Undetectability (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Illusion (Glamer)/Illusion (Figment)
Spellcraft DC: 62
Components: None
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Personal or touch, 12,000 ft.
Target, or Effect: You or a creature or object of up to 2,000 lb., Visual figment replica of target
Duration: 20 hours or until expended (D)
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless, object), Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless, object), No
To Develop: 558000 gp; 12 days; 22320 XP. Seeds: Conceal (DC 17), Conceal (DC 17), Delude (DC 14). Factors: Block divination spells, spell-like effects, and epic spells developed using the reveal seed (+6), Create invisibility that lasts regardless of the actions of the subject (+4), Include audible, olfactory, tactile, taste, and thermal aspects (+10), No verbal component(+2), No somatic component (+2), Increase duration by 500% (+10), Burn 2000 XP (-15).

When cast, this spell causes a creature or object touched or the caster to become undetectable by divination spells, spell-like effects, and epic spells developed using the reveal seed and conceals the target from sight, even from darkvision. In all cases where divination magic of any level, including epic level, is employed against the subject of this spell, an opposed caster level check determines which spell works. At the same time, a visual illusion of the subject is created perfectly over the subject, so that it seems not to move. This effect is then controlled by the caster (if he is the subject of the spell or the spell is cast on an object) or control of the image can be given to a creature that is the subject of the spell or the owner of an object. This figment includes audible, olfactory, tactile, taste, and thermal aspects and can interact with creatures, but remains stationary and silent unless directed to do otherwise (free mental action, concentration check DC 10). This illusion can be maintained up to 12,000 ft. away from the controller.

XP Cost: 2000 XP

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