Flak Pellet (3.5e Equipment)

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Flak Pellets
Range Increment:
Hardness: 10
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * * 1
Diminutive * * 1
Tiny * * 1
Small 3 0.5 lb. 1
Medium 3 1 lb. 1
Large 6 2 lb. 2
Huge * * 4
Gargantuan * * 8
Colossal * * 16
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

Flak Pellets are small beanbags filled with various sharp metallic debris, such as ball bearings, shredding, and needles. It is a dangerous chaotic concoction in a mildly fire retardant bag. The bag keeps it in roughly round shape during it's fiery journey from the exploding chamber of the Flak Repeater gun it is fired from typically, up to 30 ft. before the intense heat begins to disintegrate the bag casing and releasing a rapidly expanding cloud of knives. Flak Pellets come in rectangular spring loaded boxes called clips, which hold up to 15 shots. Once a flak pellet is used, ammo is considered destroyed.

Prices and weights are for a clip of flak pellets. Flak Pellets are treated as any other projectile weapon ammunition for the purposes of masterwork cost, magical/psionic enhancement, and spells.

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