Goedendag (3.5e Equipment)

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Martial Two-Handed
Critical: 20x2 or 20x3 (see text below)
Range Increment:
Type: Piercing or Bludgeoning (see text below)
Hardness: 10
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * * 1
Diminutive * * 1
Tiny * * 2
Small 10g 1d8x3 or 1d10x2 6 lbs. 5
Medium 10g 1d10x3 or 1d12x2 (see text below) 8 lbs. 10
Large 20g 1d12x3 or 2d6x2 16 lbs. 20
Huge * * 40
Gargantuan * * 80
Colossal * * 160
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

The goedendag is a hybrid weapon between a spear and a mace: it is a long stick with a cross guard on the end, specializing in dismounting cavalry and supporting the front rank of pikemen in battle lines. Its main use is in coordinated infantry charges at cavalry with the spear, before using the crossguard to club any enemies unfortunate enough to get within reach, expecially when they are dismounted cavalrymen. A Goedendag exist under various shape and dimensione, but the most common type has a two-handed nature and it's used by humans: the goedendag can be used as a piercing weapon (in that case the wielder gains +2 aginst mounted enemies we have a 1d10 with 20x3 critical) or as a bludgeoning weapon (in that cases it delivers 1d12 with 20x2 critical).

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