Quake Hammer (3.5e Equipment)

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Quake Hammer
Exotic Two-Handed Melee
Critical: ×3
Range Increment:
Type: Bludgeoning
Hardness: 15
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * 1d3 * 1
Diminutive * 1d4 * 1
Tiny * 1d6 * 3
Small 150 gp 1d8 5 lb 7
Medium 150 gp 1d10 10 lb 15
Large 300 gp 2d6 20 lb 30
Huge * 3d6 * 60
Gargantuan * 4d6 * 120
Colossal * 6d6 * 240
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

A Quake Hammer is a highly advanced hybrid mix of the almighty warhammer and newly developed seismic gunpowder charges. On its own, the Hammer is powerful, able to fold enemies in two with powerful smashes capable of leveling plate armor, large beasts such as horses and even the most heavily fortified of foes.

Roughly the same length as a greatsword, the quake hammer contains along its shaft two separate grips including on the lower half a guard for the off hand. The hammerhead has two clear parts: a simple, square, flattened end for regular usage and then another more intricate end which is dome-like in construction compiled of several rings, all with the ability to rotate freely. When the small circular hatch is opened at the apex of the dome and a charge is inserted, the quake hammer can activate the explosive and channel the released energy into the next attack, triggering upon impact of the head meeting a solid object.

The quake hammer cannot be wielded at all unless the character has the appropriate exotic weapon proficiency.


Using this feature requires the purchase of a seismic gunpowder charge. Once purchased, roll 1d6 + 4 after obtaining to calculate how many time the charge can be triggered before becoming completely spent. Loading the charge into the quake hammer is a standard action which provokes an attack of opportunity. The amount of time and effort taken to reload a Quake Hammer is affected by the Rapid Reload feat.

Once the charge is loaded, priming it is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. After this, the next hit landed upon a solid surface, including environment and enemies, will deal an extra 1d6 on top of weapon damage, regardless of weapon size. You may only have one charge primed at any one time. It may be discharged harmlessly as a free action.

Instead of targeting a singular foe, the character my instead choose to strike the ground, creating a miniature quake. All creatures on the ground within 10' of the wielder must succeed on a Reflex save of DC 12 + the character’s Strength Modifier or take 1d6 + the character’s Strength Modifier in damage. All targets affected by the damage must then roll a Fortitude save DC equal to the damage dealt or be knocked prone.

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