You might be looking for:
- 5e Creatures
- 5e Classes
- 5e Subclasses
- 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants
- 5e Other
- 5e Epic Boons
- Adamantine Body (5e Epic Boon)
- Archmage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Abyss Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Achilles (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Adamantine Bones (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Advanced Shape Change (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Agility (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Angel Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Abjuration (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Conjuration (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Divination (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Enchantment (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Evocation (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Illusion (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Necromancy (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Apex Transmutation (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Arcane Archery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Arcane Arrow (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Arcane Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Arcane Might (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Archery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Archetype (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Argonaut (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Artifact Affinity (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Ascendance (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Atlas (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Atlas, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Attunement (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Auto-Biocontrol (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Awesomeness (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Bahamut (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Bearing (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Berserker (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Blessed Touch (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Bloodlust (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Bold Charges (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Cantrip Casting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Carnage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Catastrophic Blows (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Chains (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Cobra Kai (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Combat Prowess (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Compression (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Creature Shapes (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Death Perception (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Death’s Grace (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Defense (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Demonic Ascension (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Desolate Strikes (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Destruction (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Dimensional Travel (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Disaster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Doomed Touch (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Dragon Form (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Effortless Focus (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Eldrich Blast, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Eldritch Blast (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Eldritch Might (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Eldritch Power (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Elemental Archery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Elemental Void (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Elusiveness (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Empty Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Enlightened Eldritch Blast (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Enlightenment (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Magic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Multiclassing (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Mysticism (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Resilience (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Spellcasting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Spellcasting, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Epic Spells (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Expanded Knowledge (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Extensive Knowledge (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Failure (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Fate (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Filth (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Final Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Final Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Find Greatest Steed (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Fleeting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Flight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Force (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Foresight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Fortified Mind (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Fortitude (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Gargantuan Size (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Giant's Grip (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Golem Crafting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Great Feats (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Greater Dragon Breath (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Greater Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Greater Speed (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Growth (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Hasty Heroics (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Heavy Cavalry (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of High Magic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of High Mysticism (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Hoarding (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Hourai Elixir (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Immovability (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Incredible Craftsmanship (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Incredible Dweomercrafting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Incredible Foremanship (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Incredible Profession (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Incredible Recuperation (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Inedia (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Intellect (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Invincibility (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Invulnerability (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Invulnerability, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Iron Skin (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Irresistable Offense (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Ki Control (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Ki Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Languages (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Laser Eyes (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Lathander (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Actions (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Potency (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Resistance (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Skills (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Strike (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Legendary Superiority (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Lendys (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Low Magic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Luck (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Magic Item Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Magic Resistance (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Magical Secrets (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Magical Sight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Malaclysm (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Many Spells (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Masterful Attunement (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Masterful Parry (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Mechanus (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Minion Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Monstrous Strength (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Multi-Subclass (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Multiclassing (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Nature's Bane (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Nature's Champion (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Nirvana (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Omniscience (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Oversized Weapons (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Pace (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Peerless Aim (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Peerless Parrying (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Perceived Time (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Perfect Breaching (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Perfect Escapology (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Perfect Form (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Perfect Health (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Persuasion (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Planar Travel (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Power (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Quick Casting (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Quickness (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Racing (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Radiant Starlight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Rage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Rapidity (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Recovery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Reflexes (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Resilience (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Resistance (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Rust (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Samsara (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Savage Attacks (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Saving Grace (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Second Chances (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Shadow Melding (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Siegecraft (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Skill Proficiency (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Smithbending (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Solar Power (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Sorcery Points (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Soul Sight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Special Damage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Speed (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Spell Lore (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Spell Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Spell Mastery, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Spell Recall (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Strength (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Subjob (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Superior Blood (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Superior Time Stop (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Supreme Magic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Surging Energy (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Swiftest Bladework (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Telekinesis (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Teleportation (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Tenacious Magic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Apex Spell Caster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Artillerist (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Assassins (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Barbarian (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Battlemaster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Beast (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Beast Master (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Berserker (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Biomancer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Blind Eye (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Bold (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Breathless (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Bulwark (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Cat (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Caustic Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Cleric (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Combat Performer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Corrosive Spirit (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dark Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Demigod (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Demon Slayer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Devourer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Devouring Abyss (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Doom Slayer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Form, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon God (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Rider (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Slayer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Druid (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Druid, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Eldritch Knight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Eldritch Master (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Fire (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Force (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Ice (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Lightning (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Necrotic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Psychic (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Radiant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Elemental Thunder (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Elemental Void (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Empowered Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Enlightened Flame (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Epic Barbarian (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Epic Bard (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Epic Wizard (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fearless Assault (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fighter (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fire Golem (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fire King (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fire Lord (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fire Rage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Fire Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Firemaster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Flame (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Flight Mother (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Forest Lord (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Frostblood (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Frozen Path (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Frozen Spirit, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Furious Light (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Giant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Giant's Might (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Greater Archmage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Hallowed Necromancer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Heart of Heroes (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Heart of Heroes Legacy (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Heavy Cavalry (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Heavy-Handed (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Hunter (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Improved Familiar (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Kenpachi (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Limit Breaker (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Master Monk (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Masterful Hunter (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Monk (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Monster Tamer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Mountain (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Necromancer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Necrotic Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Night Spirit (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Oblivion Mirror (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Ocean (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Oozeborn (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Paladin (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Paragon (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Phoenix (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Phoenix, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Planeswalker (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Primeval God (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Proficient (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Quick (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Ranger (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Ranger, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Raven (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Reaper (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Reaper, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Resolute Mind (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Rogue (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Savant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Servant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Shadow (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Shapechanger (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Skald (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Slasher (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Sorcerer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Sorcerer, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Soul Devourer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Spirit-bound (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Squirrel (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Steel Fist (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Steelbond (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Storm (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Stormborn (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Sun Walker (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Superior Changeling (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Swamp (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Swordmaster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of The Time Lord (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Tireless (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Tireless Dragon Breath (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the True Caster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Twisted Mind (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Ultimate Familiar (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Unbreakable (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Undying (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Undying Will (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Unfettered (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the War Master (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Warmage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Warrior Mage (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Weave (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Witch (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Wretched Power (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Yellow King (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Zealot (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Thief's Touch (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Thunderous Speed (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Time (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Time Immutability (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Time Mastery (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Torm (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Troll's Body (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of True Believing (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of True Immortality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of True Primality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Truesight (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unbridled Power (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Uncanny Vitality (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Undetectability (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unlimited Death (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unlimited Stamina (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unlimited Strength (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unstoppable Offense (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Unstoppable Offense (variant) (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Versatile Spellcaster (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Wanderlust (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Willfulness (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Wish Proficiency (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Wishes (5e Epic Boon)
- Breath of Death (5e Epic Boon)
- Celestial Inheritance (5e Epic Boon)
- Corrupted Heart (5e Epic Boon)
- Divine Sightbearer (5e Epic Boon)
- Draconic Fortitude (5e Epic Boon)
- Emperor’s Will (5e Epic Boon)
- Category:Epic Boon
- Epic Boon Design (5e Guideline)
- Epic Boons (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Epic Boons (Soul Society Supplement)
- Epic Character Abilities (5e Variant Rule)
- Epic Feats (5e Reward)
- Epic Levels, Ascension, Godhood, and Divine Rank (5e Variant Rule)
- Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) (5e Variant Rule)
- Epic Strength (5e Variant Rule)
- Epic Threats: Elementals
- Eye of the Great Sage (5e Epic Boon)
- Eyes of the Lord (5e Epic Boon)
- Grand Spell Sniper (5e Epic Boon)
- Greater Boon of Epic Spellcasting (5e Epic Boon)
- Haki (5e Epic Boon)
- Holy Heart (5e Epic Boon)
- Icy Soul (5e Epic Boon)
- Immortal Body (5e Epic Boon)
- Impure Heart (5e Epic Boon)
- Inhuman Mentality (5e Epic Boon)
- Invulnerable Mind (5e Epic Boon)
- Jade Emperor’s Body (5e Epic Boon)
- Lolth-Touched (5e Epic Boon)
- Mark of Tzeentch (5e Epic Boon)
- Meteora's Spark (5e Epic Boon)
- Mithral Spirit (5e Epic Boon)
- Multifaceted/Specialized (5e Epic Boon)
- Musclebound (5e Epic Boon)
- One Hit Kill (5e Epic Boon)
- Piercing Shards (5e Epic Boon)
- Plot Armor (5e Epic Boon)
- Pure Heart (5e Epic Boon)
- Quincy's Epic Hammer (5e Spell)
- Radiation Immunity (5e Epic Boon)
- Repetition (5e Epic Boon)
- Single Spell (5e Epic Boon)
- Soul of the Sea (5e Epic Boon)
- Spawn of the Great Old Ones (5e Epic Boon)
- Staff of Epic Earth Shift (5e Equipment)
- Super Namekian (5e Epic Boon)
- The Forsaken Child (5e Epic Boon)
- True Weapon Master (5e Epic Boon)
- Walpurgis (5e Epic Boon)
- 5e SRD
- 4e Creatures
- 4e Classes
- 4e Races and Race Variants
- 4e Other
- 3.5e Creatures
- 3.5e Races
- 3.5e Classes
- 3.5e Other
- (Epic) Ultimate Dervish (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- 3.5e Epic Armor Enhancements
- 3.5e Epic Armors
- 3.5e Epic Cursed Items
- 3.5e Epic Factors
- 3.5e Epic Feats
- Template:3.5e Epic Feats Breadcrumb
- 3.5e Epic Flavor Treasure
- 3.5e Epic Food and Drink
- 3.5e Epic Magic Gauntlets
- 3.5e Epic Potions and Oils
- 3.5e Epic Power Preload
- 3.5e Epic Rings
- 3.5e Epic Rods
- 3.5e Epic Shield Enhancements
- 3.5e Epic Shields
- 3.5e Epic Spell Preload
- 3.5e Epic Spell Seed Preload
- 3.5e Epic Spells, Seeds, and Powers
- 3.5e Epic Staves
- 3.5e Epic Traps
- 3.5e Epic Vehicles
- 3.5e Epic Weapon Enhancements
- 3.5e Epic Weapons
- 3.5e Epic Wondrous Items
- A Call Beyond (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Absolute death (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Age (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- All Hearing Mind (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Alter History (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Animate Lich (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Animate Undead Horde (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Annihilation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Apotheosis Chrysalis (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Aura of Unease, Epic (Grim Alteration)
- Avatar of Honesty (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Honor (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Humility (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Justice (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Learning (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Sacrifice (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Spirituality (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Avatar of Valor (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Balefire (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Become Hivemind (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Become Lethus dragon (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Become Lethus dragon, Greater (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Black Lightning (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Blast Power (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Blizzard Bolt (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Blood of the Pale Moon (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Blood of the Pale Moon, Greater (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Bracers of Epic Insightful Defense (3.5e Equipment)
- Cascade (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- Castigation of the Natural World (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Collection of Epic Tales (3.5e Equipment)
- Colossus Banishment (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Complete Restoration (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Conjuration (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Craft Epic Wand (3.5e Feat)
- Create Life (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Culling Miasma (3.5e Epic Power)
- Culture Control (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- Damage (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- Dancing Swords (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Deadtime (3.5e Epic Power)
- Death from Afar (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Declaration of Death (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Deflect Arrows (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Demiplane Creation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Deplorable Word (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Destroy Homebrew Material (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Destructive Gift (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Ebony Blades of Ruin (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Egill's Eye of Truth (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Egill's Renewed Skin (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Electrocute (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Ending (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Enduring Acceleration (3.5e Epic Power)
- Englebert's Exponentially Explosive Evocation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Enter the Void (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Entroplasm Blast (3.5e Epic Power)
- Category:Epic
- Epic Access (3.5e Variant Rule)
- Epic Dark Knowledge (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Diehard (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Elite Training (3.5e Feat)
- Category:Epic Feat
- Epic Fireball (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Fireball, Greater (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Fireball, Improved (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Fireball, Lesser (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Fireball, Superior (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Griffon rider (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- Epic Headband of the Psion (3.5e Equipment)
- Epic Imitating (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Invisibility (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Invocation Creation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Invoking (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Learning (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Magic Missile (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Epic Mastery of Day and Night (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Multiclassing (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Potency (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Rage (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Rogue of Seven Sneak Attacks a Round a Creature (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
- Epic Spell Parry (3.5e Feat)
- Epic Spells from a Practical Viewpoint (3.5e Other)
- Epic Sword of Badassitude (3.5e Equipment)
- Epic Two-Weapon Defense (3.5e Feat)
- Epics of Time and Tide (3.5e Feat)
- Eternal Ally (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Eternal Freedom Fixed (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Eternal Seal (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Eternal Soul (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Expanded Epic Spell Capacity (3.5e Feat)
- Extended Life Span (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Fallen Down (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Fear, Greater (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)/Epic Feats
- Final Gate (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Final Ruin (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Flash Freeze (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Flash Step (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Fortitudo Invictus (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Godhood (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Greater Wish (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Heat Death (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Hundred-Arm Titan (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Hunters of Undeath (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Hurt Black Mage (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Hyperblast (3.5e Epic Power)
- Illusionary Confidence (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Immortality (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Improved Blood Frenzy (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Increased Critical - Epic (3.5e Feat)
- Instant Army, Chaos Beast (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Instant Army, Omega Weapon (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Instant Relocation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Invictum (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Invisibility, Epic (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Lesser Power Sealing (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Lesser Spell Power (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Life (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Lone Diplomat (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Magic Blow (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Malcor's Move Mountain (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer (3.5e Epic Power)
- Mirror Maze (3.5e Epic Spell)
- New Life (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Obliterate (3.5e Epic Spell)
- OGC:Brew Epic Potion (3.5e Feat)
- Origin of species: Starborn (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Pandemonium (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Perfect Status Vision (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Perfect Storm (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Perfect Wish (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Phantasm (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- Phantom Summoning (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Power Word Annihilate (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Primal Calling (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Primal Elemental Binding (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Public Assassination (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Purifying Sanctuary (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Regressed Clone (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Ring of Epic Initiative (3.5e Equipment)
- Rise of Martyrs (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Robe of Epic Defense (3.5e Equipment)
- Robilar's Last Ditch (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Robilar's Second Defense (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Rod of Epic Blasting (3.5e Equipment)
- Sacred Ash (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Seige Ball (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Seppuku (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Shadow Asgard (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Shi (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Sickle of Sorrow (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Siege Cannon (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Siphon Power (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Template:SRD Epic Item Footer
- Template:SRD Epic Spell Footer
- Template:SRD Epic Spell Seed Footer
- Template:SRD Epic Weapon Breadcrumb
- Suck on THIS! (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Summon Hecatoncheires (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Summon the Great Wyrms (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Sunfire Orb (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Supreme Counterspell (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Supreme Strength (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Swarm of Bullets (3.5e Epic Feat)
- Temporal Bubble (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Terraforming (3.5e Epic Spell)
- The End of Flesh (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Thunder Clap (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Total Eclipse (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Total Revive (3.5e Epic Spell)
- True Fusion (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Tsukuyomi (A.K.A Perfect Illusion world) (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Ultima (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Unbounded Teleportation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Undetectability (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Utter Destruction (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Variants of Future Spell Power (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Varren's Ball of Infinite Ducks (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Venerable Convolution (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Veni, Vidi, Hunc mundum finitum (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Verdigris Tsunami, Perfect (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Category:Vestige Epic
- Vile Reincarnation (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Vindication (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Vivacious Jar (3.5e Epic Spell)
- Weaken (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)
- Wooded-Touch (3.5e Epic Spell)
- 3.5e SRD
- Unearthed Arcana
- 3e SRD
- d20 Modern SRD
- d20 Modern Homebrew
- Pathfinder SRD
- Pathfinder Homebrew
- 2.5e Homebrew
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