
Greatdemonslayer claws 2000g 1d10 2d6 19-20/x2 8lb Slashing/Bludgeoning
Greatstaff 12 gp 1d4/1d4 2d4/2d4 ×2 20 lbs. Bludgeoning
Heavy Demonslayer Arm 1500g 1d10 2d6 18-20/x2 8lb Slashing or Bludgeoning
Heavy War Staff 60 GP 2d6 2d8 19-20/x2 65 lbs. bludgeoning
Hunting Horn 15 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 6 Bludgeoning
Iron-Shod Staff 6 gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 x2 6lb Bludgeoning
Kani's Halberd of War nocost 1d6/2d4 2d4/2d6 18-20 x3 10 ft spear/ 5ft axe 10 lbs piercing (spear)/ Slashing (axe)
Khanda 30 gp 1d8 + 1 1d10 + 1 x3 10 lbs. Bludgeoning and Slashing
Knochenbrecher 45 gp 2d6 2d8 x2 8 lb. Slashing
Kriegsmesser 165 gp 1d8 1d12 20/x3 6lb Slashing and Piercing
Kunainodachi 90g 1d8 1d10 19-20/x3 8 lbs. Slashing
Lochaber axe 18 1d8 1d10 x3 18 Slashing
Lucerne Hammer 12 gp 1d6 2d4 x3 10 lbs. Bludgeoning or Piercing
Lucerne Hammer, Variant
Macuahuitl (Realistic) 10gp 1d6 1d8 x3 6lbs Bludgeoning & Slashing 15gp 1d8 2d6 x3 10lbs Bludgeoning & Slashing
Military Fork 15 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 10 lbs Piercing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Naginata 10 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 15 lbs Slashing
Partisan 12 1d6 2d4 x3 12 Slashing
Pick, Two-Handed
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Ram, Battle 30 gp 1d8 1d10 ×2 20 lb. Bludgeoning
Reverse Blade
Scythe 25 gp 1d6 1d10 20/x2 5 lbs Slashing
Short Blade Bow 75gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 20/x3 for bow and 20/x2 for blade. 60ft 4lb Piecing/Slashing
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Spiked Hammer 120gp 2d6 2d8 19-20/x2 20 lb Bludgeoning or Piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
The Amber Lance of Healing 2d6+3 +2d6vs.Evil (all nonlethal) 1d8+1d6+3 +2d6vs.Evil (all nonlethal) 20x3 10lbs.
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Tsurugi 35 1d8 1d10 2.5 lbs
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing
Yari 11 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 10 lbs Piercing

Ranged Weapons[edit]
Arbalest, Heavy 100 gp 1d10 2d6 19-20/×2 120 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Arbalest, Light 70 gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/×2 80 ft 6 lbs Piercing
Assassin Dagger, Variant 50gp 1d6 x3 40ft 1lb. peircing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
AWP 475 GP 6d10 12d10 x4 1,500 ft 50 lbs piercing
Axe, Long 35gp 1d12 2d6 x3 10 ft. 12 lb. Slashing
Bat 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 ft 7 lb Bludgeoning
Battle-Musket, Heavy 100 gp 1d10 2d6 ×3 120 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Battle-Musket, Light 70 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 80 ft 6 lbs Piercing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Blades of Light and Dark 100gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 20/x3 for bow and 18-20/x2 for blade. 120ft(bow) 8p Piecing/Slashing
Blowgun 50 gp 1d6 1d6+1 3x 100 feet 2kilograms Piercing
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Crossbow, Clockwork 250 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 50 ft 10 lb. Piercing
Cypress Longbow 10000 gp 1d8 1d10 7 lb Piercing
Dart Staff 15gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 1d4 Dart 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 1d4 Dart x2 Both 20ft Dart 5 lb. Bludgeoning Staff / Piercing Dart
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dueling Pistol 50 gp 1d8 2d6 ×3 50 ft. 5 lb. piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Dwarven Scattergun 2500 1d10 2d6 (18-20) x3 30 ft. 15 lb. Slashing
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Force Lance 1,000gp 1d6 1d6 30ft. 5lb Force 1,000gp 2d6 2d6 5lb Bludgeoning
Glass Arrows 25gp (each) Special 1/5
Goblin Arrows 1 gp (per 20) Piercing
Greatbow (3.5e Helvruin Equipment)
Hand Crossbow, Martial 30 gp 1d4 1d8 19-20/×2 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Handgun 30 gp 1d4 1d6 ×4 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Harquebus, Heavy 100 gp 1d8 1d10 ×4 120 ft 10 lbs Piercing
Harquebus, Light 70 gp 1d6 1d8 ×4 80 ft 6 lbs Piercing
High Tension Longbow Creation 2d6 2d8 ×3 150 ft. 1-1/2 lb. Piercing
Hobgoblin Arrows 1 gp (per 20) 4 lb (per 20) Piercing
Lasgun 400 gp 1d6 1d10 18-20/x2 120 ft 2 lb ½ Bludgeoning and ½ fire
Light Cannon
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Pistol 30 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Short Blade Bow 75gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 20/x3 for bow and 20/x2 for blade. 60ft 4lb Piecing/Slashing
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Shotgun, Shortened Western 70 gp 3d6 19-20/×2 15 ft. 6 lb. Piercing
Shotgun, Western 60 gp 2d6 18-20/×2 25 ft. 8 lb. Piercing
Siren's Song 75000 1d6 1d8 x3 100ft 3 lbs piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Throwing Knife 2 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 20 ft 1 lbs Piercing
Throwing Sword 12 gp 1d4 1d8 ×2 30 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Wheelock Pistol 300gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 50 ft 2 Piercing
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Exotic Weapons[edit]

Light Melee Weapons[edit]
Adamantine battle yo-yo of electric shock
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Barbed Stiletto 16 gp 1d4 1d6 17–20/×3 1 lb Piercing
Battle Yoyo
Bear-chucks 10 gp 1d4 1d6 20/×2 2 lb. Bludgeoning
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Bladed Fan 10 1d3 1d4 20/x2 1 lb Slashing
Bladed Gauntlet 30 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 2 lbs Piercing or Slashing
Boomerang 1 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 30 ft. 1/2 lb Bludgeoning
Boomerang, Combat 1 1d3 1d4 ×2 30 ft. 1/2 lb Bludgeoning
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Claw Gauntlet 500gp 1d4 1d6 2lb
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Dagger Whip 30 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20 x2 15 ft. 1 lb. Slashing
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Finger Blade 60 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 1 Piercing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Gale Boomerang
Great Cutlass 30 gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/×2 3 lbs Slashing
Hidden Blade 200gp 1d3 1d6 ×5 1lb Piercing/Slashing
Hidden Blade, Creed Variant 250gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 1 lb. Slashing or Piercing
Hobgoblin Trench Knife 20 gp 1d6/1d4 19-20/x2 3 lb Slashing & Piercing & Bludgeoning
Hook Swords 30gp 1d4 1d6 20x2 3
Iaito 300 1d6 1d8 19–20/×2 2.5 lb. Slashing
Iki Jime 2 gp 1d3 1d4 x3 1 lb. piercing
Kard 4gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/×2 10 ft 1 lbs. Piercing or slashing
Katana, Paragon 300 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20 x2 5 Slashing
Katana, Variant 200 1d8 1d10 19-20 x2 5 Slashing
Kpinga 25gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 20 ft 3-1/2 lb Slashing or Piercing
Long Blade Bow 100gp 1d6bow/1d8blade 1d8bow/1d10blade 20/x3 for bow and 19-20/x2 for blade. 90ft 8p Piecing/Slashing
Macuahuitl 18gp 1d4 1d6 20 4lbs See Text 30 gp 1d10 1d12 ×2 5 lb. See Text Below 60gp 3d4 4d4 20 6lbs See Text
Main Gauche 15gp 1d3 1d4 20/x3 3lbs piercing
Monk Bands 5gp * * x2 1lb Bludgeoning
Monk Electric Bands 500gp 1d12 1d12 19-20 x2 1lb Bludgeoning/electrical
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Nights Bane nocost 3d8 19-20 x2 2lb Slashing
Ninja of the hidden waters throwing needles - - 1 60ft - piercing
Pneumatic Gauntlet
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Pom-Pom 4 1d2 1d3 x2 1 Bludgeoning
Ribbon Blade 45 1d6 2d4 19-20 x2 10 ft. 3 Piercing or Slashing
Ribbon Whip 15 1d2 1d3 18-20/x2 0.5 Slashing
Senbon 1 gp/10 1d3 1d4 x2 10 ft. 1/2 lb. Piercing
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Shuriken Dagger 35gp 1d4 Dagger / 1 Shuriken 1d4 Dagger / 1d2 Shuriken 19-20/x2 Dagger / x2 Shuriken 10ft Both 2 lb. Slashing and Piercing (see text)
Slizzer 35 gp 1d4 1d6 17-20/x2 1 lb. Slashing
Snapdagger 10 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/×2 (special rules apply) 1 lb Piercing
Sosmunii saber 75 1d4 1d6 18-20/×2 2 lb. Piercing or Slashing
Stalker's Choice 200gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 2lbs Slashing/Piercing
Stiletto 16 gp 1d3 1d4 17–20/×2 1 lb Piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Surgical Claws 908 gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1lb. Slashing
Sword and Shield Umbrella 1d4/1d3 1d6/1d4 18-20 ×2 5 ft. 7 lbs Slashing, Bludgeoning
Sword of Day and Night
Sword, Hooked
Sylvaren Kama 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 10 ft. 1 3/4 lb
Syringe Dagger 25 gp 1d3 1d4 19–20/×2 10 ft. 1 lb. Piercing or slashing
Tanto 2 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/×2 1 lb. piercing
Throwing Dirk 12 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 20 ft 2 lbs Piercing or slashing
Tonfa 5 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 1 lb. Bludgeoning
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Ulak Blades
Urumi 150 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 10 ft. 2 lb. Slashing
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing
Wrist Claw 30 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 1 Piercing or Slashing

One-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Armitars 25 gp 2d4 1d6 17-20x2 10 lb Slashing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Basket-hilt Broadsword 25 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 3lb Slashing or Piercing
Bastard Sword of Luft 45,000 gp 1d8 1d10 ×2 6 lb. Slashing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Blood Drinker 225gp 1d6 1d8 x3 Adjacent 5 lbs(empty) Slashing
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Chainblade, Elven 1,530gp 1d6 1d8 18-20/×2 3 Slashing
Clockwork Apocrypha 500 gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/x2 155 lb slashing/piercing
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Combat Parasol 20 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 20/x3 or 18-20/x2 3 lbs Bludgeoning/Piercing and Slashing
Cut and Thrust Sword 25 gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/×2 3 lbs Piercing or slashing
Dagger Whip 30 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20 x2 15 ft. 1 lb. Slashing
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dragon's Toothed Whip 100 gp 1d6 1d8 18-20×3 8 lb. Slashing
Dual Dagger 15gp 1d3/1d3 1d4/1d4 19-20/ x2/19-20/ x2 10 ft 3lbs Piercing or Slashing
Dueling Katana 40gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 3lbs Slashing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Dwarven Light Lance 20 gp 1d4 1d6 ×3 5 lb. Piercing
Faer'tali Eru
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Gauntlet Sword 50 gp 1d8 1d10 20/x3 5 lbs. Slashing or Piercing
Greatclub, Variant 1d8 1d10 ×2 10 ft 8 lb Bludgeoning
Grosses Messer 30 gp 2d4 2d6 x2 6 lb. Slashing
Gunblade 50 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 60 ft 8 lb Piercing 50 gp 1d3 1d4 ×3 8 lb Slashing
Gunblade FFVIII 50 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 8 lb Slashing 50 gp 2d6 2d8 ×2 30 ft 8 lb Piercing
Gunlance 15 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 15 lb. Piercing
Harlyn 100gp 1d6 1d8 18-20 x2 4 lbs Slashing or Piercing
Hobgoblin Warspear 16 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 19-20 12 lbs Piercing
Jiujiebian 15 1d4 1d6 ×2 Slashing
Jutte 1 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 1lb. Bludgeoning
Jutte, Variant 1 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 2 lb. bludgeoning
Katana, Double Bladed 400gp 2d10 3d10 17-20/x2 -


6 lb Slashing
Katana, Paragon 300 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20 x2 5 Slashing
Katana, Variant 200 1d8 1d10 19-20 x2 5 Slashing
Kite Shield
Leprechaun Shillelagh 5 gp 1d4 x2 Bludgeoning
Lomepick 15g 1d6 1d6 x4/x2 8lb Slashing or Piercing
Macuahuitl 18gp 1d4 1d6 20 4lbs See Text 30 gp 1d10 1d12 ×2 5 lb. See Text Below 60gp 3d4 4d4 20 6lbs See Text
Main Gauche 15gp 1d3 1d4 20/x3 3lbs piercing
Masakari 10 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 6 lb. slashing/piercing
Mercurial Weapons
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Nights Bane nocost 3d8 19-20 x2 2lb Slashing
Ninja of the hidden waters throwing needles - - 1 60ft - piercing
Ninja-To 25 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 2 lb. slashing or piercing (read text)
Odachi 40 1d10 1d12 19-20/x2 7lb Slashing
Orc Battle-Blade 30 gp 1d10 1d12 ×2 10 lbs Slashing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Retractable arm sword (s) 200gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 4 lb. piercing and slashing
Retractable Bastard Sword 50gp 1d8 1d10 x2 8 lbs Slashing & pericing
Retracting Blade 200 gp 1d3 1d4 19–20/×2 Melee 5 lb. Piercing
Reverse Blade
Ribbon Blade 45 1d6 2d4 19-20 x2 10 ft. 3 Piercing or Slashing
Rift Forceblade Not Sold 1d10 1d12 x3 5' 0 slashing
Shield, Broad
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Shuang Gou 10 gp 1d6 2d4 ×4 3 lb. Slashing
Sica 25gp 1d6 1d8 x2 8lbs. Slashing and Piercing
Snake-Sword 50 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Snake-Sword, Variant 50 2d3 2d4 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Snapdagger 10 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/×2 (special rules apply) 1 lb Piercing
Soshokzii Great Knife
Sosmunii saber 75 1d4 1d6 18-20/×2 2 lb. Piercing or Slashing
Spatha 10 gp 1d6 2d4 18-20/×2 12 lb. Slashing
Spellbreaker Glaive 100 gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 19-20/×2 10 lb. Slashing
Spirit Staff
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Sword and Shield Umbrella 1d4/1d3 1d6/1d4 18-20 ×2 5 ft. 7 lbs Slashing, Bludgeoning
Sword Chucks 40gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 5 lb. Slashing
Sword of Day and Night
Thorn Sword 15gp 1d6/1d4 2d4/1d6 x3 3lbs. Piercing or Slashing
Throwing Glaive, Variant 20gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 10ft 6lb Slashing
Titan Cleaver
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Tsurugi 35 1d8 1d10 2.5 lbs
Ulak Blades
Urumi 150 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 10 ft. 2 lb. Slashing
War Sickle 50 gp 1d8 1d10 ×2 6 lb. Slashing
Warmaul 15 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 8 lb Slashing or Bludgeoning
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Whip, barbed 3 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 4 lb. Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing

Two-Handed Melee Weapons[edit]
Alondite 18–20/×3 Piercing or slashing
Anchor & Chain 20 gp 1d6 1d8 18-20/x4 100 lb. Bludgeoning
Ankh Staff 75g 1d4/1d3 1d6/1d4 x2 6lb Bludgeoning
Astramentous * 2d12 19-20/x4 24 slashing
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Axle Auger Ranseur 56 gp 1d6 [1d8*] 1d8 [1d10*] x3 [x4*] 16 lbs. Piercing
Ball and Chain 40gp 1d6 1d8 20/x4 100 lb. Bludgeoning
Bat'leth 150gp 1d6 2d4 19-20/x3 12 Piercing and slashing
Battle Scythe 75 1d10 2d6 ×4 - 12 lb. piercing or slashing
Bauernwehr 6 gp 2d2 2d3 x2 2 lb. Slashing
Beta Lance 50 1d10 2d6 19-20/×3 18 lb. Slashing and Piercing
Bidenhander 100 gp 2d6 2d8 19–20/×2 12 lb. Slashing
Black Crystal Razor 2500 3d6 3d10 18-20x3 80 ft. 15 lb. Piercing, Slashing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Bolas Whip 25 gp 1d3 1d4 (18-20/×2)/×3 20ft 4 lb Bludgeoning
Bow-Sword 250 1d6/1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8/1d8 x2 80 ft. 15 lb. Piercing, Slashing
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Broadaxe, Dwarven 80 gp 2d6 2d8 ×3 16 lb. Slashing
Buster Sword 200gp 2d6 2d8 18-20/x2 60 lb Slashing
Butcher Axe 100gp 2d10 4d6 ×4 30 lb. Slashing
Cannon Spear 90gp 1d10 x3 25 lb. Piercing 20gp 2d6 x3 30 ft. 10 lb. bludgeoning
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Chain, Weighted 25 1d4 1d6 ×2 14 lb. Bludgeoning
Chainsaw 600 1d10 2d6 20/x4 10 lb Slashing
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Combat Fishing Rod
Destructive Axe 100gp 1d10 1d12 x2 30lbs Slashing damage
Discblade 200 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 lb Slashing
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Double Kusarigama 125 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 ×2 10 lb. Piercing and Slashing
Double Trident 20 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 ft. 6 lb. Piercing
Dueling Shield 40gp 1d6 1d8 x2 50lb. piercing or bludgeoning
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Eku - 1d4 1d6 x2 6lb bludgeoning
Elvaren Greatsword 1000 gp 1d10 2d6 18–20/×3 7 lbs Piercing or slashing
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Fullblade, Variant 60 gp 2d6 2d8 19-20/x2 12 lb Slashing
Garotte, Variant 1 gp see text see text Slashing
Gonnestafe 500gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 2d6 Bullet 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 2d8 Bullet 19-20/x2 50ft 12 lb. Bludgeoning or Piercing
Grand Piano 1000 1d10 3d6 x2 20 300 Bludgeoning
Great Annulat 50 gp 1d6 2d4 18–20/×2 15 ft. 20 lb. Slashing
Great Cleaver 30 1d8 1d10 x3 16 lb. Slashing
Greatspear 25 gp 1d10 2d6 ×3 10' 9 lb. Piercing
Gunlance 15 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 15 lb. Piercing
Hammer of Ancients
Jet Hammer Bludgeoning
Kakamas 1d6 2d4 19-20x3 1.8kg slashing
Kamayari 4 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 10 ft 4 lb. Slashing
Knochenbrecher 45 gp 2d6 2d8 x2 8 lb. Slashing
Kriegsmesser 165 gp 1d8 1d12 20/x3 6lb Slashing and Piercing
Kusari-fundo 25 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 10 ft 10 lb. bludgeoning
L'étreinte de Croyant 50 1d10 2d6 19-20/×3 20 lb. Slashing and Piercing
Lajatang 90 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 ×2 7 lb. Slashing
Liu Xing Chui 30g 1d4+1 1d6+1 ×2 5 lbs. Bludgeoning
Long Blade Bow 100gp 1d6bow/1d8blade 1d8bow/1d10blade 20/x3 for bow and 19-20/x2 for blade. 90ft 8p Piecing/Slashing
Longstaff 15 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 ×2 6 lbs. Bludgeoning
Mace, Orc Tribal 70 gp 2d8 3d6 ×2 20 lb. Bludgeoning
Macuahuitl 18gp 1d4 1d6 20 4lbs See Text 30 gp 1d10 1d12 ×2 5 lb. See Text Below 60gp 3d4 4d4 20 6lbs See Text
Mankiri 12 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 10 lb. bludgeoning
Mechanical buster sword 700gp 2d6 2d8 18-20/x2 80 lb slashing
Megaton Hammer 2500 2d8 2d10 x4 600 lb Bludgeoning and piercing
Mercurial Weapons
Meteor Hammer 500gp 1d8/1d8 1d10/1d10 19–20/×2 16 lb. Bludgeoning
Meteor Hammer, Variant 5-150GP 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 20/20-x2/x2 melee 7-52lbs bludeoning 5-150GP 1d10/1d10 1d12/1d12 17-20/17-20 x3/x3 melee 5-50lbs+total oil weight bludeoning
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Moon Staff 250 1d6 2d4 ×2 18 Bludgeoning
Nevan Guitar Scythe 100gp 1d8 2d8 ×4 30 lb. Slashing
Nodachi 100 gp 1d8 2d6 18-20/x2 6 lb. Slashing
Nodachi, Variant 500 1d10 1d12 18-20 x2 10 Slashing
Orc Dreadaxe 50 gp 2d6 3d6 x3 20 lb Slashing
Planar Blade of True Striking 2d8 2d10 19/20x3 melee * slashing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Portable Guillotine 50 1d4 1d6 x2 40ft vertical, 15ft horizontal 5lb Piercing and Slashing
Quake Hammer 150 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 10 lb Bludgeoning
Razor Spider Wire & Threaders 3500gp 1d6+Dex 1d8+Dex 18-20 x3 15 ft. 10 lb. Piercing/Slashing
Reverse Blade
Rift Forceblade Not Sold 1d10 1d12 x3 5' 0 slashing
Ring Blade 300 gp 1d10 2d6 18-20/x2 20 lb. Slashing
Rope Axe 20 gp 1d10 1d12 ×2 12 lb. Slashing
Rope Dart 5gp 1d6 1d8 x3 5',10',15' 2 lbs Piercing
Salvation-From-Perdition 16000 gp 1d10+5 2d6+5 18-20/x2 10 ft. 20lb. Slashing
Sasumata 8 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 8 lb. blugeoning
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Sledgehammer 40 gp 2d6 2d8 ×3 14 lb. Bludgeoning
Sodegarami 5 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 10 ft 9 lb. piercing
Soshokzii Great Knife
Soshotii Morningmallet
Spirit Staff
Steam Sword 500gp 1d10 19–20/×2 10lb Slashing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Sword Chucks 40gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 5 lb. Slashing
Sword, Ambit 100 gp 1d10 2d6 19-20/×2 -- 12 lb. Slashing
Tallenta Sharrash 18 gp 1d8 1d10 19-20/x4 10 lb Piercing and Slashing
Three-Section Staff 2 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 4 lb. Bludgeoning
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Tsukobo 5 gp 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 ft 9 lb. bludgeoning
Tsurugi 35 1d8 1d10 2.5 lbs
Warsword 45 1d10 1d12 19/20x2 7 Slashing
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing
Zanbato 160 gp 1d10 2d6 18-20/x2 12lb. Slashing

Ranged Weapons[edit]
Advanced Revolver 40 1d10 2d6 ×4 50 ft 2 Piercing
Arkana Handgun 500 gp 1d10 2d6 x4 60 ft. 2 lb. Force
Automatic Crossbow 10000 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 25 ft 5
Bazooka 250 gp 2d6 3d6 ×2 100 ft. 13 lb. Piercing
Belly Bow 50gp 1d10 1d12 x4 140 ft. 10 lb. Piercing
Black Crystal Razor 2500 3d6 3d10 18-20x3 80 ft. 15 lb. Piercing, Slashing
Blade of Seven Souls 1d8 2d8 2lb
Bladebow 55 1d6 1d8 20-x3 110 ft or 5ft 6 lbs piercing or slashing
Blunderbuss 63 gp 1d10 2d6 ×3 20 ft. (one-handed), 30 ft. (two-handed) 5 lb. Piercing
Bolas Whip 25 gp 1d3 1d4 (18-20/×2)/×3 20ft 4 lb Bludgeoning
Boltgun 500 1d10 2d6 20/x3 120 10 Piercing
Boomerang 1 gp 1d3 1d4 ×2 30 ft. 1/2 lb Bludgeoning
Boomerang, Combat 1 1d3 1d4 ×2 30 ft. 1/2 lb Bludgeoning
Bow Gun, heavy 1200gp 1d10 2d6 x3 180 ft. 18 lbs. Piercing
Bow Gun, light 750gp 1d8 1d10 x3 150 ft. 9 lbs. Piercing
Bow-Sword 250 1d6/1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8/1d8 x2 80 ft. 15 lb. Piercing, Slashing
Broad Sword 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing
Cannon Spear 90gp 1d10 x3 25 lb. Piercing 20gp 2d6 x3 30 ft. 10 lb. bludgeoning
Cat Launcher 50 gp 1d6* 1d6* 20/x3 20 ft. 18 lb
Chain of Bound Brothers 8,000 1d6+3 1d8+3 player
Colin's Sniper Crossbow 20000 1d10 2d10 17-20/x3 100ft 20
Crossbow, Double Barreled 1000gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/×2 80 ft. 10 lb. Piercing
Crossbow, Shielded 100 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 120 ft. 24 Piercing
Crossbow, Wrist
Dagger Whip 30 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20 x2 15 ft. 1 lb. Slashing
Deck of Cards
Double Glaive 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 up to 10 ft total range, see below 10 lb slashing or piercing
Dwarven Battle Tankard 25 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 8 Bludgeoning
Falx 10 gp 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 10 lb. Slashing
Fire Arrow 10 gp +1d6 +2d6 -15 ft. 3 lb.
Flak Repeater 1100 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 30 ft. 2 lb. Piercing and Slashing
Foot-Bow 150 gp 1d12 x3 180 ft 4 lb
Francisca 12 1d4 1d6 20/×2 10 ft. 2 Slashing
Fukiya 1gp 1d3 1d4 x2 30 ft. 1/2 lb. piercing
Gale Boomerang
Gatling Gun, Variant 175 Gp 1d3 1d4 80
Gnome Dart 1 gp 1d3 x2 20 Piercing
Gonnestafe 500gp 1d4/1d4 Staff \ 2d6 Bullet 1d6/1d6 Staff \ 2d8 Bullet 19-20/x2 50ft 12 lb. Bludgeoning or Piercing
Great Harquebus, Heavy 200 gp 1d10 2d6 ×4 120 ft 12 lbs Piercing
Great Harquebus, Light 140 gp 1d8 1d10 ×4 80 ft 8 lbs Piercing
Great Musket, Heavy 200 gp 2d6 2d8 ×3 120 ft 12 lbs Piercing
Great Musket, Light 140 gp 1d10 2d6 ×3 80 ft 8 lbs Piercing
Greatclub, Variant 1d8 1d10 ×2 10 ft 8 lb Bludgeoning
Gunblade 50 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 60 ft 8 lb Piercing 50 gp 1d3 1d4 ×3 8 lb Slashing
Gunblade FFVIII 50 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 8 lb Slashing 50 gp 2d6 2d8 ×2 30 ft 8 lb Piercing
Gunlance 15 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 15 lb. Piercing
Hammer of Dawn 1d3 1d4 19–20/×2 30 ft (crossbow), 240' (flame strike) 4 lb. Piercing
Hand Crossbow, Assassin's 150gp 1d4 1d4 19-20/x2 30ft 2 lb. Piercing
Hand Crossbow, Repeating
Handgun, Exotic 40 gp 1d6 1d8 ×4 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Harpoon 250 gp 1d10 2d8 19-20/×2 120 ft. 50 lb. Piercing
Heavy Repeating Crossbow, Pump-action 450 D8 D10 19-20/x2 120 ft. 14 Piercing
Hexagun 400 gp 2d8 2d10 ×3 60 ft. 4 lb Piercing
High calibur rifle 4800gp 4d6 6d6 x4 500ft piercing
Hobbit Sling 1 gp 1d4 x2 50 ft Bludgeoning
Horsebow 400gp 3d4* 3d6* 19-20/see description 240 ft 15 Peircing
Jiujiebian 15 1d4 1d6 ×2 Slashing
Knife Blade 1 gp 1d3 1d4 x3 20 ft. 1/2 lb. Piercing or Slashing
Long Blade Bow 100gp 1d6bow/1d8blade 1d8bow/1d10blade 20/x3 for bow and 19-20/x2 for blade. 90ft 8p Piecing/Slashing
M24 Sniper 1600 2d10 2d10 20/x4 200 ft. 16 lbs. Piercing
Magic Gun, Pistol
Magic Gun, Rifle
Magic Rocket Ammo Varies 8d6 10d6 1 lb. Varies (default fire)
Mini-Gatling 1d10 1d12 30
Momonga Windhatchet 40gp 1d4 1d6 20/x2 20 feet. 2 lbs. Slashing
Monkey King Enma 0 1d8 1d10 18-20/x2 5ft. 0 bludgeoning
Mosin Nagant 100gp na D10 (19-20) *3 200ft 10lb Piercing
Needles 1gp/10 1d2 1d3 x2 20ft 1/20 lb piercing
Ninja of the hidden waters throwing needles - - 1 60ft - piercing
Overseer 300 gp 4d4+4 x3 70 ft 230 lbs piercing
P-83 Colt Wadjyt 300g 1d6 2d4 ×3 60 feet 4 lbs Piercing
Pistol, Alchemist's Breachload 100 gp 2d4 2d6 19-20/x3 40 3 lb. Piercing
Pistol, Exotic 40 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 50 ft 2 lbs Piercing
Poignet de Sang 100gp 1d3 1d4 18-20/x2 1
Portable Guillotine 50 1d4 1d6 x2 40ft vertical, 15ft horizontal 5lb Piercing and Slashing
Powder firearms (based off DM guide) 500gp 1d10 1d12 19/20 X3 60ft 10lb piercing
Psychostazi Blaster Pistol 10,000 gp 1d3 1d4 19–20/×2 30 ft. 2 lb. Piercing
Razor Spider Wire & Threaders 3500gp 1d6+Dex 1d8+Dex 18-20 x3 15 ft. 10 lb. Piercing/Slashing
Rebel Matchlock 50 gp 1d12 2d10 x3 100 ft. 5 Piercing
Revolver 100GP 2d8 2d10 x4 50 feet 8 lb Piercing
Revolver, Alchemist's 200 1d6 2d4 18-20/x3 50 2 lb. Piercing
Revolver, Single-Action 100 gp. 2d4 x4 40 ft. 4 lb. Bludgeoning & Piercing
Revolver, Variant 500gp 2d6 2d10 65ft 8lb Piercing
Rifle, Alchemist's Breachload 175 gp 2d4 2d6 19-20/x3 120 5 lb. Piercing
Rifle, Repeating Heavy Western 150 gp 1d12 ×2 120 ft. 10 lb. Piercing
Rifle, Repeating Western 100 gp 1d8 19-20/×2 80 ft. 8 lb. Piercing
Rocket Launcher 1500 8d6 10d6 20/x3 90 ft. 8 lb. Special (see below)
Rotary Gun, Western 1500 gp 2d12 ×2 160 ft. 30 lb. Piercing
RWBY Dust and Bullets
Shotgun, Combat - - - x3 15ft - piercing
Shotgun, Revolving Western 200 gp 1d8 18-20/×2 25 ft. 10 lb. Piercing
Six Shooter 1200gp 1d10 2d6 x3 40ft. 4lb. Piercing
Sniper Rifle 400 1d10 3d6 20/x4 150 ft. 12 lbs. Piercing
Spikra 100gp 1d2 1d3 4lb
Spite & Malice
Steam Pistol 65 gp 1d10 18-20/X2 30 ft. Fire
Steambolt Minigun 450 gp 10d6 10d8 120 ft. 22 lb. Piercing
Steambolt Rifle 300 gp 2d6 2d8 18-20/×2 120 ft. 16 lb. Piercing
Surgeon's scalpel 8gp 1d2 1d3 (20)x4 10 ft 1/4 lb. (slashing or piercing)
Throwing Dirk 12 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 20 ft 2 lbs Piercing or slashing
Tonfa, Bladed 5 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20×2 5 lb. Slashing
Urumi 150 gp 1d4 1d6 18–20/×2 10 ft. 2 lb. Slashing
Warwhip 35 1d6 1d8 20/x2 4 Slashing
Whaling Cannon 350 gp 2d8 2d12 16-20/×2 200 ft. 50 lb. Piercing
Whip Sword 100 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/x3 15 ft* 6 lb Piercing or Slashing
Wire 1 gp2 1d33 1d43 ×4 5 ft. Bludgeoning or Slashing (read below)
Wolf Tooth Club 40 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 12 lb. Bludgeoning and Piercing
Yumi, Daikyu 75 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 100 ft. 3 lb. piercing
Yumi, Hankyu 30 gp 1d4 1d6 ×3 60 ft. 2 lb. piercing

3.5e Weapon Preload
Acid Arrow/Bolt base ammunition cost +15 base damge +1d4+1 base damage +1d4+1 same as weapon same as weapon base ammunition weight piercing
Ascûdgamln 15,000 * 1d6 20, ×2 Melee 5lb Bludgeoning
Barbed Spear
Bladed Cape 150 2d4 3d4 19-20 ×2 5ft 4 lb. Slashing
Blazing Knuckle 1500gp 1D6 +1 fire X2 5ft 2lb Bludgeoning
Blunderbuss, Bullets
Bow Of the Dragon Hunter No 1d8 1d10 18-20x2 200ft 10lbs Piercing/Slashing
Broadswords family ("messers") x2 Slashing
Cartridges 1 gp 1 lb
Cold Arrow/Bolt base ammunition cost +1000 base damge +1d4 base damage +1d4 same as weapon same as weapon base ammunition weight piercing
Combat Shovel
Dragon Scaled Greater Sword 500 gp 3d6 4d6 19-20/x2 5 ft. for large and below 10 ft. for huge 25 ft. for all above huge 15lb Slashing or Piercing
Duel Bladed Gauntlet 30 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 Touch 2 lbs Piercing Unarmed
Duom 20 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 8 lb. Piercing
Dwarven Fist 1d6 1d8 20/x2 bludgeoning
Dwarven Speargun 3000 2d12 4d10 ×3 200 ft 30 lb Peircing
Etelehta 150gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 5 lb. Piercing or Slashing
Fencing Cutlass 400 1d6 1d8 18-20x2 5 Slashing
Flak Pellet 3 1 lb.
Good bye 400 0 0 5lb
Gormax 40 gp 1d10 1d12 20x3 - 8lbs S
Great Han Sword 250g 1d10 2d6 18-20/x2 6lb Slashing
Great Scythe 500 gp 2d6 2d8 x4 10 feet 14 piercing and slashing
Greatclub, Simple 5 gp 1d8 1d10 x2 8 lbs. Bludgeoning
Hachiwara 15 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20x3 1 1/2 lb Slashing or Piercing
Handgun (Tome of tech) 1500 gp 1d6 1d8 X4 .125-2 lbs "3/4 piercing and 1/4 bludgeoning"
Heavy Chains 55gp 1d6 2d6 20/×2 20 ft (raises by 10 per size category after medium) 50lb Varies
Heavy Morningstar 40gp 1d8 1d12 19-20 x2 10' 32 Bludgeoning and Piercing
Honor of the Howler
Horseman's Pick 50 gp 1d8 1d10 ×2/x3 5 lb Bludgeoning/Piercing
Huntsman's Friend 19gp 1d3 1d4
Hypo Canister
Hypo Pistol
Ji 10g 1d6 1d10 19-20/x2 10ft 8lb Slashing And Piercing
Jigoku no ha 3000 1d8 1d10 18-20 x3 12 ilbs
Longsword of the Assassin 22,000 1d6 1d8 18–20/×2 6 Piercing and Slashing
Meat Cleaver 6gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x3 2lbs Slashing
Mog Sword 30gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 10 feet 3 lbs Slashing
Monk Staff of Bahamut
Muckrakers 50sp 1d4 20/x2 4lbs Piercing
Nonmagical Saresword 0 gp, 30 sp 1d8 1d20 18–20/×2 3 lbs Piercing or slashing
Olexan Glaive 9gp 1d10 1d12 19-20/x3 20 ft. 7 lb. Slashing and Piercing
Pistol Bullets, Western
Plentiful Sling Bullet Pouch 500 gp 2-½ lb.
Pugil Batons of the Arch-Trickster 20,000 gp 2d6/2d6 2d8/2d8 19-20/x3 40ft 10 lb. Magical, Force
Rifle Cartridges
Rounds, Pistol 10 gp 5 lb.
Rounds, Rifle 10 gp 5 lb.
Runeblade nocost 1d12 20 5 noweight slashing
Sakabato 500 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 or 18-20/x3 6 Bludgeoning or Slashing and Piercing
Serpent Fang 200 gp 1d6
Shamshir 15 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 4 slash
Sharp Gauntlet 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/×2 1 lb Piercing and Slashing
Shot, Heavy 2 gp 1d2 1d4 x2 20 ft. 3 lb. bludgeoning
Shotgun, Pump Action 17 gp 1d2/1d4 1d4/1d8 19-20/x3 30 feet 9 lbs piercing
Shrapnel bullet 5 gp 5 lb.
Siege Iron Cube
Snap Hammer 20gp 1d6 (sunder bonus, +1d4) 1d8 (sunder bonus, +1d6) x2 (sunder bonus, 19-20/x2) 5 ft. 5 lb. bludgeoning
Snap Sword 60 gp 1d8 (+sunder bonus, varying damage; see description) 2d6 (+sunder bonus, varying damage; see description) x2 5 lb. slashing
Sonn-Sabrak 20gp 1d10 1d12 x3 10lbs Piercing
Soul Sword nocost
Staff of the Aqua Fairy none 1d10 1d12 7.5lbs
Staff Weapon 250 gp 1d8 2d4 ×3 100 ft. 10 lb Piercing
Striscia 35 gp 1d6 1d8 18-20/x2 3lb Piercing
Thrasher Gauntlet 25 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2 Touch 2 lbs. Bludgeoning
Throwing Dagger 1 sp 7 cp 1d3 1d4 19-20 x2 20 ft 1 lb. Piercing
War Poule 2 gp None (variant; 1) None (variant; 1d2) x2 10 ft. 3 lb. None (variant; piercing)
Warglaive 80 1d10/1d10 2d6/2d6 19-20/x2 4 lb.
Weapons of the Three Kingdoms (Three Kingdoms)
Winchester Rifle 150 gp. 2d6 10 lb.
Windcleaver 10,000gp 1d6+1 1d10+1 10lbs

  1. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
  2. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies “and,” either type (player’s choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies “or,” or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies “/.”
  3. The weapon deals nonlethal damage rather than lethal damage.
  4. Reach weapon.
  5. Double weapon.

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