Siren's Song (3.5e Equipment)

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Siren's Song
Martial Two-Handed
Critical: x3
Range Increment: 100ft
Type: piercing
Hardness: 20
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * 1d2 * 1
Diminutive * 1d3 * 3
Tiny * 1d4 * 6
Small 75000 1d6 1.5 lbs 12
Medium 75000 1d8 3 lbs 25
Large 150000 1d10 6 lbs 50
Huge * 2d6 * 100
Gargantuan * 3d6 * 200
Colossal * 4d6 * 400
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

This seemingly normal - yet beautifully engraved - elven silver harp bears the insignia of Mystra. In untrained hands, this harp is nothing more than a mere instrument, although the notes played by this harp are soft, and stunningly gorgeous to the ear. In the hands of a trained Bard, however, the harp comes alive with power. The notes played almost become tangible forces of power, taking on the form of white arrows that "sing" through the air and strike true against many opponents.

This silver harp has two purposes. In the hands of anyone other than a Bard, this functions as a nonmagical masterwork stringed instrument. However, a Bard trained in combat with a Longbow may utilize this harp as such: a +3 Good-Aligned silver longbow with multiple enchantments placed upon the strings. The Siren's Song creates unlimited ammunition in the form of white, sonic arrows; that when striking a target, deal an increased 1d12 Sonic damage to the target. Against evil-aligned creatures, this increased damage becomes 2d12 Sonic. In addition, whenever the harp strikes a target under the effects of a spell with the [evil] descriptor, it has a chance (1d20+15 vs. the caster level of the spell) to instantly dispel the enchantment.

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