Siege Iron Cube (3.5e Equipment)

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This "weapon" is rather strange one. It is, quite literally, a cube of mind-boggling size, made entirely of iron. It's created by using Polymorph Any Object to permanently (Same Kingdom, Same Class, Same Intellect) turn small piece of iron (such as Iron Coin/Iron Piece) into said Siege Iron Cube; often, this is done when flying above enemy positions, what results in Siege Iron Cube falling down and crushing everything in it's way; it can also be created on or near ground, to block and crush things. If thrown from very high point in atmosphere, it makes kinetic explosion matching, or even rivaling, nuclear and thermonuclear bombs; otherwise, it crushes everything under it like mountain-sized hydraulic press - and once it stops, it stays there like massive wall. Later it can be dismantled for materials and/or sold.

Siege Iron Cube is cube of x*x*x feet, and can be conjured in variety of sizes. Usually, it's not smaller than 30*30*30 feet - but can be created in any size, such as 90*90*90 (what is already massive), 200*200*200, 1000*1000*1000, and so on - with no upper limit whatsoever. Cube fills up it's corresponding area on battlefield - for example, 90*90*90 feet cube will indeed fill up 18*18*18 squares on field.

Another variety of this weapon are cubical or spherical bombs of equally epic proportion - such as, for example, Black powder (1.65 g/ml density, 400 m/s detonation velocity, 0,55 TNT Equivalent effectiveness). Such bombs can do more damage than iron cubes of same massive size (e.g. black powder bomb with 90-feet radius - or maybe 1000 feet radius; etc). Usually, damage is so big what you don't even need to calculate it (and calculation of such is more akin to calculation of Tsar Bomba damaging the territory) - bomb of such massive size is Weapon Of Mass Destruction comparable to, or stronger than, Earth's strongest nuclear and thermonuclar munitions. Sufficiently big ones can blow up entire moon or planet - what is especially glaring, considering you can conjure bomb bigger than said planets in question.

For mass, use mass calculator - and go search for all other needed calculators, like volume, explosion power, density, etc.

Since it's just enormous objects without any kind of magic, they can be created with Polymorph Any Object. Since it's always created with Polymorph Any Object, cost is no object. Iron cube costs 1 Silver Piece for every pound; for example, 90*90*90 cube will weight 358345310.88026 Pounds - and cost 35834531,09 GP.

Originally proposed on TvTropes, on "Polymorph Any Object" part. Was later adapted on TvTropes for "True Polymorph" use.

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