Fate Demon (5e Creature)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Curses last 30 days w/o remove curse is a long time and aren't balanced with each other. How would the fireball curse last 30 days if it only triggers on day 13 (also fireball doesn't have a level)?

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Fate Demon[edit]

Small fiend (Demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 45 (10d6 + 10)
Speed 50ft.

10 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Int -1
Skills Acrobatics +7, Animal Handling +6, Deception +6, Performance +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, fatigued
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Fate Demon
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If the Fate Demon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Master of Misfortune (8/Day). Whenever a creature within 200 ft. of the Fate Demon, including itself, rolls for anything, the Fate Demon can roll a d8 and either add or subtract the number from that roll. If the subtraction would result in less than 1, round up to 1.


Stick. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) bludgeoning damage. On a 19-20 deals additional 11 (2d10) damage based on the following d6 roll:

  1. Piercing
  2. Acid
  3. Lightning
  4. Bludgeoning
  5. Force
  6. Necrotic

Curse of the Fates Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 100ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) force damage. On a successful hit the target must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a success nothing else happens, on a failure roll a d8 and inflicts one of the following effects. These affects last for 30 days and can be removed with the remove curse spell.

  1. Upon making contact with any metal or metal object, target must roll a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, on a fail they are paralyzed for d4+1 turns.
  2. Player movement is reduced by 10ft/move action and they suffer a -4 to Dexterity rolls or saving throws.
  3. All other creatures with the exception of gods cannot recognize the target's identity.
  4. If the target casts a non-ritual spell, they will instead cast a different randomly selected spell of the same level as the one attempted.
  5. When the target makes a Dash Action, they must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, on a fail they fall prone and take d6 bludgeoning damage.
  6. After 13 days casts a fireball centered on self.
  7. Target cannot taste anything.
  8. If the target comes within 20 ft. of a creature with a beard, they must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, on a success target does not have to roll for that creature, on a fail target is frightened of that creature for 10 minutes.

This does not affect a target who has already been cursed.

A halfling twisted by demonic energies, these creatures use their powers of probability manipulation to bring woe and misfortune on their enemies.

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