Creatures with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
- 'Dude'
- Aatrox, the Darkin Blade
- Abdullah the Slaver
- Abraham
- Adamantine Guard
- Advanced Battle Shikigami (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Airdrake
- Ajin Soldier
- Aknamkanon
- Akoum Hellhound
- Akura'm Soldier
- Alia Borealis
- Ancient Purple Titanium Dragon
- Angel of Perverseness
- Ano (Corrupted)
- Ao Oni
- Apocalypse Knight Summon Necro Soul
- Arcane
- Archer, Variant 2
- Arcovinge
- Ardofail
- Artorias the Abysswalker
- Asmodeus
- Astra (Valorant)
- Audax
- Avatar of Myrkul
- Avatar, Source of Imagination and Destruction
- Azazog, The Black King
- Bahamut, God Form
- Bahamut, God of Metallic Dragons
- Bai Tian Xian
- Battle Servant
- Behemoth
- Behemoth (FFXI)
- Berserker GUTs
- Betelgeuse
- Big Turtle
- Black Dragon Crime Lord, Kabal Variant
- Black Dragon Crime Lord, Kano Variant
- Black Dragon Pyromaniac
- Black Dragon Sprinter
- Black Dragon Swordmaster
- Black Plague Corruption Disease)
- Blackhound
- Blazen Soul
- Blight Ganon I
- Blighted Bat
- Blood Dragon Construct
- Bloodbeast
- Boreas God of Ice and Death
- Brckven
- Brimstone (Valorant)
- Brood Mother
- Burst Wyvern
- Byrgen (FFXI)
- Calypso, the Night Stalker
- Candice Catnipp
- CatNap
- Chinthe
- Chocolich: Fallout Variant
- Chromatic Prism Dragon
- Cicada
- Clodsire
- Cold One, Variant
- Colossal Squid
- Commoner Swarm
- Corrupted Citizen
- Crazed Piranha
- Cthulhu
- Daikaiju
- Darkeater Midir
- Darth Bane
- Death's Ambassador
- Deathborne form
- Decayed Parasite
- Deiderin Uramesha
- Deserter
- Dharikstalva, the First Vampire
- Diablos
- Dice Dragon
- Dioji
- Dire Ghoul
- Dire Rat
- Dire Wolf, Variant
- DogDay
- Door Kill Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Earthdrake
- Eclipse Aurora-flame
- Eclipse Dragon
- Edahn Viole Grace
- Einherjar, Summon
- El Silbon
- Elite Goblin
- Ellstorr
- Energies
- Eno - God of Destruction
- Erhart Trasdevan
- Ernesh, The Marked
- Essences
- Ettercap, Variant
- EXE (Faker)
- EXP Loader
- Eye of Vitreous
- False Knight
- Familiar - Fox
- Familier
- Fatal Wombat Queen
- Fate Demon
- Feline of Fate
- Fenic fox of the FeyWild
- Fenrirborn's Full-Morph
- Fezandipiti
- First Wife
- Fisher
- Flame Guardian
- Flaming Black Prior
- Fluffles
- Force Defender
- Fremen Warrior
- Fright-o-Lantern
- Frost Walker
- Garlic Mushroom
- Garlic Shaman
- Gashadokuro
- Gel, Variant
- General Radahn
- George, Son of Tiamat
- Geraldinho, The Frog
- Ghoulsteed
- Giant
- Giant Constrictor Snake
- Giant Hermit Crab
- Glimorian
- Gold Abdeel
- Golem Dragon
- Gowther
- Great Marshal
- Greater Colddrake
- Greatest Colddrake
- Green Nude Eel
- Guardian Skywatcher
- GUN Loader
- Gus the Great
- Hachishakusama
- Hag Child
- Haistdyr
- Harold Stonefist
- Harvest Golem
- Hat of Tricks
- Haven the Desolate Calamity
- Hive
- Hobbling Zombie
- Hollow One
- Horror Mass
- Horsesroh
- Huggy Wuggy
- Huggys
- Hunters
- Ignis
- Iiada the Betrayed
- Immunity
- Infestrum
- Ioulaum
- Ironblood Commander
- Jango Fett
- Johyo
- Jubilex
- Judgement, the High Prosecutor
- Kabuterimon
- Kashima Reiko
- Kenji, Master of the Speed
- Kenji, Samurai Master
- Killy Demon
- King Freedrick Savage II
- King of Ruins
- King of the Abyss
- Kissy Missy
- Kit Fisto
- Kjerre
- Kratos
- Kuchisake Onna
- La'raad the Divinity-Devourer
- Leechgrave
- Legionario
- Leman Russ Battletank
- Leviathan Guardian
- Liestrum Vendris
- Lightning Monk
- Lightning Rager
- Living Mundarian Shop
- Lunar Stalker
- Magma Dragon
- Main Battle Tank
- Maki Zenin, Perfect Preparation (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Mannequin Curse
- Mantis Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Marvin The Martian
- Mechanical Guard
- Mega Book Golem
- Mega Flesh Golem
- Mega Glass Golem
- Megoi
- Meta-gaming Poraquê
- Meteor Giant
- Minicritter
- Minotaur Servant of Baphomet
- Mirage Cat
- Mob of Vilagers
- Mommy Long-Legs
- Moodhog
- Mordeo
- Mr.L
- Mr.M
- Mr.SYS
- Mr.Virtual
- Mundarian Shopkeeper
- Munkidori
- Mutator
- Mystic Ember Hound
- Nargas
- Necromancer, Variant
- Night Howler
- Nightmare, 2nd Variant
- Novice Necromancer
- Nuriel the Angel of Death
- Obruerus
- Ogerpon
- Ogre Spirit
- Okidogi
- Old Man Witherbones
- Pac-Man
- Pecharunt
- Penumbra Kavu
- Phantom Dragon
- Piccolo Hollyphant
- Pishtaco
- Pit Fiend, Variant
- PJ Pug-a-Piller
- Plagloom Flower
- Poisondrake
- Primal Titan
- Prismatic Cube
- Professor X
- Pseudocouatl
- Pundrake
- Pycnonemosaurus
- Qantarr, Shadow of the Dark
- Queen Xenomorph
- Questionable
- Quillestial
- Rabbit Escape
- Rabbit Escape Totality
- Rabbit Horde
- Rath
- Reassembling Skeleton
- Red Dragon God
- Red Inferno Wyrmling
- Regice *Testing*
- Reverse Derick
- Reversed
- Rig Nema
- Rimworld: Centipede
- Rodin
- Rooster
- Rose Uramesha
- Rot Hag
- Rot Manticore Creatre)
- Ruler of Warriors
- Runesmith
- Sand Caster
- Sans
- Scaramouche
- Scout Regiment Soldier
- Second Wife
- Seirien
- Sentient Sword
- Seraph
- Shadow Walker
- ShallowWave Scuttler
- Shoulder Angel
- Shroomfolk Race)
- Silver Warrior
- Silver Wyvern
- Skavenslave
- Skeleton Commoner
- Skeleton Guard
- Sköll
- Slaughter
- Small Book Golem
- Small Flesh Golem
- Small Glass Golem
- Snagvlard the Mediocre
- Soul Companion
- Soulic Servant
- Spider Dalek
- Splicer
- Sprite
- Spynkoriithi
- Star Giant
- Stingerback Terror
- Storm Wyrm
- Strahd
- Sulfirix
- Sunflowmon
- Super Flesh Golem
- Sutario
- Svalblod Bear
- Takumi Kojima
- Talos Venator
- The Deadly
- The Jester
- The Legendary Spork Wielder
- The Lich King
- The Lost Children
- The Masses
- The Supplier
- The Tactician of Sloth
- The Victim
- Third Wife
- Thistillwroth
- Tiamat, God Form
- Tibbers
- Tiny Manticore
- Titan Elephant
- Titan Of Snakes
- Turkia
- Ulumku
- Undead NOS
- Ungor
- Valorant Agent Ultimate Ability Minion
- Velonosaur
- Vengeful Osseran Spirit
- Vengeful Osseran Spirit -1
- Vengeful Osseran Spirit 2
- Vermedulla
- Veruns Abd Polycutes
- Vex Knight
- Vitreous
- Vladimir Lenin
- Volanox
- Vorus the Black Flame
- War Hammer Titan
- Watcher Of The Divine Seas
- Waterdrake
- Wendigo, Curse
- Wendigo, Variant 2
- Werehound
- Wererex
- Wesker
- White Bishop
- White Walker
- Winged Pikmin
- Wraith
- Xenomorph Queen
- Yiga Blademaster
- Yiga Footsoldier
- Yozura
- Yulianta and Milisteq
- Zalgo (Pinkie) Pie
- Zane Diamond
- Zaratar
- User:ZarHakkar/Dune Worm
- User:ZarHakkar/The Torus of Turmoil
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