3.5e General Feats
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Feat | Prerequisite |
A Monk's Power | Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Character level 5th |
A Step Ahead | Improved Initiative, Dodge, Combat Reflexes, +6 Base attack Bonus. |
Aberrant Binding | Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Ability Surge | Chosen ability score 13 |
Able-Bodied Strength | Defeat a monster with a Large or higher size category, Have at least 1 DR that cannot be bypassed, Str: 20+, Fast Healing 10, Lightning Reflexes, Combat Reflexes |
Absolute Authority | BAB 15, Gravity knight class, Ability to change size |
Absolute Barrier | BaB 20, Gravity knight class, Absolute Authority. |
Absolute Brilliance | Cunning Brilliance class ability, Factotum level 20 |
Abyss Maw | level 5, must be able to eat food normally, Evil Alignment |
Abyssal | |
Accelerated Balancing | Balance 4 ranks, Dex 13 |
Accelerated Climbing | Climb 4 ranks, Dex 13 |
Accurate Assessment | None |
Accurate Attack | Base attack bonus +6 |
Accurate Strikes | BAB 3, Proficiency with melee weapons, Weapon Focus. |
Accurate Strikes, Improved | BAB +6, Proficiency with melee weapons, Accurate Strikes |
Acid Snow | The Ability to Cast 2nd Level Spells. |
Acolyte Copy | Novice Copy feat, 7th level |
Acolyte of Learning | Wis 15 |
Acrobatic Attack | Dex 13, Acrobatic, Tumble 8 ranks. |
Acrobatic Charge | Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 1 rank, Base attack bonus +3 |
Acrobatic Defense | Dex 13, Tumble 8 ranks |
Acrobatic Strike | Dex 13, Tumble 4 ranks |
Active Shield Defense | Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization |
Adaptability | |
Adaptive Shield | 3 ranks in the Adaptation Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class |
Additional Bonded Weapon | Base attack bonus +8, Improved Critical (with Weapon), Proficient With Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Weapon) |
Additional Combat Style | |
Additional Psionic Discipline | Ability to use psionic powers |
Additonal Skill Training | Must have a minimum of 9 in desired skill's key ability |
Adept Copy | Acolyte Copy feat, 9th level |
Adrenaline Surge | Constitution 15, 10 Hit Points, must have been Dying in battle. |
Advanced Aerobatics | |
Advanced Talent | Must be able to spontaneously cast arcane spells |
Aerobatics | |
Aesthetic Adept | |
Agile Athlete | Climb 1 rank, Jump 1 rank |
Agile Brawler | Dexterity 15 |
Agile Climber | Dex 13 |
Agile Performer | Perform (dance) or Perform (weapon drill) 1 rank |
Agile Shield Fighter | Shield Proficiency, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, Two Weapon Fighting |
Agile Strike | Dex 15 or more, Insightful Strike Class Feature |
Agile Strikes | BAB +3, Str +14, Dex +14, Proficiency with melee weapons |
Alcohol Resistance | None |
All the Science | 6th level, 9+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Bigger Science |
All-Out Attack | BAB +3, Reckless Offense, Int 13 |
Allegiance to Patron | Ability to use eldritch blast. |
Altered Unarmed Strike | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Alternate Strikes | Base attack bonus +6 |
Always Ready | Ability that can be used two times per day or more often. |
Ambidextrous | Minimum Dexterity 14 |
Ambitious Leader | Charisma 13, Leadership |
Ameliorated Burden | Strength 15 |
Amphibious | 1st level only. |
Angel Touched | Character Level 6, Charisma 17. |
Animal Companion | Handle Animal 1 rank. |
Animal Ken | Handle Animal 4 ranks, Cha 13 |
Animal Master | Charisma 17, 6 ranks in handle animal. |
Another Slice of Shade | Shadowblade 5th, ability to use darkness as a spell-like or supernatural ability |
Anything Goes Combat | Dex 13, Int 13 |
Anything Goes Long | Dex 13, Base attack bonus +4 |
Apothecary | None |
Applied Scholastics | A least 15 total ranks in 3 or more Knowledge skills |
Aquatic Leaping Attack | Swim Speed 30’, Base attack bonus +3 |
Arcane Adept | Int 13, Wis 13, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks |
Arcane Leadership | Character level 6th, wizard, sorcerer or wu jen level 1st, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks. |
Arcane Renewal | Cast 3rd Level Arcane Spells, Martial Study or Initiator Level 3 |
Arcane Talent, High Fantasy | Cha 10 |
Arcane Warrior | Base attack bonus +12, Battle Caster CAr |
Arcanist Buckler Speciality | any Arcane class |
Archaic Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Archon Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Armor Born | Heavy armor proficiency, Strength 22, Dexterity 20, Medium size or larger, Endurance |
Armor Focus, Greater | Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus with selected armor, Fighter level 8th |
Armor Focus, Variant | Base Attack Bonus +1, Proficiency with selected armor |
Armor Manipulation | Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Shield Proficiency |
Armor Mastery | Armor Focus, Armor Specialization, Base Attack Bonus +8, Proficiency with selected armor |
Armor Material Focus | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Armor Penetration | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Base attack bonus +4 |
Armor Specialization | Armor Focus (with selected armor), fighter level 4th, Proficiency with selected armor |
Armor Specialization, Greater | Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus, Variant, Armor Focus, Greater, and Armor Specialization |
Armor Supremacy | Fighter level 18, Proficiency in selected armor, Armor Focus, Armor Specialization, Greater Armor Focus, Greater Armor Specialization, Armor Mastery |
Armored Casting | Caster level 5th, 18 Charisma |
Armored Flyer | Strength 13+ |
Armored Vigilance | Proficient in armor donned or removed. |
Army Fighting | BaB +3 |
Artisan | Any Craft skill 4 ranks. |
Ascetic Artist | Scaling unarmed strike progression, Inspire Courage +1 |
Ascetic Fighter | Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (any), At least 1 level in Fighter |
Ascetic Leadership | Character level 6th, monk or ninja level 1st. |
Ascetic Performer | Improved Unarmed Strike, inspire courage +1 |
Ascetic Priest | Improved Unarmed Strike, Turn Undead |
Ascetic Savage | Monk level 1, Barbarian level 1 |
Assassin's Disjunction | Sneak Attack 9d6, Hide 10 Ranks, Move Silently 10 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 10 Ranks, BAB +6, DEX 18 |
Astonishing Leap | Jump 4 ranks, Skill Focus (Jump), base attack bonus +6 |
Attack Focus | Base attack bonus +6 |
Attentive Stormbow | Center of the Storm Class Feature |
Attune Domain | Caster level 1+. Must follow a god or philosophy consistent with the chosen domain. |
Augment Critical | Base Attack Bonus +12, Improved Critical. |
Augment Shadow | Spell Focus (Illusion) |
Augmented Aura | Cha 15, Iron Will, and either a class ability that includes an aura effect (such as a paladin's Aura of Courage, a dragon shaman's Draconic Aura, or a hexblade's Aura of Unluck abilities) or an ability to cast spells that include aura-like effects. |
Aura Chameleon | Cha 13, Disguise 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks |
Automail Limb | Missing a limb (arm, leg, or any part of an arm or leg, such as a hand or foot), Constitution 15+ |
Avalanche Charge | Mobility, Spring Attack, skirmish +1d6 |
Awaken Core | Host Zonder Core, 9th level |
Awareness | Wis 13 |
Awesome Body | Cha 16+, DR 3+ |
Axe Frenzy | Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon) |
Axe Hurling | Weapon Focus (any One Axe Weapon) |
Backstabber | Profession(Assassin) 4 ranks |
Balance Drills | Dex 13, Lightning Reflexes |
Barber-Surgeon | 5 ranks Profession (barber) |
Barricade | Str 17, base attack bonus +6 |
Bastardized Divinity | Charisma 17+, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells, Must be taken at 1st level, Worship a living god, Must be the SAME alignment as your god. |
Battle Cry | Cha 15 |
Battle Heart | 3 levels in any Vessel-related class that uses Vessel Magic, at least one rank in the War Division of Vessel Magic |
Battle Jump | BAB +1 |
Battle Leader | Cha 13, Leadership |
Battle Mage | Concentration 12+ ranks |
Battle Sense | Improved Initiative, Wis 13+ |
Be Efficient | Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, base attack bonus +6 |
Beast Cleave | You must have an animal companion, along with both the Vicious Ally and Frenzied Ally feats. |
Beast Tongues | |
Beat 'Em With The Wet Part | Improved Sunder, Str 16 |
Believable | Int 18, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, Able to cast arcane spells. |
Beloved of Deity | Favored of Deity, 5 hd minimum. Must have made some large contribution or sacrifice to your god, either 5000 gp (may be cumulative), or defeated an enemy(s) of the faith equal to 5 times your current hd, and sacrificed their possessions to your god. Enemies of the faith can be any that serve a god with an alignment opposed to your own. If your god has a hatred of a particular creature, those count as well. |
Benediction of Faith | Must be of similar or same alignment of chosen Deity. Must have the same or similar domain as the worshipped deity. Wis and Char score of 13 or higher. |
Bestial | Supernatural Linguist |
Bestial Regression | |
Better Extra Turning | Turn Undead, Cleric 1 |
Better Lucky than Good | Positive Charisma modifier. |
Bigger Science | 3rd level, 6+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Science |
Binder of Evil | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Binder of Flame | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Binder of Frost | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Binder of Good | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Binder of the Gods | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Binder of the Mountain | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Binder of the Sea | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Binder of the Sky | Knowledge (Plane) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Black Mage | Intelligence 13 |
Black Medicine | Nongood alignment, Heal 5 ranks |
Blade Snap | Str 15 |
Bladesong Symmetry | +8 BAB, 13 Strength, Two-Weapon Fighting, Bladesong Style |
Bleeding Critical | Improved Critical, Base attack bonus +8 |
Blessed Strikes | Divine Spellcaster with cleric or paladin spells, Wisdom or Charisma 20+ , Must have had direct contact with the deity, Weapon Focus with the deity's Favored Weapon. |
Blind | Permanently blind for at least three months |
Blind Fanaticism | 3 HD, 18 CHA |
Blindeye | Min of 5 ranks in hide, Alertness, a living creature |
Blindsense | Character lvl 10, Wisdom 13, Blind-fight |
Blindsight | Blind-Fight, Listen 20 ranks. |
Blood Copy | Vampire[1], 1 or more controlled vampires
Blood Craft | blood component ability, any two item creation feats |
Blood Frenzy | Favor the Fang and Claw, Blootletting, Snatch, Rend, Knowledge Anatomy 20+ |
Blood Sacrifice | 7th level fighter OR The ability to cast 3rd level spells. |
Blood Splattered | Intimidate +10 |
Blood War Sorcerer | Caster level 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, must have fought in the Blood War |
Blooded Metamagic | Any other metamagic feat, Caster Level 3rd, Constitution 13+ |
Bloodletting | Weapon Focus |
Bloodline | |
Bloodline, Greater | |
Bloodline, Improved | |
Bloody Mess, Variant | Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6 |
Bludfrost Endurance | Base Fortitude save bonus +2 or be born within the country of Blüdfrost |
Blunt Trauma | Str 13 |
Blurred Spells | Base Land/Fly/Swim speed 60 ft, Ability to cast 3rd level spells, Dex 18 |
Bodyguard | Mobility, Con 15, Dex 15 |
Bojutsu | Proficiency with the Bo/Quarterstaff, a Base Attack Bonus +1, a Medium Sized Character or larger |
Bonded Weapon | Base attack bonus +8, Improved Critical (with Weapon), Proficient With Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Weapon) |
Bondsman | |
Bone Barbs | Shape bone class feature, 12 Con |
Bonus Feat | |
Bookworm | |
Born at Sea | Must have been born and raised at sea |
Born by the Forge | Must be taken at 1st level |
Bottomless Tools | Bounty Hunter Level 1 |
Bottoms Up | Base attack bonus +1 |
Bow Mastery | Weapon Focus (any Bow Or Crossbow), Base attack bonus +3 |
Bow Sniper | Precise Shot, +1 Base attack bonus |
Bow Sniper, Variant | Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Selected Bow), +5 Base attack bonus |
Brachiation | Survival as a class skill |
Bracing Strike (3.5e feat) | Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6. |
Brains Over Brawn | Int 13+. |
Brawn | Str 13 |
Breathe that Foul Air | Must be taken at 1st level |
Brew Potion Batch | Brew Potion, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 16 |
Brilliant Negotiator | Charisma 13, Intelligence 15, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Skill Focus (Diplomacy) |
Broker of the Infernal | Knowledge (The Planes) 10, must be able to cast a spell of the [Calling] subtype |
Brutal Finesse | BAB +6, Weapons Finesse |
Brute | Str 13 |
Burning Fanaticism | 4 HD, CHA 22+ |
Butterfly Flank | Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Base attack bonus +6 |
By the Skin of Your Teeth | Base attack bonus +6, Con 18, |
Byakugan | This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 14. |
Called Shot | Dex 13 |
Camouflage | Hide 1 rank |
Camouflaged | Hide 3 ranks |
Campaigner | Endurance |
Cannibalize Item | Any Item Creation Feat that can create an item of the type you chose |
Careful Listener | None. |
Careful Planner | Wis 13 |
Cast-Iron Stomach | Con 13 |
Caustic Blood | Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con |
Celestial | Supernatural Languages |
Celestial Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Celestial Blood Casting | Good outsider or some other form of celestial blood |
Chain Bikini Chick | Cha 15, Female |
Changeling blood | Taken at character creation only. Race must be compatible with changelings (in other words most medium races) |
Chant - Extra Skill | Must be a class that classifies itself as a support, except Cleric. |
Chaotic Reversal | 3 ranks in the Chaos Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class |
Charged Personality | Must have a charisma of 20+ |
Chariot Archery | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat |
Charioteering | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat |
Charmed | |
Charming Personality | 16 Charisma, +2 Bluff |
Child of Feat | Taken at charadcter creation. Must be the same alignment as the god chosen, and be of the god's preferred race. |
Child of Ragnarok (3.5e Prestige Class) | |
Child of the Sea | |
Chilling Bones | Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con |
Chosen Carrier | Not immune to diseases and magical diseases, Constitution score 18 or higher. |
Chosen of the Varuuts | Must Worship a Varuuts |
Clawed Tornado | Base Attack Bonus +6, The Beast Within class, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack |
Cleave Asunder | Str 13, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack |
Cleaving Rampage | Str 13, Dex 13, Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +8 |
Clever Ricochet | Dex 17, Int 15, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Clinch | Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus +3 |
Clinging Breath | Dragon, Con 13+ |
Close Order Combat | Base attack bonus +1 |
Close-Quarters Thrower | Dex 13, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon. |
Clothesline | Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +6 |
Combat Barrage | Wis 13, BAB +6 |
Combat Brutality | Wis 13, Power Attack |
Combat Concentration | Psychic Ability |
Combat Focus | Dodge, Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +5 |
Combat Improvisation | Wis 13, Improved Feint |
Combat Intimidation | Intimidate 4 ranks, Cha 13 |
Combat Precision | Dexterity 13, Base attack bonus +1 |
Combat Presence | Base attack bonus +6, Cha 13+, Intimidate skill. |
Combat Surge | Improved Initiative, Base attack bonus +2 |
Commanding Leader | Minimum Level 3 (Any Class), 8 Charisma Or Higher, |
Common Magic | Int 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 1 rank |
Concentrated Summoning | Spell Focus (Conjuration) |
Concentration Mastery | Dodge, Concentration 8 ranks |
Concerted Attack | Base attack bonus +3 |
Condexor | BAB 6, Base Fort Save of 5, SRD:Endurance |
Confident Strike | Cha 13, +1 attack bonus. |
Confused Turtle | Two Weapon Fighting |
Conscript Training | |
Conservative Casting | Concentration 4 ranks. |
Consuming Brain | Level 2 or higher, psionic, more than 5 powerpoints/day |
Convert Spell to Power | Must be taken at 1st level |
Copy Master | Adept Copy feat, level 20 |
Corded steel muscles | Str 15, Toughness |
Corellon's Mysteries | base attack bonus +1 |
Counter Charge | Combat Reflexes |
Counter Throw | Str 13, Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6 |
Create Opportunity | Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +3 |
Crime Lord | |
Criminal Connections | Non-Lawful Alignment |
Crippling Arm Hold | Base Attack Bonus +4, Improved Grapple |
Crippling Leg Hold | Base Attack Bonus +6, Improved Grapple |
Crippling Stab | Slight of Hand +4, BAB +6, Light Weapon Proficiency, A weapon that deals Piercing or Slashing Damage. |
Critical Resilience | Con 13 |
Critical Weapon | BAB +15, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization |
Critter | |
Cross-Class Learning | |
Cunning Dodge | Int 13 |
Cunning Feint | Int 13, Improved Feint |
Cunning Rage | BAB +4, Rage or frenzy ability, Combat Expertise |
Cunning Strike | Int 15, base attack bonus +6 |
Cure Boost | Heal 4 ranks |
Cut From the Air | Power Attack, Str 13, Dex 13, Combat Reflexes |
Dakmaa Of Alethros | Crusader 1 ToB, Warforged race MMIII |
Dakmaa Of Loskel'le | Crusader 1 ToB, Hide 2 ranks |
Dakmaa Of Namat | Crusader 1 ToB |
Dakmaa Of Sekatas | Crusader 1 ToB |
Dakmaa Of Tlasius | Crusader 1 ToB |
Dampen Presence | stealth 3 ranks |
Darkwood Body (Warforged) | |
Darshul's Surge | Iron Will |
Dauntless Frame | Strength 14, Constitution 12 |
Deadly Herbalist | 8 Ranks of Knowledge, Nature, and 8 Ranks of Survival, or Wanderer, 5th level. |
Deceptive Hand | Dextrerity 13, Charisma 13 |
Dedicated Steed | Special mount |
Deductive Reflexes | 14 int |
Defensive Expertise | Combat Expertise, Int 13+, Dex 13+ |
Defensive Study | 2 ranks of Sense Motive, Alertness |
Defensive Sunder | Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder |
Defensive Trip | Improved Trip, Base attack bonus +4 |
Deflect Attack | Int 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Sunder, Power Attack |
Deflecting Move | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility |
Deflecting Shield | Dex 13, Dodge, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency. |
Deft Dodger | Bab +5 |
Deft Lunge | Dex 13, Combat Expertise |
Delay Potion | Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank. |
Demolitions | Int 13, Use Magic Device 5 ranks |
Demon Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Demonic scales | demonic skin |
Dense Fists | Unarmed mastery class ability, character must count as smaller than Medium size for the purposes of determining base unarmed strike level. |
Destined Leader | Leadership, CHA 17+ |
Determined Soul | Iron Will |
Determined Soul, Variant by Aarnott | Iron Will |
Devil Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Devil Bringer | Evil alignment |
Devil Buster | lv15 |
Devil Snatch | All Ability Scores At Least 10 |
Devilish Dance | Dexterity 17, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Perform (dance) 2 ranks |
Devolution | |
Devoted Knight | Divine spell-casting, Smite Evil. |
Devoted Magi | Access to Paladin spell list, Ability to spontaneously cast arcane spells. |
Dexterous Attack | Dex 13, BAB +1 |
Dexterous Dodge | |
Dicing hits | Dexterity 20, Only one weapon can be held. |
Dilettante | Character level 5 |
Dimension Spring Attack | Dex 19, Dimension Door Spell/Ability, Spring Attack |
Disordered Law | Nonlawful Alignment, Will Save +4 |
Disrupting Attack | Base attack bonus +2 |
Distracting Cleavage | Con 13 |
Divetongue Casting | Ability to speak Divetongue, (Primary Casting Score) 13 |
Divine Breath | Breath attack, Con 19+ Str: 19+ Wis: 20+ |
Divine Leadership | Character level 6th, cleric, paladin or favoured soul level 1st, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks |
Divine Sorcerer | Sorcerer |
Divine Split | Character level 5th |
Dodge Improved | Dexterity 13 |
Dodge, 2nd Variant | Dex 13 |
Dodge, Variant | Dexterity 13 or higher |
Dolphin Leap | Jump 8 Ranks, Swim 4 Ranks |
Dominions of the Infernal | Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses; must have a Leadership score |
Double Cantrips | Ability to cast 0-level spells |
Double Kick | Dex 13 |
Double Step | Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Tumble 6 ranks, Jump 12 ranks |
Double Strike | Two-Weapon Fighting or flurry of blows class feature, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6th |
Double Uses | Ability with limited uses per day (or week), with that ability |
Down And Dirty Style | Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +2 |
Draconic | |
Draconic Bloodline | |
Draconic Mount | Special Mount class feature, OR Waverider Mount class feature, OR any other Mount class feature which does not use Animal Companion progression by default |
Draconic Nature | Dragon Type, natural weapon, natural armor 6, BAB 14 |
Draconic Pulse | Any Non-Dragon Race |
Dragon Ball Creator | Namekian race, Lawful Good alignment, Character level 25th |
Dragon Binder | Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Dragon's Rage | +6 BAB, Draconic Heritage, Breath Weapon |
Dragonborn | Cha 11 |
Dragoncrafter | Knowledge (arcana) 2 Ranks |
Druidic Binding | Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Dual Dance | Dancer, Dex 15 |
Dual Show Arcana | Bardic Music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 11 Ranks, Perform (any other) 11 Ranks, Charisma 15 |
Dual Stance | 2 known martial stances (Tome of Battle), Initiator Level 10 |
Dual Strike | Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , |
Duality Of Essence | At least 1 level in Devout Vessel, Devout Leader, or Vessel Magic |
Ducking Shot | Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Dex 13 |
Duskmage | 2nd Level Arcane Spells, 3+ Level Duskblade |
Dwarven Blood | 1st level |
Eagle Eye | 10 spot |
Easy Peasy Archery | BAB +20, Dex 25, Proficient with weapon, Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Critical, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot |
Ecologic Necromancy | Must be able to cast animate dead |
Eldrich Focus | Able to use 'Eldrich Blast' |
Eldrich Specialization | 3rd level character, Eldrich Focus |
Eldritch Blood | Warlock level 1st |
Eldritch Break | Caster level 9th |
Eldritch Flurry | Base attack bonus +6, Eldritch Glaive |
Eldritch Hexer | Hexblade's Curse, Eldritch Blast 2d6 |
Eldritch Knight, Variant | Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Caster level 10 |
Eldritch Power | |
Eldritch Skin | |
Eldritch Warrior | |
Elemental | |
Elemental Spellcasting | Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks |
Elite Training | |
Elusive Dodge | Dex 13, Dodge, base attack bonus +1. |
Elusive Reflexes | Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +6 or Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, monk 6th. |
Empowered Fists | Improved unarmed strike, Base Attack Bonus +6 |
Empty Quiver | Base Attack Bonus +12, Dexterity 19, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot |
Enable Criticals | |
Enchantment Brewing | Caster level 7, Brew Potion |
Endless Void | 5hd, able to eat food normally, evil alignment |
Endure Sunlight | Vulnerability to sunlight |
Enduring Life | |
Enemy Spell Focus | Caster level 1+ |
Energy Deflection | Shield Proficiency |
Energy Strike | Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, BAB +6 or better |
Enhanced Companions | Handle Animal 1 rank |
Enhanced Turning | Cha 13, Extra Turning |
Entropic Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Epic Elite Training | |
Epic Invoking | Maximum number of invocations in any class that uses them. |
Epic Spell Parry | Base Attack Bonus +21, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Improved Spell Parry, Greater Spell Parry |
Eschew Divine Focus | Extra Turning |
Essence Infused | |
Essence of Serenity | |
Essence Purification | |
Eternal Shikai | Must have Shikai class ability. |
Euthanize | Base Attack Bonus +4. |
Evasion Expert | Agile Feat or Tumble 4 ranks |
Even the Guys Want Him | Charisma 18, Male |
Exercise Regime | Con 13, Great Fortitude |
Exotic Weapon Training | Martial Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, BAB +4 |
Expanded Caster Stamina | Character Level 8th |
Expanded Spell Knowledge | Caster Level 1st. |
Expeditious Dodge Improved | Dexterity 13 |
Expert Aim | Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +6 |
Expert Demolitions | Int 15, feat |
Expert Healing | Heal 6 ranks |
Expert Learning | 1st level only, Int 13 |
Extend Empowerment | Empowerment class feature |
Extra Additional Attacks | Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 |
Extra Clawed Tornado | Base Attack Bonus +9, The Beast Within class, Improved Bull Rush feat, Power Attack feat |
Extra Domain Power | Domain power with a daily limit. |
Extra Force Blast | Ability to use Force Blast (Reality Bender class ability). |
Extra Immediate Action | Dodge, Combat Reflexes |
Extra Maneuvers | |
Extra Mind Blade Shape | Soulknife level 5 |
Extra Summons | Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses |
Extra Uses | Ability with limited uses per encounter (or day or week) |
Faeries Secret of Mysteries | Gray elf, High Elf, Tallfellows Halfling, Wild elf, Winged elf, Wood elf |
Fake Spell | Sleight of Hand 1 rank |
Falcon Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Power Attack, ability to speak Common |
Fall Guy | |
False Super Saiyan | |
Familiar Fortitude | |
Familiar Subtype | Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Improved Familiar |
Family Guardian | living family members or married lover |
Farmhand | |
Farsight | |
Fast Drinker | Dexterity or Constitution 13 |
Fast Mover | Dex 15, Run |
Fast-on-feet | Athletic, DashComplete Warrior |
Fateful Strike | Base attack bonus +8, Str 13+, Cha 15+, Power Attack |
Fateful Strike Variant | Base attack bonus +8, Str 13+, Cha 15+, Power Attack |
Favor the Fang and Claw | You must have the Beast Heir template. |
Favored Class | Multiclass character |
Favored of Deity | Follow a Deity and be within alignment for serving Deity. Must have a positive modifier for spell casting ability. |
Favored Weapon | Base Attack Bonus +4, Weapon Focus, Masterwork (or Better) Weapon |
Fear | |
Fearsome Display | Weapon Finesse |
Feeding Frenzy | rage class ability, Con 15 |
Fell Power From Within | Eldritch blast ability |
Fencing Stance | Weapon Finesse |
Ferocious Parry | Base attack bonus +8, Ferocious Assault class feature |
Fiend Cabalist | Caster level 1 |
Fiendish Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Fiendish Blood Casting | evil outsider or some form of fiendish blood (such as Abyssal Hereitor feats) |
Fiendish Pact | Evil Alignment |
Find the Weak Spot | Base Attack Bonus +6 |
Find the Weak Spot, Greater | Base Attack Bonus +12, Find the Weak Spot, Improved Find the Weak Spot |
Find the Weak Spot, Improved | Base Attack Bonus +9, Find the Weak Spot |
Finesse | |
Finesse Massive Damage | Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +8 |
Fire Penetration | Arcane Spellcaster level 5 |
Firearm Sniper | Proficiency with at least one firearm, Weapon Focus (any firearm), base attack bonus +1 |
Fixated | Favored Enemy, Foe Hunter, or Grudge 1 skill rank |
Flashes of Brilliance | |
Flashy Attack | Base attack bonus +6, Weapon Finesse |
Fleet-Footed Two-Weapon Fighting | Dex 19, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus+12. |
Flesh Eater | Evil alignment, must be able to eat food normally |
Flip | Dex 15 |
Flurry of Blades | Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Base attack bonus +3, Dex 13 |
Focused Caster | |
Focused Mind | INT 16+ or CON 18+, WIS 16+ or CHA 18+, Must be able to meditate, Non-Chaotic Alignment, Iron Will, Concentration 10 Ranks |
Follow Up | Base attack bonus +6 |
Force Against Force | Power Attack, BAB +12 |
Forceful Impacts | Power Attack, Str 16, Proficiency with all martial weapons or any exotic weapon |
Foreseeable Attacks | Wisdom 17 |
Forgefire Reserve | Forgefire Warlock 1 |
Forger | |
Form of Death | Evil or neutral alignment |
Formation Expert, Variant | Base Attack Bonus +5 |
Formation Fighter | |
Fortune | |
Fortune's Favor | 3rd level, Cha 13+ |
Fracture | Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +2 |
Frantic Swings | Dex 13 |
Free Cantrips | Spellcraft 5 ranks + 1 per each previous copy of this feat |
Frenzied Ally | You must have an animal companion and the Vicious Ally feat. |
Frenzied Attack | Str 13, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6 |
From the Jaws of Defeat | |
Frorestone Fighting | Base Attack Bonus +1 or be born within the country of Blüdfrost |
Frostfrail Adaptation | Base Fortitude save bonus +2 |
Full Force | BAB 12+ , Str 16+, Power Attack, Proficiency with melee weapons. |
Full Potential | BAB 16+ , Power Attack , Proficiency with melee weapons. |
Furious Presence | Cha 12, Rage 1/Day, Base Attack Bonus +3 |
Gain Combat Style | Base Attack Bonus +4, Dex 15 |
Gain New Mindblade Form | WIS 13+, mind blade class ability, see below |
Galagus Form | Must have levels in Fighter or Barbarian; Must be a Galagian |
Gambling Cast | |
Gentle palm | Monk level 8, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki Strike, Combat Reflexes |
Gestalt Training | Wisdom 18 or Intelligence 15 |
Giant Namekian | Namekian race, Character level 0 |
Gift of the Animal Soul | You must have the Beast Heir template or an animal companion. |
Gigantic Weapon | Str 15, Base attack bonus +3 |
Go Hungry | |
Go Team | Wis 13, ability to turn or rebuke undead, ability to cast clerical spells |
God Form | 10 Prestige, Character level 1000, At least one other being with 10 prestiges (for the ritual version) |
God's Sense | Level 1 |
Godsbane | Must not have a level in any class that offers divine spellcasting |
Golden Spoon | Must be taken at character creation. |
Grace Gatherer | Cha 15+, Spell Focus (Abjuration) |
Graceful Mount | Paladin's Special Mount, Mounted Combat |
GrandMaster Craftsman | Character level 11th, 15ranks Craft, 12ranks repair |
Great Alchemist | |
Great Blow | Power Attack, Str 15, Base attack bonus +6 |
Great Leader | Leadership |
Greater Additional Attacks | Str 13, Int 13, base attack bonus +6, improved additional attacks |
Greater Ameliorated Burden | Strength 17 |
Greater Armor Material Focus | Base Attack Bonus +8 |
Greater Blindsense | character lvl 21, Wisdom 13 |
Greater Control Undead | Int or Cha or Wis 15, Ability to cast Animate Dead |
Greater Critical | Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +16 |
Greater Critical, Variant | Improved Critical(with chosen weapon), Base attack bonus +14 |
Greater Diehard | Constitution 17, Diehard, Endurance. |
Greater Disease Resistance | |
Greater Eldrich Focus | 6th level character, Eldrich Focus |
Greater Eldrich Specialization | 9th level character, Eldrich Specialization, Greater Eldrich Focus |
Greater Endurance | |
Greater Grapple | Base Attack Bonus +6, Str 13 or Dex 13, Improved Grapple |
Greater Heavy Armor Optimization | Armor Proficiency(heavy), Heavy Armor Optimization, Base Attack Bonus +8 |
Greater Maneuverability | Improved Maneuverability, Dex 11 |
Greater Monkey Beats the Gong | Combat Reflexes |
Greater Overrun | |
Greater Parry | Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry Base attack bonus +12 |
Greater Poison Resistance | |
Greater Snap Reflexes | BAB +8, Reflex Save +5, Sense Motive +9 Ranks, Dex 17, Wis 16, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Snap Reflexes, Improved Snap Reflexes, and conditional Improved Unarmed Strike. |
Greater Soulmeld Capacity | Con 20, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity 2, Meldshaper level 6, |
Greater Spell Parry | Base Attack Bonus +15, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Improved Spell Parry, Spellcraft 18 ranks. |
Greater Spell Toughness | Base save bonus (any) +6 |
Greater Spell-Lore | Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells |
Greater Unarmed Training | BAB+16; Improved Unarmed Training; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. |
Greater Weapon Material Focus | Weapon Material Focus with selected material, Base Attack Bonus +8 |
Greatweapon Quickness | Str 13, Base attack bonus +4 |
Grim Determination | Toughness, Iron Will |
Grimoire User | At least one level in an arcane spell caster class that has a limited number of spells known. |
Grounded Horsebreaking Cleave | Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 24, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build |
Grounded Push | BAB +8 |
Grounded Stance | |
Grounded Strike | Str 13, Base Attack +2, Improved Grapple |
Group Tactics | BAB +1 |
Grudge | |
Gun for an Arm | Gunstub. |
Half-Dragon Companion | Animal Companion ability, Knowledge(arcana) 2 ranks, Speak Language(Draconic) |
Hammer of Mollarok | Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, BAB +2 |
Hanbojutsu | Proficiency with the Hanbo/Quarterstaff, Base Attack Bonus +1, Medium Size or Smaller |
Hand-To-Hand | Improved Unarmed Strike |
Handy | |
Hard Knock Life | Diehard, Great Fortitude, Con 13 |
Hardened Warrior | Con 17, Dex 17, Wis 17 |
Hardy Brawler | Toughness |
Hate | Int 13 |
Haunting Appearance | Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate (8 ranks) |
Healer | |
Heavy Armor Optimization | Armor Proficiency(heavy), Base Attack Bonus +4 |
Heavy Infantryman | |
Heavy Power Attack | Power Attack |
Heightend Truespeak | lvl 1 Truenamer |
Heirloom | |
Hellscarred | Must have failed a saving throw to a spell or effect associated with a fiend, and cannot be a fiend or have any feats with the [Fiend] subtype. |
Hemorrhaging Blows | Exploding Palm Style Rank 30, Sickening Blows, Base Attack Bonus +13 |
Herculean Effort | |
Hero of The Shield | Must use a shield(s) as a weapon, must be above 35 years of age, |
Hide Silently | Hide 20 move silently 5 |
Hide Tracks | Track |
High Metabolism Healing | Constitution 13, High Metabolism (3.5e Flaw) |
Hit & Run | Base Attack Bonus 11, Dexterity 13 Constitution 13, Strength 13, Must be medium or larger, Combat Expertise |
Hobbling Attack | Int 13, Base attack bonus +4 |
Hoof Smite | Paladin's Special Mount, Smite Evil, Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank |
Hook Hold | Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6 |
Horsebreaker Training | Small, Medium, or Large Size, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), and Strength 24 |
Horsebreaking Cleave | Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Housebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 24, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build |
Hot-Blooded | Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 |
Human Blood | Partial Human ancestry (Half-anything), must be taken at 1st level |
Hunter's Eyes | Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait. |
I Know It | Int 20+, Able to cast arcane spells level 7 |
Immediate Dodge | Dodge, Dex 13+ |
Immortal | |
Immunity Bypass Suppression | Must be immune to something and be able to bypass immunities of the same kind. |
Impenetrable Callouses | Charisma less than 12 |
Improved Additional Attacks | Int 13 |
Improved Aid Another | |
Improved Armored Monk | light,medium and Heavy armor proficiency, Strength 17, monk level 1, Increased Monk Armor, |
Improved Base Attack Bonus | Character level 4th |
Improved Blindsense | character lvl. 18, wis 13, Blind-fight, Blindsense |
Improved Blood Component | Blood component class feature, Con 17 |
Improved Blood Craft | Con 17 |
Improved Bow Sniper | Bow Sniper, +5 Base attack bonus |
Improved Brawn | Base attack bonus +6, Str 15 |
Improved Breath Weapon | Cha modifier +4, breath weapon, base attack bonus +5 |
Improved Brute | Base attack bonus +6, Str 15 |
Improved Buckler Proficiency | Shield Proficiency and a Dexterity score of 13 or higher |
Improved Chain Attack | Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) Int 13, Dex 13 |
Improved Combat Casting, Variant | Combat Casting, Concentration 6 ranks. |
Improved Combat Focus | |
Improved Counter Parry | Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 |
Improved Crossbow Sniper | Crossbow Sniper (Player's Handbook II page 77), Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6 |
Improved Deflect Arrows | Dex 13, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Improved Deflect Attack | Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes |
Improved Deft Dodger | Bab +10 |
Improved Disguise | Cha 13, Disguise 4 ranks |
Improved Dodge | Dex 13, Dodge |
Improved Draconic Familiar | Draconic Familiar |
Improved Far Shot | Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Base attack bonus +2 |
Improved Far Shot 2 | Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Base attack bonus +6 |
Improved Firearm Sniper | Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6 |
Improved Force Blast | Able to use Force Blast (Reality Bender class ability) |
Improved Glide | Woodsprite, Endurance, 6 ranks in Jump. |
Improved Horsebreaking Cleave | Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 26, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build |
Improved Invocation | Charisma 15, Access to invocations. |
Improved Ki Blast | Ki blast, Base attack bonus +9, Wisdom +14 |
Improved Link | Animal companion and character level 15 or higher. |
Improved Lockpicking | Open Lock 4 ranks, Dex 13 |
Improved Maneuverability | Fly Speed |
Improved Martial Arts | Wis 10, BAB +3, Improved Unarmed Strike |
Improved Masterwork | Craft 4 ranks. |
Improved Mettle | Mettle from feat or class feature, Great Fortitude or Iron Will, Concentration 18 ranks |
Improved Monkey Grip | Str 15, Base Attack Bonus: +6,Two-Weapon Fighting |
Improved Mounted Combat | Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank |
Improved Natural Attack: Variant | Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus (chosen natural attack), Base Attack Bonus +4 |
Improved Natural Bond, Variant | Level 21, Wisdom 26, Multiple Animal Companions |
Improved Parry | Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +8 |
Improved Parry Strike | Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 |
Improved Parry, Variant | Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +6 |
Improved Point Blank Shot | Point Blank Shot, Precise shot, Weapon Focus (ranged precision weapon) |
Improved Power Attack | Str 15, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3 |
Improved Power Double Weapon | Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6 |
Improved Puppy Dog Eyes | Canin or other Dog-like Humanoid/Monstrous Humanoid, Bluff or Diplomacy 8 Ranks, Charisma 18 |
Improved Ranked Fighting | Base attack bonus +6 or higher, Combat Reflexes |
Improved Rapid Shot | Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, +3 Base Attack Bonus |
Improved Search | Search 4 ranks, Int 13 |
Improved Shield Evasion | Shield Proficiency, Lightning Reflexes, Base reflex saving throw +5, Shield Evasion (3.5e Feat) and Base Attack Bonus + 6 |
Improved Shield Mate | Base Attack Bonus +4, Shield Mate(3.5e Feat) |
Improved Single Weapon Fighting | Dexterity or Strength 17, Base Attack Bonus +6, Single Weapon Fighting |
Improved Sleight Of Hand | Sleight of Hand 4 ranks, Dex 13 |
Improved Snap Reflexes | BAB +6, Reflex Save +4, Sense Motive +7 Ranks, Dex 15, Wis 14, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Snap Reflexes, Any of the following; Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip. |
Improved Spell Mastery | SRD:Spell Mastery |
Improved Spell Parry | Base Attack Bonus +12, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Spellcraft 15 ranks. |
Improved Spit | |
Improved Subdual | |
Improved Target | Concentration 8 Ranks |
Improved Tower Shield Bash | |
Improved Twin Weapon Fighting | Dex 18, Twin Weapon Fighting, BAB 10 |
Improved Two Hand Weapon Fighting | SRD:Weapon Focus and able to attack twice with a single two hand weapon as a full round action. This feat can only be taken if you use one two hand weapon. |
Improved Unarmed Training | BAB+11; Unarmed Training; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. |
Improved Weapon Finesse | Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any finessed weapon), base attack bonus +4 |
Improved Whip Proficiency | Proficiency and weapon focus with a whip or similar weapon |
Improved White Mage | White Mage level 5 |
Improving Nature's Blueprints | A Natural Armor Rating of at least +2, Strength OR Constitution 15+ |
Improvised Sneak Attack | Weapon Finnesse,Weapon Focus Dagger (or dagger like object),Dex Of 18 Or Higher) |
Improvised Weapon Proficiency | Proficiency with the chosen weapon |
Improvised Weapons | Base attack bonus +2 |
Imrpoved Blindsense | Blindsense |
Increased Monk Armor | Armored Monk (3.5e Feat) |
Incredible Dexterity | Defeat an enemy while they are denied their dexterity to their AC. Avoid an attack of opportunity from a creature 5 HD above you, Dexterity 18+ |
Incredible Resilience | Constitution 17, Diehard, Endurance. |
Indomitable | Base attack bonus +2, Cha 13+ |
Inertial Slash | Run, Fast Movement Ability from Any Class, Base Speed of 60 ft., Weapon Focus (Any), Dexterity or Strength of 15, Must have Psionic Focus. |
Inherited Instinct | 1st level only, and you must have the Beast Heir template. |
Inhuman Reflex | Reflex Save +5, Lightning Reflexes. |
Inhuman Will | Will Save +5, Iron Will |
Initiate of Kazael | Divine Caster 5th level, Must have Kazael as a Patron Deity. |
Initiate of Learning | Wis 13 or higher |
Innate Magic | Int 3, Cha 11, must be taken at 1st level |
Insight Archery | Int 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Insightful Spellcasting | Intelligence score of 16 |
Inspired Chaos Master | Bardic music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 8 Ranks, Perform (any other) 8 ranks, Charisma 13 |
Inspiring | None. |
Inspiring Greatness | CHA 15 |
Inspiring Leader | Cha 13, Leadership |
Inspiring Love | |
Instant Awakening | |
Instantaneous Hex | Unusual Swiftness 3/day. |
Intellect | None |
Intelligent Strike | Int 13+ |
Intercept Shot | Dex 13, Point Blank Shot |
Interpose | Combat Reflexes, Dex 12, Base Attack Bonus +3 or higher |
Intimidating Demise | Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidate 10+ |
Intuitive | |
Iron Scale | Player must be dragon type or of dragon descent |
Jiraigan | This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 13, Wis or Int 15. |
Jumping Charge | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack |
Juttejutsu, Variant | Proficiency with the Jutte, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Kaioken X2 | Character level 5 |
Katana Proficiency | |
Keen Critical | Improved Critical, BAB +12 |
Keep Focused | Wis 13, Iron Will |
Ki Training | |
Kick-Up | Dex 13 |
Knowledgable Strike | Int 15+, Heal 4 ranks |
Knowledge Focus | Int 13 |
Knowledge of the Bards | Masterwork Instrument, At least 1 rank in a Perform Skill |
Knowledge Substitution | Knowledge (any) 4 ranks, another Knowledge 1 rank. |
Knowledgeable Adept | Knowledge Arcana 7 ranks, Dragonfire Adept level 2, Dragonblood Subtype |
Knowledgeable Sorcerer | 10 ranks in Knowledge arcana, 5 ranks in spellcraft, able to cast from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. |
Knucklehead | Constitution 13 |
Lamenter of the Forsaken | Essence Infusion |
Landmine Maker | None |
Last Ditch | |
Legendary Strength | Defeat a monster with a CR 5 greater than yours. Survive in a fight where you were knocked below -7 HP, Must have 4 levels in a fighting class (fighter Paladin ect), 18+ Strength |
Legendary Super Saiyan 4 | 5 Prestige, Saiyan race with tail, Character level 600, Legendary Saiyan Trait |
Legion of Souls | 18 ranks in Knowledge (Planes) or Knowledge (Arcana), and Soul Merging Class Feature |
Lethal Whip | Weapon Proficiency(Whip) |
Lich Leadership | Character Level 6th, nongood alignment, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank |
Life Leach | 3rd level |
Life-Learned | 1st level only. |
Lightning Fast | |
Lightning Parry | Base attack bonus +3 |
Limit Breaker | Diehard, fortitude save +6 (base+Con bonus), 6th level, Con 13 |
Linguistic Savant | |
Loremaster of the Arcane Arts | ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells |
Lucky Gambler | |
Luminous Sigils | Illumian Race only |
Lunatic | Cha 13 |
Lungs of Steel | |
Lycan Heritage | Shapechanger subtype |
Lycan Legacy | Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage, 9th level. |
Lycan Power | Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage. |
Lycan Presence | Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage, 6th level. |
Lycan Skin | Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage. |
Mage | Int 12 |
Magic Sensitivity | |
Magical Attacker | Base attack bonus +1. |
Magical First Aid | Wis 13 or Heal 4 ranks |
Magical Resistance, Variant | Must have been negatively affected by at least three spells of the chosen school/subschool/descriptor. |
Magnificient Spellcaster | The ability to cast level 4th spell of any school, 21 or more in your difficult class determining ability. |
Main Gauche | Two-Weapon Fighting |
Manifest Bloodline | Base attack bonus +6 and you must have the Half-Beast template. |
Mantra Magic | 3HD, Wis 12, must not be barred from using magic |
Manual Technique | |
Marksman | Dex 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Martial Arts Training | Improved Unarmed Strike or Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1. |
Martial Improvisation | |
Martial Leadership | Character level 6th, barbarian or fighter level 1st, Str 15. |
Martial Sneak Attack | Sneak Attack, Atleast 1 martial maneuver. |
Martial Style Aptitude | Martial styles ability. |
Martial Style Focus | Martial styles ability. |
Martial Veteran | Fighter level 6th. |
Mass-Induced Development | Must be Small sized or smaller. |
Massive | |
Massive Frame | Base attack bonus +1, Str 15, Monkey Grip (Complete Warrior), and either Hulking Brute (Dragonlance Campaign Setting), Jotunbrud (Races of Faerûn), or Big Brute. |
Master Alchemist | 5th level caster, Great Alchemist, Skill Focus (Craft (Alchemy)) |
Master Artisan | Craft (of the specific type chosen with the feat) 8 ranks or higher |
Master Battlecaster | Combat Casting, Base attack bonus +6, Concentration 8 ranks, Ability to cast second level spells |
Master Caftsman | Character level 7th, 10ranks Craft, 8ranks repair |
Master Disarm | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus (any), Fighter level 4. |
Master Feint | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, base attack bonus 3+ |
Master Initiative | Wis 13, Improved Initiative |
Master Naturalist | Ability to cast 1st-level divine spells, wild empathy. |
Master of Goblin Cuisine | Throw Anything, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Master of Learning | Wis 17 |
Master of Spellcasting | Ability to cast 1st level Arcane or Divine spells. |
Master of Vermin | 2 ranks in handle animal, any non-good alignment |
Master Overrun | Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, Fighter level 4th. |
Master Prestidigitator | Parlour Tricks, ability to cast 2nd level spells |
Master Sunder | Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Fighter level 4. |
Masterd Super Saiyan | Super Saiyan feat, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 60 |
Masterful Leader | Leadership, Cohort, character level 11th. |
Material Mastery | Base Attack Bonus +16, Greater Armor Material Focus (3.5e Feat), Greater Weapon Material Focus (3.5e Feat), Weapon Focus (any). |
Mechanical Wonder | 5 ranks in a metal-based Craft, Any item creation feat |
Mechanically Inclined | Int 13, Dex 13, Disable Device 4 ranks |
Meddlesome | Base attack bonus +4 |
Melee Weapon Mastery | Base Attack Bonus +8, Greater Weapon Focus(chosen), Greater Weapon Specialization(chosen) |
Memories of Death | Must be a native to the Prime Material Plane |
Mental Fortitude | Wis 13. |
Mental Savant | Ability to manifest 1st level powers, Int/Cha 13, Autohypnosis 4 ranks. |
Metalinguist | |
Metamoran Fusion | Character level 50 |
Mettle | Endurance or Con 15, Iron Will or Wisdom 15, Concentration 10 ranks |
Mettle Training | Con 15, Endurance, base fortitude +3. |
Mighty Carry Capacity | Mighty Mouse (3.5e Spell) with Permanency |
Mighty Charge | Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge. |
Mighty Death-Blow | Fighter Level 18th, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Power Attack |
Mighty Hunter | Survival 4 ranks |
Mighty Stunner | Stunning Fist,Str 15 |
Mimicry | Perform (Comedy) 1 rank |
Mind over Matter | 14 int |
Minor Fast Healing | Con 20 |
Missile Proof | Combat Reflexes, Shield Proficiency |
Mollarok's Fist | STR 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist |
Momentum Rush | 20+ Dex, 18+ Con, Run, BAB 7+ |
Monastary Training | Level 1 Monk (Or Monk Variant i.e. Chaos Monk) |
Monastic Strike | Wis 13 |
Mongekuo Sharingan | |
Monk Weapon Focus | Monk 1st |
Monk Weaponry | Dex 13, Flurry of Blows class ability |
Monkey Beats the Gong | Flurry of Blows, Dex 13+ |
Mortal Binder | Knowledge (Local) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Mounted Dodge | Wild Rider, Mounted Combat, Ride skill |
Mounted Overrun | Mounted Combat, Ride |
Multi Form Technique | Character level 5 |
Multi-Weapon Attack of Opportunity | Dex 17, Three or more hands, Combat Reflexes, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting |
Multi-Weapon Attack of Opportunity, Variant | Dex 17, Three or more hands, Combat Reflexes, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting |
Multi-Weapon Fighting, Hasted | Dex 17, Three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 |
Multi-Weapon Fighting, Practiced | Three or more arms, Multiweapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 |
Multi-Weapon Flurry | Dex 17, Three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Flurry of Blows class feature |
Multi-Weapon Flurry, Improved | Dex 21, three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Greater Multiweapon fighting, Greater Flurry of Blows class feature |
Multihanded Weapon | Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting, Three or more arms, Base attack bonus +1 |
Multimetamagic | None |
Multiweapon Training | Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, DEX 15. |
Music and Theater | Bardic music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 5 ranks, Perform (any other) 5 ranks, Charisma 11 |
Musical Genius | Perform (keyboard instruments), Perform (percussion instruments), Perform (string instruments) or Perform (wind instruments) 1 rank. |
Myconology | |
Mystic Tattoo | Caster level 1st. |
Naginatajutsu | Proficiency with the Naginata, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Narugan | This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 15. Must be able to rage (such as a barbarian). |
Natural Alchemist | 1st level only. |
Natural Bond, Variant | Animal Companion class feature |
Natural Casting | Wis 13, Spell or ability that gives you the ability to take an animal form |
Natural Immunity | 1st level only |
Natural Leader | Cha 13 |
Natural Multiattack | More than 3 primary attacks, Multiattack Feat |
Nature Sympathy | Level 6,Handle Animal Rank 10 |
Nature's Undying Favor | Wild empathy class feature, must have established friendly relationships with the kodama before. |
Near and Far | |
Necromantic Binder | Knowledge (Religion) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Needles Mastery | Weapon Focus (assassin needles), Base Attack Bonus +4, Sneak Attack Class Feature. |
Net Master | Proficiency with using the net as a weapon |
Never Skipped Leg Day | Large or Powerful Build, Humanoid, Run, Endurance, Land Movement Speed 50 ft. |
Nimble Turning | Dex 15, Con 15, Run, Fleet of Foot |
Noble | |
Novice Copy | Two-Tomoe Sharingan feat, 3rd level |
Nut Cracker | |
Nymph Endurance | None |
Nymph, Bedroom Proficiency | None |
Oath of Iron Skin | Must worship a Deity with Divine Rank 12+, Strength 22+, Con 22+, Wis 22+, Knowledge Religion 14+ Ranks, Knowledge The Planes 12 Ranks, Must have 4 levels in a religious class |
Oath of Unbreakable Devotion | Strength 33, Wisdom 21. You must worship a Deity with Divine Rank 15. You must also have at least 4 levels in a religious class, and have a DR of 5. |
Obfuscating Velocity | Mobility, Dodge, Bab +5, Move Silently 8 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, DEX 17, WIS 14, |
Observant | |
Ocarina's Infinite Echo | Requires a Charisma score of 20 or higher, and must be playing a class that utilizes the Charisma Ability Score as its primary ability or spellcasting ability. |
Olympian | Acrobatic, Athletic, Agile, Run |
One Handed Crossbow Shot | Dex 13 |
One Handed Reloader | Hand Crossbow Focus, Two Weapon Fighting, BAB +5 |
One Last Drop | Self Exsanguination (3.5e Feat), Toughness, Con 20 |
One Spirit | Base attack bonus +6 |
One Thousand Fanged Whispers | Truespeak 10 ranks. |
One with the world | 20 rank to hide |
One-Two Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, BAB 4+. |
Ooze Binder | Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Open Hand, Focused Mind | Str 13 |
Open Totem Chakra | |
Opportunity Shot | Base attack bonus +8, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot |
Ordinary Crafter | Crafting rank 5+ |
Overbear | Power Attack |
Overcharged Spell | |
Overpull | Str 13 |
Oversized Deflection | Strength 17, Deflect Arrows, Power Attack |
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (5e Feat) | Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , STR 13, |
Oversized Weaponry | Str 19 |
Pack Attack | |
Pack Initiative | Pack Attack |
Pack Mule | |
Pact of Envy | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pact of Gluttony | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pact of Greed | Evil Alignment |
Pact of Lust | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pact of Pride | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pact of Sloth | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pact of Wrath | Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact |
Pain Is My Friend | |
Parlour Tricks | Ability to cast prestidigitation |
Path of the Inevitables | Lawful Neutral. You cannot have another allegiance-type feat. Your allegiance is yours to give only once. |
Pathology | |
Patron of the Peaks | |
Perceptive | Perception 7 ranks |
Perceptive Duelist | |
Perfect Blindsense | Wisdom 13 |
Perpetual Discharge | BAB 20, Absolute authority, Absolute Barrier, Gravity knight class |
Perpetual planetary motion | Gravity knight class, 20 BaB, Absolute barrier, Absolute authority |
Persistent Fighter Training | Fighter 3, Weapon Focus |
Personal Technique | Combat Expertise, Improved Feint |
Personalized Technique | Combat Expertise, Personal Technique |
Perspicacity | Intelligence 13, Concentration 1 rank. |
Phalanx Combat | Shield Proficiency with your chosen shield and BAB +5 or higher. |
Phalanx Fighting | Proficiency with a heavy shield, base attack bonus +1. |
Pierce Armor | Base attack bonus +1 |
Pin Weapon | Base attack bonus +3 |
Pinpoint Shot | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Plague of Arrows | |
Poison Resistance | |
Poison Tolerance | Con 13, Poison Use, Craft (alchemy) 1 rank |
Poison Use | Craft (alchemy) 1 rank |
Polar Bear Skin | |
Pole Fighting | Str 13, Proficiency with a polearm. |
Pole Vaulting | Str 13, Dex 13 |
Port Savvy | |
Potent Ancestry | none |
Potent Memory | Int 14 |
Potion Smuggler | Constitution 15, Concentration 4 ranks, Heal 2 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks |
Potions | |
Power Bow | Power Attack, Point Blank Shot |
Power Double Weapon | Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +3 |
Power Health | |
Power Level Sensing | None |
Power of the Arcane Mind | |
Power Reallocation | Atleast One Level In Devout Vessel And Or Devout Leader, or Some type of Vessel Magic |
Power Resistance: Clairsentience and Telepathy, Variant | 18 int, the ability to use one psionic ability. |
Power Resting | |
Power Scaling | None |
Power Shot | Wis 13+, Composite short bow or composite longbow. |
Powerful Build | Str 18 BaB +1 |
Powerful Charger | Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6. |
Powerful Shield Bash | Fighter, Strength 20+, have the Powerful Build racial ability or be Large size or larger |
Powerful Strikes | BAB 3, Proficiency with melee weapons, Weapon Focus. |
Powerful Strikes, Improved | BAB +6, Proficiency with melee weapons, Powerful Strikes, Power Attack |
Powerful Voice | |
Practice Makes Perfect | |
Practiced Feint | Bluff 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks |
Practiced Magic | Access to any arcane or divine spell list, Casting ability mod +5, Level 10 |
Practiced Spellcaster, Greater | Arcane casting ability score 20, Arcane caster level 15 |
Precocious Acolyte | Divine caster level 1st, Spellcasting ability (Wis, Int, or Cha) 15. |
Precocious Initiate | Spellcasting ability (Wis or Cha) 15, divine caster, 1st level. |
Precognitive Strike | Bab +1 |
Preparation | |
Prescient Strike | Intelligence 13, Weapon Focus |
Prestige Flexibility | Qualify for prestige class which levels at least 1 other pre-existing class. Must be able to stack prestige and base classes. Int or Wis 15+ |
Primeval Rage | Base attack bonus +3 |
Primordial | Supernatural Linguist |
Prodigious caster | 17 in your spell saving throw determining ability (int for mages, cha for sorcerers and so on); this feat can only be chosen as a level one character. |
Product of Infernal Dalliance | |
Professional | 5 ranks in any 2 Profession skills |
Prone Combat | |
Prone-Fight | Dex 15, Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6. |
Prophetic Dreamer | DM’s permission |
Psychic Ability | |
Pugilist | Base Attack Bonus +1, 1st level character. |
Pull Blow | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Heal 1 rank, Base attack bonus +3 |
Puppy Dog Eyes | Canin or other Dog-like Humanoid/Monstrous Humanoid, Bluff or Diplomacy 4 Ranks, Charisma 16 |
Push Magic Device | Use Magic Device 4 ranks, Cha 13 or better |
Quick Cut | Base attack bonus +2 |
Quick Deadly Blows | Weapon Finesse, Dexterity 13 |
Quick Rage | Barbarian Rage, Run |
Quick Strike | Base attack bonus +3, Quick Draw |
Quick Swap | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +6 |
Quicken Summoning | |
Quicken Supernatural Ability | Supernatural ability and Charisma 15 or higher |
Quickened Summoning | Spell Focus (Conjuration), Caster Level 1+. |
Quickened Training | |
Quicker Mercy | Weapon Specialization (weapon of choice), Quick Mercy, Cleave |
Quicksilver | Dex 13, Dodge, Base attack bonus +3 |
Rage System | Character level 10 |
Raise Poisonous Creature | Handle Animal 5 ranks |
Range Master | Weapon Focus, +10 Base attack bonus |
Range Spree | Rapid Shot |
Ranged Attack of Opportunity | Base Attack Bonus +8, Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot. |
Ranged Dodge | Dex 13. |
Ranged Maneuver | Point Blank Shot, crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st. |
Ranged Parry | Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +12 |
Ranged Shield Pin | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base attack bonus +2 |
Ranged Sniper | Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4 |
Rank Fighting | Proficiency with a reach weapon. |
Rapid Reload, Variant | Weapon Proficiency (ranged weapon with a reload time). |
Rapid Response | None, but see description |
Rapid Thrust | Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +4 |
Rapier Wit | Charisma 17+ |
Ray Attack Mastery | Must have a ray attack that is fired in a standard action as a racial trait. Weapon Focus (Ray). BAB +6 |
Reach Weapon Fighting | Base attack bonus +1, proficiency with reach weapon |
Reach Your Potential | spellcaster 5th level+, spellcasting stat 20+ |
Reactive Stance | Base attack bonus +1, Int 13, Combat Expertise |
Reaping Cleave | Str 13, Base Attack Bonus +11, Supreme Cleave class ability, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave |
Reckless Accuracy | Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Base Attack Bonus: +1. |
Recover | Dex 13+ |
Red Magic | Must be able to spontaneously cast magic and must use spell points |
Reflex Set | Combat Reflexes |
Reflex Shielding | Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +3 |
Reflexive Recovery | Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes |
Reflexive Tracking | Survival 10 ranks |
Reload on the Run | Dexterity 13+, Rapid Reload. |
Remote Running | Int 14+, Run the Boat ability |
Rend | Power Attack, Snatch, Strength 13+ |
Requiem of the Undying | 3 levels in Devout Vessel, Devout Leader, or a Vessel Magic-related class |
Resist Critical | Proficiency with armor, Base attack bonus +8 |
Resist Poison Damage | Con 17 |
Resist Restraint | |
Resize | A Shift or Polymorph ability. |
Resolute Turning | |
Resolve Training | Wis 15, Combat Casting, base will +3. |
Restoration | 6th level, ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, Wisdom 18, Heal 9 Ranks |
Reversal | Base attack bonus +4, Int 13. |
Reverse Strike | Base attack bonus +6, Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 15 |
Revitalizing Soul | Spellcasting class that uses spell points, caster level 5. |
Revitalizing Touch | 3 ranks in the Life Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class |
Righteous Calling | |
Righteous Command | Must be of Neutral Good, Lawful Good or Chaotic Good alignment. |
Rinnegan | This feat may be taken at 1st level or at a later level if they have "awakened" within you. You must have a Con 14. |
Riposte | Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +6 |
Riposte, Variant | Dex 13, weapon focus, combat reflexes, improved parry. |
Rise the Eldric, the Unbound | 3rd level |
River Runner | 1 Level in the River Gypsy prestige class. |
Robust Health | Endurance |
Rogueish Ability | Rogue Level 6th. |
Rope Climber | Dex 13 |
Roulette | |
Run and Gun | Spring Attack, Shot on the Run, or Adroit Flyby Attack; Dexterity 16 |
Run Through Attack | Mobility, Running, Charge Attack, Supreme Cleave, Dex 16+, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Expertise, Improved Initiative. |
Running Attack | Dex 13, Run, Base attack bonus +2 |
Rushing Parry | Str 15 |
Sacrifice For Power | |
Safe Recover | Dex 13+ |
Sagacious Strike | Base attack bonus +6, Wisdom 13+ |
Sage | 5 ranks in any 2 Knowledge skills |
Sailing Large | Will Save +4, Run the Boat ability. |
Santoryu | BAB+8, Dex 15, Str 13 |
Savage Critical | Str 13, Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +5 |
Savage Empathy | Wild Empathy ability |
Science | 1st level, Intelligence 15+, Diligent, 4+ ranks in Knowledge (Science) |
Scope Precision Intelligence | Must meet either the Class or Racial requirement, Wizard, Sorcerer, or Gray elf, High Elf, Tallfellows Halfling, Wild elf, Winged elf, Wood elf |
Scribe Magic Tattoo | Caster Level 3rd |
Scroll Mastery | Spellcasting ability |
Scrounging | Wis 13. |
Sea Dog | |
Second Weapon Bond | Weapon Bond class feature |
Seduction | |
Selective Weapon Training | BAB+1, Str 20+ |
Self Exsanguination | Improved Blood Component |
Self Repair | Construct, Toughness |
Sense Magic | Spellcraft 1 rank |
Sense of Maturity | Middle Age |
Sensual Strike | Charisma 15+, Base Attack +3 |
Serene Maneuver | [Dodge], Mobility, BAB +5, Concentration 7 ranks, Balance 7 ranks, Must be able to both see and hear or have any of the following; Blindsight, 360 degrees vision and/or hearing, true sight. |
Servant of Deity | Favored of Deity,Beloved of Deity, 11 Hd minimum. Must make a large sacrifice in the name of the god. Either 40,000 Gp, Or enemies of the faith equal to your current HD x 10. These sacrifices have the same restrictions as Beloved of Deity. |
Servant of Shini | Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, must succeed on a DC 16 Knowledge (Arcana) check, must not have any other Servant feat, must not have declared allegiance to any other immortal being, alignment must be within one step of Chaotic Neutral. |
Set Aside | Base Attack Bonus +6 |
Shadow Enhancement | Illusionist 3 |
Shadow Illusion | Illusionist 8 |
Shadow Puppet | Shadowcaster level 3rd, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks, Eijilund Plushie race |
Shadow Warper | Ability to cast mysteries, Augment Summoning, Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks |
Sharingan | This feat may only be taken at 1st level, CON 14. |
Sharingan, Variant | Must be taken at level 1, CON 15, DEX 15 |
Sharp-Eyed Fighter | Strength less than 15, Dexterity at least 12. Lack of strength to have the need for an alternative, Dex to actually hit those points. |
Shield Ally | Combat Expertise |
Shield Bearer | Proficiency with any type of shield besides bucklers, base attack bonus +6, Improved Shield Bash |
Shield Charge | Base Attack Bonus +3, Improved Shield Bash. |
Shield Defender | Base attack bonus +6, Shield Proficiency |
Shield Edge Deflection | Base attack bonus +4, Shield Mastery |
Shield Evasion | Shield Proficiency, Lightning Reflexes, Base reflex saving throw +4 |
Shield Expertise | Shield Focus |
Shield Focus | Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1 |
Shield Harmony | Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +12 |
Shield Mastery | Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1 |
Shield Mate | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Shield Mount | Mounted Combat, proficient with shields. |
Shield Skill | Shield Proficiency, Base attack bonus +1 |
Shield Slam | BAB +3, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Charge(3.5e Feat) |
Shield Ward | Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization |
Shifter Flurry | Base attack bonus +11, Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait. |
Shifter Fury | Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait, ability to rage or frenzy. |
Shifting Binder | Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Shining Break | Paladin level 3 |
Shoop da Whoop | A natural breath weapon with an area of effect cone. If your breath weapon is already capable of a line, you still gain the extra damage effect option. |
Siang Lance Adept | Wisdom 13, Kilian Ranger Level 1, must be taken at level 1 |
Sickening Blows | Exploding Palm Style Rank 15, Base Attack Bonus +9 |
Sidekick | Character level 5th |
Siege Boat | Str 14+, Run the Boat ability. |
Silver Spoon | |
Single Weapon Fighting | Dexterity or Strength 15, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Situational Awareness | Wis 14 |
Skill Aptitude | A score of 13 or better in the skills’ key abilities. |
Skill Concentration | Any Feat that increases 2 skills (Alertness, etc.) and 6 or more ranks in each skill. |
Skill Mastery | Skill Focus and 5 ranks in the focused skill. |
Skill Training | Skill focus in chosen skill, 8 ranks in chosen skill. |
Skill Understanding | Wis 13, 1st level only. |
Skilled Multiclass | Multiclassed character |
Skillful combat | BAB+8 |
Skirmishing | Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run, Dex 13, Base attack bonus +4 |
Skyclad | Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks. |
Skyclad Warrior | Skyclad, Knowledge (arcane) 4 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +4 |
Sleek | |
Slender | Must be taken at 1st level |
Slight Build | Take at level 1 only. |
Slippery Body | Must have a Dexterity of 20+ |
Slow Maturation | Must be taken at 1st level, must be younger than middle age. |
Smash Concentration | Weapon Focus (any One Smashing Weapon) |
Smash From the Air | BAB +9 , Str 16, Dex 16, Power Attack , Cut From the Air |
Smooth Talker | Cha 13 |
Snap Reflexes | BAB +4, Reflex Save +3, Sense Motive +5 Ranks, Combat Expertise, Dodge |
Snipper | Bab+4, A precision damage class feature (such as Sneak attack or Skirmish). |
Snowflake Wardance | Bardic music |
Solid Grip | 17 Str, Weapon Focus |
Song of Flurry | Bardic music ability, Flurry of Blows |
Soul of Battle | Base attack bonus +9, Cha 15+ |
Soul Of The Undying | Ability to bind or hold the souls of followers or other beings; 3rd level in a Vessel Magic-related class or Devout Leader |
Soul-Mate | |
Spear and Shield | Shield Proficiency |
Speed Reader | Decipher Script 4 ranks, Int 13 |
Speed Star | Dex 15, Run |
Spell Defense | Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks |
Spell Detonation | Any 2 metamagic feats |
Spell Focus, Variant | |
Spell Parry | Base Attack Bonus +8, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spellcraft 2 ranks. |
Spell Penetration Surge | Caster level 3, Knowledge Arcana ranks 5, Spellcraft ranks 5 |
Spell Pool | Metamagic Pool, any other metamagic feat, caster level 12th. |
Spellcasting | Minor Magic, Major Magic, Concentration 1 rank. |
Spellfire Wielder | |
Spellfire Wielder (Balanced) | |
Spellsword Shield Expertise | At least one level in the Spellsword Prestige Class (Complete Warrior) |
Spider Leadership | Character Level 6th, Race: Drow |
Spider Obsession | Any Non-Drow. |
Spider-Jumping Charge | Spider Jump class feature, Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat |
Spiked Chain Focus | Drow, Proficiency with Spiked Chain, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Spinning Weapon Defense | Combat Expertise, Dodge, Tumbling 5 ranks, Base attack bonus +4 |
Spirit of Fury | Base attack bonus +12, Iron Will, Power Attack, Str 13+, Cha 15+ |
Spirit of Vengeance | |
Spirited Dive | Fly speed, Flyby Attack |
Spiritual Healer | Wisdom 10 |
Spiritual Leader | Leadership |
Splatter | Bloody mess, Base attack bonus +9 |
Spoken Vengence | Combat Expertise, Toughness, |
Spontaneous Summoner | Intelligence 13, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, able to cast any summon monster spell. |
Spring Attack, Greater | DEX 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, BAB +11 |
Stab | Base Attack Bonus +2. |
Stance Mastery | Dual Stance, Initiator Level 15 |
Stand Your Ground | Iron Will, Base attack bonus +4, Base Will save +2 |
Steadfast Determination | Toughness, Iron Will |
Steadfast Reflexes | +2 or higher base Reflex save or Lightning Reflexes |
Steel Bones | Base Fortitude Save +4 |
Steel Skin | Must be taken at creation, Con 14 |
Still Weapon Technique | Improved Unarmed Strike, Dexterity 14 |
Stipend | |
Stocky | Must be taken at 1st level. |
Stomp | |
Stone Thrower | |
Stone to Flesh | 8th level, ability to cast 4th-level arcane spells, Intelligence 18, Craft (Alchemy) 9 Ranks |
Stone Will | 5 RanksConcentration |
Strangle Hold | Base Attack Bonus +8 |
Strategic Commander | Int 13, Profession (Soldier) 10 ranks, Tactical Commander |
Streetwise | |
Strength of a Warrior | Base Attack Bonus +1, Strength OR Constitution 18+ |
Strike at the Tail | Base attack bonus +6, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm |
Strong Stomach | |
Strongarm Diplomacy | Str 13, Intimidate 4 ranks |
Stubborn Heart | Con 17, Iron Will |
Sublime Kensai | Base Attack Bonus +5, At least one level of Kensai CW, be able to initiate maneuvers. |
Sudden Action | Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Quick Draw |
Summoning Diversity | Spell Focus (Conjuration), Caster Level 3+. |
Sunlight Immunity | Sunlight powerlessness or sunlight-related weakness, Endure Sunlight, soaking in liquid night for one full week. |
Super Duper High Schooler | |
Super Focus Dodge | Dodge, int 15 |
Super Saiyan 2 | Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 100 |
Super Saiyan 3 | Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 300 |
Super Saiyan 4 | 6 Prestige, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race with tail, Character level 600 |
Super Saiyan Grade 2 & 3 | Super Saiyan feat, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 60 |
Superior Ameliorated Burden | Strength 19 |
Superior Eagle Eye | 20 spot 10 search |
Superior Hearing | Must be taken at 1st level. |
Superior Natural Attack | Natural weapon, Improved Natural Attack, base attack bonus +10 |
Superior Sense of Smell | Must be taken at 1st level |
Superior Taste | Must be taken at 1st level |
Superior Touch | Must be taken at 1st level |
Superior Unarmed Strike | Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Power Attack, BAB +6 |
Superior Vision | Must be taken at 1st level. |
Supernal | Supernatural Linguist |
Supernatural Homunculus | Craft Homunculus[1], Supernatural Maker. |
Supernatural Linguist | - |
Supernatural Maker | Craft homunculus[2], Deceive item[3]. |
Suppressing Weapon Focus | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. |
Supreme Feint | Combat expertise, Improved feint, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +5. |
Supreme Strength (3.5e Epic Feat) | The character cannot be an ordinary, pure-blooded mortal being. |
Supreme Trip | Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knock-Down, BAB +8 |
Surge of Fortitude | None, but see description |
Surge of Will | None, but see description |
Swarm Summoner | Spell Focus (Conjuration), ability to cast a summoning spell or spell-like ability. |
Swift Defense | DEX 18, CON 15, Improved Initiative, Non-Evil |
Swift Fighting Style | Alternate Fighting Style 2/day, Base attack bonus +3, Int 13 |
Swing for the Fences | Str 18; Base Attack Bonus +7; Power Attack; Batter Up! |
Swing-By Attack | Climb 1 rank, Rope Climber |
Sword and Shield | Strength 15, Dexterity 15, Base Attack Bonus 6, Hold the Line |
Tactical Commander | Profession (Soldier) 5 ranks |
Tactical Forfeit | Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Wis 13, base attack bonus +9 |
Tactical Warrior | Minor Aura, Major Aura +1, Grant Move Action 1/day, Weapon Specialization |
Talaran Tracking | Be born in the city of Talara |
Talented Healer | Heal 4 ranks, Wis 13 |
Talented Invoker | 1st level only. |
Target | Combat Expertise |
Taunting Wit | Bluff skill, Cha 15+ |
Te Biggest Show | Bardic Music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 14 Ranks, Perform (any other) 14 Ranks, Charisma 17 |
Team Fighting | Base attack bonus +1 |
The Flame and the Void | Cha 13 |
The Green Knight | STR 15, CHA 13, Ability to cast spells |
The Green Man | Ability to cast spells |
The Strength of my Blade | Proficient with a two handed weapon, Strength 18 |
The Wild Man | STR 15 |
Thoroughbred | |
Threatened Reach | Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +6 |
Three weapon fighting | BAB+6, |
Three-Tomoe Sharingan | Two-tomoe sharingan, 5th level, (Replaces Two-Tomoe Sharingan, but you still keep the one tomoed Sharingan abilities) |
Throw and Charge | Quick Draw, Run, Base attack bonus +1 |
Tireless Pilot | Con 14+, Run the Boat ability. |
Topple | Str 15, Martial Improvisation. |
Tornado Attack | Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Base attack bonus +12 |
Torturer | |
Toss | Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple |
Toss Master | |
Total Recall | None. |
Totem Animal | Animal Companion ability |
Touch Mastery | Base attack bonus +1 |
Touch of Grace | Cha 15 |
Toughness, Variant | Constitution 13+ |
Tower Shield Bash | Str 15, Improved Shield Bash, Tower Shield Proficiency |
Trained Conscript | Commoner level 1 |
Trained Memory | Int 15+, at least 8 total ranks in Knowledge skill(s). |
Trained Stance | BAB +1 |
Triple Threat | Base attack bonus +15, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Weapon Focus (chosen weapon), Weapon Specialization (chosen weapon). |
Trivia Hero | Knowledge(History) 4 Ranks |
Truth of Magic | Caster level 21+, Spellcraft 24 ranks. |
Tumbling Attack | Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (tumble), Spring Attack, Tumble 1 rank, Base attack bonus +6 |
Tunnel Fighting | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Tunnel Rat | Escape Artist +4 |
Turn Humanoid | Caster level 10, Extra Turning |
Turning Mastery | |
Turning Swallow Strike | The character must be able to make at least three attacks within the same turn. Weapon Focus in the weapon(s) being used in the strikes. |
Twin Weapon Fighting | Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +6 |
Twist the Knife | BAB +4 |
Two in One Training | 20 Strength, +1 BAB |
Two-Handed Defense | Dodge, Power Attack |
Two-Handed Finesse | Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1. |
Two-Handed Flurry | Str 13, Dex 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +6 |
Two-Handed Weapon Flurry | Two-Weapon Fighting |
Two-Tomoe Sharingan | One-tomoe sharingan, 3rd level, (Replaces One-Tomoe Sharingan, but you keep it's abilities) |
Two-Weapon Attack of Opportunity | Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting. |
Two-Weapon Attack of Opportunity, Variant | Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting. |
Two-Weapon Fighting, Variant | Dex 15. |
Two-Weapon Focus | Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (with the selected weapon), Dexterity 18, Base Attack Bonus +11 |
Two-Weapon Harmony | Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 |
Ultimate Cleave | Str 13, Power Attack, Cleave, Base attack bonus +6 |
Unarmed Combo Strike | Must be unarmed Monk or Ki user. |
Unarmed Training | BAB+6; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. |
Unbalancing Fist | Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +4 |
Unbound Hexing | |
Uncanny Reaction | Dex 13, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes |
Uncanny Tactics | Improved Uncanny Dodge |
Underminer | None |
Understanding | Int 13 |
Unleash Spell | Improved Spell Capacity, Spellcraft 25 ranks |
Unrelenting Onslaught | Dex 15, BAB +3 |
Unyielding Soul | 4th level, Base attack bonus +2, Iron Will, Con 13+, Cha 13+ |
Up and Down | Improved Trip, Near and Far |
Use Prejudice | |
Useless Magecraft | Spellcraft 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks |
Utterance Knowlege | Ability to speak an utterance |
Vampiric Surge | Bite attack as a Natural weapons, base attack bonus +4, undead or outsider (evil) type. |
Variant Greater Weapon Specialization | Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with the selected weapon, an Ability Score of at least 16 for you to choose from, BAB +12 |
Venerable Sage | age must be at least old, can only be taken at the 1st level |
Ventriloquism | Perform (comedy) 1 rank |
Verdant Mage | Animal companion and familiar |
Vermin Binder | Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature |
Vernal | Supernatural Linguist |
Versatile Craftsman | Craft (any) 5 ranks; Skill Focus in chosen craft |
Vessel Bullet | 1 level in any form of Vessel Magic (e.g., Devout Vessel, Devout Leader) |
Vexing Feint | Int 15, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus +5 |
Vicious Ally | You must have an animal companion. |
Vicious Feint | Intelligence 15, Intimidate +8 ranks, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Master Feint, Aggressive Feint, Any Evil-Alignment. |
Viscous Grip | None |
Vitriolic Spell | |
Voluptuous | |
Vore | Cast-Iron Stomach |
Vow of the Martial Lord | Any Non-Chaotic |
Wall Acrobat | Dex 15, climb 12 ranks, 2 movement skill tricks |
Wall Run | Dexterity 17 |
Warlock Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Power Attack, Falcon Punch, ability to speak Common, ability to speak 2 languages. |
Waste Walker | |
Watchman | |
Way of the Gargoyle | Combat Reflexes |
Way of the Hare | Base attack bonus +1, Dex 13, Jump 1 rank |
Way of the Muscle | Strength is a 16+ |
Weakening Strike | Sneak attack +5d6, BAB +3 |
Weapon and Shield Offensive Harmony | Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Base attack bonus +5 |
Weapon Brace | Base attack bonus +2 |
Weapon Familiar | Ability to cast first level spells, must not have a familiar but be able to get one. |
Weapon Focus Improved | Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1 |
Weapon Guard | Dexterity 13+, Dodge |
Weapon Handling | Weapon Focus & BAB+1. |
Weapon Juggle | Dex 13, Quick Draw, Sleight of Hand 1 rank |
Weapon Manipulation | Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, BAB +4. |
Weapon Material Focus | Base Attack Bonus +1 |
Weapon Prodigy | Weapon focus with selected weapon |
Weapon Reliability | Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Base attack bonus +10 |
Weapon Tricks | Weapon Focus |
Webwalker | — |
Weird Science | 6th level, 9+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Bigger Science |
Wheeling Attack | Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank |
Whip attack | Weapon Specialization (Whip), Greater Weapon Focus (Whip), Base attack bonus +10 |
Whip Focus | Weapon Proficiency: Whip, Dex 16 |
Whip Grapple/Trip | Dex 14, Weapon Proficiency(Whip) |
Whirlwind Defense | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +4 |
White Mage | Wisdom 13 |
Wild Binder | Knowledge (Nature) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature |
Wild Born | Wisdom 15, Dexterity 13 |
Wild Leadership | Character level 6th, druid, ranger or spirit shaman level 1st, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks |
Wild Magic Student | Iron Will, Spellcraft 1 rank. |
Wild Rider | Ride 1 rank |
Wildborn Blood | 1st level Shifter only, and you must have the Beast Heir template. |
Will to Live | Cha 13, Great Fortitude |
Will to Move | Will save higher than Reflex save |
Willful Reflexes | Wisdom 15 |
Wingstorm | Dragon, flyspeed 20+, Hover, Power Attack, Size Large+, Str 13+ |
Wisdom of Age | Old |
Wizard's Grace | Int 13, ability to cast 1st level arcane spells. |
Wondrous Pet | Handle Animal 1 rank |
Wondrous Rings | Character Level 8th, Craft Wondrous Item |
Woodscraft | |
Woodsprite Flight | Woodsprite, Endurance, 9 ranks in Jump |
Word of Truth | 1st level only. |
Wrap Shot | Weapon Focus (any One Flexible Weapon) |
Wrenching Attack | Int 13, Base attack bonus +4 |
Wushu | Improved Unarmed Strike, Wisdom +13, Base Attack Bonus +6 |
Zen Defense | Wis 13 |
Zen Fencing | Dex 15, Wis 13, Weapon Finesse, Sense Motive 5 ranks, BAB +3. |
Zen Reflexes | Wis 15, Wis bonus to AC, Zen Archery CW |
Zen Swordsmanship | +4 Attack bonus, Weapon Focus (any sword), Wisdom 13 or higher |
Zonder Force | Host Zonder Core, 3rd level. |
Zonder Link | Host Zonder Core, 12th level |
Zonder Madness | Host Zonder Core, 6th level |
Zonder Sense | Host Zonder Core
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